Journal of Applied Phycology

(The TQCC of Journal of Applied Phycology is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The influence of light stress on bromoform synthesis and concentration in the red seaweed Asparagopsis taxiformis57
Enhanced antiproliferative activity of phycoerythrin through microencapsulation56
Improved performance of larval Penaeus vannamei Boone, 1931 production fed with Thalassiosira pseudonana Hasle and Heimdal, 1970 cultured with light-emitting diodes (LED) compared to fluorescent light46
Behavior and surface properties of microalgae indicate environmental changes46
Bioassay-guided purification of α-glucosidase inhibitor fatty acids from Padina tetrastromatica38
Yield determinants of Kappaphycus alvarezii seaweed in South Sulawesi, Indonesia37
Development of a high-resolution molecular marker for tracking Rhizosolenia setigera genetic diversity36
Development of the specific molecular markers of the thin-blade strain (HR-5) in Pyropia haitanensis33
Screening protocol for freshwater filamentous macroalgae bioremediation of primary municipal wastewater32
A methylene blue assay for the quantification of fucoidan – A specific application for seaweed extracts31
Sunfish as zooplankton control agents to improve yields of wastewater-cultivated algae30
Screening microalgae strains for fish feed of juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and their zootechnical performance30
Utilization of Sargassum crassifolium seaweed powder as a functional ingredient in wheat noodles29
Unlocking the potential of Euglena gracilis cultivated in piggery wastewater: biomass production, nutrient removal, and biostimulant potential in lettuce and tomato plants29
Anti-hyperglycemic and antioxidant effect of fucoidan extract from Lessonia trabeculata in alloxan-induced diabetes rats28
Eco-friendly larvicide of Amphora coffeaeformis and Scenedesmus obliquus microalgae extracts against Culex pipiens28
FlaskLED: an additive manufacturing approach for low-cost illuminated culture flask bioreactors28
Pressure-based method for the extraction and characterisation of agar from Gelidium sesquipedale27
Effects of indoor culture conditions on growth and phycoerythrin content of Proteomonas sulcata (Cryptophyta) assessed by flow cytometry27
Seasonal Chemical Screening and Biological Activity of Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringar (Alariaceae, Laminariales, Phaeophyta), collected at Golfo San Jorge (Patagonia Argentina)26
The effects of cultivation type and maturity stage on arsenic species concentration and carrageenan content in Kappaphycus spp. from Semporna, Sabah26
A concise review of the genus Asperococcus (Phaeophyceae: Chordariaceae)26
Anti-biofilm and Anti-quorum Sensing Activities of the Red Seaweed, Gracilaria changii and its Associated Bacteria25
Antihypertensive effect of fucoidan from Yangqicai (Sargassum fusiforme) in EA.hy-926 cells and spontaneously hypertensive rats25
Concise review of the macroalgal species Pelvetia canaliculata (Linnaeus) Decaisne & Thuret24
Addition of humic acid accelerates the growth of Euglena pisciformis AEW501 and the accumulation of lipids24
Effects of biofloc effluent in different regimes as a fertilizer for Kappaphycus alvarezii: indoor maintenance and sea cultivation24
Epigenomic stability assessment during cryopreservation and physiology among various strains of Chromochloris zofingiensis (Chlorophyceae) and their genetic variability revealed by AFLP and MS-AFLP23
Photoacclimation caused by high frequency flashing light assists Chlorella sp. M-12 wastewater treatment and biomass accumulation in dark color biogas slurry23
Influence of irradiance on the growth and biochemical composition of Nitzschia aff. pellucida23
Dinoflagellate cell density limits explored using Scrippsiella lachrymosa cultured in flow-through cages22
Antimicrobial potential of Ericaria selaginoides extracts against Listeria monocytogenes in “mató”, a Catalan fresh cheese21
Simultaneous phytoremediation of tannery effluent and production of fatty acids rich biomass by Chlorella sorokiniana21
The effect of kefir enrichment with Arthrospira platensis and Chlorella vulgaris on kefir microbiota, antioxidant, and physicochemical properties21
Interdependence of fucoxanthin biosynthesis and fucoxanthin-chlorophyll a/c binding proteins in Phaeodactylum tricornutum under different light intensities21
Optimization of Chlorella biomass harvesting by flocculation and its potential for biofuel production21
Performance evaluation of green and integrated extraction approaches for the recovery of fatty acids, polysaccharides, and proteins from brown macroalgae for a sustainable biorefinery20
Chemical composition of selected marine microalgae, with emphasis on lipid and carbohydrate production for potential use as feed resources20
Genome-Wide Identification and Analysis of the Cryptochrome/Photolyase Family in the Brown Alga Saccharina japonica20
Effect of low-frequency ultrasound on disaggregation, growth and viability of an extremotolerant cyanobacterium20
Identification of Rhodosorus marinus isolated in Taiwan and study on its optimum culture conditions20
Biopolymer treatment of ammonium-rich industrial effluents for the mass cultivation of microalgae20
Multicomponent bioactive extract from red stage Haematococcus pluvialis wet paste: avoiding the drying step and toxic solvents20
Optimization of biomass-to-water ratio and glycerol content to develop antioxidant- enriched bioplastics from whole seaweed biomass of Kappaphycus sp.19
Effects of Ascophyllum nodosum extract on sweet pepper plants as an organic biostimulant in grow box home garden conditions19
Biomasonry products from macroalgae: A design driven approach to developing biomaterials for carbon storage19
Estimating Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jolis harvesting impacts using GPS Tracking of mechanical harvesters in Nova Scotia, Canada19
Comparison of supervised classifications to discriminate seaweed-dominated habitats through hyperspectral imaging data19
Health status in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) juveniles fed diets devoid of fishmeal and supplemented with Phaeodactylum tricornutum18
Production of dimethyl sulfide and acrylic acid from dissolved dimethylsulfoniopropionate during the growth of Prorocentrum minimum18
Aqueous extracts characteristics obtained by ultrasound-assisted extraction from Ascophyllum nodosum seaweeds: effect of operation conditions18
Expression of a periplasmic β-carbonic anhydrase (CA) gene is positively correlated with HCO3- utilization by the gametophytes of Saccharina japonica (Phaeophyceae, Ochrophyta)18
Phaeodactylum tricornutum biomass in microdiets enhances Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) larval growth performance during weaning18
Ecotypic differentiation in populations of Brazilian coast: recognizing adaptation to temperature in Gracilariopsis tenuifrons (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta)17
Short-term nutrient removal efficiency and photosynthetic performance of Ulva pseudorotundata (Chlorophyta): potential use for Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA)17
Regulatory ecosystem services through large-scale commercial farming of Kappaphycus alvarezii: Pan-India potential estimates17
Edible algae allergenicity – a short report17
Production of dried seaweed sheet using edible green macroalgae, Caulerpa macrodisca Decaisne and Caulerpa lentillifera J. Agardh (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta)17
In vitro antioxidant and antiglycation properties of Eisenia bicyclis stems and their effects on the gut microbiota of mice fed a high-sucrose and low-fibre diet17
Hydroponic systems: exploring the balance between co-cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris and Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris L. subsp. cicla)17
Temperature characteristics on the growth and photosynthesis of a red alga Phycocalidia tanegashimensis (= Pyropia tanegashimensis, Bangiales) reveal adaptation to subtropical environments due to year17
Effects of calcium ion on the colony formation, growth, and photosynthesis in the edible cyanobacterium Nostoc sphaeroides17
Heterotrophic culture of Scenedesmus almeriensis for lutein productivity enhancement17
Optimising the zoospore release, germination, development of gametophytes and formation of sporophytes of Ecklonia radiata17
Screening terrestrial and aquatic strains of Dunaliella from the eco-taxonomical perspective: a comparative study on fatty acid compositions as habitat indicators17
Electrical characterization of phytoplankton suspensions using impedance spectroscopy16
Subcellular localization and identification of acyl-CoA: lysophosphatidylethanolamine acyltransferase (LPEAT) in the arachidonic acid-rich green microalga, Myrmecia incisa Reisigl16
Cyanobacterial biofertilizer inoculation has a distinctive effect on the key genes of carbon and nitrogen cycling in paddy rice16
Productivity and community response along an ammonia gradient in cultured wild marine microalgae, using wastewater-derived nutrients for cost-effective feedstock production16
The effects of irradiance, temperature, and desiccation on the photosynthesis of a brown alga, Sargassum muticum (Fucales), from a native distributional range in Japan16
Assessing the potential of fluorescence as a monitoring tool for reproductive tissue in selected macroalgae species16
Potential health benefits of fucoidan from the brown seaweeds Sargassum plagiophyllum and Sargassum polycystum16
Safety profile of subacute oral administration of ethanolic extract of Gracilaria manilaensis Yamamoto & Trono16
The sugar kelp Saccharina latissima II: Recent advances in farming and applications15
Improved biomass production of a microalga through adaptative laboratory evolution to a high light environment15
The effect of magnetic field treatment on the cultivation of microalgae: An overview of involved mechanisms15
Differing growth responses in four related microalgal genera grown under autotrophic, mixotrophic and heterotrophic conditions15
Exogenous ethanol induces cell giantism accompanied by enhanced accumulation of lipid and carbohydrates in Chlorella sorokiniana15
Approaches to rapid screening of pharmaceutical xenobiotic effects on microalgae via monitoring of photosynthetic apparatus condition15
Use of rotifers-fed microalgal paste in the seed production of Mangrove crab Scylla serrata in the Philippines15
Growth and metabolism enhancement in microalgae co-cultured in suspension with the bacterium Azospirillum brasilense under heterotrophic conditions14
Mixotrophic and heterotrophic growth of Galdieria sulphuraria using buttermilk as a carbon source14
Food waste digestate as a source of nitrogen for the cultivation of Dunaliella salina: influence on growth and carotenogenesis under hyper osmotic stress14
Temporal variation in the incidence of seaweed health problems affecting farmed Kappaphycus striatus in relation to environmental conditions in shallow waters14
Temperature as determinant factor on the generation of new strains of Kappaphycus alvarezii (Rhodophyta) cultivated in subtropical waters14
Application of enzymatic hydrolysate of Ulva clathrata as biostimulant improved physiological and metabolic adaptation to salt-alkaline stress in wheat14
Effects of light quality on the growth, productivity, fucoxanthin accumulation, and fatty acid composition of Thalassiosira pseudonana14
Effects of dietary Arthrospira platensis phycocyanin on growth, fatty acid assessment of breast muscles, hematobiochemical, immunological responses, and hepatic histomorphology in broiler chickens14
Salinity as a tool for strain selection in recirculating land-based production of Ulva spp. from germlings to adults14
Development of a high-resolution molecular marker for tracking Pseudo-nitzschia pungens genetic diversity through comparative analysis of mitochondrial genomes14
Biorefinery as a tool to obtain multiple seaweed extracts for cosmetic applications14
Optimizing separation: Utilizing Aspergillus oryzae for bioflocculation of marine Tetraselmis subcordiformis on agricultural residues14
Efficient metal ions biosorption on red and green algae biomass: Isotherm, kinetic and thermodynamic study13
Performance of different microalgae-based technologies for integral biogas slurry nutrient removal and biogas upgrading in response to various 5-deoxystrigol concentrations13
A semi-automated image processing method for analysing the taxonomic composition of algal biofilms13
Sargassum spp. and Ascophyllum nodosum seaweed extract formulations improve plant growth and alter the bacterial dynamics in hydroponically cultivated lettuce13
A review on nutrients, phytochemicals, health benefits and applications of the green seaweed Caulerpa racemosa (Forsskål) J. Agardh13
Optimization of sequential ultrasound-microwave assisted extraction of polysaccharide from red seaweed (Kappaphycus alvarezii)13
Abiotic triggers for maximising germling numbers in Asparagopsis taxiformis (Rhodophyta, Bonnemaisoniales) via tetrasporogenesis13
Food macroalgae: scoping review of aspects related to research and consumption13
A concise review of the potential utilization based on bioactivity and pharmacological properties of the genus Gelidium (Gelidiales, Rhodophyta)12
Shortening hydraulic retention time through effluent recycling: impacts on wastewater treatment and biomass production in microalgal treatment systems12
Culture depth effect on Scenedesmus sp. growth, photo-physiology and nutrient removal rate in anaerobically digested abattoir effluent12
Effects of chromium (VI) at extreme alkaline condition (pH 11) on the survival, growth, photosystems and phycobilisome operation of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. Strain FS 7812
Assessment of local adaptation and outbreeding risks in contrasting thermal environments of the giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera12
Messastrum gracile (Chlorophyceae) growth using sugarcane molasses-based macrophyte extract culture media12
Promoting wound healing using Cyanothece sp. in the rat model12
Advanced mass balance characterization and fractionation of algal biomass composition12
Bio-production of eicosapentaenoic acid from the diatom Nanofrustulum shiloi via two-step high performance countercurrent chromatography12
A simple improved protocol for purification of C-phycocyanin from overproducing cyanobacteria and its characterization12
Using sporeless sporophytes as a next step towards upscaling offshore kelp cultivation12
Commercial raw materials from algaculture and natural stocks of Ulva spp.12
Antioxidant activity and related chemical composition of extracts from Brazilian beach-cast marine algae: opportunities of turning a waste into a resource12
Biostimulant action of Lithothamnium sp. promoting growth, yield, and biochemical and chemical changes on onion12
Novel Assay for Attached Filamentous Algae Productivity and Nutrient Removal12
Assessing photosynthetic uptake of total inorganic carbon in an Ecklonia cava dominated seaweed artificial reef: Population- and community-level metabolisms12
Landing facilities for processing of cultivated seaweed biomass: a Norwegian perspective with strategic considerations for the European seaweed industry12
De novo transcriptome analysis and gene expression profiling of Conticribra weissflogii during low salinity reveals regulation of fatty acid biosynthesis genes11
Development of genomic simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers of Pyropia yezoensis (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) and evaluation of genetic diversity of Korean cultivars11
Genetic structure of Saccharina japonica in Japan and evaluation of a potential mitochondrial region for identification of geographic origin11
Using spray-dried and encapsulated Nannochloropsis oculata biomasses in white spread11
Screening and selection of Anabaena spp. for desiccation tolerance through physiological parameters and multivariate analysis11
Partial decrease of xanthophyll contents by β-carotene hydroxylase knockout enables high-density cultivation of Chlamydomonas11
Optimization of the enzymatic synthesis of structured triacylglycerols rich in docosahexaenoic acid at sn-2 position by acidolysis of Aurantiochytrium limacinum SR21 oil and caprylic acid using respon11
Effects of light variation in algal cultures: a systematic map of temporal scales11
Effect of nitrate on Ankistrodesmus fusiformis culture: evaluation of growth, biomolecules and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS)11
Semi-continuous cultivation for enhanced protein production using indigenous green microalgae and synthetic municipal wastewater11
Salinity-induced chemical, mechanical, and behavioral changes in marine microalgae11
Enhancement of in-vitro antioxidant properties and growth of amaranth seed sprouts treated with seaweed extracts11
Toxicity assessment of Cd and Cu on physicochemical parameters of green microalga Scenedesmus quadricauda11
Expression of a Heat Shock Protein 70 from the Brown Alga Ectocarpus sp. Imparts Salinity Stress Tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana11
Farms and forests: evaluating the biodiversity benefits of kelp aquaculture11
Analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence induction curves (OJIP transients) of phytoplankton under conditions of high photosynthetic activity11
1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid and its analogs alleviate heat stress damage in the marine red alga Neopyropia yezoensis (Rhodophyta)10
Potential integration of wastewater treatment and natural pigment production by Phaeodactylum tricornutum: microalgal growth, nutrient removal, and fucoxanthin accumulation10
Concise review of the red macroalga dulse, Palmaria palmata (L.) Weber & Mohr10
Annual production of microalgae in wastewater using pilot-scale thin-layer cascade photobioreactors10
Promoter regions of sxtA and sxtG reveal relationship between saxitoxin biosynthesis and photosynthesis in toxic Alexandrium catenella10
Characterization of the novel hybrid cultivar E25 of Saccharina japonica in the northern farming region of China10
Effects of medium salinity on growth and biochemical composition of the green microalga Tetraselmis suecica10
Mannitol as a resource for the growth and reproduction of Sargassum siliquastrum (Mertens ex Turner) C. Agardh10
Optimization of biscuit enrichment with the incorporation of Arthrospira platensis: nutritional and sensory approach10
The combined effect of nitrogen deprivation and overexpression of malic enzyme gene on growth and lipid accumulation in Phaeodactylum tricornutum10
Nutrient starvation-induced oxidative stress-mediated lipid accumulation in Tetradesmus obliquus KMC2410
Molecular characterization and expression analysis of saxitoxin biosynthesis gene sxtU from toxigenic dinoflagellate Alexandrium pacificum10
Assessment of the mixotrophic production of Chlorella vulgaris using milk whey as a nutrient source10
Utilization of seaweed composite flour (Kappaphycus alvarezii) in the development of steamed bun10
High CO2 increases lipid and polyunsaturated fatty acid productivity of the marine diatom Skeletonema costatum in a two-stage model10
Sustained power output from an algal biophotovoltaic (BPV) platform using selected marine and freshwater microalgae10
Utilization of cellulose and ulvan from the green seaweed Ulva lactuca in the development of composite edible films with natural antioxidant properties10
Assessment of long-term changes in the emergy indexes of an intertidal kelp bed in northern Chile: implications for fisheries management10
Inactivation of phosphate regulator (SphU) in cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. 6803 directly induced acetyl phosphate pathway leading to enhanced PHB level under nitrogen-sufficient condition10
Toxicity of bisphenol A and its structural congeners to microalgae Chlorella vulgaris and Desmodesmus armatus10
Effects of elevated temperature and acidification on sulfate assimilation and reduction of microalgae9
Tisochrysis lutea as a source of omega-3 polar lipids and fucoxanthin: extraction and characterization using green solvents and advanced techniques9
Fucoidan isolated from the popular edible brown seaweed Sargassum fusiforme suppresses lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation by blocking NF-κB signal pathway9
Developing microalgal oil production for an outdoor photobioreactor9
Single and mixed species of microalgae as larval food for the tropical sea cucumber Holothuria scabra9
Efficacy of Amphora coffeaeformis supplemented diets in improving growth performance, health status, and resistance to Aeromonas sobria in Oreochromis niloticus exposed to suboptimal temperature condi9
Docking and in silico toxicity assessment of Arthrospira compounds as potential antiviral agents against SARS-CoV-29
Correction to: Application of feature-based molecular networking in the field of algal research with special focus on mycosporine-like amino acids9
Temperature-dependent two-stage cultivation: A strategy for lipid and fatty acids production in the terrestrial oleaginous microalga Vischeria sp. WL19
Microbial degradation of kelp waste by cooperation of alginate and cellulose hydrolyzing bacteria: A potential solution for kelp waste reutilization9
Growth and epiphytic responses of Gracilaria fisheri to Ascophyllum seaweed extract under controlled culture conditions9
Diversity and distribution characteristics of phytoplankton in typical mariculture bays in northern China9
Physico- and biochemical properties of alginates extracted from Ecklonia maxima and Sargassum fluitans using a simple cascade process9
Biocontrol of Vibrio vulnificus strains challenged with Isochrysis galbana cultures9
Priming of seeds with cyanobacteria improved tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) during post-germinative drought stress9
Optimization of Spirulina sp. cultivation using reinforcement learning with state prediction based on LSTM neural network9
Lipid composition and biomass utilisation prospects of holopelagic Sargassum species in the French West Indies9
Microalga biofertilizer improves potato growth and yield, stimulating amino acid metabolism9
Application of feature-based molecular networking in the field of algal research with special focus on mycosporine-like amino acids9
Effect of storage on plant biostimulant and bioactive properties of freeze-dried Chlorella vulgaris biomass9
Application of response surface methodology (RSM) for optimizing biomass production in Nannochloropsis oculata UTEX 21649
Dynamic changes of growth and physiological parameters of Spirulina cultivated outdoors—a case study in Spirulina Industrial Park in Inner Mongolia, China9
In vitro and in vivo antioxidant activities of a fucose-rich fucoidan isolated from Saccharina japonica9
Feasibility of waste-free use of microalgae in aquaculture9
The influence of utilizing red tropical Kappaphycus alvarezii gel as a fat substitute on the quality of chicken patties9
Growth-promoting effects of alginate-derived oligosaccharides on marine microalgae9
Physiological responses and gene expression of Gracilaria chilensis under infection of the green epiphyte Ulva sp.9
Cell wall and organelle modifications during nitrogen starvation in Nannochloropsis oceanica F&M-M249
Effect of the streptomycin removal process on metabolite profile of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: the potential of antibiotic stress on lipid production for biodiesel9
Two-stage cultivation of Scenedesmus acuminatus with nitrogen and sulfur for growth and lipid accumulation9
Chronological development of the morphological, physiological, biochemical, and transcriptomic changes provides insights into the mechanisms of gametogenesis in Saccharina japonica9
Between versus within: Comparative analysis reveals significant differences among survival, regeneration and growth in explants of Gracilaria corticata var. cylindrica treated with two commercial Sarg8
Establishment of a simple method for cryopreservation of the marine diatoms, Chaetoceros and Phaeodactylum8
Enhanced growth, chlorophyll a and phycobiliprotein content, and modulation of bioactive metabolite profiles in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 culture by ( +)-usnic acid8
Degradation of seaweed waste by the extracellular multifunctional Amy19 enzyme and the stimulatory effects of enzymatic hydrolysates on cucumber seed germination8
Ecklonia cava subsp. kurome and E. cava subsp. stolonifera can aid regulation of gut microbiota in mice fed a high-sucrose and low-dietary fibre diet8
Unraveling the lipidome of Pavlova gyrans, a natural reservoir of bioactive lipids for biotechnological applications8
Fatty acids, carotenoids, and tocopherols from microalgae: targeting the accumulation by manipulating the light during growth8
Microalgae-based dairy effluent treatment coupled with the production of agricultural biostimulant8
Cultivation of Osmundea pinnatifida (Hudson) Stackhouse in the Algem® photobioreactor system8
Artificial biocrust establishment on materials of potash tailings piles along a salinity gradient8
A species dilemma: utilizing biological species concept to reconcile DNA barcode and morphological divergences for Hypnea pseudomusciformis (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta)8
Synergistic effects of temperature and nutrients on growth and saxitoxin content of the cyanobacterium Raphidiopsis raciborskii8
Brown seaweeds as a feed additive for Litopenaeus vannamei reared in a biofloc system improved resistance to thermal stress and white spot disease8
Calorific values and characteristics of boba pearls with partial formulation from Indonesian seaweed Gracilaria sp. agar powder8
PAR regulation of photoprotection in Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Bacillariophyceae): Roles of doses and irradiances8
Accumulation and degradation of organotin compounds in cultivated sporophytes of the brown alga Undaria pinnatifida8
The Bio Economic Seaweed Model (BESeM) for modelling tropical seaweed cultivation – experimentation and modelling8
Improvement of the Cd removal efficiency of a filamentous cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya sp. XZ1 through co-culture with Bacillus sp. S18
Overview of the management of heavy metals toxicity by microalgae8
New microalgae media formulated with completely recycled phosphorus originating from agricultural sidestreams8
Extraction optimization, physicochemical characterization, and antioxidant activity of polysaccharides from Rhodosorus sp. SCSIO-457308
Screening of nanobody targeting alkaline phosphatase PhoX in Microcystis and detection of the PhoX in situ by fluorescence immunoassays8
Lability of chlorophylls in solvent8
Microalgae amino acids: Method validation using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry8
Changes in photosynthetic parameters and lipid classes of N-limited Ankistrodesmus densus (Chlorophyceae) under cadmium exposure8
Effect of tebuthiuron and temperature increase related to climate change on the photosynthesis of Nitella microcarpa var. wrightii (Charophyceae)8
Biomass production and urban centrate nutrient removal using native microalgae tolerant to high nitrogen concentration and temperature8
Optimised protocols for RNA extraction from a broad taxonomic range of algae8
Recovery and characterization of polyhydroxybutyrate from Chlorogloea fritschii TISTR 8527 using halogenated and green solvents8
Adaptation of autotrophic to heterotrophic culture of Porphyridium purpureum (Bory) K.M. Drew & R.Ross: characterization of biomass and production of exopolysaccharides8
Corrections to: Assessment of Nannochloropsis gaditana growth and lipid accumulation with increased inorganic carbon delivery8
In vitro and in vivo activities of polyphenol extracts from Arctic brown alga Fucus vesiculosus8
Time-series transcriptomic analysis reveals potential genes and pathways involved in the process of monospore formation in Phycocalida chauhanii8
Shell powder as source of calcium in the development of Gelidium floridanum (Rhodophyta, Gelidiales) tetraspores and explants8
Detection of bloom-forming dinoflagellates Karenia mikimotoi and Prorocentrum donghaiense using qPCR assays8
The effect of carbon nanodots and graphene quantum dots on the green microalga Scenedesmus quadricauda8
In vivo studies on bioavailability, toxicity, and antioxidant defense of organic selenium-enriched microalga biomass in Wistar rats7
Nitrogen uptake kinetics of an enteric methane inhibitor, the red seaweed Asparagopsis armata7
Purification, characterization and assessment of stability, reactive oxygen species scavenging and antioxidative potentials of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) isolated from cyanobacteria7
Comprehensive analysis of dehydrated edible macroalgae: Volatile compounds, chemical profiles, biological activities, and cytotoxicity7
Biodetoxification of Aflatoxin B1 by Arthrospira platensis in Broilers7
Perspectives on the potential application of cyanobacteria in the alleviation of drought and salinity stress in crop plants7
New easy lab methods for the extraction of phycobiliproteins and pigments from cyanobacteria7
A sulfated polysaccharide κ-carrageenan induced antioxidant defense and proteomic changes in chloroplast against leaf spot disease of tomato7
Microalgal lipid production: A comparative analysis of Nannochloropsis and Microchloropsis strains7
Effects of Tetraselmis subcordiformis (Wille) Butcher with antimicrobial peptides as feed additives on gut microbial community and immunity of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.)7
Efficient biodegradation of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) by the cyanobacterium Fischerella sp. lmga1 harbouring SdsA1 hydrolase7
Bioremediation of ethanol wash by microalgae and generation of bioenergy feedstock7
Effect of pretreatment on Cd(II) and Pb(II) biosorption by Nannochloropsis oculata microalgae biomass7
Evaluation of electrocoagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation harvesting methods on microalgae consortium grown in anaerobically digested abattoir effluent7
Adsorption of heavy metals and bisphenol A from wastewater using Spirulina sp.-based biochar as an effective adsorbent: A preliminary study7
Purification of fucoxanthin from the diatom Amphora capitellata by preparative chromatography after its enhanced productivity via oxidative stress7
Improved biohydrogen production by co-cultivation of N2-fixing cyanobacterium Fischerella muscicola TISTR 8215 and microalga Chlorella sp.7
The SeaCoRe system for large scale kelp aquaculture: a plug-and-play, compatible, open-source system for the propagation and transport of clonal gametophyte cultures7
High-performance countercurrent chromatography for lutein production from a chlorophyll-deficient strain of the microalgae Parachlorella kessleri HY17
Phytohormonal impacts on fatty acid profiles in Chlorella vulgaris Beijerinck: endogenous identification and exogenous application of cytokinins and abscisic acid7
A new cyanobacterial species with a protective effect on lettuce grown under salinity stress: Envisaging sustainable agriculture practices7
Resource-limited Gracilaria dura partitions resources between growth and survival: Knowledge base for optimizing production7
Role of Kappaphycus alvarezii seaweed extract and its active constituents, glycine betaine, choline chloride, and zeatin in the alleviation of drought stress at critical growth stages of maize crop7
Testing the inhibitory effects of different algal extracts on fish intestinal metalloproteases using in vitro assays7
Phlorotannins from brown algae: a review on their antioxidant mechanisms and applications in oxidative stress-mediated diseases7
Application of sonicated extracts of cyanobacteria and microalgae for the mitigation of bacterial canker in tomato seedlings7
Effects of site, depth and sori origin on the growth and minerals composition of cultivated Saccharina latissima (Phaeophyceae) in the north of Norway7
Pressurized extraction of phycobiliproteins from Arthrospira platensis and evaluation of its effect on antioxidant and anticancer activities of these biomolecules7
Effects of irradiance of red and blue:red LEDs on Scenedesmus obliquus M2-1 optimization of biomass and high added-value compounds7
Manipulating the Ulva holobiont: Co-culturing Ulva ohnoi with Phaeobacter bacteria as a strategy for disease control in fish-macroalgae IMTA-RAS aquaculture7