Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil and Plant Science

(The TQCC of Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil and Plant Science is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Can calcium and boron leaf application increase soybean yield and seed quality?39
Calcium and boron supplementary effect on cassava performance in a sandy Typic Paleustult33
Biomass contribution and nutrient recycling of organic matter management practices in tropical smallholder annual farming systems16
Analysing hydrological impacts of controlled drainage, peat thickness and groundwater fluxes in cultivated peat soils16
Temporal dynamics of pesticide use in three field vegetable crops with respect to sowing date and degree days15
Genotype-by-environment interaction and stability analyses of grain yield in pigeonpea [ Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh]12
Effect of Alltech® Crop Science products on root-knot nematode attraction and infestation in tomato plants11
Genetic diversity and population structure of sorghum [ Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] in Ethiopia as revealed by microsatellite markers10
Act of phosphorus on cell hydraulic state, K + use efficiency and induction of positive correlations between yield and vegetative traits in chickpea8
Evaluation of pre-harvest desiccation strategies in red clover ( Trifolium pratense L.) and white clover ( Trifolium repens L.) seed crops7
Assessment of nematicidal efficacy of chitosan in combination with botanicals against Meloidogyne incognita on carrot7
Effect of two seeding rates on yield and yield components of winter and spring faba bean7
Exploring structural sediment connectivity via surface runoff in agricultural lands of Finland7
Participatory evaluation of lupine genotypes on biomass and grain yield performance and nutritional value in the highland of Ethiopia7
Aspects on cultivation of vegetable soybean in Sweden – cultivars, soil requirements, inoculation and nitrogen contribution6
Discrimination of leaf diseases affecting faba bean ( Vicia faba )6
Ammonia volatilisation and N recovery of nitrogen fertiliser on former alpine grassland based on a nitrogen isotope labelling technique6
Dry-season autotrophic and heterotrophic soil respiration in contrasting agroecological settings6
Method for in-field texture analysis of sugar beet roots using a handheld penetrometer6
Environmental parameters and fertilisers as factors affecting the salicylic acid and total polyphenol contents in sport turfgrasses6
A comparison of field assessment methods for lucerne inoculation experiments6
Extent and management of acid soils for sustainable crop production system in the tropical agroecosystems: a review5
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Analysis of the correlation between agricultural innovation ecosystem and economic growth5
RETRACTED ARTICLE: The impact of climate change on edible food production: a panel data analysis5
Biocontrol activity of Bacillus , Paenibacillus and Pseudomonas against Fusarium wilt of chickpea in Morocc5
RETRACTED ARTICLE: An empirical study on the impact of human capital on cost efficiency: taking the main corn production areas in China as an example5
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Research on varietal classification and germination evaluation system for rice seed using hand-held devices5
Sugar content and dry matter are key factors predicting sprouting of yellow bulb onions regardless of treatment with maleic hydrazide5
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Distributed and Parallel simulation methods for pest control and crop monitoring with IoT assistance5
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Root traits of peanut cultivars with different drought resistant under drought stress at flowering and pegging phase5
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Agricultural business and product marketing effected by using big data analysis in smart agriculture4
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Research on rural land planning based on traditional farming culture4
RETRACTED ARTICLE: The role and impact of environmental big data in agricultural disaster management4
Nodulation performance and agronomic traits of European common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genetic resources4
Integrated analysis of agronomic traits and nutritional composition in Bambara groundnut: correlation, regression, and path coefficient approaches4
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Organic pollution control of agricultural land based on straw biochar4
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Research on smart agricultural waste discharge supervision and prevention based on big data technology4
Assessment of sorghum production constraints and farmer preferences for sorghum variety in Uganda: implications for nutritional quality breeding4
SustAinimal Grazing Living Lab – a survey of grazing management on dairy farms in northern Sweden4
The effect of sowing rate and variety on the nutrient content of faba beans4
RETRACTED ARTICLE: The path of improving the value chain flow of agricultural products industry under the effect of technology agglomeration4
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Computer development based embedded systems in precision agriculture: tools and application4
Effectiveness of liming and subsoiling to ameliorate a compacted arable clay subsoil4
Alfalfa cropping is superior to cotton and rapeseed cropping in improving the quality and microbial diversity of reclaimed saline soils4
Liming alkaline clay soils: effects on soil structure, nutrients, barley growth and yield4
Soybean (Glycine max) cropping in Sweden – influence of row distance, seeding date and suitable cultivars3
Supplementing Pochonia chlamydosporia with botanicals for management of Meloidogyne incognita infesting chickpea3
Vitamin C content in edible potato tubers in the conditions of using biostimulators3
Losses of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen from horse manure left on the ground3
The lower labile carbon of surface soils in Chinese semiarid areas3
Using risk models for control of leaf blotch diseases in barley minimises fungicide use – experiences from the Nordic and Baltic countries3
Genetic interrelationships of elite sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) genotypes bred for Striga resistance and compatibility with 3
Ipomoea carnea associated phytochemicals and their in silico investigation towards Meloidogyne incognita3
Acidic compost tea enhances phosphorus availability and cotton yield in calcareous soils by decreasing soil pH3
Effect of long-term fertilisation of Calcisols on organic carbon sequestration in marine climate in Estonia3
Stronger impact of urea application than incorporation of Chinese milk vetch ( Astragalus sinicus L.) on nirK -denitrifying bacterial comm3
Development of constructed wetlands in agricultural landscapes using remote sensing techniques3