Physica C-Superconductivity and Its Applications

(The TQCC of Physica C-Superconductivity and Its Applications is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Flux creep regimes and vortex phase diagram in β-FeSe single crystals40
Chemical potential influence on the condensation energy from a Boson–Fermion model of superconductivity32
Mechanical behavior of multi-layer CORC cable in high external field with 3D numerical model25
Performance limits in REBCO tape for variation in winding parameters of CORC® cable and wire21
Influence of pre-overpressure heat treatment on micro-structure and related properties of Bi-2212 round wire19
Describing heat dissipation in the resistive state of three-dimensional superconductors18
First principles study and reconsideration of the mechanical and dynamic stability of hydrogen-rich compound cI14-CaH6 high critical temperature superconductor under pressure15
Temperature-dependent properties of basic elements of all-NbN RSFQ circuits15
Omnidirectional High Reflectors Using Silica/Superconductor Fibonacci Photonic Crystal for Optical Communication Applications15
The levitation force and stiffness enhancement of single domain GdBCO bulk superconductor by an axial background magnetic field14
Performance testing of the iron-based superconductor inserted coils under high magnetic field13
Study of long-time levitation performance of high temperature superconducting maglev under vertical vibration12
Josephson junction parameters extraction method for the RCLSJ model12
Sintering process and characterization of the SmBaCuO/Al composite12
Optimizing trapped field in superconductors with perforations12
Manufacture and performance test result of a 95 kA-class Nb-Ti cable-in-conduit conductor for the low field winding-package of CFETR-TF coil12
Editorial Board11
On fractal thermodynamics of the superconducting transition and the roles of specific heat, entropy and critical magnetic field in disordered superconductors11
Editorial Board10
Karl Alexander Müller: From discovery to properties of HTS10
Pressure dependence of superconducting properties of layered BaNi2P210
Optimized fabrication of high-quality Nd0.8Sr0.2NiO2 superconducting films by pulsed laser deposition10
New figure of merit to compare josephson balanced comparators10
Development and performance evaluation of a conduction-cooled warm bore HTS steering magnet9
Thermodynamic properties in the extended BCS-Bose crossover theory9
2D Bifurcation diagram of capacitively coupled Josephson junctions in high-Tc superconductors9
Critical temperatures and critical currents of wide and narrow quasi-one-dimensional superconducting aluminum structures in zero magnetic field9
Crack problem in a functionally graded superconductor cylinder under pulsed field magnetization9
Deep sub-micron Josephson junctions fabricated by using maskless direct writing on 4-inch silicon wafer9
Design, construction, and performance of the new 148 mm Bore, 25 T magnet test platform for HTS cables at the CHMFL9
Aslamazov Larkin conductivity in layered Dirac/Weyl semimetals8
Optimization of Pre-cooling process of Hi-Lumi LHC twin-aperture correction superconducting magnet8
Critical current properties of an ex-situ MgB2/TiB8
Crystalline and magnetic structure of Ba2CuO7
Effect of defects density on the vortex penetration of a superconducting thin film and deep-learning enabled characterization of defects7
Absence of superconductivity in topological metal ScI7
Editorial Board7
The relationship between AC loss of YBCO superconducting coil and current waveform, amplitude, frequency and temperature7
Five gaps Eliashberg model for KCa2Fe7
Preparation of high-quality factor dielectric resonators for low-noise YBa<7
Editorial Board7
Design of a dual-wideband high temperature superconducting filter7
Insights into the polaron physics of high temperature superconductors from optical and time-domain spectroscopy6
Numerical evaluation of the impact of introducing heterogeneous structures into the REBCO layer on fracture behavior under tensile strain6
About the pressure-induced superconducting state of europium metal at low temperatures6
Vortex state in a 3D superconducting mesoscopic wedge6
Zeeman splitting in doped antiferromagnetic semiconductors6
Influences of oxygen partial pressure on the phase composition of the (Bi, Pb)-2212 precursor powder6
Effect of defects on flux expulsion of pure niobium superconducting radio frequency cavities via spatial temperature gradient5
Exploring superconducting signatures in high-pressure hydride compounds: An electronic-structure analysis5
Editorial Board5
Superconductivity and strongly correlated materials in Bariloche5
Extended Ginzburg-Landau equations and Abrikrosov vortex and geometric transition from square to rectangular lattice in a magnetic field5
Superconducting properties and vortex pinning in intermetallic BaBi3 single crystals: A magnetization study5
Vortices in a superconducting two-band disk: Role of the Josephson and bi-quadratic coupling5
Characterization of damage in REBCO tapes for joint-less 2G-HTS magnets during mechanical slitting5
Tunable flux pinning in granular superconducting Pb films5
Calculation and comparison of HTS electromagnetic characteristics with different models5
Drastic enhancement of magnetic critical current density in Zn doped Bi-22125
Numerical analysis of stacked HTS tapes in rotating magnetic fields using H and T-A formulations5
Can dd excitations mediate pai5
Role of inter-site Coulomb interaction on the thermodynamic and ground state properties within the 5
Development of a 1 kW-class fully high-temperature superconducting induction/synchronous machine that enables non-superconducting operation5
Vortex transport entropy in cuprate superconductors and Boltzmann constant5
Electron–phonon driven unconventional superconductivity: The role of small Fermi energies and of nonadiabatic processes5
Electromagnetic optimization of a hybrid toroidal magnet for 10 MJ HTS SMES system4
Corrigendum to ‘Superconductivity in YIn3 under positive pressure’ Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 564, 15 September 2019, 6-104
Interrelations among zero-field critical current density, irreversibility field and pseudogap in hole doped high-Tc cuprates4
Preparation of double-layer REBa2Cu3O7− tapes for enhancing engineering current density by Ag-diffusion bonding4
Towards in silico mining for superconductors – Cutting the Gordian knot4
Disordered MgB2 superconductor critical temperature modeling throu4
Record-high critical current density in (Ba,Na)Fe2As2 round wire suitable for high-field applications4
The fabrication of graphene supported Ni nanoparticles and its doping influence on the microstructure and superconductivity of MgB24
Vortex images influenced by superconducting gap and Fermi surface4
Utility applications and experience with resilient electric grid systems utilizing high temperature superconductor wires in Chicago4
The influence of Sm24
Effect of unconventional current-phase relation of Josephson junction on escape rate in ac SQUID4
Numerical simulation and analysis of running magnetic resistance in the evacuated tube SS-HTS magnetic levitation system4
Comparative study on the impact of different E-J relations on the performance of resistive superconducting fault current limiters under high and low impedance faults in cryo-electric aircraft4
Theoretical calculation and analysis of electromagnetic performance of high temperature superconducting electric flywheel energy storage system4
Shot noise in topological insulator-based ferromagnet/p-wave superconductor junctions4
Two-band superconductivity in Pt-intercalated ZrTe2, a Dirac semimetal4
Synthesis, Structure and Superconducting Properties of Ba1-xLax/4K3x/4(Bi0.25Pb0.75)O3- Perovskites4
Comparative analysis on twisting characteristics of HTS quasi-isotropic strand and stacked-tape strand4
Probing effect of strain field on Ca diffusion in BaZrO3-doped YBa2Cu3O7-x /Ca0.3Y0.7Ba2Cu3O7-x multilayer nanocomposite films4
Numerical analysis of steady-state heat conduction behavior in high-temperature superconductor Roebel cable4
Transient analysis of a 22.9 kV/2 kA HTS cable under short circuit using equivalent circuit model considering different fault parameters4
Improved prediction of critical currents for multi-pancake coil across variable temperature regions4
Negative nonlocal and local voltages (resistances) in a quasi-one-dimensional superconducting aluminum structure3
Guided vortex motion in dilute strong pinning environment: Models and experiment3
Editorial Board3
Superconductivity and magnetism in a novel La0.85Ga0.15FeAsO compound3
Investigation on the degradation of thermohydraulic performance of high temperature superconducting (HTS) cables used for large scale energy storage and transmission applications caused by entropy gen3
Editorial Board3
The effect of Li doping on superconductivity of SiH4(H2)2 from first-principles calculations3
Stiffness and loss characteristics of superconducting magnetic bearings using layered HTS tapes and a permanent magnet3
High performance superconducting joint for MgB2 films3
Editorial Board3
Analysis and redesign of the thermal shield for the 40-T hybrid magnet at the CHMFL3
Vortex motion in tilted magnetic fields in highly layered electron-doped superconductor Nd2-Ce CuO43
Editorial Board3
Editorial Board3
Editorial Board3
Editorial Board3
Numerical study for critical currents in nested superconducting MgB2 coil3
Effect of grain size selection in ex-situ made MgB2 wires3
Superconducting critical temperature and isotope effect in the presence of electron-phonon,electron-paramagnon and electron-electron interactions in rhodium3
In-gap states of vortices at the surface of a topological insulator3
Editorial Board3
Magnetothermal modeling of multilayer HTS tapes for quality control at room temperature3
Attempt to describe phase slips by means of an adiabatic approximation3
The improved model based on the H-A formulation in large-scale HTS magnet3
Foreword for the special issue of Physica C dedicated to K. Alex Müller3
Effects of Tl content and magnetic field on phase formation of TlmBa2Can-1CunO2n+2+δ (m=1 and 2, n=4) superconductors3
Modeling of HTS high-current stacked conductors with defective tapes in different locations2
Active vibration control of secondary suspension based on high-temperature superconducting maglev vehicle system2
Detection of colored noise correlation time with Josephson junctions2
Effect of charging sequence of background coil and insert coil on screening current in high-field non-insulated hybrid superconducting magnets2
Feasibility study on quench detection methods of Raman and Rayleigh scattering techniques in optical fiber encapsulated HTS coils2
AC loss analysis on an HTS field winding of the generator with formulation2
Parametric study of the hydraulic performance of counter flow LN2 cooled cold dielectric HTS cable2
Double-pancake superconducting coil integrated with DFIG-based wind power systems under voltage-dip events: Design and performance analysis study2
Enhancing electric field calculation in HTS tape simulations for currents exceeding the critical limit using full HTS tape modeling2
Influence of the thickness of the base Nb layer in a Josephson junction on magnetic flux trapping2
The effect of the non-uniform critical current density on the magnetoelastic behavior of bulk superconductors: Case of a long cylindrical superconductor2
Effect of laser energy density on microstructure and critical current of YGBCO and HGBCO films fabricated by PLD2
Investigation of superconductivity of A15 type cubic Nb3Os material by using density functional theory2
Photo response of Co-doped BaFe2As2 meander micron line2
Effect of sintering time on the characteristics of YBCO coated-conductor joints using nano-silver paste2
Preparation of a/c-oriented YBa2Cu3O7− homogeneous superconducting junctions via pulsed laser deposition2
Investigation of the effect of difference in the characteristic resistance of DP coils on the field and losses of MI HTS magnets2
A light scatterer’s vistas on copper–oxygen superconductors2
Manufacture process and cabling optimization of Bi2212 CICC2
Fabrication of racetrack-type double-pancake coils using 2G tapes and online mechanical shock test2
Research on current carrying capacity of Bi-2223/Ag superconducting tape in the temperature range of 75–105 K2
Electron, phonon, and superconducting properties of Mg2CuH6 under pressure2
On creep of trapped flux near T2
Activation conductivity and superconducting state in solid solutions (PbzSn1-z)0.8In0.2Te.2
Spin-polarisation measurement using NbN-insulator-ferromagnet tunnel junction with oxidized barrier2
A modified method to measure delamination strength of stabilizer free REBCO coated conductor under transverse tension2
Editorial Board2
A low noise double-sided inductive method for measuring the critical current density of superconducting materials2
Kinetics of topological phase transitions and topological phases in the Josephson medium of granular high-temperature superconductors under the action of temperature, magnetic field and transport curr2
Resonance analysis using a high frequency simulation method for dc-SQUID amplifiers2
Dynamic resistance loss of the high temperature superconducting coil for superconducting magnetic energy storage2
Effects of equivalent composition on superconducting properties of high-entropy REOBiS2 (RE = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd) single crystals2
Oxygen isotope effect on the superfluid density within the d-wave a2
First-principles study on the electronic structure and optical properties of orthorhombic CaTiO3 under different pressures2
Reminiscences of Alex Müller and the discovery of high temperature superconductivity2
Development of the iron-based superconducting coils for high magnetic field application2
Similarity of magnetization and magnetic flux jumps evolution with the magnetic field direction relative to the plane of the superconducting niobium plate2
Comment on “Magnetic flux trapping in hydrogen-rich high-temperature superconductors” by V.S. Minkov, V. Ksenofontov, S.L. Bud’ko, E.F. Talantsev and M.I. Eremets, Nat. Phys. 19, 1293 (2023)2
Variation of the performance of YBa2<2
Experimental study of a high-temperature superconducting induction/synchronous motor with REBCO bulk bars for transportation applications2
From a superconductor to a Mott insulator: The case of granular aluminum2
Clustering superconductors using unsupervised machine learning2
Effects of Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit couplings on the critical temperature and paramagnetic limiting field of superconductors with broken inversion symmetry2
Design and test of a multi capacity integrated HTS thin film reconfigurable current limiter2
Dynamic processes in superconductors and the laws of thermodynamics2
Enhanced conductivity in Sr doped La3Ni2O7-δ with high-pressure oxygen annealing2
Annealing study on the properties of Cu-based Nb3Sn films under argon pressures for SRF applications2
Editorial Board2
Effect of insulating dense pinning centers on pinning potential and transport critical current density of YBCO superconductors2
Transverse resistance variations in helically wound 2G ReBCO high-temperature superconducting tape with core under transverse cycling and bending loads2
Equilibrium magnetic properties of the Fe-doped HTSC YBaCuO2
Current density distribution in resistive fault current limiters and its effect on device stability2
Flexible NbTiN thin films for superconducting electronics2
Material aspects of oxygen isotope effect studies in high-temperature superconductors2
Can linear transformations bend a straight line? Comment on “Author Correction: Magnetic field screening in hydrogen-rich high-temperature superconductors”2