Fusion Engineering and Design

(The TQCC of Fusion Engineering and Design is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Divertor of the European DEMO: Engineering and technologies for power exhaust63
DTT - Divertor Tokamak Test facility: A testbed for DEMO61
Status of maturation of critical technologies and systems design: Breeding blanket53
On the standards and practices for miniaturized tensile test – A review52
Engineering design of the CFETR machine50
On the road to ITER NBIs: SPIDER improvement after first operation and MITICA construction progress48
The DEMO magnet system – Status and future challenges45
Preliminary design of the COMPASS upgrade tokamak37
Design and preliminary analyses of the new Water Cooled Lithium Lead TBM for ITER36
Manufacturing and high heat flux testing of flat-type W/Cu/CuCrZr mock-up by HIP assisted brazing process34
Status and future development of Heating and Current Drive for the EU DEMO33
Development of the plasma scenario for EU-DEMO: Status and plans32
Pre-conceptual design of EU DEMO balance of plant systems: Objectives and challenges31
Tokamak cooling systems and power conversion system options31
Materials for in-vessel components30
An overview of the numerical methods for tokamak plasma equilibrium computation implemented in the NICE code30
MHD flow in liquid metal blankets: Major design issues, MHD guidelines and numerical analysis30
Maturation of critical technologies for the DEMO balance of plant systems29
Conceptual design of HTS magnets for fusion nuclear science facility29
CAKE: Consistent Automatic Kinetic Equilibrium reconstruction29
Microstructure formation mechanism and corrosion behavior of FeCrCuTiV two-phase high entropy alloy prepared by different processes29
Current status and future perspectives of EU ceramic breeder development29
Structural stability, electronic structures, mechanical properties and debye temperature of W-Re alloys: A first-principles study28
Surface roughness and finishing techniques in selective laser melted GRCop-84 copper for an additive manufactured lower hybrid current drive launcher28
The EU DEMO staged design approach in the Pre-Concept Design Phase28
Flush-mounted Langmuir probes in the WEST tokamak divertor28
Development of anti-permeation and corrosion barrier coatings for the WCLL breeding blanket of the European DEMO27
DEMO – The main achievements of the Pre – Concept phase of the safety and environmental work package and the development of the GSSR27
Integrated design strategy for EU-DEMO first wall protection from plasma transients27
SPIDER plasma grid masking for reducing gas conductance and pressure in the vacuum vessel27
The pre-concept design of the DEMO tritium, matter injection and vacuum systems26
Conceptual design of a liquid-metal divertor for the European DEMO25
ITER assembly phase: Progress toward first plasma25
Tritium release behavior of Li2TiO3 and 2Li2TiO3-Li4SiO4 biphasic ceramic pebbles fabricated by microwave sintering25
Plasma-surface interaction experimental device: PSIEC and its first plasma exposure experiments on bulk tungsten and coatings25
Integrated design of breeding blanket and ancillary systems related to the use of helium or water as a coolant and impact on the overall plant design24
Development of a concept and basis for the DEMO diagnostic and control system24
Development of a set of movable electrostatic probes to characterize the plasma in the ITER neutral beam negative-ion source prototype23
Simultaneous H/D/T and 3He/4He absolute concentration measurements with an optical Penning gauge on JET23
3D modelling of MHD mixed convection flow in a vertical duct with transverse magnetic field and volumetric or surface heating22
Experimental study of hypervapotron channel with square fin structure for divertor cooling by one-side, electric joule heating system22
Design and assessment of a new divertor plasma facing component containing the Hypervapotron cooling channel and monoblock-type armor21
Tritium release and retention in beryllium and titanium beryllide after neutron irradiation up to damage doses of 23-38 dpa21
Nuclear performances of the water-cooled lithium lead DEMO reactor: Neutronic analysis on a fully heterogeneous model21
Containment structures and port configurations21
Conceptual design of a beam source for negative neutral beam injector of CRAFT facility20
EU DEMO Remote Maintenance System development during the Pre-Concept Design Phase20
Thermal-hydraulic characteristics of purge gas in a rectangular packed pebble bed of a fusion reactor using DEM-CFD and porous medium analyses20
RF discharge mirror cleaning system development for ITER diagnostics20
Industrial-scale manufacturing experience of titanium beryllide block for DEMO blanket application20
Integration issues on tritium management of the European DEMO Breeding Blanket and ancillary systems20
Development of Y2O3 dispersion strengthened Cu alloy using Cu6Y and Cu2O addition through the MA-HIP process20
Integration concept of an Electron Cyclotron System in DEMO20
Experimental results of multiple shattered pellet injection systems in KSTAR19
An optimized and flexible configuration for the magnetic filter in the SPIDER experiment19
Structural lifetime assessment for the DEMO divertor targets: Design-by-analysis approach and outstanding issues19
Overview of the CFETR remote handling system and the development progress19
LIBS measurements inside the FTU vacuum vessel by using a robotic arm19
Conceptual study of the remote maintenance of the DEMO breeding blanket19
Effect of porosity on thermal conductivity of Li2TiO3 ceramic compact18
Nuclear analysis of the Water cooled lithium lead DEMO reactor18
Features of the in-situ experiments on studying of tritium release from lithium ceramic Li2TiO3 using vacuum extraction method18
The plan forward for EU DEMO18
Effects of bed dimension, friction coefficient and pebble size distribution on the packing structures of the pebble bed for solid tritium breeder blanket18
Resolution and geometric limitations in laser powder bed fusion additively manufactured GRCop-84 structures for a lower hybrid current drive launcher18
Research status of tungsten-based plasma-facing materials: A review18
Limiters for DEMO wall protection: Initial design concepts & technology options18
Power supply system for large negative ion sources: Early operation experience on the SPIDER experiment17
High temperature superconductors for fusion applications and new developments for the HTS CroCo conductor design17
Role of the heterogeneity in microstructure on the mechanical performance of the Autogenous Gas Tungsten Arc (GTA) welded dissimilar joint of F/M P91 and SS304L steel17
Coils and power supplies design for the SMART tokamak17
Virtual and Augmented Reality Use Cases for Fusion Design Engineering17
Design and analysis of the equatorial inboard WCCB blanket module for CFETR17
Progress of the R&D programme to develop a metal foil pump for DEMO16
Isotopic effect of proton conductivity in gadolinium sesquioxide16
Engineering design of a Permeator Against Vacuum mock-up with niobium membrane16
Alternatives for upgrading the EU DCLL breeding blanket from MMS to SMS16
Monitoring the plasma radiation profile with real-time bolometer tomography at JET16
Status and challenges for the concept design development of the EU DEMO Plant Electrical System16
Correlation study on tensile properties of Cu, CuCrZr and W by small punch test and uniaxial tensile test16
Design of the Water-Cooled Ceramic Breeder blanket for CFETR16
Design, fabrication and comprehensive properties of the novel thermal neutron shielding Gd/316L composites16
Progress of DTT ECRH system design16
Improvements in the SPIDER RF system15
Co-extracted electrons and beam inhomogeneity in the large negative ion source SPIDER15
The EU strategy for solving the DEMO exhaust problem15
The competing effects of temperature and neutron irradiation on the microstructure and mechanical properties of ITER grade tungsten15
MHD pressure drop estimate for the WCLL in-magnet PbLi loop15
Dynamic modelling of the helium-cooled DEMO fusion power plant with an auxiliary boiler in Apros15
Progress of water cooled ceramic breeder test blanket module system14
Characterization of an ultra-compact neutron source based on an IEC fusion device and its prospective applications in radiography14
Characterization of the soft zone in dissimilar welds joint of 2.25Cr-1Mo and lean duplex LDX2101 steel14
Optical design of ex-vessel components for the Wide Angle Viewing System diagnostic for ITER14
Development of high strength and high electrical conductivity Cu-Cr-Zr alloy through friction stir processing14
Numerical simulations of MHD flows in a conduit that contracts in the magnetic field direction14
Wendelstein 7-X on the path to long-pulse high-performance operation14
In-situ oxidation of aluminized stainless-steel to form alumina as tritium permeation barrier coating14
PETRA: A generalised real-time event detection platform at JET for disruption prediction, avoidance and mitigation14
Dynamic simulation tools for isotopic separation system modeling and design14
Technological aspects in blanket design: Effects of micro-alloying and thermo-mechanical treatments of EUROFER97 type steels after neutron irradiation13
Progress in preparing real-time control schemes for Deuterium-Tritium operation in JET13
Status and future developments of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)13
Joining tungsten with steel for DEMO: Simultaneous brazing by Cu-Ti amorphous foils and heat treatment13
Development of Langmuir probe array for the new lower tungsten divertor in EAST13
Performance of the first neutral beam injector at the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator13
Oxidation behavior analysis of a ferritic ODS steel in supercritical Water13
Composition optimization of high strength and ductility ODS alloy based on machine learning13
UAV-based pipeline inspection system with Swin Transformer for the EAST13
Modeling of hydrogen isotopes release from lithium ceramics Li2TiO3 during in-situ experiments using vacuum extraction method13
Thermal-hydraulic analysis of the DEMO WCLL elementary cell: BZ tubes layout optimization13
DEMO structural materials qualification and development13
Assessment of SIMMER-III code in predicting Water Cooled Lithium Lead Breeding Blanket “in-box-Loss of Coolant Accident”13
Neutronics and shielding design of CFETR HCCB blanket13
Towards a 1.5 MW, 140 GHz gyrotron for the upgraded ECRH system at W7-X13
RF discharge mirror cleaning for ITER optical diagnostics using 60 MHz very high frequency13
Investigations on the microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of explosive welded ODS-Cu/316 L stainless steel composite13
Upgrade of the neutral beam heating system on the TCV tokamak – second high energy neutral beam13
Microstructures and mechanical properties of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel fabricated by laser melting deposition13
Microstructure, mechanical and wear properties of friction stir processed Cu-1.0%Cr alloys13
Integral modelling of the ITER cooling water systems radiation source for applications outside of the Bio-shield13
Large scale experimental facility for performance assessment of the vacuum vessel pressure suppression system of ITER13
Multi-objective optimization of high-speed on-off valve based on surrogate model for water hydraulic manipulators13
Determination of the activation energy of tritium diffusion in ceramic breeders by reactor power variation13
Conceptual design of the main Ancillary Systems of the ITER Water Cooled Lithium Lead Test Blanket System13
Mechanical and electromagnetic design of the vacuum vessel of the SMART tokamak13
Experimental study on critical current of bent ReBCO tapes in CORC type cable12
Analysis of promising technologies of DEMO-FNS fuel cycle12
Design overview of ex-vessel components for the Wide Angle Viewing System diagnostic for ITER Equatorial Port 1212
Progress in engineering design of CFETR toroidal field superconducting magnet12
Particle-resolved simulation of randomly packed pebble beds with a novel fluid-solid coupling method12
WEST operation with real time feed back control based on wall component temperature toward machine protection in a steady state tungsten environment12
Evolution of microstructure in neutron irradiated cold rolled tungsten and its correlation with hardness12
Accelerated version of NUBEAM capabilities in DIII-D using neural networks12
CVD diamond photodetectors for FTU plasma diagnostics12
CFD Investigation of helium gas flow in sphere packed (Pebble bed) in a rectangular canister using OpenFOAM12
Development of the automatic void generation module in GEOUNED conversion tool12
Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy for hydrogen detection in molybdenum at atmospheric pressure mixtures of argon and nitrogen12
In-situ LIBS and NRA deuterium retention study in porous W-O and compact W coatings loaded by Magnum-PSI12
On the numerical assessment of the thermal-hydraulic operating map of the DEMO Divertor Plasma Facing Components cooling circuit12
Parametric study of S-CO2 cycles for the DEMO fusion reactor12
Behavior of high-entropy W-rich alloys Wx(TaVCrTi)y under He+ irradiation12
Conceptual design of the supercritical CO2 cooled lithium lead blanket for CFETR12
A digital twin concept for the development of a DEMO maintenance logistics modelling tool12
Shattered pellet technology development in the ITER DMS test laboratory12
Effect of thermomechanical treatment on MX phase precipitation behavior in CLAM steel12
Impact of the plasma operation on the technical requirements in EU-DEMO12
Current status of tokamak T-15MD11
Parametric study of the TF coil design for the European DEMO11
The engineering design of quarter size negative beam source for the comprehensive research facility for fusion technology11
Computational MHD analyses in support of the design of the WCLL TBM breeding zone11
Electromagnetic coupling phenomena in co-axial rectangular channels11
Thermal dynamic analyses of the primary heat transfer system for the WCCB blanket of CFETR11
A design proposal for the European DEMO superconducting bus bars and current leads11
Structural, mechanical, electronic properties and Debye temperature of tungsten-technetium alloy: A first-principles study11
Long-term corrosion behavior of EUROFER RAFM steel in static liquid Pb-16Li at 550 °C11
First ITER CS module test results11
Integration of LiPb loops for WCLL BB of European DEMO11
Evaluation of fatigue properties of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel, F82H for development of design criteria11
Manufacturing, testing and installation of the full tungsten actively cooled ITER-like divertor in the WEST tokamak11
EU-DEMO design space exploration and design drivers11
On-line precision control of CFETR multipurpose overload robot using deformation model11
Ultrasonic test results before and after high heat flux testing on W-monoblock mock-ups of EU-DEMO vertical target11
ECRH system upgrade design using dual frequency gyrotrons for EAST11
Extraction and separation of lithium isotopes by using organic liquid film extraction system of crown ether-ionic liquid11
The design and implementation of distributed architecture in the CMOR motion control system11
Advances in Additive Manufacturing of fusion materials11
Lithium-lead corrosion behavior of zirconium oxide coating after heavy-ion irradiation11
Influence of Thermal Aging on Metallurgical, Mechanical and Corrosion Performance of Electron Beam Welded 18mm Thick AISI 31611
Computational design of magnetic beamlet deflection correction for NNBI11
Fusion technologies development at ENEA Brasimone Research Centre: Status and perspectives11
Plasma current measurement at JET using polarimetry-based fibre optic current sensor11
Status of HCCR TBM program for DEMO blanket11
Using MAXFEA code in combination with ANSYS APDL for the simulation of plasma disruption events on EU DEMO10
Fabrication and stability of ultrafine ZrC nanoparticles dispersion strengthened sub-micrometer grained W alloy10
Hydrogen isotope inventory evaluation of hydrogen isotopes separation system of CFETR using Aspen Plus simulator10
Conceptual design overview of the ITER WCLL Water Cooling System and supporting thermal-hydraulic analysis10
Numerical simulation of liquid metal MHD flows in a conducting rectangular duct with triangular strips10
Fabrication of an ultrafine-grained W-ZrC-Re alloy with high thermal stability10
Effect of temperature on the growth and surface bursting of He nano-bubbles in W under fusion-relevant He ion irradiations10
Laser-aided diagnostic of hydrogen isotope retention on the walls of the Globus-M2 tokamak10
Shutdown dose rate studies for the DTE2 campaign at JET10
Overview and first operation of the high temperature superconductor current leads during integrated commissioning of JT-60SA10
HyPer-QuarCh II: A laboratory-scale device for hydrogen isotopes permeation experiments10
Analysis of Test D1.1 of the LIFUS5/Mod3 facility for In-box LOCA in WCLL-BB10
Study of breakdown and plasma formation in the KTM tokamak with the massive conductive vacuum chamber10
Design of the gripper interlock that engages with the DEMO breeding blanket during remote maintenance10
Systematic design of snake arm maintainer in nuclear industry10
Neutronic comparison of liquid breeders for ARC-like reactor blankets10
Proton and gamma irradiation of novel tungsten boride and carbide candidate shielding materials10
Structural assessment of the EU-DEMO WCLL Central Outboard Blanket segment under normal and off-normal operating conditions10
Towards reliable design-by-analysis for divertor plasma facing components—Guidelines for inelastic assessment (part II: irradiated)10
Testing and analysis of steady-state helicon plasma source for the Material Plasma Exposure eXperiment (MPEX)10
Error field correction strategies in preparation to MAST-U operation10
Design and fabrication R&D progress of CN HCCB TBM10
Lessons learned after three years of SPIDER operation and the first MITICA integrated tests10
Magnetic equilibrium optimisation and divertor integration in spherical tokamak reactors10
Verification and validation of mHIT code over TMAP for hydrogen isotopes transport studies in fusion-relevant environments10
Analysis of the thermal-hydraulic behavior of the EU-DEMO WCLL breeding blanket cooling systems during a loss of flow accident10
Study of W/Cu flat-type mock-ups with novel hypervapotron cooling structure for CFETR divertor10
Commissioning and initial operation of the W7-X neutral beam injection heating system10
Validation of the Fenix ASDEX Upgrade flight simulator10
Magnetic equilibrium design for the SMART tokamak10
A novel approach to the study of magnetohydrodynamic effect on tritium transport in WCLL breeding blanket of DEMO10
Effect of Zr on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 12Cr ferritic/martensitic steels10
Microstructural changes of oxide dispersion strengthened copper powders fabricated by mechanical alloying10
Membrane chemical exchange for lithium isotope enrichment(II): Multistage cascade process10
Rapid prototyping of advanced control schemes in ASDEX Upgrade10
New horizontal and vertical field coils with optimised location for robust decentralized plasma position control in the IGNITOR tokamak10
A Water cooled Lead Ceramic Breeder blanket for European DEMO10
Research on fault diagnosis method for hydraulic system of CFETR blanket transfer device based on CNN-LSTM10
Improvement of power quality in EAST power supply system based on hybrid active filter10
Electrothermal design of DC busbars for fusion facilities10
Radiation distribution for shattered pellet injection experiment with AXUV array diagnostics in KSTAR10
Comparison of surface modification and deuterium retention in W and W-Cr alloy film under high energy deuterium ion implantation10
Electromagnetic analysis activities in support of the Breeding Blanket during the DEMO Pre-Conceptual Design Phase: Methodology and main results10
Overview of the Divertor Tokamak Test (DTT) coil power supplies9
Design status of the Vacuum Vessel of DTT facility9
Simultaneous measurement of effective thermal conductivity and effective thermal diffusivity of Li2TiO3 pebble bed using transient hot-wire technique9
Design and integration of femtosecond Fiber Bragg gratings temperature probes inside actively cooled ITER-like plasma-facing components9
Modelling, design and simulation of plasma magnetic control for the Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP)9
First steps of the overall integration design of CFETR9
Li2TiO3 pebble fabrication by freeze granulation & freeze drying method9
Design and analysis of the secondary circuit of the DEMO fusion power plant for the HCPB BB option without the energy storage system and with the auxiliary boiler9
Enhanced thermal stability of the cellular structure through nano-scale oxide precipitation in 3D printed 316L stainless steel9
Study of lattice thermal conductivity of tungsten containing bubbles by molecular dynamics simulation9
Analyses of deuterium retention in tungsten and graphite first wall materials by laser-induced ablation spectroscopy on EAST9
Implementation and verification of PyNE R2S with DAG-OpenMC9
The design of Multiple Plasma Simulation Linear Device9
High level of integration of front-end imaging optics system for electron cyclotron emission imaging diagnostics on the DIII-D tokamak9
Structural pre-conceptual design studies for an EU DEMO equatorial EC port plug and its port integration9
Material strength standard of F82H for RCC-MRx9
Improved strength and heat transfer of W/Cu joints via surface nano-activation of W9
Plasma current profile reconstruction for EAST based on Bayesian inference9
Investigation of atmospheric tritiated water vapor level around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant9
Identification of precipitate phases in CLAM steel9
Thermal neutron measurement by single crystal CVD diamond detector applied with the pulse shape discrimination during deuterium plasma experiment in LHD9
DEMO tritium breeding performances with different in-vessel components configurations9
Supercapacitors-based power supply for ASDEX upgrade toroidal field coils9
Measurement of delayed neutron emission from water activated by 14 MeV neutrons in a FW mock-up of ITER9
Bare and limiter DEMO single module segment concept first Wall misalignment study by 3D field line tracing9
Investigation of corrosion-erosion phenomena in the primary cooling system of SPIDER9
A review of thermal hydraulics systems analysis for breeding blanket design and future needs for fusion engineering demonstration facility design and licensing9
A detection method of Edge Coherent Mode based on improved SSD9
Robust control of q-profile and βp using data-driven models 9
Corrosion and microstructure evolution of He+ plasma irradiated tungsten PFMs9
Performance assessment of plasma current measurement at JET using fibre optics current sensor9
SPIDER Cs Ovens functional tests9
Thermo-mechanical design of the neutralizer for CRAFT negative ion-based neutral beam injection system9
Optimization of the chamfering structures for ITER-like W/Cu monoblocks to avoid the leading edge-induced melting in EAST9
Design improvements, assembly and testing of the ICRH antenna for W7-X9