Journal of Oceanography

(The TQCC of Journal of Oceanography is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Global trends of ocean CO2 sink and ocean acidification: an observation-based reconstruction of surface ocean inorganic carbon variables73
Long-term change in the status of water pollution in Tokyo Bay: recent trend of increasing bottom-water dissolved oxygen concentrations17
A review: iron and nutrient supply in the subarctic Pacific and its impact on phytoplankton production17
Role of tide-induced vertical mixing in the deep Pacific Ocean circulation12
Decadal-scale variability of the North Pacific subtropical mode water and its influence on the pycnocline observed along 137°E10
Internal hydraulic jump in the Tsugaru Strait10
Distribution and stoichiometry of Al, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in the East China Sea9
Subtropical Mode Water in a recent persisting Kuroshio large-meander period: part I—formation and advection over the entire distribution region9
Elevated turbulent and double-diffusive nutrient flux in the Kuroshio over the Izu Ridge and in the Kuroshio Extension9
Phytoplankton growth and grazing mortality through the oligotrophic subtropical North Pacific9
Effects of eddies on the subduction and movement of water masses reaching the $$137^{\circ }\,\hbox {E}$$ section using Lagrangian particles in an eddy-resolving OGCM9
Eutrophication and hypoxia in the upper Gulf of Thailand8
Seasonal and interannual variations of MODIS Aqua chlorophyll-a (2003–2017) in the Upper Gulf of Thailand influenced by Asian monsoons8
Quality control of potentiometric pH measurements with a combination of NBS and Tris buffers at salinities from 20 to 40 and pH from 7.2 to 8.67
Estimate of turbulent energy dissipation rate using free-fall and CTD-attached fast-response thermistors in weak ocean turbulence7
Spatiotemporal evolution of submesoscale filaments at the periphery of an anticyclonic mesoscale eddy north of the Kuroshio Extension7
Projected future changes in the contribution of Indo-Pacific sea surface height variability to the Indonesian throughflow7
The formation of biogenic reef stone: from coral skeleton to reef rubble7
System vicarious calibration of GCOM-C/SGLI visible and near-infrared channels7
Simulation of global distribution of rare earth elements in the ocean using an ocean general circulation model7
Observations of anticyclonic eddies in the western subarctic North Pacific7
Temporal variation of particulate organic carbon flux at the mouth of Tokyo Bay7
Seasonal velocity variations over the entire Kuroshio path part I: data analysis and numerical experiments7
Performance of JAXA’s SGLI standard ocean color products for oceanic to coastal waters: chlorophyll a concentration and light absorption coefficients of colored dissolved organic matter7
Urea is a potentially important nitrogen source for phytoplankton during red tide formation in Isahaya Bay, Japan6
Use of AERONET-OC for validation of SGLI/GCOM-C products in Ariake Sea, Japan6
Unusually high sea level at the south coast of Japan in September 2011 induced by the Kuroshio6
Seasonal pathways of the Tsugaru Warm Current revealed by high-frequency ocean radars6
Vertical eddy diffusivity in the subsurface pycnocline across the Pacific6
Vertical turbulent nitrate flux from direct measurements in the western subarctic and subtropical gyres of the North Pacific6
Projected climate change in the western North Pacific at the end of the 21st century from ensemble simulations with a high-resolution regional ocean model6
Mesoscale-dependent near-inertial internal waves and microscale turbulence in the Tsushima Warm Current6
Evaluation of retrieving chlorophyll a concentration and colored dissolved organic matter absorption from satellite ocean color remote sensing in the coastal waters of Hokkaido, Japan5
Sea level variability along the Japanese coast forced by the Kuroshio and its extension5
Seasonal velocity variations over the entire Kuroshio path part II: dynamical interpretation for the current speed variation4
Sea surface temperature predictability in the North Pacific from multi-model seasonal forecast4
Analysis and validation of ocean color and aerosol properties over coastal regions from SGLI based on a simultaneous method4
Long-term trends of oxygen concentration in the waters in bank and shelves of the Southern Japan Sea4
Ocean mixing processes (OMIX): impact on biogeochemistry, climate and ecosystem4
The features and mechanisms of the North Shandong Coastal Current: a case study in 20144
Relative contributions of photophysiology and chlorophyll-a abundance to phytoplankton group-specific primary production in the Kuroshio region as inferred by satellite ocean color remote sensing4
Subtropical Mode Water in a recent persisting Kuroshio large-meander period: part II—formation and temporal evolution in the Kuroshio recirculation gyre off Shikoku4
Spatial distribution of the protist community in the southern part of the Okhotsk Sea off Hokkaido during summer4
Influence of North Pacific subtropical mode water variability on the surface mixed layer through the heaving of the upper thermocline on decadal timescales4
Ocean state estimations for synthesis of ocean-mixing observations4
Comparison of the positive and negative Indian Ocean Dipole forcing on the Pacific interannual variability through the oceanic channel4
The island mass effect: a study of wind-driven nutrient upwelling around reef islands4
Phytoplankton and ice-algal communities in the seasonal ice zone during January (Southern Ocean, Indian sector)4
Hypoxia in the Upper Gulf of Thailand: Hydrographic observations and modeling4