Journal of Avian Biology

(The TQCC of Journal of Avian Biology is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Defining moults in migratory birds: a sequence‐based approach156
Moult terminology: envisioning an evolutionary approach63
Nestling diet and parental food provisioning in a declining mountain passerine reveal high sensitivity to climate change25
Higher temperatures are associated with reduced nestling body condition in a range‐restricted mountain bird21
Habitat shapes diversity of gut microbiomes in a wild population of blue titsCyanistes caeruleus19
Seasonal and daily movement patterns of an alpine passerine suggest high flexibility in relation to environmental conditions18
A lightweight backpack harness for tracking hummingbirds15
Population‐specific adjustment of the annual cycle in a super‐swift trans‐Saharan migrant15
Effects of back‐mounted biologgers on condition, diving and flight performance in a breeding seabird14
Cryptic differentiation in the Manx shearwater hinders the identification of a new endemic subspecies14
Linking foraging and breeding strategies in tropical seabirds13
Apparent breeding success drives long‐term population dynamics of a migratory swan13
Snow buntings preparing for migration increase muscle fiber size and myonuclear domain in parallel with a major gain in fat mass12
The uropygial gland microbiome of house sparrows with malaria infection12
The El Niño – Southern Oscillation dramatically influences the probability of reproduction and reproductive rate of a tropical forest bird11
Latitudinal variation in arrival and breeding phenology of the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca using large‐scale citizen science data11
Deconstructing incubation behaviour in response to ambient temperature over different timescales11
Migration strategies, performance and annual activity budget in a short‐distance migrant, the common starlingSturnus vulgaris10
Sex and age, but not blood parasite infection nor habitat, affect the composition of the uropygial gland secretions in European blackbirds10
Urban links to molt schedule, body condition and carotenoid‐based coloration in the house finch Haemorhous mexicanus10
Biogeography and diversification of Old World buntings (Aves: Emberizidae): radiation in open habitats9
Gardeners of the forest: hornbills govern the spatial distribution of large seeds8
Nest‐boxes alter the reproductive ecology of urban cavity‐nesters in a species‐dependent way8
Regional wind patterns likely shape a seasonal migration detour8
Spatial and temporal variation in foraging of breeding red‐throated divers8
Individual and sex‐related patterns of prolonged flights during both day and night by great reed warblers crossing the Mediterranean Sea and Sahara Desert8
Geographic variation in body size and plumage colour according to diet composition in a nocturnal raptor8
Innate and adaptive immune proteins in the preen gland secretions of male house sparrows7
Tracking migration of black‐headed buntings Emberiza melanocephala reveals the Iranian Plateau as an ecological barrier along the Indo‐European flyway7
An assay to investigate factors influencing initial orientation in nocturnally fledging seabirds7
A putative telomerase activator has tissue‐specific effects on telomere length in a developing songbird7
Energetic synchrony throughout the non‐breeding season in common guillemots from four colonies7
Activity patterns of Hawaiian forest birds in a fragmented and continuous landscape7
High site fidelity does not equate to population genetic structure for common goldeneye and Barrow's goldeneye in North America7
Local male breeding density affects extra‐pair paternity in a south temperate population of grass wrensCistothorus platensis6
Phylogeography and demographic history of the black kite Milvus migrans, a widespread raptor in Eurasia, Australia and Africa6
Estimate of Strouhal and Reynolds numbers for swimming penguins6
Sex‐specific effects of predation risk on parental care in a sexually dichromatic Neotropical songbird6
Sunbirds' tendency to hover: the roles of energetic rewards, inflorescence architecture and rain6
New distributional opportunities with niche innovation in Eurasian snowfinches6
Competition between the black‐winged kite and Eurasian kestrel led to population turnover at a subtropical sympatric site6
Changes in fat mass affect the motivation to migrate in northern wheatears6
Bird migration in space and time: chain migration by Eurasian curlew Numenius arquata arquata along the East Atlantic Flyway6
Diel at‐sea activity of two species of great albatrosses: the ontogeny of foraging and movement behaviour6
Locally adapted migration strategies? Comparing routes and timing of northern wheatears from alpine and lowland European populations6
Causes and consequences of variation in diet composition of nestling Canada jays6
Sea crossings of migratory pink‐footed geese: seasonal effects of winds on flying and stopping behaviour6
Effects of climate on bill morphology within and across Toxostoma thrashers6
Competition is a major limiting factor of refueling in migratory passerines during stopover5
Song but not plumage varies geographically among willow flycatcher Empidonax traillii subspecies5
Microclimate shifts in nest‐boxes and natural cavities throughout reproduction5
Moult nestedness and its imperfections: insights to unravel the nature of passerine wing‐feather moult rules5
Gut microbiome composition associated with Plasmodium infection in the Eurasian tree sparrow5
Energetic constraints drive sex‐specific parental care in the monomorphic Leach's storm‐petrelHydrobates leucorhous5
Do phylogeny and habitat influence admixture among four North American chickadee (family: Paridae) species?5
Climate trends and behavior of a model Amazonian terrestrial insectivore, black‐faced antthrush, indicate adjustment to hot and dry conditions5
Breeding status shapes territoriality and vocalization patterns in spotted owls5
Anthropogenic noise, song, and territorial aggression in southern house wrens5
The costs of using night roosts for migrating whimbrels5
Carry‐over effects on reproduction in food‐supplemented wintering great tits5
Hidden in plain sight: migration routes of the elusive Anadyr bar‐tailed godwit revealed by satellite tracking5
First tracking of declining Caspian terns Hydroprogne caspia breeding in the Baltic Sea reveals high migratory dispersion and disjunct annual ranges as obstacles to effective conservation5
Evolution of vocal performance and song complexity in island birds5
Experimentally impaired female condition does not affect biliverdin‐based egg colour4
Itinerant lifestyle and congregation of lesser kestrels in West Africa4
The probability of being infected with haemosporidian parasites increases with host age but is not affected by experimental testosterone elevation in a wild songbird4
Offspring provisioning by extra‐pair males in blue tits4
Exceptionally high apparent adult survival in three tropical species of plovers in Madagascar4
Introgression between Sphyrapicus nuchalis and S. varius sapsuckers in a hybrid zone in west‐central Alberta4
Does hatch date set the clock? Timing of post‐fledging movements for families of a colonially breeding, long‐distance migratory songbird4
Decreased selectivity during mate choice in a small‐sized population of a long‐lived seabird4
Danger, risk and anti‐predator behavior in the life history of long‐distance migratory sandpipers4
Sperm numbers on the perivitelline layers of blue tit eggs are repeatable within a clutch, but independent of the occurrence of extra‐pair paternity4
First records of complete annual cycles in water rails Rallus aquaticus show evidence of itinerant breeding and a complex migration system4
Does plumage colour signal fitness in the tawny owl Strix aluco?4
Telomere length in relation to colour polymorphism across life stages in the tawny owl4
Sexual maturity varies with melanic plumage traits in the barn owl4
Reproductive success of the wood warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix varies across Europe4
Beyond habitat: effects of conspecific and heterospecific aggregation on the spatial structure of a wetland nesting bird community4
Exotic tree plantations as alternative breeding habitat for an endemic avian predator4
Object neophilia in wild herring gulls in urban and rural locations4
Higher probability of tick infestation reveals a hidden cost of army ant‐following in Amazonian birds4
Overlap in the wing shape of migratory, nomadic and sedentary grass parrots4
Interspecific competition and facilitation coexist in mixed‐species bird flocks of montane coniferous forests in Taiwan4
Hanging out in the outback: the use of social hotspots by wild zebra finches4
Microbiome composition of Anna's hummingbirds differs among regions of the gastrointestinal tract4
Evidence for cross transmission of pathogens between wild hooded cranes and domestic geese4