Computer Standards & Interfaces

(The TQCC of Computer Standards & Interfaces is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Agile governance practices by aligning CMMI V2.0 with portfolio SAFe 5.095
Microservice based scalable IoT architecture for device interoperability91
Privacy-preserving contact tracing in 5G-integrated and blockchain-based medical applications75
Full black-box retrievable and accountable identity-based encryption75
Towards the automatic restructuring of structural aesthetic design of Android user interfaces69
Toward secure distributed data storage with error locating in blockchain enabled edge computing55
Detection of web service anti-patterns using weighted extreme learning machine49
Difference-based firefly programming for symbolic regression problems49
An analysis model for detecting misbehaviors in anonymous cryptocurrency48
MOOCsChain: A blockchain-based secure storage and sharing scheme for MOOCs learning44
Computing performance requirements for web service compositions42
Mixed-protocol multi-party computation framework towards complex computation tasks with malicious security41
Toward pre-standardization of reputation-based trust models beyond 5G38
Adversarial examples generated from sample subspace37
Editorial Board36
Lattice based distributed threshold additive homomorphic encryption with application in federated learning35
Create your own MUSE: A method for updating security level evaluation instruments33
Adaptive optimized residual convolutional image annotation model with bionic feature selection model31
A heuristic design toolkit for web conferencing software based on self-determination theory31
Elliptic code-based oblivious polynomial evaluation30
Hybrid collaborative filtering using matrix factorization and XGBoost for movie recommendation29
Privacy-preserving anomaly counting for time-series data in edge-assisted crowdsensing27
Editorial Board27
Proofs of retrievability with tag outsourcing based on Goppa codes26
An efficient multivariate threshold ring signature scheme25
Water supply monitoring system with self-powered LoRa based wireless sensor system powered by solar and hydroelectric energy harvester25
An extension of iStar for Machine Learning requirements by following the PRISE methodology25
Practically secure linear-map vector commitment and its applications24
A secure data storage and sharing scheme for port supply chain based on blockchain and dynamic searchable encryption24
Editorial Board23
A novel small-scale pedestrian detection method base on residual block group of CenterNet22
Designing novel proxy-based access control scheme for implantable medical devices22
Performance analysis of handover management in 5G small cells21
Fast intensive validation on blockchain with scale-out dispute resolution21
Modelling web component quality using Delphi study21
Private blockchain-envisioned drones-assisted authentication scheme in IoT-enabled agricultural environment20
Integration of fuzzy-weighted zero-inconsistency and fuzzy decision by opinion score methods under a q-rung orthopair environment: A distribution case study of COVID-19 vaccine doses20
A survey on privacy inference attacks and defenses in cloud-based Deep Neural Network19
Designing secure and lightweight user access to drone for smart city surveillance19
People 4.0 — A model for Human-in-the-Loop CPS-based systems18
An Amalgamated Novel IDS Model for Misbehaviour Detection using VeReMiNet18
Validation of the UEQ+ scales for voice quality18
A secure and privacy-preserving word vector training scheme based on functional encryption with inner-product predicates18
Network analysis in a peer-to-peer energy trading model using blockchain and machine learning16
Web service discovery: Rationale, challenges, and solution directions16
Conjunctive multi-key searchable encryption with attribute-based access control for EHR systems16
A family of standards for software and systems product lines16
PSCBO: A provably secure consensus-based blockchain Oracle15
Construction of a high-precision general geographical location words dataset15
COBLAH: A chaotic OBL initialized hybrid algebraic-heuristic algorithm for optimal S-box construction14
A process assessment model for big data analytics14
Leveraging complex event processing for monitoring and automatically detecting anomalies in Ethereum-based blockchain networks14
BLPCA-ledger: A lightweight plenum consensus protocols for consortium blockchain based on the hyperledger indy14
Provably secure multi-signature scheme based on the standard SM2 signature scheme13
Unveiling process insights from refactoring practices13
StopGuess: A framework for public-key authenticated encryption with keyword search12
Cryptanalysis of an additively homomorphic public key encryption scheme12
Post-quantum signature algorithms on noncommutative algebras, using difficulty of solving systems of quadratic equations12
Demand response process assessment model: Development and case study assessment11
A new secure arrangement for privacy-preserving data collection11
Facilitating the monitoring and management of structural health in civil infrastructures with an Edge/Fog/Cloud architecture11
Certificateless ring signcryption for multi-source network coding11
A BIPMU-based network security situation assessment method for wireless network11
A novel and efficient index based web service discovery approach11
An ontology-based secure design framework for graph-based databases10
Sahand 1.0: A new model for extracting information from source code in object-oriented projects10
Efficient public-key authenticated deniable encryption schemes10
Privacy-preserving compromised credential checking protocol for account protection9
BMSE: Blockchain-based multi-keyword searchable encryption for electronic medical records9
Compact and efficient KEMs over NTRU lattices9
Multi-type requirements traceability prediction by code data augmentation and fine-tuning MS-CodeBERT9
Anonymous hierarchical identity-based encryption with delegated traceability for cloud-based data sharing systems9
Research on the standardization model of data semantics in the knowledge graph construction of Oil&Gas industry9