Journal of Risk and Uncertainty

(The median citation count of Journal of Risk and Uncertainty is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Personalized information and willingness to pay for non-financial risk prevention: An experiment28
Pay every subject or pay only some?18
When risky decisions generate externalities17
Effect of a brief intervention on respondents’ subjective perception of time and discount rates17
Seen and not seen: How people judge ambiguous behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic14
An experimental study of charity hazard: The effect of risky and ambiguous government compensation on flood insurance demand9
Individual characteristics associated with risk and time preferences: A multi country representative survey9
The impact of risk aversion and ambiguity aversion on annuity and saving choices9
Does the COVID-19 pandemic change individuals’ risk preference?9
Strength of preference and decisions under risk9
On the role of monetary incentives in risk preference elicitation experiments9
Controlling ambiguity: The illusion of control in choice under risk and ambiguity9
Randomization advice and ambiguity aversion8
Choice uncertainty and the endowment effect8
Experimental evidence on the effect of incentives and domain in risk aversion and discounting tasks8
Ambiguity aversion and the degree of ambiguity7
Estimating risk and time preferences over public lotteries: Findings from the field and stream7
How does risk preference change under the stress of COVID-19? Evidence from Japan6
Correction to: Insurance decisions under nonperformance risk and ambiguity6
An inquiry into the nature and causes of the Description - Experience gap6
Smoking, selection, and medical care expenditures5
The limits of reopening policy to alter economic behavior: New evidence from Texas5
Self-serving dishonesty: The role of confidence in driving dishonesty5
Intransitivity in the small and in the large5
Learning your own risk preferences5
Do people have a bias for low deductible insurance?5
Justice in an uncertain world: Evidence on donations to cancer research5
Gender differences in the stability of risk attitudes5
Adversity-hope hypothesis: Air pollution raises lottery demand in China4
Ambiguity attitudes toward natural and artificial sources in gain and loss domains4
Revisiting the diagnosis of intertemporal preference reversals4
Risk Taking with Left- and Right-Skewed Lotteries*4
Towards a typology of risk preference: Four risk profiles describe two-thirds of individuals in a large sample of the U.S. population4
Heuristic assumptions3
Crowded out: Heterogeneity in risk attitudes among poor households in the US3
Are economic preferences shaped by the family context? The relation of birth order and siblings’ gender composition to economic preferences3
Revealing risky mistakes through revisions3
Prince: An improved method for measuring incentivized preferences3
Subjective beliefs, health, and health behaviors3
Paying for randomization and indecisiveness3
Optimal e-cigarette policy when preferences and internalities are correlated3
Reference-dependent discounting3
Safe options and gender differences in risk attitudes2
Effects of e-cigarette minimum legal sales ages on youth tobacco use in the United States2
The determinants of decision time in an ambiguous context2
How serious is the measurement-error problem in risk-aversion tasks?2
Dynamic inconsistency under ambiguity: An experiment2
Advantageous selection without moral hazard1
“Injury risk, concussions, race, and pay in the NFL”1
A behavioral decomposition of willingness to pay for health insurance1
Optimality of winner-take-all contests: the role of attitudes toward risk1
Quantifying loss aversion: Evidence from a UK population survey1
Fatalism, beliefs, and behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic1
A systematic review of unique methods for measuring discount rates1
A double-bounded risk-risk trade-off analysis of heatwave-related mortality risk: Evidence from India1
Stochastic superiority1
The value of statistical life in the context of road safety: new evidence on the contingent valuation/standard gamble chained approach1
The predictive power of risk elicitation tasks1
Risk-taking and others 1
Monetary values of increasing life expectancy: Sensitivity to shifts of the survival curve1
Chance theory: A separation of riskless and risky utility1