Quality Engineering

(The median citation count of Quality Engineering is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A mixture model application in monitoring error message rates for a distributed industrial fleet65
Visualization and comparison of aircraft trajectories using Gaussian-Smoothed heatmaps29
Statistical engineering – Part 1: Past and present21
A fresh look at computer vision for industrial quality control17
Bayesian analysis of accelerated life test under constrained randomization15
A new approach to risk assessment in failure mode and effect analysis based on engineering textual data14
Exploratory image data analysis for quality improvement hypothesis generation14
Simultaneous classification and out-of-distribution detection for wafer bin maps13
Critical success factors for implementing Industry 4.0 in Aerospace and Defense: A systematic literature review13
Efficient ARL estimation for general control charts using censored run lengths12
Alternative parameter learning schemes for monitoring process stability12
Robust confidence intervals for the process capability index C pk with bootstrap improvement12
Statistical process monitoring for vector autoregressive time series based on location-scale CUSUM method11
Using principles and selected tools of Lean Six Sigma to improve sustainability: A case study11
Image based statistical process monitoring via partial first order stochastic dominance10
Robust yield test for a normal production process8
Digital twins in quality engineering8
Sequential Bayesian assurance tests for degradation data8
Introduction to special edition of Quality Engineering8
Editorial for reliability engineering special issue8
Particle swarm exchange algorithms with applications in generating optimal model-discrimination designs8
A method for robust design of products or processes with categorical response7
Evaluation of manufacturing process in low variety high volume industry with the coupling of cloud model theory and TOPSIS approach7
Implementation of Quality 4.0, a systematic review of approaches, root causes, and challenges7
Optimal design of a two-point variables skip-lot sampling plan with Taguchi capability index7
Letter to the quality engineering editor7
Understanding and addressing complexity in problem solving7
An exponentially weighted moving average control chart based on signed ranks for finite horizon processes6
Designing a variables two-plan sampling system with adjustable acceptance criteria for lot disposition6
Automated, rapid, and convergent hyperparameter optimizer (ARCH) for neural network classifiers6
A class of response surface split-plot designs6
Enhanced problem solving through redefined 8D step completion criteria6
CUSUM design for detection of event-rate increases for a Poisson process6
Application of a proposed reliability analysis multivariate capability index on manufacturing processes6
An adaptive exponentially weighted moving average control chart for poisson processes6
Intelligent fault diagnosis of rolling bearings based on clustering algorithm of fast search and find of density peaks5
Modeling the output from a commercial chemical process using regression models from survival analysis5
Hybrid fault diagnostics and prognostics system development for motor bearings health monitoring5
Tukey-EWMA control chart with variable sampling intervals for process monitoring5
Toward a concept of digital twin for monitoring assembly and disassembly processes5
Early fault diagnosis based on reinforcement learning optimized-SVM model with vibration-monitored signals4
Empowering software reliability: Leveraging efficient fault detection and removal efficiency4
Cautious parameter learning for a joint mean and variance monitoring CUSUM scheme with guaranteed in-control performance4
A Conversation with Douglas C. Montgomery4
Reliability analysis for continuous degrading systems subject to multi-level failure dependence4
Estimation of the lot fraction defective in a finite lot of products with auxiliary quality characteristics4
Correlation to causality4
Prediction of high-performance computing input/output variability and its application to optimization for system configurations3
Gauge R & R studies for angular measurements3
The case against generally weighted moving average (GWMA) control charts3
Multi-branch convolutional attention network for multi-sensor feature fusion in intelligent fault diagnosis of rotating machinery3
A conversation with William Q. Meeker3
Assessing the performance of control charts for detecting previously unexplored shift types in high density spatial data3
Effects of measurement errors on semicircle control chart3
Design construction and model selection for small mixture-process variable experiments with high-dimensional model terms3
I -optimal or G -optimal: Do we have to choose?3
A Conversation with Christine M. Anderson-Cook3
Robust control chart based on mixed-effects modeling framework: A case study in NAND flash memory industry3
Contextual anomaly detection for multivariate time series data3
An online approach for robust parameter design with incremental Gaussian process3
An improved multiple quality characteristic analysis chart for simultaneous monitoring of process mean and variance of steering knuckle pin for green manufacturing3
Joint component-system maintenance planning over entire system task profile3
Case study: Accounting for response measurement error in fitting a regression model3
Lifetime performance-qualified sampling system under a Weibull distribution with failure-censoring3
Product quality prediction based on process data: Taking the gearbox of Company D as an example3
Assurance of electronic parts for aerospace system reliability: Past, present, and future2
A consistent data model for different data granularity in control charts2
Mutual combination of selected principles and technologies of Industry 4.0 and quality management methods - case study2
On experimental designs for gauge R & R studies including some long forgotten ones2
A Bayesian nonparametric system reliability model which integrates multiple sources of lifetime information2
A simple test to determine the contributors of fraction nonconforming shifts in a multivariate binomial process2
A neural network-based control chart for monitoring and interpreting autocorrelated multivariate processes using layer-wise relevance propagation2
Outlier detection and online monitoring of event sequences arising in customer service processes with unknown event-types2
A new incapability index for simple linear profile with asymmetric tolerances2
Multivariate Six Sigma: A case study in an outpatient pharmaceutical care unit2
Lean, data, and statistics2
Reliability analysis of heat exchanging system of deep-sea manned submersibles using Markov model2
Statistical perspectives on reliability of artificial intelligence systems2
Real-time adjustment of injection molding process settings by utilizing Design of Experiment, time series profiles and PLS-DA2
A process capability function approach to multiple response surface optimization based on a posterior procedure2
A comparative study for parameter estimation of the Weibull distribution in a small sample size: An application to spring fatigue failure data2
Data quality and statistics: Perfect together?2
Functional data analysis and nonlinear regression models: an information quality perspective2
Three-level designs under second order models2
Online monitoring of nonlinear profiles using a Gaussian process model with heteroscedasticity2
A reliability approach for prediction and management of part obsolescence for improved system health2
A control chart for monitoring images using jump location curves2
Hidden dimensions of the data: PCA vs autoencoders2
Statistical engineering – Part 2: Future2
Using a baseline with the probability of agreement to compare distribution characteristics2
Corporation-wide variation reduction2
Reliability modeling for failure correlations to a CNC lathe subsystem based on Pagerank Algorithm2
An integrated failure-censored sampling scheme for lifetime-performance verification and validation under a Weibull distribution2
Quality process reengineering in industry 4.0: A BPR perspective2
Optimized control charts using indifference regions2
Leveraging what you know: Versatile space-filling designs2
Foundations of network monitoring: Definitions and applications1
Reliability modeling for multi-component system subject to dependent competing failure processes with phase-type distribution considering multiple shock sources1
Precision of CSLT measurement system for defect detection in bored piles1
The interdisciplinary nature of network monitoring: Advantages and disadvantages1
Quality 4.0: Learning quality control, the evolution of SQC/SPC1
Step-stress tests for interval-censored data under gamma lifetime distribution1
Grey Duane model for reliability growth prediction under small sample uncertain failure data1
A review of leveraged sample selection in variation reduction projects1
Monitoring univariate processes using control charts: Some practical issues and advice1
A note on compositional data gauge R&R studies1
The role of the normal distribution in statistical process monitoring1
Understanding interactions between mixture components and process variables1
On gauge repeatability and reproducibility studies for counts1
Using statistical engineering in pharmaceutical and biotech problem solving a case study1
On the application of compound optimal design strategy in progressively type-II censored life-testing experiments1
A reliability prediction method considering degradation self-acceleration effect in DC-link electrolytic capacitor1
Tolerance interval for the exponential distribution with a specified ratio of the tail probabilities and generalizations1
Mining quality determinants of product-service systems from user-generated contents1
Reliability analysis for systems subject to dependent and competing failure processes with random failure thresholds1
Equivalences between multiple dependent state sampling, chain sampling, and control chart runs rules1
A high dimensional functional time series approach to evolution outlier detection for grouped smart meters1
Reliability-based optimization of imperfect preventive maintenance with Bayesian estimation1
Dynamic maintenance model for a repairable multi-component system using deep reinforcement learning1
Process Analytical Technology, continuous manufacturing, and the development of a surrogate model for dissolution: a pharmaceutical manufacturing statistical engineering case study1
A case study: Comparing testers for means and variances in a balanced incomplete block design1
Power guidelines for process monitoring1
A primer on predictive maintenance: Potential benefits and practical challenges1
Testing the prediction profiler with disallowed combinations—A statistical engineering case study1
Response surfaces, blocking, and split plots: A predictive distribution case study1
Improved yield estimation with efficient decision power for multi-line processes1
On reading Youden: Learning about the practice of statistics and applied statistical research from a master applied statistician1
Remembering George EP Box in Quality Quandaries: great ideas, practical advice, clearly presented1