Ecology of Freshwater Fish

(The TQCC of Ecology of Freshwater Fish is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Ability of grazing fish to generate particulate organic matter derived from autochthonous primary production21
Forested watersheds mitigate the thermal degradation of headwater fish assemblages under future climate change19
Should I stay or should I go: Hydrologic characteristics and body size influence fish emigration from the floodplain following an atypical summer flood11
Facilitation of benthic assemblages by Bluehead Chubs: Testing the stress‐gradient hypothesis in streams11
Instream barriers contribute to population isolation of a small‐bodied, benthic, headwater‐specialist fish (Percidae)10
Variability in stream water chemistry and brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) parr otolith microchemistry on different spatial scales10
Probing for depth‐gradient diversification in the riverine‐spawning Dolly Varden: Insights from a recently discovered ecomorph assemblage10
Differences in parasite community composition support ecological differentiation in a freshwater gadoid fish9
Modelling migratory behaviour and habitat use of fish in a large, uninterrupted river network: A case study of a migratory salmonid9
The incorporation of environmentally derived 87Sr/86Sr and Sr/Ca in early otolith formation of Chinook salmon9
Cooperative breeding in Neolamprologus bifasciatus, a cichlid fish inhabiting the deep reefs of Lake Tanganyika9
Resource use of crucian carp along a lake productivity gradient is related to body size, predation risk, and resource competition9
Growth variation along a dispersal gradient in juvenile rainbow trout9
Can non‐native perch (Perca fluviatilis) support native eel populations in a wetland complex?9
Editorial 20239
Growth and behaviour of juvenile European eel (Anguilla anguilla) in sandy and stony bottom substrates8
Metacommunity organisation of Amazonian stream fish assemblages: The importance of spatial and environmental factors8
Analysis of food preference and competition based on stomach contents of fish species inhabiting fresh and brackish waters in South Korea8
Feeding strategies and diet variation in livebearing fishes of the genusLimia(Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae) in the Greater Antilles7
Differentiation of Parasite Communities in Juveniles of Atlantic Salmon and Brown Trout as an Indicator of Their Population Segregation in Three Scottish Rivers7
Trophic niche segregation among native whitefish and invasive vendace in a north Norwegian lake system7
Evidence of an olfactory imprinting window in embryonic Atlantic salmon7
The effect of temperature on the dynamics of common bream Abramis brama migrations between the reservoir and its tributary6
The strength of density dependence on body size of young‐of‐the‐year masu salmon, Oncorhynchus masou, varies over ontogeny in Horokashubuto stream, Hokkaido, northern Japan6
Ichthyoplankton dynamics in the Brazilian Pantanal: Contribution of an important tributary and maintenance of connectivity6
Prey selection and growth in 0+ Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis L. in littoral zones of seven temperate lakes6
Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) otoliths indicate effects of climate and lake morphology on growth patterns in Arctic lakes6
Migration, homing and spatial ecology of common carp in interconnected lakes6
Native fish abundance and habitat selection changes in the presence of nonnative piscivores5
Multiple secondary contacts and historic hybridization between glacial lineages of charr (Salvelinus, Salmonidae) in northeastern Asia5
Movement of Red Shiner during a regulated, intentional surface‐flow recession5
Freshwater fish as hosts for parasites in Australia: How much do we really know?5
Distribution patterns, annual density changes, growth and mortality of pikeperch [Sander lucioperca (L. 1758)] fry following oligotrophication of a reservoir5
Considering dispersal costs to understand fish community dissimilarity in a high‐gradient basin of North America5
Effect of logged forests on diet of small characids from Neotropical streams5
Environmental and spatial determinants of fish community structure in an Afro‐tropical river ecosystem5
Season‐specific survival rates and densities of coastal cutthroat trout across stream sizes in southwestern British Columbia5
Swimming capacity and behaviour of juvenile round goby (Neogobius melanostomus)4
Niche overlap between sympatric cichlid species of the genus Rocio (Cichliformes: Cichlidae) in Guatemala4
Factors influencing the home range of freshwater fishes4
Predator life history and prey ontogeny limit natural selection on the major armour gene,Eda, in threespine stickleback4
Biodiversity connections—‘ties that bind’4
Migratory redhorse suckers provide subsidies of nitrogen but not phosphorus to a spawning stream4
Spawning cohort trade‐offs of reproductive time and output in cyprinid fish along an elevation gradient4
Diets of invasive channel catfish are subsidized by invasive riparian trees4
Does size matter? Exploring the influence of body size on predator–prey relationships, hunting mode and prey characteristics in Neotropical fishes4
Recovery of a subtropical headwater fish community following a large flood, Klaserie River, Limpopo River System, South Africa4
Abundance, cover use, and clustering of brown trout spawning redds during stream habitat rehabilitation4
A melting pot in the Arctic: Analysis of mitogenome variation in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) reveals a 1000‐km contact zone between highly divergent lineages4
Impact of hydraulic forces on the passage of round goby (Neogobius melanostomus), gudgeon (Gobio gobio) and bullhead (Cottus gobio) in a vertical slot fish pass3
Assessment of changes in the ichthyofauna in a tropical reservoir in south‐eastern Brazil: Consequences of global warming?3
Predicting the age at maturity of Asian carp using air temperature3
Heterogenisation of riverine ichthyofauna diversity by small hydropower dams3
Identifying and conserving sympatric diversity in trout of the genus Salmo, with particular reference to Lough Melvin, Ireland3
Influence of habitat on abundance, size and growth rate of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) 0+ juveniles in a canyon‐shaped reservoir3
Habitat partitioning among three predatory fish in a temperate reservoir3
Conservation of freshwater eels in food‐web studies: Non‐lethal stable isotope analyses substitute fin for muscle tissue with lipid correction3
Effects of riparian forest and agricultural land use on stream fish diet and trophic position3
Using stable isotope data to quantify niche overlap and diets of muskellunge, northern pike and walleye in a deep Minnesota lake3
Polygynandry and high genetic diversity supported by kinship and population genetics from neotropical catfish ichthyoplankton3
Modelling the reestablishment of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in Klamath River tributaries after dam removal3
Geology, climate, and hydrochemistry shape the spatial patterns of multiple diversity facets and functional traits of fishes3
Issue Information3
The relationship between hydroregime and coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) redd construction in the Smith River, Oregon3
Temporal changes in the fish community structure of a small subtropical spring lake: Decadal and seasonal analysis3
Long‐term monitoring of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) populations under increasing temperatures and predator abundances in the Finnish coastal waters of the Baltic Sea3
Importance of non‐native isopods and other terrestrial prey resources to steelhead/rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in coastal streams in Big Sur, California3
Modelling the population dynamics of an exploited, tropical fish species playing a fundamental role in aquatic ecosystems3