Journal of Economic Perspectives

(The H4-Index of Journal of Economic Perspectives is 31. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Front Matter162
Recommendations for Further Reading111
The Economics of Intangible Capital107
Front Matter81
Recommendations for Further Reading80
Lessons for Expanding the Share of Disadvantaged Students in Economics from the AEA Summer Program at Michigan State University76
Oleg Itskhoki: 2022 John Bates Clark Medalist73
Seeking the “Missing Women” of Economics with the Undergraduate Women in Economics Challenge68
Carbon Border Adjustments, Climate Clubs, and Subsidy Races When Climate Policies Vary67
Recommendations for Further Reading67
College Majors, Occupations, and the Gender Wage Gap60
How Do Firms Respond to Minimum Wage Increases? Understanding the Relevance of Non-Employment Margins59
Retrospectives: Joan Robinson on Karl Marx: “His Sense of Reality Is Far Stronger”57
The Economics Profession’s Socioeconomic Diversity Problem55
American Enslavement and the Recovery of Black Economic History55
Next-Generation Policing Research: Three Propositions54
Monetary Policy When the Central Bank Shapes Financial-Market Sentiment53
Can Structural Changes Fix the Supreme Court?51
Job Training and Job Search Assistance Policies in Developing Countries49
Is Pay Transparency Good?49
Inside the Box: Safety, Health, and Isolation in Prison47
Evidence on Research Transparency in Economics45
Popular Personal Financial Advice versus the Professors45
Facts and Fantasies about Wage Setting and Collective Bargaining40
Debt Revenue and the Sustainability of Public Debt39
Migration and Innovation: Learning from Patent and Inventor Data38
Young Adults and Labor Markets in Africa37
Estimating Judicial Ideology37
Depression and Loneliness among the Elderly in Low- and Middle-Income Countries33
The Economic Constitution of the United States32
Compensating Wage Differentials in Labor Markets: Empirical Challenges and Applications32
The Importance of Financial Literacy: Opening a New Field31
How Far Goods Travel: Global Transport and Supply Chains from 1965–202031