Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America

(The TQCC of Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Evidence-Based Pearls33
Evidence-Based Pearls19
Targeted Temperature Management After Cardiac Arrest16
Ethical Challenges in the Care of the Trauma Patient16
Perspectives on Telehealth Use with the Neonatal Population13
Evolution of Pediatric Critical Care Nursing11
The Effects of Health Disparities on Neonatal Outcomes11
Unplanned Extubation in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit9
Pediatric Intensive Care Nursing9
Forthcoming Issues5
Invasive Neuromonitoring in the Stroke Patient5
Infection Challenges in the Critical Care Unit5
The Role and Initiatives Led by the Sepsis Coordinator to Improve Sepsis Bundle Compliance and Care Across the Continuum4
Supporting and Retaining Nurses in Trying Times4
The Importance of Sleep for the Intensive Care Unit Patient4
Right-sizing Documentation4
Dangerous Things We Used to Do in Neonatology4
Orthopedic Pain Management3
Managing Pain in an Era of Opioid Addiction3
Acute Liver Failure in Children3
Infection Control and Prevention Considerations for the Intensive Care Unit3
Using Simulation to Illustrate Pain3
Management of Neonatal Pain Associated with Circumcision3
Moral Distress and Pain Management3
Nursing Management of Temperature in a Patient with Stroke3
Assessment and Monitoring of Sleep in the Intensive Care Unit2
Care of the Patient with Acquired Brain Injury in Latin America and the Caribbean2
Holistic Approaches to Support Sleep in the Intensive Care Unit Patient2
Critical Care Nursing in India2
Palliative Care and Dementia2
Acute Kidney Injury in the Inpatient and Outpatient Setting2
Understanding Near-Infrared Spectroscopy2
Acute Management of Cervical Spinal Cord Injuries2
Couplet Care—The Next Frontier of Care in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit2
Bonding and Attachment with Baby in the Womb or in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit2
Depression and Heart Failure Assessment, Treatment, and Interventions to Improve Self-Care Behaviors2
Neonatal Nursing: Clinical Concepts and Practice Implications2
A Scoping Review of the Experiences of Adolescents and Young Adults in the ICU, Their Family Members, and Their Health Care Team2
Hepatorenal Syndrome2
Hepatocellular Carcinoma2
What’s New on the Street?2
A Team Approach to Bundle Compliance1
Acute Pain Management Protocols in Pediatric Intensive Care Units1
Substance Use Disorder in Critical Care1
Preface: Global Intensive Care Management Strategies1
Optimizing Sleep in the Intensive Care Unit1
Family Presence and Sleep in the Intensive Care Unit1
The 4M Model1
Using Principles of Therapeutic Communication to Enhance Trauma-Informed Care in the Critical Care Setting to Promote Positive Encounters1
Palliative Care for Nephrology Patients in the Intensive Care Unit1
The Nexus Between Sleep Disturbance and Delirium Among Intensive Care Patients1
Forthcoming Issues1
Palliative Communication in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit1
Older Adults in Critical Care Settings1
Transition of Care for Older Adults Undergoing General Surgery1
Geriatric Nephrology1
Complications in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease1
Benefits of Early Mobility on Sleep in the Intensive Care Unit1
An Interprofessional Precision Health Model for Assessment of Caregiver Impact on Polypharmacy in Elderly Intensive Care Unit Patients1
Educating Bachelor of Science in Nursing Students in Leadership Strategies Needed for Care Management and Disease Management for the Heart Failure Patient Population1
The Complexity of Trauma for LGBTQ+ People1
Review of Pharmacologic Sleep Agents for Critically Ill Patients1
A Post-Pandemic Review of American Association of Critical Care Nurses’s Domains of Establishing and Sustaining Healthy Work Environments1
Forthcoming Issues1
Forthcoming Issues1
Caring for Traumatic Brain Injury Patients1
Do We Really Listen, Improving End-of-Life Conversations1