Applied Measurement in Education

(The median citation count of Applied Measurement in Education is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Improving Test-Taking Effort in Low-Stakes Group-Based Educational Testing: A Meta-Analysis of Interventions25
The Effect of Peer Assessment on Non-Cognitive Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis16
A Method for Identifying Partial Test-Taking Engagement12
Rethinking Think-Alouds: The Often-Problematic Collection of Response Process Data8
Determining Reliability of Daily Measures: An Illustration with Data on Teacher Stress8
Formative Assessment of Computational Thinking: Cognitive and Metacognitive Processes8
Performance Decline as an Indicator of Generalized Test-Taking Disengagement5
Think Alouds: Informing Scholarship and Broadening Partnerships through Assessment5
Gathering Response Process Data for a Problem-Solving Measure through Whole-Class Think Alouds5
Enacting a Process for Developing Culturally Relevant Classroom Assessments4
Detecting Differential Item Functioning Using Cognitive Diagnosis Models: Applications of the Wald Test and Likelihood Ratio Test in a University Entrance Examination4
Teacher Assessment Literacy: Implications for Diagnostic Assessment Systems4
Analyzing Student Response Processes to Evaluate Success on a Technology-Based Problem-Solving Task4
Detection of Outliers in Anchor Items Using Modified Rasch Fit Statistics4
Bayesian Estimation and Testing of a Linear Logistic Test Model for Learning during the Test3
Personalized Online Learning, Test Fairness, and Educational Measurement: Considering Differential Content Exposure Prior to a High Stakes End of Course Exam3
Response Demands of Reading Comprehension Test Items: A Review of Item Difficulty Modeling Studies3
Analyzing Complete Generalizability Theory Designs Using Structural Equation Models3
Does the Response Options Placement Provide Clues to the Correct Answers in Multiple-choice Tests? A Systematic Review3
Between- versus Within-Examinee Variability in Test-Taking Effort and Test Emotions during a Low-Stakes Test3
Accuracy and Sensitivity of Coefficient Alpha and Its Alternatives with Unidimensional and Contaminated Scales2
Using Bayesian Networks for Cognitive Assessment of Student Understanding of Buoyancy: A Granular Hierarchy Model2
Using Think-Alouds for Response Process Evidence of Teacher Attentiveness2
The Standards Will Never Be Enough: A Racial Justice Extension2
Efficient Estimation of Mean Ability Growth Using Vertical Scaling2
Not-reached Items: An Issue of Time and of test-taking Disengagement? the Case of PISA 2015 Reading Data2
Validity and Racial Justice in Educational Assessment2
Performance of Infit and Outfit Confidence Intervals Calculated via Parametric Bootstrapping2
Violation of Conditional Independence in the Many-Facets Rasch Model2
Applying a Culturally Responsive Pedagogical Framework to Design and Evaluate Classroom Performance-Based Assessments in Hawai‘i2
Coefficient β As Extension of KR-21 Reliability for Summed and Scaled Scores for Polytomously-scored Tests2
A Census-Level, Multi-Grade Analysis of the Association Between Testing Time, Breaks, and Achievement2
Characterizing the Latent Classes in a Mixture IRT Model Using DIF1
Development and Use of Anchoring Vignettes: Psychometric Investigations and Recommendations for a Nonparametric Approach1
The Consideration of Admissions Testing at Colleges and Universities: A Perspective1
Measurement Invariance in Relation to First Language: An Evaluation of German Reading and Spelling Tests1
Comparing Examinee-Based and Response-Based Motivation Filtering Methods in Remote Low-Stakes Testing1
Change in Engagement During Test Events: An Argument for Weighted Scoring?1
When Should Individual Ability Estimates Be Reported if Rapid Guessing Is Present?1
Multi-Group Generalizations of SIBTEST and Crossing-SIBTEST1
Reconceptualizing Rapid Responses as a Speededness Indicator in High-Stakes Assessments1
Comparing the Robustness of Three Nonparametric DIF Procedures to Differential Rapid Guessing1
Comparing School Reports and Empirical Estimates of Relative Reliance on Tests Vs Grades in College Admissions1
Recruitment and Retention of Racially and Ethnically Minoritized Graduate Students in Educational Measurement Programs1
Efficient Assessment of Students’ Proportional Reasoning1