Military Psychology

(The TQCC of Military Psychology is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Personality trait and subjective work experience fit (P-SWE fit) as an explanation for voluntary turnover26
High-performance work systems (HPWS) and individual performance: The mediating role of commitment19
New developments in military and veteran suicide research19
Military identity and planning for the transition out of the military17
Identification and evaluation of criterion measurement methods14
Development and evolution of commitment profiles among military recruits: Implications for turnover intention and well-being13
Multitasking as a predictor of simulated unmanned aircraft mission performance: Incremental validity beyond cognitive ability13
Optimizing military mental health and stress resilience training through the lens of trainee preferences: A conjoint analysis approach11
Is social support beneficial for military cadets to accomplish empowerment? Findings from a long-term cross-lagged panel analysis9
Indirect effects of soldier healthy eating and physical activity on suicidal ideation through psychological health symptoms in active-duty military9
Organizational affective commitment effects on militaries’ well-being during a deployment: A study of a peacekeeping mission9
Predictors of peer assessment in junior leader training8
The effect of a reduction in irrational beliefs on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety symptoms in a group treatment for post-9/11 Veterans8
Associations between psychological and respiratory distress in post-deployment Veterans8
Stereotyping of student service members and Veterans on a university campus in the U.S.8
Development of a situational judgment test to supplement current US air force measures of officership8
The restrained unit: A case study on everyday sensegiving to a use-of-force policy calling for restraint7
A bidirectional examination of mental health symptoms and perceptions of leader support: Which comes first?7
Master resilience trainer course quality improvement evaluation7
Peer support during in vivo exposure homework increases likelihood of prolonged exposure therapy completion7
Human-dog trust and cohesion within French military canine teams7
Associations of humor, morale, and unit cohesion on posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms6
Evaluation of the critical warzone experiences scale among Gulf War I-era veterans: Associations with PTSD symptoms, depressive symptoms, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors6
Special Operations Cognitive Agility Training (SOCAT) for Special Operations Forces and spouses6
The influence of romantic relationships in assessment of suicide risk in U.S. Army soldiers6
Resiliency among United States Air Force personnel: The direct and interactive influence of cognitive fitness and confidence in social connections6
Prevalence and characteristics associated with firearm ownership among low-income U.S. veterans6
Participation in occupations, health and adjustment during the transition from military service: A cross-sectional study6
Impacts of decision support systems on cognition and performance for intelligence-gathering path planning6
Perceived organizational values and innovation: The role of transactive memory and age diversity in military teams5
How future self-continuity mediates the impact of job loss on negative mental health outcomes among transitioning veterans5
The career transition experiences of military Veterans: A qualitative study5
A qualitative assessment of perceptions of gender-based stigma among US Marine Corps officers in training5
Profiling cognitive workload in an unmanned vehicle control task with cognitive models and physiological metrics5
Variability in the stability of personality traits across a single combat deployment5
Relationship of Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) over-reporting scales to performance validity testing in a military neuropsychological sample5
Associations among psychological health problems, intimate-relationship problems, and suicidal ideation among United States Air Force active-duty personnel5
A qualitative examination of the reintegration experiences of Australian Defense Force families4
Designing criterion measures for physically demanding jobs4
Mental health and resilience in the Irish defense forces during the COVID-19 global pandemic4
Predictions of attrition among US Marine Corps: Comparison of four predictive methods4
Impact of army morale on suicidal ideation: The mediating role of grit and the moderating role of social support in a Chinese Navy population4
Sleep quality and duration: A key to life satisfaction among military students4
Spirituality is associated with psychological hardiness in U.S. army soldiers and civilians4
Firearm leadership: Development, analysis, and application of a novel concept to message secure storage of firearms in the military4
Introduction to the special issue on criterion measurement4
Role of deployment-related mTBI and resilience in perceived participation limitations among Veterans4
Military to civilian cultural transition experiences of retired military personnel: A systematic meta-synthesis4
Effectiveness of a rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)-informed group for post-9/11 Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)4
Cognitive reappraisal moderates the effect of combat or other exposures on negative behavioral health symptoms4
A pilot open trial of video telehealth-delivered exposure and response prevention for obsessive-compulsive disorder in rural Veterans4
The effects of grit and resilience on moral competence following simulated combat exposure4
Relationship between job challenge and job performance in the Korean Army: The mediating effect of learning agility and the moderating effect of job autonomy4
General intelligence, personality traits, and motivation as predictors of performance, potential, and rate of advancement of Royal Navy senior officers4
Narratives of holistic mental health recovery in New Zealand Defence Force personnel4
Better off with you: Exploring congruity between caregivers’ and Veterans’ experience of efforts to cope with suicide3
Obstacle course activity in soldiers impedes recall but not learning of a read text3
Effects of resilience training on mental, emotional, and physical stress outcomes in military officer cadets3
The Purple Heart and suicide risk in Post-9/11 U.S. Army Combat Veterans with a traumatic brain injury: A mixed methods study3
Treatment description and case series report of a phased music therapy group to support Veteran reintegration3
The effect of intimate partner violence on treatment response in an intensive outpatient program for suicide-bereaved military widows3
Operational stressors, psychological distress, and turnover intentions: The impact of potentially morally injurious experiences3
Assessing the dimensionality and construct validity of the military stigma scale across current service members3
Motivation for physical activity in the Jordanian military: Possible determinants of physical activity in male and female recruits3
Exploring the use of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire to examine suicidal thoughts and behaviors among Post-9/11 U.S. Combat Veterans: An integrative review3
Purpose in life and posttraumatic stress symptoms among military veterans: A network analysis3
Psychiatric exemptions at call-up and during military service: A comparative study3
Should I stay or should I go? The collective effects of work, family, and mental health on military career intentions among active-duty and national guard and reserve soldiers3
Interpersonal trauma histories and relationship functioning among LGB Veteran couples seeking PTSD treatment3
Cadet mentoring program: Best practices for success3
What is “safety”?: Lethal means counseling as a cross-cultural communication3
Development and validation of a self-report adaptability measure for the military remote operations community3
Effects of mhealth applications on military personnel’s physical and mental health: A systematic review3
The role of unit cohesion and perceived resilience in substance use disorder3