Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics

(The H4-Index of Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics is 33. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Unified Focal loss: Generalising Dice and cross entropy-based losses to handle class imbalanced medical image segmentation248
Role of deep learning in brain tumor detection and classification (2015 to 2020): A review125
Automated multi-class classification of skin lesions through deep convolutional neural network with dermoscopic images112
An Integration of blockchain and AI for secure data sharing and detection of CT images for the hospitals99
MS-UNet: A multi-scale UNet with feature recalibration approach for automatic liver and tumor segmentation in CT images91
Deep Multi-Magnification Networks for multi-class breast cancer image segmentation75
CT synthesis from MRI using multi-cycle GAN for head-and-neck radiation therapy71
FA-GAN: Fused attentive generative adversarial networks for MRI image super-resolution69
Fast and efficient retinal blood vessel segmentation method based on deep learning network59
A deep learning approach to the screening of malaria infection: Automated and rapid cell counting, object detection and instance segmentation using Mask R-CNN59
A survey on contemporary computer-aided tumor, polyp, and ulcer detection methods in wireless capsule endoscopy imaging55
On the performance of lung nodule detection, segmentation and classification54
DenResCov-19: A deep transfer learning network for robust automatic classification of COVID-19, pneumonia, and tuberculosis from X-rays54
Automatic skin lesion classification based on mid-level feature learning53
A survey on graph-based deep learning for computational histopathology52
Automatic cardiac cine MRI segmentation and heart disease classification50
Deep transfer learning approaches for bleeding detection in endoscopy images49
Histopathology classification and localization of colorectal cancer using global labels by weakly supervised deep learning48
Classification of malignant tumors in breast ultrasound using a pretrained deep residual network model and support vector machine48
Automated MRI based pipeline for segmentation and prediction of grade, IDH mutation and 1p19q co-deletion in glioma44
LGAN: Lung segmentation in CT scans using generative adversarial network44
Digital imaging, technologies and artificial intelligence applications during COVID-19 pandemic44
Multiple sclerosis lesion activity segmentation with attention-guided two-path CNNs41
CT synthesis from MR in the pelvic area using Residual Transformer Conditional GAN39
MSDS-UNet: A multi-scale deeply supervised 3D U-Net for automatic segmentation of lung tumor in CT39
Automatic segmentation of white matter hyperintensities from brain magnetic resonance images in the era of deep learning and big data – A systematic review38
Bridging 2D and 3D segmentation networks for computation-efficient volumetric medical image segmentation: An empirical study of 2.5D solutions37
Deep learning method for localization and segmentation of abdominal CT36
Memory-efficient GAN-based domain translation of high resolution 3D medical images36
Learning-based algorithms for vessel tracking: A review36
An imageomics and multi-network based deep learning model for risk assessment of liver transplantation for hepatocellular cancer35
A New Deep Learning Network for Mitigating Limited-view and Under-sampling Artifacts in Ring-shaped Photoacoustic Tomography35
MMTLNet: Multi-Modality Transfer Learning Network with adversarial training for 3D whole heart segmentation34