Behavioral Medicine

(The median citation count of Behavioral Medicine is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Sociodemographic Factors, Health-Risk Behaviors, and Chronic Conditions Are Associated with a High Prevalence of Depressive Symptoms: Findings from the Indonesian Family Life Survey-517
Attentional Bias Toward Reproduction-Related Stimuli and Fertility Concerns Among Breast Cancer Survivors17
Adverse childhood experiences, health behaviors, and associations with obesity among youth in the United States15
Perceived Economic Strain, Subjective Social Status, and Colorectal Cancer Screening Utilization in U.S. Men—A Cross-Sectional Analysis14
An Examination of Sleep as a Mediator of the Relationship between Childhood Adversity and Depression in Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Young Adults12
Psychological Mechanisms of Interactions between Improvements in Exercise and Healthy Eating Behaviors (Coaction) within a Community-Based Obesity Treatment Setting11
Perceived and calculated diet quality improvements in a randomized mHealth weight loss trial11
Mask On, Mask Off: Risk Perceptions for COVID-19 and Compliance with COVID-19 Safety Measures9
The Prospective Association of Patient Hospitalization with Spouse Depressive Symptoms and Self-Reported Heath8
A Multi-Stage Dyadic Qualitative Analysis to Disentangle How Dietary Behaviors of Asian American Young Adults are Influenced by Family8
Treating from Afar: Mental Health Providers’ Challenges and Concerns During the COVID-19 Pandemic8
Headache Disorders in VHA Primary Care: Prevalence, Psychiatric Comorbidity, and Health Care Utilization7
Keeping the ‘C’ in CBPR: Exploring Community Researchers’ Experiences with Human Subjects Protection Training Requirements6
Undergraduate Student Stress, Sleep, and Health Before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic6
Perceptions and knowledge of COVID-19 vaccine safety and efficacy among vaccinated and non-vaccinated obstetric healthcare workers6
Experiences of Isolation among Patients Hospitalized during an Infectious Disease Outbreak: A Systematic Review and Meta-Ethnography6
A Systematic Review of eHealth Interventions to Promote Physical Activity in Adults with Obesity or Overweight6
The Role of COVID-19, Race and Social Factors in Pregnancy Experiences in New York State: The CAP Study6
Religious Coping Is Differentially Associated with Physiological and Subjective Distress Indicators: Comparing Cortisol and Self-Report Patterns6
Preferred Behavior Change Techniques for Physical Activity Interventions among Persons Newly Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis: A Qualitative Study6
Mental Health and Substance Misuse Indicators Associated with First-Time Homelessness among a Community Sample of Sexual and Gender Minority Adults6
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Body Mass Index Status among Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs5
Influenza and Pertussis Vaccine Uptake during Pregnancy: Determinants Found through a Multi-Center Questionnaire Study of Pregnant Women and Healthcare Professionals5
Food Security and Medication Adherence in Young and Middle-Aged Adults with Diabetes5
COVID-19-Related Household Job Loss and Mental Health in a Nationwide United States Sample of Sexual Minority Adolescents5
Poor Sleep Quality Predicts Decline in Physical Health Functioning in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease and Moderating Role of Social Support5
PTSD Symptoms and Hazardous Drinking Indicators among Trauma-Exposed Sexual Minority Women during Heightened Societal Stress5
One Year of COVID-19 in Spain, Longitudinal Study on Mental and Physical Health4
Do Incentives Crowd Out Motivation? A Feasibility Study of a Community Vector-Control Campaign in Peru4
Peer victimization and relationships to approach and avoidance coping to health and health behaviors4
Sexual Identity Disclosure and Alcohol Experiences Among LGBTQ+ Adolescents4
Age of Smoking Initiation in Relation to Multiple Health Risk Factors among US Adult Smokers: National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) Data (2006–2018)4
Prospective study of beginner running groups: psychological predictors and outcomes of participation4
Habit Facilitates Actioning Sun Protective Behavior Intentions4
Describing 24-hour movement behaviours among preconception and recently pregnant Canadian parents: who do we need to target?4
Provider Perspectives on Barriers to Routine HIV Testing of Adolescent and Young Adult Patients in Emergency Department Settings4
Pain Experiences in Individuals with Reported and Suspected Sleep Disorders4
Relationship between social support, life satisfaction, and smoking status among US adults with cardiovascular risks3
Randomized Controlled Trial of the Behavioral Intervention for Increasing Physical Activity in Multiple Sclerosis Project: Fidelity Monitoring and Outcomes3
A Qualitative Study: The Journey to Self-Acceptance of Sexual Identity among Young, Black MSM in the South3
The Disease Influenced Vaccine Acceptance Scale-Six (DIVAS-6): Validation of a Measure to Assess Disease-Related COVID-19 Vaccine Attitudes and Concerns3
Associations of Self-Control with Physical Activity, Physical Fitness, and Adiposity in Adolescents2
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) use, anticipated PrEP stigma, and bisexual identity among a Black and Hispanic/Latino sexual and gender diverse sample2
Discrimination and Abuse Among Healthcare Workers from Patients and their Relatives at a Tertiary Hospital in Kenya2
Housing Instability, Structural Vulnerability, and Non-Fatal Opioid Overdoses Among People Who Use Heroin in Washington Heights, New York City2
Association of Weight Perception, Body Satisfaction, and Weight Loss Intention With Patterns of Health Risk Behaviors in Adolescents With Overweight and Obesity2
The Association between Neighborhood Walkability and Physical Activity in a Behavioral Weight Loss Trial Testing the Addition of Remotely Delivered Feedback Messages to Self-Monitoring2
Substance Misuse among a Diverse Psychiatric Inpatient Sample: Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors and Motivation to Change2
Acceptance of Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Following COVID-19 Vaccination: A Survey among Israel Defense Forces Soldiers2
The Indirect Effects of Recalled Trauma Severity on Pain Ratings among People with Fibromyalgia: a Moderated Mediation Model2
The Relevance of Competences for a Healthy, Physically Active Lifestyle in Persons with Multiple Sclerosis: a Path Analytical Approach2
Racism, Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, and Racial Disparity in the U.S. COVID-19 Syndemic2
Social Media Use Early in the Pandemic Predicted Later Social Well-Being and Mental Health in a National Online Sample of Adults in the United States2
COVID-19-related stress response among adult females: Relevance of sociodemographics, health-related behaviors and COVID-19 contact2
Clinician Perspectives on Implementing HPV Vaccination Guidelines into Practice2
The Role of Pain Avoidance in the Relation between Pain Intensity and Smoking Cessation Processes2
Psychosocial and structural stressors and engagement in medical care among young sexual minority men across racial identities2