Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems

(The TQCC of Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
AD*-Based Dynamically Feasible Replanning Technique for Anguilliform-Inspired Robot149
Dynamic Analysis and Impedance Control of a Novel Double-Driven Parallel Mechanism125
Visual Loop Closure Detection Based on SqueezeNet Multi-layer Feature Fusion and Adaptive Range Matching Algorithm109
A Shared Control Approach Based on First-Order Dynamical Systems and Closed-Loop Variable Stiffness Control80
Robust Task Allocation for Multiple Cooperative Robotic Vehicles Considering Node Position Uncertainty71
Towards Automated 3D Search Planning for Emergency Response Missions64
From the Editor-in-Chief63
Near-Optimal Covering Solution for USV Coastal Monitoring using PAES56
Research on Robotic Humanoid Venipuncture Method Based on Biomechanical Model40
A Review on Haptic Bilateral Teleoperation Systems40
Deep Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Corrections for UGV Navigation39
MMO-SLAM: A Versatile and Accurate Multi Monocular SLAM System36
From the Editor-in-Chief35
A Multi-modal Framework for Robots to Learn Manipulation Tasks from Human Demonstrations34
Distributed Observer-Based Leader Following Consensus Tracking Protocol for a Swarm of Drones34
A Marker-Free 2D Image-Guided Method for Robot-Assisted Fracture Reduction Surgery33
A Visual Servo Controlled Robotic System for MRI-guided Breast Biopsy31
A Novel Warning Identification Framework for Risk-Informed Anomaly Detection31
Divergent Component of Motion-Based Gait Intention Detection Method Using Motion Information From Single Leg30
Inverse Kinematics of High Dimensional Robotic Arm-Hand Systems for Precision Grasping30
From the Editor-in-Chief29
ICAR 2019 Special Issue28
Modular Neural Control for Gait Adaptation and Obstacle Avoidance of a Tailless Gecko Robot27
DNN Based Ranging in Support of Autonomous Aerial Refueling27
A Digital Twin Framework for Environmental Sensing with sUAS27
Event-Based Guidance and Incremental Control with Application to Fixed-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Perched Landing Maneuvers27
Fast Real-Time Control Allocation Applied to Over-Actuated Quadrotor Tilt-Rotor25
Earth-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Drones in Dynamic Environments25
An Intelligent Auto-Organizing Aerial Robotic Sensor Network System for Urban Surveillance25
Camera, LiDAR and Multi-modal SLAM Systems for Autonomous Ground Vehicles: a Survey24
A Review: Technological Trends and Development Direction of Pipeline Robot Systems23
AUV Path Planning Based on Differential Evolution with Environment Prediction23
Trajectory Control of an Active and Passive Hybrid Hydraulic Ankle Prosthesis Using an Improved PSO-PID Controller22
Passive Global Localisation of Mobile Robot via 2D Fourier-Mellin Invariant Matching22
Near Time-Optimal Trajectory Generation for Multirotors using Numerical Optimization and Safe Corridors22
Landing Site Detection for Autonomous Rotor Wing UAVs Using Visual and Structural Information22
Hierarchical Goal-Guided Learning for the Evasive Maneuver of Fixed-Wing UAVs based on Deep Reinforcement Learning21
Risk-aware Decision-making in Human-multi-robot Collaborative Search: A Regret Theory Approach21
The Convex Uncertain Voronoi Diagram for Safe Multi-Robot Multi-Target Tracking Under Localization Uncertainty21
HMDCS-UV: A concept study of Hybrid Monitoring, Detection and Cleaning System for Unmanned Vehicles21
Secure and Efficient Transmission of Vision-Based Feedback Control Signals21
Investigation of Operable Conditions and Excess Battery Energy for Quadrotors Under Wind Turbulence20
STUNS-Planner: a Spatiotemporal Motion Planner with Unbending and Consistency Awareness for Quadrotors in Unknown Environments20
Adaptive Gait Trajectory and Event Prediction of Lower Limb Exoskeletons for Various Terrains Using Reinforcement Learning20
Dynamics Modeling and Simulation of a Hexapod Robot with a Focus on Trajectory Prediction19
Urban Firefighting Drones: Precise Throwing from UAV19
An Ergodic Selection Method for Kinematic Configurations in Autonomous, Flexible Mobile Systems19
Asymmetric Bipartite Consensus of Nonlinear Agents with Communication Noise19
Numerical Potential Fields Based Multi-stage Path Planning for UTM in Dense Non-segregated Airspace19
Egocentric Computer Vision for Hands-Free Robotic Wheelchair Navigation19
A Survey of Off-Road Mobile Robots: Slippage Estimation, Robot Control, and Sensing Technology18
Development of a Robust Interval Type-2 TSK Fuzzy Logic Controlled UAV Platform18
Safe Feedback Motion Planning in Unknown Environments: An Instantaneous Local Control Barrier Function Approach18
U-Space and UTM Deployment as an Opportunity for More Complex UAV Operations Including UAV Medical Transport17
A Fuzzy-PLOS Guidance Law for Precise Trajectory Tracking of a UAV in the Presence of Wind17
Using Spatial Uncertainty to Dynamically Determine UAS Flight Paths17
Matching Cross-Domain Data with Cooperative Training of Triplet Networks: A Case Study on Underwater Robotics17
Leader-Follower Power-based Formation Control Applied to Differential-drive Mobile Robots17
Resilient Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Fusing Ultra Wide Band Range Measurements and Visual Odometry16
MechaTag: A Mechanical Fiducial Marker and the Detection Algorithm16
Dynamic Spectrum Management with Network Function Virtualization for UAV Communication16
Integrated Design of Cooperative Area Coverage and Target Tracking with Multi-UAV System16
JIRS Editorial, November 202316
Distributed Fault Estimation and Fixed-Time Fault-Tolerant Formation Control for Multi-UAVs subject to Sensor Faults16
Output Tracking Dynamic Feedback Linearization of a Multirotor Suspended Load System with Disturbance Robustness15
Model-based Force Control of a Tendon-Sheath Actuated Slender Gripper Without Output Feedback15
Topological Map Building with Multiple Agents Having Abilities of Dropping Indexed Markers15
Beyond Shared Autonomy: Joint Perception and Action for Human-In-The-Loop Mobile Robot Navigation Systems15
On Robustness of Robotic and Autonomous Systems Perception15
A CNN-Based Grasp Planning Method for Random Picking of Unknown Objects with a Vacuum Gripper15
Guided Sonar-to-Satellite Translation15
Human–Machine Network Through Bio-Inspired Decentralized Swarm Intelligence and Heterogeneous Teaming in SAR Operations14
Retraction Note: Methodologies to Optimize Automated Guided Vehicle Scheduling and Routing Problems: A Review Study14
Position-Based Visual Servoing Control for Multi-Joint Hydraulic Manipulator14
Robust Composite-Disturbance Observer Based Flight Control of Quadrotor Attitude14
Detecting Soccer Balls with Reduced Neural Networks14
Path-following Algorithms Comparison using Software-in-the-Loop Simulations for UAVs14
Model Predictive Control for a Linear Parameter Varying Model of an UAV14
Improving Object Grasp Performance via Transformer-Based Sparse Shape Completion14
Design and Implementation of a Robotic Architecture for Adaptive Teaching: a Case Study on Iranian Sign Language14
A Novel Speech to Mouth Articulation System for Realistic Humanoid Robots14
Development and Validation of a Robotic System Combining Mobile Wheelchair and Lower Extremity Exoskeleton14
Crowd-SLAM: Visual SLAM Towards Crowded Environments using Object Detection13
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control on SE(3) for Quadrotor Aggressive Maneuvers13
Adaptive Control for Simultaneous Tracking and Stabilization of Wheeled Mobile Robot with Uncertainties13
Online Distributed Relative Positioning Utilizing Multiple Cooperative Autonomous Agents13
Position and Attitude Tracking Controllers Using Lyapunov Transformations for Quadrotors13
NAO Robot Learns to Interact with Humans through Imitation Learning from Video Observation13
Altitude Control of an Unmanned Air-Water Hybrid Vehicle in the Media Transition13
Using Lazy Agents to Improve the Flocking Efficiency of Multiple UAVs13
Design of a Novel Soft Pneumatic Gripper with Variable Gripping Size and Mode12
Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) Based on Blurred Image Detection12
Vision-Based 2D Navigation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Riverine Environments with Imitation Learning12
Sensitivity Study of Design Parameters for a Fuel Cell Powered Multirotor Drone12
Grasp Configuration Synthesis from 3D Point Clouds with Attention Mechanism12
A Concurrent Mission-Planning Methodology for Robotic Swarms Using Collaborative Motion-Control Strategies12
Application of Robust Discontinuous Control Algorithm for a 5-DOF Industrial Robotic Manipulator in real-time12
Exploring Multi-Loss Learning for Multi-View Fine-Grained Vehicle Classification12
A Cybersecurity Risk Framework for Unmanned Aircraft Systems under Specific Category12
Terrain-Shape-Adaptive Coverage Path Planning With Traversability Analysis12
PSO Based Optimal Gain Scheduling Backstepping Flight Controller Design for a Transformable Quadrotor12
Full Coverage Path Planning Methods of Harvesting Robot with Multi-Objective Constraints12
Voxel-Grid Based Convex Decomposition of 3D Space for Safe Corridor Generation12
What is in a Name: Defining Key Terms in Urban Air Mobility12
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Peg-in-hole Assembly Task Via Information Utilization Method12
Scalable Task Allocation with Communications Connectivity for Flying Ad-Hoc Networks12
Unified Optimization for Multiple Active Object Recognition Tasks with Feature Decision Tree12
Planning Multi-fingered Grasps with Reachability Awareness in Unrestricted Workspace11
An Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Mapless Navigation with Gap-Guided Switching Strategy11
sBotics - Gamified Framework for Educational Robotics11
Strategic Conflict Management using Recurrent Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning for Urban Air Mobility Operations Considering Uncertainties11
A Novel Rank-order-centroid Based Reduction of Self-balanced-bicycle-robot Controller Using Grey-wolf Optimizer11
Swarm Intelligence Based Nonlinear Friction and Dynamic Parameters Identification for a 6-DOF Robotic Manipulator11
Modular Multi-Copter Structure Control for Cooperative Aerial Cargo Transportation11
Flight Test of the Novel Fixed-Wing Multireference Multiscale LN Guidance Logic for Complex Path Following11
Sampling-based Non-Holonomic Path Generation for Self-driving Cars11
Hierarchical Real-Time Optimal Planning of Collision-Free Trajectories of Collaborative Robots11
Inverse Kinematics Solution Based on Redundancy Modeling and Desired Behaviors Optimization for Dual Mobile Manipulators11
Self-Pumping Actuation Module and its Application in Untethered Soft Robots11
Robust Extrinsic Self-Calibration of Camera and Solid State LiDAR11
Implementation of a Neural Network for Nonlinearities Estimation in a Tail-Sitter Aircraft10
LiDAR-based Structure Tracking for Agricultural Robots: Application to Autonomous Navigation in Vineyards10
An Optimized Path Tracking Approach Considering Obstacle Avoidance and Comfort10
Designs of the Biomimetic Robotic Fishes Performing Body and/or Caudal Fin (BCF) Swimming Locomotion: A Review10
Robot End-Effector Mounted Camera Pose Optimization in Object Detection-Based Tasks10
Wheeled Mobile Robots: State of the Art Overview and Kinematic Comparison Among Three Omnidirectional Locomotion Strategies10
Design and Control of a Crawler-Type Wall-Climbing Robot System for Measuring Paint Film Thickness of Offshore Wind Turbine Tower10
Towards Hybrid Gait Obstacle Avoidance for a Six Wheel-Legged Robot with Payload Transportation10
Real-Time and Efficient Collision Avoidance Planning Approach for Safe Human-Robot Interaction10
Modeling and Trajectory Tracking Control for a Multi-Section Continuum Manipulator10
A Human-Robot Dynamic Fusion Safety Algorithm for Collaborative Operations of Cobots10
Autonomous Learning in a Pseudo-Episodic Physical Environment10
Hybrid Impedance-Sliding Mode Switching Control of the Indego Explorer Lower-Limb Exoskeleton in Able-Bodied Walking10
Event-MILP-Based Task Allocation for Heterogeneous Robotic Sensor Network for Thermosolar Plants10
Hybrid Trajectory Replanning-Based Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance for Physical Human-Robot Interaction10
Multi-robot Navigation with Graph Attention Neural Network and Hierarchical Motion Planning10
Towards the Achievement of Path Planning with Multi-robot Systems in Dynamic Environments10
Assist-As-Needed Control of a Hip Exoskeleton, Using Central Pattern Generators in a Stride Management Strategy10
Design of an Active and Passive Control System for a Knee Exoskeleton with Variable Stiffness Based on a Shape Memory Alloy10
Global Redundancy Optimization of Manipulability for 7-DOFs Anthropomorphic Manipulator Using Joint Monotonicity9
Visual Servoing of Unknown Objects for Family Service Robots9
Asymptotically Optimal Path Planning for Robotic Manipulators: Multi-Directional, Multi-Tree Approach9
Bio-Inspired Feedback Linearized Adaptive Control For a Thrust Vectoring Free-Flyer Vehicle9
An Intelligent Thermal Management Fuzzy Logic Control System Design and Analysis Using ANSYS Fluent for a Mobile Robotic Platform in Extreme Weather Applications9
A Methodological Approach to the Learning of Robotics with EDUROSC-Kids9
Aviation Safety for Urban Air Mobility: Pilot Licensing and Fatigue Management9
L1 Adaptive Structure-Based Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion Control for Aircraft with Center of Gravity Variations9
A New Visual Front-end Combining KLT with Descriptor Matching for Visual-inertial Odometry9
Hybrid Filtered Beam Search Algorithm for the Optimization of Monitoring Patrols9
ULODNet: A Unified Lane and Obstacle Detection Network Towards Drivable Area Understanding in Autonomous Navigation9
A Geometric Approach to Task-Specific Cartesian Stiffness Shaping9
Correction to: Integrated Extremal Control and Explicit Guidance for Quadcopters9
Multimodal Interaction Strategies for Walker-Assisted Gait: A Case Study for Rehabilitation in Post-Stroke Patients9
Shape-Aware and G2 Continuous Path Planning Based on Bidirectional Hybrid A∗ for Car-Like Vehicles9
Extending Behavior Trees for Representing and Planning Robot Adjoint Actions in Partially Observable Environments9
ADRC-Based Trajectory Tracking Control for a Planar Continuum Robot9
From the Editor-in-Chief8
Study on Transmission Mechanism and Flexible Flapping Wings of an Underactuated Flapping Wing Robot8
Piecewise-deterministic Quasi-static Pose Graph SLAM in Unstructured Dynamic Environments8
Legal Regulation of the Use of Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles in the Russian Federation8
Lightweight Density Map Architecture for UAVs Safe Landing in Crowded Areas8
Robot Dynamics Modeling with a Novel Friction Model and Extracted Feasible Parameters Using Constrained Differential Evolution8
From the Editor-in-Chief8
3D Dense Mapping with the Graph of Keyframe-Based and View-Dependent Local Maps8
Anticipating Autonomous Vehicle Driving based on Multi-Modal Multiple Motion Tasks Network8
VOLUME 106, Issue 3, November 20228
Dual-Horizon Reciprocal Collision Avoidance for Aircraft and Unmanned Aerial Systems8
Volume 104, Issue 1, January 20228
JIRS Editorial, October 20238
On the Design and Development of Vision-based Tactile Sensors8
Creating a Safety Assurance Case for a Machine Learned Satellite-Based Wildfire Detection and Alert System8
Development of the Kinematic Adjustable Humanoid Platform and its Driving Capability8
VOLUME 106, Issue 1, September 20228
Online Search of Unknown Terrains Using a Dynamical System-Based Path Planning Approach8
Cybersecurity of the Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)7
A Fast and Robust Solution for Common Knowledge Formation in Decentralized Swarm Robots7
UAS Safety Operation – Legal Issues on Reporting UAS Incidents7
Place recognition and navigation of outdoor mobile robots based on random Forest learning with a 3D LiDAR7
Control System Architecture for Automatic Recovery of Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in a Moving Arrest System7
A Multi-model Framework for Tether-based Drone Localization7
Bayesian Optimization-based Three-dimensional, Time-varying Environment Monitoring using an UAV7
Multi-Stage NMPC for a MAV based Collision Free Navigation Under Varying Communication Delays7
Type and Fabric Agnostic Methods for Robotic Unfolding of Folded Garments7
Visual Slam in Dynamic Scenes Based on Object Tracking and Static Points Detection7
Transportation Sustainability and Relevant Ranking of European Countries7
Haptic Feedback Remote Control System for Electric Mechanical Assembly Vehicle Developed to Avoid Obstacles7
A Two-Pursuer One-Evader Game with Equal Speed and Finite Capture Radius7
Optimal Transport and Model Predictive Control-based Simultaneous Task Assignment and Trajectory Planning for Unmanned System Swarm7
Towards Autonomous Firefighting UAVs: Online Planners for Obstacle Avoidance and Payload Delivery7
Engineering Swarms of Cyber-Physical Systems with the CPSwarm Workbench7
A Robot Skill Learning Framework Based on Compliant Movement Primitives7
On the Optimal Adhesion Control of a Vortex Climbing Robot7
VOLUME 107, Issue 1, January 20237
VOLUME 105, Issue 2, June 20227
Propulsive Element Normal Force Based on Acceleration Measurements Experienced by a Subcarangiform Robotic Fish7
Event-Triggered Adaptive Hybrid Position-Force Control for Robot-Assisted Ultrasonic Examination System7
Multi-Robot Coordination Analysis, Taxonomy, Challenges and Future Scope7
A Hybrid Planning Approach for Accompanying Information-gathering in Plan Execution Monitoring7
A Survey of Robotic Harvesting Systems and Enabling Technologies7
Camera-Based Tracking of Floating Objects using Fixed-wing UAVs7
Event-triggered-based Decentralized Optimal Control of Modular Robot Manipulators Using RNN Identifier7
Shared-Control Teleoperation Paradigms on a Soft-Growing Robot Manipulator7
Motion Coordination of Multi-Agent Networks for Multiple Target Tracking with Guaranteed Collision Avoidance7
A Joint-space Position Control-based Approach to Haptic Rendering of Stiff Objects using Gain Scheduling7
Global Localization of Unmanned Ground Vehicles Using Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms7
Legal Framework for UAS Operations in the Romanian Airspace7
A Multisession SLAM Approach for RatSLAM7
From the Editor-in-Chief7
Finite-time Cooperative Guidance Law for Multiple Missiles with Impact Angle Constraints and Switching Communication Topologies7