Water Resources Management

(The TQCC of Water Resources Management is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Ensemble Boosting and Bagging Based Machine Learning Models for Groundwater Potential Prediction156
Performance Comparison of an LSTM-based Deep Learning Model versus Conventional Machine Learning Algorithms for Streamflow Forecasting111
Employing Machine Learning Algorithms for Streamflow Prediction: A Case Study of Four River Basins with Different Climatic Zones in the United States97
Evaluation of Soil Moisture Climatology and Anomaly Components Derived From ERA5-Land and GLDAS-2.1 in China85
Uncertainty Analysis of Climate Change Impacts on Flood Frequency by Using Hybrid Machine Learning Methods77
Streamflow Variations in Monthly, Seasonal, Annual and Extreme Values Using Mann-Kendall, Spearmen’s Rho and Innovative Trend Analysis62
Optimal Design and Feature Selection by Genetic Algorithm for Emotional Artificial Neural Network (EANN) in Rainfall-Runoff Modeling58
An Ensemble Hybrid Forecasting Model for Annual Runoff Based on Sample Entropy, Secondary Decomposition, and Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network58
Incorporating Social System into Water-Food-Energy Nexus56
Water Conflict Management between Agriculture and Wetland under Climate Change: Application of Economic-Hydrological-Behavioral Modelling51
Application of Artificial Neural Networks, Support Vector Machine and Multiple Model-ANN to Sediment Yield Prediction51
Runoff Forecasting using Convolutional Neural Networks and optimized Bi-directional Long Short-term Memory50
Advancing the Water Footprint into an Instrument to Support Achieving the SDGs – Recommendations from the “Water as a Global Resources” Research Initiative (GRoW)50
Using Optimized Deep Learning to Predict Daily Streamflow: A Comparison to Common Machine Learning Algorithms48
Forecasting Groundwater Levels using a Hybrid of Support Vector Regression and Particle Swarm Optimization48
Development of Bio-Inspired- and Wavelet-Based Hybrid Models for Reconnaissance Drought Index Modeling46
Response of Non-point Source Pollution Loads to Land Use Change under Different Precipitation Scenarios from a Future Perspective44
Monthly Streamflow Forecasting Using Convolutional Neural Network44
Catchment-Scale and Local-Scale Based Evaluation of LID Effectiveness on Urban Drainage System Performance44
Separation of the Impact of Landuse/Landcover Change and Climate Change on Runoff in the Upstream Area of the Yangtze River, China43
An Ensemble Modeling Approach to Forecast Daily Reservoir Inflow Using Bidirectional Long- and Short-Term Memory (Bi-LSTM), Variational Mode Decomposition (VMD), and Energy Entropy Method41
A Hybrid VMD-SVM Model for Practical Streamflow Prediction Using an Innovative Input Selection Framework41
A Novel LSSVM Model Integrated with GBO Algorithm to Assessment of Water Quality Parameters41
Clarifying Regional Water Scarcity in Agriculture based on the Theory of Blue, Green and Grey Water Footprints39
Simulating Future Groundwater Recharge in Coastal and Inland Catchments38
A Comparative Study of Artificial Intelligence Models and A Statistical Method for Groundwater Level Prediction38
Monthly Runoff Forecasting Using Variational Mode Decomposition Coupled with Gray Wolf Optimizer-Based Long Short-term Memory Neural Networks38
A New Method for Joint Frequency Analysis of Modified Precipitation Anomaly Percentage and Streamflow Drought Index Based on the Conditional Density of Copula Functions38
Identification of the Groundwater Potential Recharge Zones Using MCDM Models: Full Consistency Method (FUCOM), Best Worst Method (BWM) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)37
Sustainable Water Supply and Demand Management in Semi-arid Regions: Optimizing Water Resources Allocation Based on RCPs Scenarios37
Short to Long-Term Forecasting of River Flows by Heuristic Optimization Algorithms Hybridized with ANFIS36
Temporal and Spatial Assessment of Supply and Demand of the Water-yield Ecosystem Service for Water Scarcity Management in Arid to Semi-arid Ecosystems35
Drought Characteristics Assessment in Europe over the Past 50 Years34
Hybrid Algorithm of Particle Swarm Optimization and Grey Wolf Optimizer for Reservoir Operation Management33
Prediction of Water Quality Index in Drinking Water Distribution System Using Activation Functions Based Ann33
A Novel Framework for Urban Flood damage Assessment33
Coupling Singular Spectrum Analysis with Least Square Support Vector Machine to Improve Accuracy of SPI Drought Forecasting32
A Comparative Assessment of Metaheuristic Optimized Extreme Learning Machine and Deep Neural Network in Multi-Step-Ahead Long-term Rainfall Prediction for All-Indian Regions31
Application of LiDAR UAV for High-Resolution Flood Modelling31
Agricultural Water Use Efficiency and Driving Force Assessment to Improve Regional Productivity and Effectiveness31
Water Quality Sensor Placement: A Multi-Objective and Multi-Criteria Approach31
A Decision Support System Based on AHP for Ranking Strategies to Manage Emergencies on Drinking Water Supply Systems30
Fuzzy Stress-based Modeling for Probabilistic Irrigation Planning Using Copula-NSPSO30
Reference Evapotranspiration Prediction Using Neural Networks and Optimum Time Lags30
Assessing Impacts of Conservation Measures on Watershed Hydrology Using MIKE SHE Model in the Face of Climate Change29
Evaluation of the Impact of Best Management Practices on Streamflow, Sediment and Nutrient Yield at Field and Watershed Scales29
Climate Change in the Mediterranean Basin (Part I): Induced Alterations on Climate Forcings and Hydrological Processes29
Comparison of Self-Organizing Map, Artificial Neural Network, and Co-Active Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System Methods in Simulating Groundwater Quality: Geospatial Artificial Intelligence29
Evapotranspiration Modeling Using Different Tree Based Ensembled Machine Learning Algorithm29
Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources and Sustainable Water Management Strategies in North America29
Groundwater Level Simulation Using Soft Computing Methods with Emphasis on Major Meteorological Components28
Impact of Climate Change on Future Flood Susceptibility: an Evaluation Based on Deep Learning Algorithms and GCM Model28
Daily Runoff Forecasting Using a Cascade Long Short-Term Memory Model that Considers Different Variables28
Climate Change in the Mediterranean Basin (Part II): A Review of Challenges and Uncertainties in Climate Change Modeling and Impact Analyses28
Novel Bayesian Additive Regression Tree Methodology for Flood Susceptibility Modeling28
Planning and Suitability Assessment of Large-scale Nature-based Solutions for Flood-risk Reduction28
Binary Grey Wolf Optimization-Regularized Extreme Learning Machine Wrapper Coupled with the Boruta Algorithm for Monthly Streamflow Forecasting28
Comparative Assessment of Improved SVM Method under Different Kernel Functions for Predicting Multi-scale Drought Index27
Assessing Adaptability of Cyclic and Non-Cyclic Approach to Conjunctive use of Groundwater and Surface water for Sustainable Management Plans under Climate Change27
Many-Objective Optimization of Sustainable Drainage Systems in Urban Areas with Different Surface Slopes27
Developing MSA Algorithm by New Fitness-Distance-Balance Selection Method to Optimize Cascade Hydropower Reservoirs Operation27
Calibration of Design Models for Leakage Management of Water Distribution Networks27
Benefit Allocation in Shared Water-Saving Management Contract Projects Based on Modified Expected Shapley Value27
A Robust Method to Update Local River Inundation Maps Using Global Climate Model Output and Weather Typing Based Statistical Downscaling26
Reservoirs for Water Supply Under Climate Change Impact—A Review26
Sensitivity Assessment to the Occurrence of Different Types of Droughts Using GIS and AHP Techniques26
Quadratic Discriminant Analysis Based Ensemble Machine Learning Models for Groundwater Potential Modeling and Mapping26
Achieving Urban Water Security: a Review of Water Management Approach from Technology Perspective26
The Feasibility of Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach for Prioritization of Sensitive Area at Risk of Water Erosion25
Multiple Hydropower Reservoirs Operation by Hyperbolic Grey Wolf Optimizer Based on Elitism Selection and Adaptive Mutation25
Comprehensive Understanding of Urban Water Supply Management: Towards Sustainable Water-socio-economic-health-environment Nexus25
Water Structures and Climate Change Impact: a Review24
Advanced Machine Learning Model for Prediction of Drought Indices using Hybrid SVR-RSM24
Identification of Sensitive Parameters of Urban Flood Model Based on Artificial Neural Network24
Drought Occurrence Probability Analysis Using Multivariate Standardized Drought Index and Copula Function Under Climate Change24
An Attempt to Decompose the Impact of Land Use and Climate Change on Annual Runoff in a Small Agricultural Catchment23
Runoff Simulation Under Future Climate Change Conditions: Performance Comparison of Data-Mining Algorithms and Conceptual Models23
Quantifying the Uncertainty Interaction Between the Model Input and Structure on Hydrological Processes23
Shifting from Production-Based to Consumption-Based Nexus Governance: Evidence from an Input–Output Analysis of the Local Water-Energy-Food Nexus23
Optimal Development of Agricultural Sectors in the Basin Based on Economic Efficiency and Social Equality23
Performance of Green Roofs for Rainwater Control23
Sensitivity of the RDI and SPEI Drought Indices to Different Models for Estimating Evapotranspiration Potential in Semiarid Regions23
Low Impact Development Measures Spatial Arrangement for Urban Flood Mitigation: An Exploratory Optimal Framework based on Source Tracking23
Study on Water Quality Prediction of Urban Reservoir by Coupled CEEMDAN Decomposition and LSTM Neural Network Model23
Pipe Break Rate Assessment While Considering Physical and Operational Factors: A Methodology based on Global Positioning System and Data-Driven Techniques22
A comparative Appraisal of Classical and Holistic Water Scarcity Indicators22
Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Future Water Demand using Weather Data22
Is There a Residual and Hidden Potential for Small and Micro Hydropower in Europe? A Screening-Level Regional Assessment22
Complex Policy Mixes are Needed to Cope with Agricultural Water Demands Under Climate Change22
SCS-CN-Based Improved Models for Direct Surface Runoff Estimation from Large Rainfall Events22
Future Water Use Planning by Water Evaluation and Planning System Model22
A Hybrid CNN-LSTM Approach for Monthly Reservoir Inflow Forecasting22
Multi-Water Resources Optimal Allocation Based on Multi-Objective Uncertain Chance-Constrained Programming Model22
A Novel Hybrid Decompose-Ensemble Strategy with a VMD-BPNN Approach for Daily Streamflow Estimating22
Component-based Reconstruction Prediction of Runoff at Multi-time Scales in the Source Area of the Yellow River Based on the ARMA Model21
Hydraulic Performance of PK Weirs Based on Experimental Study and Kernel-based Modeling21
Streamflow Prediction Utilizing Deep Learning and Machine Learning Algorithms for Sustainable Water Supply Management21
Adapting Irrigation Strategies to Mitigate Climate Change Impacts: A Value Engineering Approach20
An Ensemble-Learning-Based Method for Short-Term Water Demand Forecasting20
Methodology for Allocation of Best Management Practices Integrated with the Urban Landscape20
Modeling Long-term Groundwater Levels By Exploring Deep Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory using Hydro-climatic Data20
A Copula-Based Multivariate Probability Analysis for Flash Flood Risk under the Compound Effect of Soil Moisture and Rainfall20
Comparing Two Hydro-Economic Approaches for Multi-Objective Agricultural Water Resources Planning20
Experimental and Numerical Study of Discharge Capacity and Sediment Profile Upstream of Piano Key Weirs with Different Plan Geometries20
Multicriteria Decision Support for Selection of Alternatives Directed to Integrated Urban Water Management20
Assessment and Prediction of Groundwater using Geospatial and ANN Modeling20
From Changing Environment to Changing Extremes: Exploring the Future Streamflow and Associated Uncertainties Through Integrated Modelling System20
Multivariate Flood Frequency Analysis Using Bivariate Copula Functions19
A Community-Structure-Based Method for Estimating the Fractal Dimension, and its Application to Water Networks for the Assessment of Vulnerability to Disasters19
River Flood Susceptibility and Basin Maturity Analyzed Using a Coupled Approach of Geo-morphometric Parameters and SWAT Model19
Evaluating the Performance of Agricultural Water Distribution Systems Using FIS, ANN and ANFIS Intelligent Models19
A Non-Stationary Based Approach to Understand the Propagation of Meteorological to Agricultural Droughts19
Effects of Training Data on the Learning Performance of LSTM Network for Runoff Simulation19
Climate-driven Model Based on Long Short-Term Memory and Bayesian Optimization for Multi-day-ahead Daily Streamflow Forecasting19
A Comparative Study on Forecasting of Long-term Daily Streamflow using ANN, ANFIS, BiLSTM and CNN-GRU-LSTM19
Medium and Long-term Precipitation Prediction Using Wavelet Decomposition-prediction-reconstruction Model19
A Multi-Criteria Group Decision Making Methodology Using Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets: Application to Water Resources Management19
Numerical Study of the Dynamics and Structure of a Partial Dam-Break Flow Using the VOF Method19
Multivariable Time Series Forecasting for Urban Water Demand Based on Temporal Convolutional Network Combining Random Forest Feature Selection and Discrete Wavelet Transform19
Managing Risks of Climate Change on Irrigation Water in Arid Regions19
Regional sub-hourly extreme rainfall estimates in Sicily under a scale invariance framework19
Flood Control Operation of Reservoir Group Using Yin-Yang Firefly Algorithm19
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Recommendations for modifying the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) for Drought Monitoring in Arid and Semi-arid Regions19
Sustainability in Water Provision in Rural Communities: the Feasibility of a Village Scale Rainwater Harvesting Scheme19
Optimal Water Allocation of Surface and Ground Water Resources Under Climate Change with WEAP and IWOA Modeling19
Forecasting Daily Flood Water Level Using Hybrid Advanced Machine Learning Based Time-Varying Filtered Empirical Mode Decomposition Approach19
Three Level Rule Curve for Optimum Operation of a Multipurpose Reservoir using Genetic Algorithms19
K-Fold and State-of-the-Art Metaheuristic Machine Learning Approaches for Groundwater Potential Modelling18
White Elephant or Golden Goose? An Assessment of Middle Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project from the Perspective of Regional Water Use Efficiency18
Green Roof Hydrological Modelling With GRU and LSTM Networks18
Comparative prioritization of sub-watersheds based on Flood Generation potential using physical, hydrological and co-managerial approaches18
The Development of a Nonstationary Standardised Streamflow Index Using Climate and Reservoir Indices as Covariates18
A Comparative Analysis of Data-Driven Models (SVR, ANFIS, and ANNs) for Daily Karst Spring Discharge Prediction18
Assessment of XGBoost to Estimate Total Sediment Loads in Rivers18
Future Hydrological Drought Analysis Considering Agricultural Water Withdrawal Under SSP Scenarios18
Cascade Hydropower System Operation Considering Ecological Flow Based on Different Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms18
Performance Improvement of LSTM-based Deep Learning Model for Streamflow Forecasting Using Kalman Filtering18
Monthly rainfall forecasting by a hybrid neural network of discrete wavelet transformation and deep learning18
Spatiotemporal Modelling of Water Balance Components in Response to Climate and Landuse Changes in a Heterogeneous Mountainous Catchment18
Analysis of Meteorological Drought Resilience and Risk Assessment of Groundwater Using Signal Analysis Method18
A Novel Approach for Predicting Water Demand with Complex Patterns Based on Ensemble Learning18
Sustainable Conjunctive Water Use Modeling Using Dual Fitness Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm18
Estimation of the Interaction Between Groundwater and Surface Water Based on Flow Routing Using an Improved Nonlinear Muskingum-Cunge Method17
Comprehensive Evaluation of the Human-Water Harmony Relationship in Countries Along the “Belt and Road”17
Global Sensitivity Analysis-based Design of Low Impact Development Practices for Urban Runoff Management Under Uncertainty17
Performance of Pilot-scale Constructed Floating Wetlands in the Removal of Nutrients and Pesticides17
An Accurate Leakage Localization Method for Water Supply Network Based on Deep Learning Network17
Investigation of Drought Trend on the Basis of the Best Obtained Drought Index17
Impact of Climate Change on Crop Irrigation Requirements in Arid Regions17
Optimal Design and Operation of a Hydropower Reservoir Plant Using a WEAP-Based Simulation–Optimization Approach17
Synergetic Theory-Based Water Resource Allocation Model17
Introducing a Novel Hybrid Machine Learning Model and Developing its Performance in Estimating Water Quality Parameters17
Modified Green–Ampt Model Considering Vegetation Root Effect and Redistribution Characteristics for Slope Stability Analysis17
Integrated Water Resources Management in Cities in the World: Global Challenges17
Decision Support System Based on Genetic Algorithms to Optimize the Daily Management of Water Abstraction from Multiple Groundwater Supply Sources17
Random Walks Partitioning and Network Reliability Assessing in Water Distribution System17
A Modelling Approach to Forecast the Effect of Climate Change on the Tagus-Segura Interbasin Water Transfer16
A Scenario-Based Management of Water Resources and Supply Systems Using a Combined System Dynamics and Compromise Programming Approach16
Robust Siting of Permeable Pavement in Highly Urbanized Watersheds Considering Climate Change Using a Combination of Fuzzy-TOPSIS and the VIKOR Method16
Partial Wavelet Coherence to Evaluate Scale-dependent Relationships Between Precipitation/Surface Water and Groundwater Levels in a Groundwater System16
Machine Learning-Based Rainfall Forecasting with Multiple Non-Linear Feature Selection Algorithms16
Multi-criteria Decision-making Approach for Environmental Impact Assessment to Reduce the Adverse Effects Of Dams16
Evaluation of Water Sustainability under a Changing Climate in Zarrineh River Basin, Iran16
Upstream Cutoff and Downstream Filters to Control of Seepage in Dams16
Short-term Runoff Prediction Optimization Method Based on BGRU-BP and BLSTM-BP Neural Networks16
Shooting the Numerical Solution of Moisture Flow Equation with Root Water Uptake Models: A Python Tool16
Robust Water Supply Chain Network Design under Uncertainty in Capacity16
Hydraulic jump over an adverse slope controlled by different roughness elements15
Modeling the Effectiveness of Rain Barrels, Cisterns, and Downspout Disconnections for Reducing Combined Sewer Overflows in a City-Scale Watershed15
A Committee Evolutionary Neural Network for the Prediction of Combined Sewer Overflows15
Experimental and Numerical Study of the Effect of Zigzag Crests with Various Geometries on the Performance of A-type Piano Key Weirs15
Developing a Robust Multi-Attribute Decision-Making Framework to Evaluate Performance of Water System Design and Planning under Climate Change15
Changing Pattern of Intensity–Duration–Frequency Relationship of Precipitation due to Climate Change15
DEM Uncertainty Based Coastal Flood Inundation Modeling Considering Water Quality Impacts15
Application of the Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm (GOA) to the Optimal Operation of Hydropower Reservoir Systems Under Climate Change15
Developing Strategies for Agricultural Water Management of Large Irrigation and Drainage Networks with Fuzzy MCDM15
Prediction of Seasonal Rainfall with One-year Lead Time Using Climate Indices: A Wavelet Neural Network Scheme15
Combining Radial Basis Function Neural Network Models and Inclusive Multiple Models for Predicting Suspended Sediment Loads15
Enhancing the Urban Resilience to Flood Risk Through a Decision Support Tool for the LID-BMPs Optimal Design15
Applications of Data-driven Models for Daily Discharge Estimation Based on Different Input Combinations15
A Flexible Approach for the Reinforcement of Water Networks Using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis15
An Innovative Emergy Quantification Method for Eco-economic Compensation for Agricultural Water Rights Trading15
Accounting of Transboundary Ecocompensation Standards Based on Water Quantity Allocation and Water Quality Control Targets14
Analysis of Water Pricing Policy Effects in a Mediterranean Basin Through a Hydroeconomic Model14
Feature-based Groundwater Hydrograph Clustering Using Unsupervised Self-Organizing Map-Ensembles14
Flood Hazard Mapping in Alluvial Fans with Computational Modeling14
Study on Multi-Objective Operation Strategy for Multi-Reservoirs in Small-Scale Watershed Considering Ecological Flows14
A Hybrid Model to Predict Monthly Streamflow Using Neighboring Rivers Annual Flows14
A Rigorous Wavelet-Packet Transform to Retrieve Snow Depth from SSMIS Data and Evaluation of its Reliability by Uncertainty Parameters14
Cooperation Search Algorithm for Power Generation Production Operation Optimization of Cascade Hydropower Reservoirs14
Scale Effects of the Monthly Streamflow Prediction Using a State-of-the-art Deep Learning Model14
A New Approach for Dam Safety Assessment Using the Extended Cloud Model14
Robust Diversity-based Sine-Cosine Algorithm for Optimizing Hydropower Multi-reservoir Systems14
Human-Water Dynamics and their Role for Seasonal Water Scarcity – a Case Study14
Droughts Prediction: a Methodology Based on Climate Seasonal Forecasts14
Robust Hierarchical Sensor Optimization Placement Method for Leak Detection in Water Distribution System14
Extracting Optimal Rule Curve of Dam Reservoir Base on Stochastic Inflow14
A Novel Runoff Prediction Model Based on Support Vector Machine and Gate Recurrent unit with Secondary Mode Decomposition14
The Importance of Riparian Forest Cover to the Ecological Status of Agricultural Streams in a Nationwide Assessment14
Probabilistic Analysis of Long-Term Climate Drought Using Steady-State Markov Chain Approach14
Evaluation of Reanalysis Precipitation Data and Potential Bias Correction Methods for Use in Data-Scarce Areas14
Investigating the Local-scale Fluctuations of Groundwater Storage by Using Downscaled GRACE/GRACE-FO JPL Mascon Product Based on Machine Learning (ML) Algorithm14
A Comparative Study of Data-driven Models for Groundwater Level Forecasting14
Attribution Analysis of Streamflow Changes Based on Large-scale Hydrological Modeling with Uncertainties14
Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Project Reference Evapotranspiration Under Climate Change Scenarios14
The Impact of Climate Change on Hydro-Meteorological Droughts Using Copula Functions13
A Multi-criteria Decision-making Optimization Model for Flood Management in Reservoirs13
Expanding the Dynamic Modeling of Water-Food-Energy Nexus to Include Environmental, Economic, and Social Aspects Based on Life Cycle Assessment Thinking13
Risk Management Decision of Reservoir Dams Based on the Improved Life Quality Index13
Optimized Model Inputs Selections for Enhancing River Streamflow Forecasting Accuracy Using Different Artificial Intelligence Techniques13
Development of a Combined Index to Evaluate Sustainability of Water Resources Systems13
Using AHP-PROMOTHEE for Selection of Best Low-Impact Development Designs for Urban Flood Mitigation13
Comparison of the Calculated Drought Return Periods Using Tri-variate and Bivariate Copula Functions Under Climate Change Condition13
Cause-driven Streamflow Forecasting Framework Based on Linear Correlation Reconstruction and Long Short-term Memory13
Quantifying the Impact on Stormwater Management of an Innovative Ceramic Permeable Pavement Solution13
Meeting Climate Change Challenges: Searching for More Adaptive and Innovative Decisions13
Application of HEC-HMS Parameter Regionalization in Small Watershed of Hilly Area13
Adaptive Water Management: On the Need for Using the Post-WWII Science in Water Governance13
Solving Hydropower Unit Commitment Problem Using a Novel Sequential Mixed Integer Linear Programming Approach13
Novel Methods for Imputing Missing Values in Water Level Monitoring Data13
Energy Recovery in Pressurized Hydraulic Networks13
A Shift Towards Integrated and Adaptive Water Management in South Korea: Building Resilience Against Climate Change13
Fuzzy Representation of Environmental Flow in Multi-Objective Risk Analysis of Reservoir Operation13
Operation Policies through Dynamic Programming and Genetic Algorithms, for a Reservoir with Irrigation and Water Supply Uses13
Increasing Water System Robustness in the Netherlands: Potential of Cross-Sectoral Water Reuse13
Water Values: Participatory Water Ecosystem Services Assessment in the Arno River Basin, Italy13
Distributed Simulation‐optimization Model for Conjunctive Use of Groundwater and Surface Water Under Environmental and Sustainability Restrictions13
Groundwater Level Forecast Via a Discrete Space-State Modelling Approach as a Surrogate to Complex Groundwater Simulation Modelling13
Convolutional Neural Network -Support Vector Machine Model-Gaussian Process Regression: A New Machine Model for Predicting Monthly and Daily Rainfall13
Assessment of the Joint Impact of Rainfall Characteristics on Urban Flooding and Resilience Using the Copula Method12
A Non-stationary and Probabilistic Approach for Drought Characterization Using Trivariate and Pairwise Copula Construction (PCC) Model12
A Comprehensive Experimental and Computational Investigation on Estimation of Scour Depth at Bridge Abutment: Emerging Ensemble Intelligent Systems12
A Novel Approach to Identify the Characteristics of Drought under Future Climate Change Scenario12
Data Decomposition, Seasonal Adjustment Method and Machine Learning Combined for Runoff Prediction: A Case Study12
The Effect of Meteorological and Hydrological Drought on Groundwater Storage Under Climate Change Scenarios12
Simulation and Evaluation of Water Resources Management Scenarios Under Climate Change for Adaptive Management of Coastal Agricultural Watersheds12
Identification of Critical Watershed for Soil Conservation Using Game Theory-Based Approaches12
Estimation of Crop Water Requirement Based on Planting Structure Extraction from Multi-Temporal MODIS EVI12
Resolving Transboundary Water Conflicts: Dynamic Evolutionary Analysis Using an Improved GMCR Model12
A Hybrid ANFIS-GA Approach for Estimation of Hydrological Time Series12
Examination of Various Feature Selection Approaches for Daily Precipitation Downscaling in Different Climates12
Influence of Time Step Synchronization on Urban Rainfall-Runoff Simulation in a Hybrid CPU/GPU 1D-2D Coupled Model12
Scientific Mapping of Research on Nature-based Solutions for Sustainable Water Management12
Developing Water Cycle Algorithm for Optimal Operation in Multi-reservoirs Hydrologic System12
Convolutional Neural Network- ANN- E (Tanh): A New Deep Learning Model for Predicting Rainfall12
Improving Short-range Reservoir Inflow Forecasts with Machine Learning Model Combination12
Assessing Socioeconomic Drought Based on a Standardized Supply and Demand Water Index12
A Spatial Non-Stationary Based Site Selection of Artificial Groundwater Recharge: a Case Study for Semi-Arid Regions12
Time-varying Decision-making Method for Multi-objective Regulation of Water Resources12
Muskingum Models’ Development and their Parameter Estimation: A State-of-the-art Review12