Childhood-A Global Journal of Child Research

(The TQCC of Childhood-A Global Journal of Child Research is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-12-01 to 2024-12-01.)
Southern theories and decolonial childhood studies20
Child-led research, children’s rights and childhood studies: A defence19
Becoming ‘brilliant’: Generationing education and development in rural Sierra Leone11
Irregularities in transnational adoptions and child appropriations: Challenges for reparation practices9
Agency operating within structures: A qualitative exploration of agency amongst children living in Palestine9
Children and adolescents’ voices and the implications for ethical research8
Child appropriations and irregular adoptions: Activism for the “right to identity,” justice, and reparation in Argentina and Chile8
Precarity and the question of children’s relationalities8
Making kin, not babies? Towards childist kinship in the “Anthropocene”8
Decolonising concepts of participation and protection in sensitive research with young people: local perspectives and decolonial strategies of Palestinian research advisors8
Branded childhood: Infants as digital capital on Instagram6
Advancing feminist relationality in childhood studies6
Children as researchers: Wild things and the dialogic imagination6
Play with a purpose: Intensive parenting, educational desires and shifting notions of childhood and learning in twenty-first century Singapore6
Framing reciprocal obligations within intergenerational relations in Ghana through the lens of the mutuality of duty and dependence6
Righting adults’ wrongs: ‘Generationing’ on the battlefield. A decolonial approach5
The queer child cracks: Queer feminist encounters with materiality and innocence in childhood studies5
Children as experiencers: Increasing engagement, participation and inclusion for young children in the museum5
Youth’s everyday environmental citizenship: An analytical framework for studying interpretive agency5
Employability and school uniform policies: Projecting the employer’s gaze5
The aftermath of transnational illegal adoptions: Redressing human rights violations in the intercountry adoption system with instruments of transitional justice5
‘Because I love him’: Children’s relationships to their parents in the context of intimate partner violence5
Faceless, voiceless child – Ethics of visual anonymity in research with children and young people5
‘This is our treehouse’: Investigating play through a practice architectures lens5
Child focused research: Disconnected and disembodied voices5
How are children coping with COVID-19 health crisis? Analysing their representations of lockdown through drawings5
Leisure time of working children in Addis Ababa4
Irregular adoptions and infrastructures of memory in Spain: remnant practices from the Franco Regime4
A preliminary call for a critical public childhood studies4
Investing in activism: Learning from children’s actions to stop child marriage4
Silencing touch and touching silence? Understanding the complex links between touch and silence in residential child care settings4
Climate strike or not? Intersectionality of age and culture encountered by young climate activists in Taiwan4
The child as a medium. Breakdown and possible resurgence of children’s agency in the era of pandemic4
Same-gender intimate friends in Chinese girls’ romantic adventures in a boarding school context3
Advancing global and transnational approaches to the study of out-of-home childcare3
Closing New Loopholes: Protecting Children in Uganda’s International Adoption Practices3
Breaking nation: Brazilian transnational children’s construction of belonging in bilingual classrooms3
Intercountry adoption swimming against the tide: Restitution in Samoa3
Implications of irregular transnational adoptions within international standards: A review of intercountry adoption systems and Guatemalan birthmother perspectives3
Beyond ‘rescue’ or ‘responsibilisation’ within girls’ empowerment programmes: Notes on recovering agency from the Global South3
Making waves: A cross-study analysis of young people’s participation arenas in Scotland’s schools3
The state of journals on children and childhood studies: Insights and challenges from a citation analysis3
‘I prefer not to know’: Spain’s management of transnational adoption demand and signs of corruption3
Seen and not heard: Students’ uses and experiences of silence in school relationships at a secondary school3
The adult in the room: The push and pull of parental involvement in research with children3
Child-led research, children’s rights and childhood studies – A reply to Thomas3
Children at transition from primary school reflecting on what schools are for – narratives of connectedness, (mis)recognition and becoming3