Journal of Real Estate Research

(The median citation count of Journal of Real Estate Research is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Rewarding a Long-Term Investment Strategy: REITs18
Natural Disaster Risk and Residential Mortgage Lending Standards13
The Liquidity Risk of REITs8
Do Traditional Real Estate ETFs Increase the Volatility of REITs?8
Do Short-Term Real Estate Investors Outperform the Market?8
Which Sentiment Indicators Matter? Evidence from the European Commercial Real Estate Market8
Culture, Wealth, Gender, Real Estate, and Consumption in China: It’s a Boy7
House Prices, Open Space, and Household Characteristics7
The Role of Debt in REIT Equity Issuance at a Discount to Net Asset Values7
Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on House Prices: Heterogeneous Impacts over Time and across the House Price Distribution7
Can the Textual Tone in REIT Financial Statements Improve the Information Environment for Commercial Real Estate Investors? An Investigation6
Differential Selling Strategies Between Investors and Consumers: Evidence from the Chinese Housing Market6
Interactions Between Housing Market and Stock Market in the United States: A Markov Switching Approach6
Days and Confused: Housing Price and Liquidity Response to New Local Public Schools5
The Impact of Municipal Water Use Restrictions on the Pricing of Water-Sensitive Features in Single-Family Homes5
Insider Ownership, Corporate Diversification, and Firm Value: Evidence from REITs5
Time-Varying Correlations of REITs and Implications for Portfolio Management5
Residential Housing Market and Bank Stability: Focusing on OECD and Emerging Asian Countries4
Portfolio Diversification Across U.S. Gateway and Non-Gateway Real Estate Markets4
“Don't Know What You Got till It’s Gone”: The Community Reinvestment Act in a Changing Financial Landscape4
Forecasting US Commercial Property Price Indexes Using Dynamic Factor Models4
Opening Bid Strategies in English Auctions4
Spatial Effects of Air Pollution on the Housing Market: Evidence from South Korea3
Trading and Volatility in Dual Market: Theory and Evidence from Real Estate3
Loan-to-Value Regulations on Mortgages and the Use and Refinancing of Unsecured Debt3
How Do the CEO Political Leanings Affect REIT Business Decisions?3
Do the Managers of Global Real Estate Mutual Funds Have Skills?3
Do Wind Hazard Mitigation Programs Affect Home Sales Values?3
Monetary Policy Shifts, Dividends and REIT Momentum3
Intertemporal Risk-Return Relationship in Housing Markets3
Does Options Trading Activity Benefit REITs?3
Heterogeneous Foreclosure Discounts of Homes2
Do Changes in Industry Classification Systems Matter? Evidence from REITs2
Is Commercial Real Estate Gendered?2
Redefault Risk in the Aftermath of the Mortgage Crisis: Why Did Modifications Improve More than Self-Cures?2
Mortgage Losses: Loss on Sale and Holding Costs2
Is There Super-Normal Profit in Real Estate Development?*2
Geographic Diversification and Real Estate Firm Value: Where Firms Diversify Matter2
Using Artificial Intelligence to Identify Strategic Mortgage Default Attitudes2
Filtering to Affordable: Does Multifamily Housing Become More Affordable as It Ages?1
REIT Long-Term Returns and Wealth Creation1
Using Asymmetric Dominance to Resolve Toxic Debt: Combining Online and Field Experiments1
Public versus Private Market Arbitrage: International Evidence for Listed Property Companies1
The Impact of Public Information on Housing Market Decisions: Evidence from Third-Party AVMs1
Initial Public Offerings and Local Housing Markets1
Behaviors of Flippers, Rental Housing Investors and Owner-Occupiers in the Singapore Private Housing Market1
Examining Cross-border Comovements of REITs Around the World1
Tenant Industry Sector and European Listed Real Estate Performance1
Using REIT Follow-on Equity Offerings to Pay down Credit Line Balances: Bank Certification or Monitored Financial Flexibility?1
Taming Housing and Financial Market Instability: The Effect of Heterogeneous Banking Regulations1
Commercial Real Estate Returns and Innovation1
iBuyer’s Use of PropTech to Make Large-Scale Cash Offers1
Seller-Required Mortgage Preapprovals and the Homebuying Process1
Time Varying Dependences Between Real Estate Crypto, Real Estate and Crypto Returns1
Effects of Ordered Position on Stock Liquidity: New Nonlinear Evidence from Japanese REITs1
Investor Sentiment and Prepayment Hazard: The Case of Multifamily MBS Loans1
Strategic Transactions around REIT Conversions1
Household Income Growth and Firm Valuation: Evidence from REITs1
The REIT Conversion Puzzle1
The Evolution of Green Building Amenities: The Case of EV Charging Stations1
Assessing the Explanatory Power of Dwelling Condition in Automated Valuation Models1
Air Pollution and the Effects on House Prices: A Push for Sustainability1
Monetary Policies and European Office Markets Dynamics1