Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica

(The median citation count of Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Numerical Determination of the Circumferential Residual Stress of Porcine Aorta by Pulling-Back Method37
Surface and Nonlocal Effects on the Thermoelastic Damping in Axisymmetric Vibration of Circular Graphene Nanoresonators28
Editorial for the Special Issue on “Origami/Kirigami Structures and Engineering Applications”26
Adhesive Contact of a One-Dimensional Hexagonal Quasicrystal Half-Space Punched by a Spherical Indenter22
Mechanical Response of Conductor on Round Core (CORC) Cables Under Electromagnetic Force17
Post-buckling Reliability and Sensitivity Analysis of Composite Stiffened Plates Based on Adaptive Kriging Method17
Extraction on the Contact Forces Among the Opaque and Non-photoelastic Particles Under Electromagnetic Force17
A Novel Design of a Pre-separation Panel Structure to Protect Against the Impact of an Explosion in an Aircraft Plenum Chamber16
Temperature-Dependent Tearing Behavior of Rubber Materials: Characterization and Modeling15
Prediction and Regulation of Delamination at Flexible Film/Finite-Thickness-Substrate Structure Interfaces14
Geometrically Nonlinear Deformation Reconstruction Based on iQS4 Elements Using a Linearized Iterative iFEM Algorithm14
Topology Optimization Considering Steady-State Structural Dynamic Responses via Moving Morphable Component (MMC) Approach13
Modeling of Mesoscale Creep Behaviors and Macroscale Creep Responses of Composite Fuels Under Irradiation Conditions12
Deep-Learning-Coupled Numerical Optimization Method for Designing Geometric Structure and Insertion-Withdrawal Force of Press-Fit Connector12
Adhesive Contact of Elastic Solids with Self-Affine Fractal Rough Surfaces12
Symplectic Analysis on Coupling Behaviors of Spatial Flexible Damping Beam12
The Analysis of a Griffith Crack Embedded in a Thermo-poro-elastic Medium11
The Coiling of Split Dandelion Scape Induced by Cell Hygroscopicity11
Strain-Rate-Dependent In-Plane Compressive Properties of 3D Fine Weave Pierced C/C Composite: Failure Mechanism and Constitutive Model11
Coarse Mesh Superconvergence in Isogeometric Frequency Analysis of Mindlin–Reissner Plates with Reduced Integration and Quadratic Splines11
Parametric Vibration Stability Analysis of a Pyramid Lattice Sandwich Plate Subjected to Pulsatile External Airflow10
Level-Set-Based Topology Optimization of a Geometrically Nonlinear Structure Considering Thermo-mechanical Coupling Effect10
Mechanical Properties of Star-Shaped Gradient Lattice Structures Under Tensile Load10
Dynamic Fracture Simulation of Functionally Graded Engineered Cementitious Composite Structures Based on Peridynamics9
A Modified Elastoplastic Contact Stiffness Model Considering Continuous Smooth Contact Characteristics and Substrate Deformation9
Enhanced Flexoelectric Response from Functionally Gradient Electrets Undergoing Crumpling Deformation9
DEM Analysis of Single-Particle Crushing Considering the Inhomogeneity of Material Properties9
Design and Experiments of an Origami-Inspired Pneumatic Flexible Manipulator9
New Insight into the Flexoelectricity in the View of Mechanics of Materials: Prismatic Beams Subjected to Bending9
Bending Analysis of Circular Piezoelectric Semiconductor Plates Incorporating Flexoelectricity9
Nonlinear Bending of FG-CNTR Curved Nanobeams in Thermal Environments9
Hybrid Finite Element Method Based on Polygon-Quadtree Meshes for Heat Transfer and Thermal Elastic Analysis8
Adhesion of 2D Materials: Measurement and Modulation8
Topology Optimization Method of Structures with Surface Corrosion Considered8
Size and Interface Effects on Tensile Strength of Polymers with Nano/Micro Particle Inclusions8
Wave Propagation in Graphene Platelet-Reinforced Piezoelectric Sandwich Composite Nanoplates with Nonlocal Strain Gradient Effects8
Mechanical Behaviors of Soft Elastomers Filled with Low Melting Alloys8
Data-Enhanced Low-Cycle Fatigue Life Prediction Model Based on Nickel-Based Superalloys8
The Multi-field Coupled Vibration Analysis of AT-Cut Quartz Crystal Resonators with Parallelism Error8
Electromagnetic–Thermo–Mechanical Coupling Behavior of Cu/Si Layered Thin Plate Under Pulsed Magnetic Field8
Love Waves in a Piezoelectric Semiconductor Thin Film on an Elastic Dielectric Half-Space8
Topology Optimization Method for Microscale Structures Described with Integral Nonlocal Theory8
Kinematic Shakedown Analysis for Strain-Hardening Plates with the C1 Nodal Natural Element Method8
A Numerical and Theoretical Study on the Perforation of Aluminum Plates Struck by Flat-Nosed Projectiles7
Tuning of Multi-stability Profile and Transition Sequence of Stacked Miura-Origami Metamaterials7
A 3D Homogenized Model for Nonlinear Wave Interaction with Randomly Distributed Microcracks7
Different Types of Bone Fractures Observed by Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy7
Probabilistic Fatigue Life Framework of Notched Specimens Based on the Weibull Distribution Under Multiaxial Loading7
Scattering of Shear Horizontal (SH) Waves by a Circular Hole in an Infinite Piezomagnetic Material7
Fracture Mechanics Analysis of Piezoelectric Materials Using an Efficient Collocation Element Differential Method7
Nonlinear Resonance Response of Suspended Cables Under Multi-Frequency Excitations and Time-Delayed Feedback7
A Review on the Mullins Effect in Tough Elastomers and Gels7
Geometrically Nonlinear Topology Optimization of Continuum Structures Based on an Independent Continuous Mapping Method6
Experiment and Numerical Simulation on the Dynamic Response of Foam-Filled Tubes Under Lateral Blast Loading6
Chemomechanical Properties of Electrospun Polyvinyl Acetate (PVAc) Fiber Mat and its Application in Water-Triggered Self-folding6
A Supersonic Aerodynamic Energy Harvester: A Functionally Graded Material Beam with a Giant Magnetostrictive Thin Film6
Investigation on the Very High Cycle Fatigue Life of Titanium Alloys by Near-β Forging and Shot Peening6
Sound Reduction Control in Acoustic Enclosure with Air Ventilation6
Prediction of Postbuckling Characteristics of Perforated Metamaterial Cylindrical Shells Under Axial Compression6
An Optimal Design of the Two-Staged Square Sectional Combined Energy Absorption Structure with Local Surface Nanocrystallization6
Derivation of the Orthotropic Nonlinear Elastic Material Law Driven by Low-Cost Data (DDONE)6
Modeling the Damage and Self-healing Behaviors of Plasticized PVC Gels6
Theoretical Analysis of Crack Propagation Measurement for Brittle Materials Based on Virtual Principal Strain Field6
Size-Dependent Analysis of Strain Energy Release Rate of Buckling Delamination Based on the Modified Couple Stress Theory6
Theoretical and Numerical Approximation Methods for Predicting Bending Characteristics of Bimodulus Sandwich Structures5
Peridynamic Meso-scale Modeling for Degradation in Transverse Mechanical Properties of Composites with Micro-void Defects5
Determination of Elastoplastic Properties of 2024 Aluminum Alloy Using Deep Learning and Instrumented Nanoindentation Experiment5
Foldcore Structures with Origami Initiators for Energy-Absorbing Sandwich Panels5
Large-Amplitude Oscillations of Hyperelastic Cylindrical Membrane Under Thermal-Mechanical Fields5
Measurement of Transverse Tensile Interfacial Strength of REBCO-Coated Conductors5
High-order Asymptotic Analysis for the V-notch in a Power-law Hardening Material5
A Thermal-Solid–Fluid Method for Topology Optimization of Structures with Design-Dependent Pressure Load5
Multiscale Mechanical Failures in Lithium-Ion Batteries: Experimental and Theoretical Approaches5
Energy Absorption Performance of Bio-inspired Honeycombs: Numerical and Theoretical Analysis4
Analytical and Numerical Investigation on the Penetration Resistance of PUE/Honeycomb Aluminum Composite Structures4
Feature Selection Using Tree Model and Classification Through Convolutional Neural Network for Structural Damage Detection4
Structure Design and Energy Absorption Mechanism of a New Type of Armor Inspired from Armadillos4
Sound Insulation Performance of Pyramidal Truss Core Cylindrical Sandwich Structure4
Modeling of Cyclic Bending of Thin Foils Using Higher-Order Strain Gradient Plasticity4
Semi-analytical Solutions for Wellbores with Graded Skin Zones in Poroelastic Media4
Static and Dynamic Analysis of a Piezoelectric Semiconductor Cantilever Under Consideration of Flexoelectricity and Strain Gradient Elasticity4
Analysis for Multiple Cracks in 2D Piezoelectric Bimaterial Using the Singular Integral Equation Method4
Molecular Dynamics Study on the Interactions of 1/2[110] Edge Dislocations with Voids and Ni3Al Precipitates in FCC Ni4
Design Insights for Bilayer Electrode Batteries in In-Situ Curvature Measurement Based upon Mechanical-Electrochemical Coupling Simulation4
Effect of Hydrogen on the Transformation Ratcheting of NiTi SMA Wires: Experiment and Modeling4
Hysteresis Analysis on Origami Energy Dissipation Braces with Local Miura Units4
Microstructure-dependent Band Gaps for Elastic Wave Propagation in a Periodic Microbeam Structure4
Determination of the Fracture Toughness of Glasses via Scratch Tests with a Vickers Indenter4
Novel Lightweight and Protective Battery System Based on Mechanical Metamaterials4
Peeling of Magneto-responsive Beams with Large Deformation Mediated by the Parallel Magnetic Field4
Modeling of Sandwich MRE Resonator and Band Gap Adjustment of Metamaterial Beam4
A Two-Way FSI Model for Pathologic Respiratory Processes with Precisely Structured and Flexible Upper Airway4
Progress in the Effect of Mass Transfer in the Lacunar-Canalicular System on Aging Osteoporosis4
Element-Free Modelling of Topological Gels with Peculiar Multiaxial Large Deformation Behavior4
A Semi-analytical Model of Maximal First Principal Stress at Mode I Crack Tip4
Studies on the Compressive Mechanical Properties of Antitetrachiral Honeycombs with Different Thickness Ratios of Ligament to Cylinder4
Bandgap Analysis of Periodic Composite Microplates with Curvature-Based Flexoelectricity: A Finite Element Approach4
Decomposition of $$\langle {c}+{a}\rangle $$ Dislocations in Magnesium Alloys4
Dual-Porosity Apparent Permeability Models of Unconventional Gas Migration Based on Biot’s Porous Media4
Nonlinear Young’s Modulus of New Red Sandstone: Experimental Studies4
Effect of Hydrogen on Dislocation Nucleation and Motion: Nanoindentation Experiment and Discrete Dislocation Dynamics Simulation4
The Analysis of Bending of an Elastic Beam Resting on a Nonlinear Winkler Foundation with the Galerkin Method4
Energy Absorption Characteristics of a Novel Asymmetric and Rotatable Re-entrant Honeycomb Structure4
Dynamic Response of Fractional-Order Viscoelastic High-Order Shear Beam Based on Nonlocal Strain Gradient Elasticity4
Geometrically Exact Finite Element Formulation for Tendon-Driven Continuum Robots3
Solid–Liquid Composites with High Impact Resistance3
Topology Optimization of Transient Thermo-elastic Structure Considering Regional Temperature Control3
A General Simulation Method for Complex Deformation of Irregular-Shaped Origami Configurations3
Topology Optimization for Design of Hybrid Lattice Structures with Multiple Microstructure Configurations3
An Anisotropic Hyperelastic Inflated Toroidal Membrane in Lateral Contact with Two Flat Rigid Plates3
Experimental Study on Mixed-Mode (I–II) Fracture Toughness of Freshwater Ice3
Enhanced Flexoelectricity in Barium Titanate-Cellulose Composite Thin Films3
Fatigue Life Prediction for NiTi Shape Memory Alloy Micro-tubes Under Uniaxial Stress-Controlled One-Way Shape Memory Cyclic Loading3
Free Vibration of Elastically Constrained Single-Layered $$\hbox {MoS}_{2}$$3
A New and Efficient Approach to Determining the Rate of the Second-Order Symmetric Tensor and Its Isotropic Function3
Experimental Investigation on the Vibration Attenuation of Tensegrity Prisms Integrated with Particle Dampers3
Dynamic Behavior and Vibration Suppression of a Generally Restrained Pre-pressure Beam Structure Attached with Multiple Nonlinear Energy Sinks3
Nonlocal Thermal–Mechanical Vibration of Spinning Functionally Graded Nanotubes Conveying Fluid Based on the Timoshenko Model3
A Feasible Experimental Method to Measure the Adhesive Strength of Brittle Adherends3
Theoretical Analysis of the Buckling Behaviors of Inhomogeneous Shape Memory Polymer Composite Laminates Considering Prestrains3
Fatigue Reliability Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Laminated Composites by Continuum Damage Mechanics3
Aeroelastic Properties and Nonlinear Vibration Control of a Simply-Supported Lattice Sandwich Beam Embedded with Nitinol-Steel Wire Ropes3
Complete Solution of Large Plastic Deformation of Square Plates Under Exponentially Decaying Pulse Loading3
Stiffness-Tunable Origami Structures via Multimaterial Three-Dimensional Printing3
Free Vibration Analysis of Moderately-Thick Laminated Doubly-Curved Shells with the Modified Higher-Order Theory3
Correction to: Modeling of Superelastic–plastic Behavior of Porous Shape Memory Alloys Incorporating Void Shape Effects3
A Peridynamics-Based Finite Element Method (PeriFEM) for Quasi-Static Fracture Analysis3
In-Plane Small-Deformation Equivalent Method for Kinematic Analysis of Tubular Miura-Ori3
Sliding Electrical Contact Model Considering Frictional and Joule Heating3
The Mixed-Mode Fatigue Crack Propagation Model of Piezoelectric Materials Under Electric Fatigue Loading by the Jk-Integral3
Isogeometric Analysis (IGA)-Based Topology Optimization for 3D Flexoelectric Structures3
Accelerating Optimization Design of Bio-inspired Interlocking Structures with Machine Learning2
Enhancing the Capacity and Cycling Performance of Lithium Ion Batteries Through Perforated Current Collectors2
Analysis of Vibrational Properties of Horn-Shaped Magneto-Elastic Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Mass Sensor Conveying Pulsating Viscous Fluid Using Haar Wavelet Technique2
A Novel Fractional Plastic Damage Model for Quasi-brittle Materials2
In-Plane Dynamic Crushing Behaviors of a Vertex-Based Hierarchical Auxetic Honeycomb2
Vortex Evolution Behavior in Self-Assembly of Flow Units in Metallic Glasses2
Topology Optimization of Acoustic–Mechanical Structures for Enhancing Sound Quality2
Volume Optimisation of Multi-stable Origami Bellows for Deployable Space Habitats2
A Visco-hyperelastic Constitutive Model for Rubber Considering the Strain Level and One Case Study in the Sealing Packer2
Estimation of Fracture Toughness for A508-III Steel in Ductile-to-Brittle Transition Region Using a Strain-Energy–Density-Based Fracture Failure Model2
Nonlinear Dynamics of an Axially Moving Plate Submerged in Fluid with Parametric and Forced Excitation2
Developing Mechanical Metamaterials Under an Adaptable Topology Optimization Design Framework2
Pullout of the Cylindrical Helicoidal Fiber2
Bandgap Properties for the Folded S-Type Periodic Structure: Numerical Simulation and Experiment2
Energy Absorption Performance of Bionic Multi-cell Tubes Inspired by Shrimp chela2
Formation of One-Dimensional van der Waals Heterostructures via Self-Assembly of Blue Phosphorene Nanoribbons to Carbon Nanotubes2
Frequency–Temperature Analysis of Thickness-Shear Vibrations of SC-Cut Quartz Crystal Plates with the First-Order Mindlin Plate Equations2
Influence of Porosity on Vibration of Porous FG Plates Resting on an Arbitrarily Orthotropic Winkler-Pasternak Foundation by PDDO2
A Thermo-mechanical Investigation on Laser Ablation of Aluminum Alloy2
The Compressive and Shear Characteristics of Miura-ori Forms as Core Materials of Sandwich Structures2
Phase-Field Modeling of Thermal Fracture and Shear Heating in Rocks with Degraded Thermal Conductivity Across Crack2
Preface to the Special Issue in Celebration of Professor Shouwen Yu’s 85th Birthday2
Interfacial Instability of Two Bonded Elastic Bodies Driven by Interface or Bulk Residual Stress2
Effect of Core Structure on the Mechanical and Electromagnetic Properties of High-Temperature Superconducting Cables2
Analytical Expression for the Atomic Friction of a Single Asperity Based on the Prandtl–Tomlinson Model2
Nonreciprocal Head-on Collision Between Two Nonlinear Solitary Waves in Granular Metamaterials with an Interface2
High-Temperature and Low-Frequency Acoustic Energy Absorption by a Novel Porous Metamaterial Structure2
Influence of Dislocation Pile-Up on Main Crack Propagation in Nanocrystals in the Hydrogen Environment1
Nonlinear Bending of FCC Nanoplates Based on a Quasi-Continuum Model1
Wavelet-Based Boundary Element Method for Calculating the Band Structures of Two-Dimensional Phononic Crystals1
Strain Gradient Finite Element Formulation of Flexoelectricity in Ferroelectric Material Based on Phase-Field Method1
Surface Elastic Effects on Electromechanical Responses of a Piezoelectric Semiconducting Nanobeam1
Inflation of a Circular Hyperelastic Membrane: A Numerical Analysis1
Linear and Nonlinear Formulation of Phase Field Model with Generalized Polynomial Degradation Functions for Brittle Fractures1
Optimization of Band Gap of 1D Elastic Metamaterial Under Impact Load by Regulating Stiffness1
Dynamic Deformation of Frozen Soil at a High Strain Rate: Experiments and Damage-Coupled Constitutive Model1
A Microstructural Damage Model toward Simulating the Mullins Effect in Double-Network Hydrogels1
Axisymmetric Free Vibration of Soft Electroactive Circular Plates under Biasing Fields1
Analysis of Piezoelectric Semiconductor Structures Considering Both Physical and Geometric Nonlinearities1
An Uncertainty Evaluation on the ΔKth and ΔKIC of Fine-grained Isotropic Graphite1
Nonlinear Out-of-Plane Mechanical Behaviours of Rectangular Woven Composite Flexible Skin Under Uniform Normal Pressure1
Dynamic Response of Composite Materials with 2D Reduced Micromorphic Model1
A Partial-Periodic Model for Predicting Structural Stiffness of Composite Laminate Beam Structures1
Inverse Design of a NURBS-Based Chiral Metamaterial Via Machine Learning for Programmable Mechanical Deformation1
Topology Optimization of Geometrically Nonlinear Structures Under Thermal–Mechanical Coupling1
Experimental Study of Hygrothermal and Ultraviolet Aging on the Flexural Performance of Epoxy Polymer Mortar1
Indentation of a Plate on a Thin Transversely Isotropic Elastic Layer1
Coupling Effects and Resonant Characteristics of Rotating Composite Thin-Walled Beams in Hygrothermal Environments1
The Effect of Internal Delamination Damage on the Tensile Strength of Aeronautical Composites1
Active Control of Thermo-mechanical Buckling of Composite Laminated Plates Using Piezoelectric Actuators1
Guided Wave Propagation in Multilayered Two-dimensional Quasicrystal Plates with Imperfect Interfaces1
An Adaptively Filtered Precise Integration Method Considering Perturbation for Stochastic Dynamics Problems1
Effective Energy Density of Glass Rejuvenation1
Total Focusing Method Damage Imaging in Frequency Domain Using Laser-Ultrasonic Lamb Wave Based on Time-domain Filtering in Multi-band1
An Instrumented Sharp Indentation Method for Measuring Equibiaxial Residual Stress without Using Stress-Free Specimens1
Stress-Induced Uphill Diffusion with Interfacial Contact Loss in Solid-State Electrodes1
Bending and Vibration Analysis of Trigonometric Varying Functionally Graded Material via a Novel Third-Order Shear Deformation Theory1
An Analysis of Piezomagnetic-Piezoelectric Semiconductor Unimorphs in Coupled Bending and Extension under a Transverse Magnetic Field1
Multiple Impact Phenomenon in Impact Hammer Testing: Theoretical Analysis and Numerical Simulation1
Accessing Elastic Properties of Porous Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Electrodes Using 2D Image-Based Discrete Element Modeling and Deep Learning1
Exploring the Effect of Plasticity on the Phase Imaging of TM-AFM Through Molecular Dynamics Simulations1
Theoretical and Experimental Study on Tension–Torsion Coupling Vibration for Time-Varying Elevator Traction System1
A Visco-hyperelastic Constitutive Model for Temperature-Dependent Cyclic Deformation of Dielectric Elastomer1
Misalignment Tolerance in One-side and Symmetric Loading Hopkinson Pressure Bar Experiments1
A Trans-scale Shear-lag Model for Characterizing the Size Effect and Viscoelasticity of Staggered Shells1
Thermal-Based Free Vibration and Buckling Behavior of Bio-inspired Cross- and Double-Helicoidal/Bouligand Laminated Composite Plates1
Innovative Thin-Walled Structure with Transverse Negative Poisson's Ratio for High-Performance Crashworthiness1
Resonance System Reliability and Sensitivity Analysis Method for Axially FGM Pipes Conveying Fluid with Adaptive Kriging Model1
Nonlinear Vibration Isolation of Spacecraft System by a Bionic Variable-Stiffness Device Enhanced by Electromagnetic Component1
Size Effect on the Fracture Strength and Toughness of Nano-cracked CoSb3: A Molecular Dynamics Study1
The Non-local Effects Induced by Rapid Transient Mass Diffusion in a Spherical Silicon Electrode of Lithium-ion Batteries1
Thermal Torsion Effect of Twisted Polymer Actuators1
Bioinspiration: Pull-Out Mechanical Properties of the Jigsaw Connection of Diabolical Ironclad Beetle’s Elytra1
Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Interface Stiffness and Damping Considering Asperity Lateral Contact1
Buckling and Unbuckling of Superelastic NiTi Tube1
Voronoi Cell Finite Element Study on Particle-Reinforced Composites Containing Interphases Considering Both Interfacial Debonding and Thermal Stress1
Correction to: A Thermal-Solid–Fluid Method for Topology Optimization of Structures with Design-Dependent Pressure Load1
Total Internal Reflection (TIR) Behavior of Heterogeneous Interface Shear Waves in Layered Soft Structure1
Dynamic Damage Detection and Assessment on the Bogie Frame of High-Speed Train Based on the Coupled Elastic and Multibody Dynamics Scheme1
Imperfection Insensitivity of Origami-Inspired Tubular Structures1
Closed-Form Solutions of Stress Intensity Factors for Semi-elliptical Surface Cracks in a Cylindrical Bar Under Pure Tension1
Wave Propagation in Viscoelastic Functionally Graded Nanoplates: Comparison of the Integral and Differential Nonlocal Models1
The Method of Polynomial Particular Solutions for Solving Nonlinear Poisson-Type Equations1
Modeling of Coupling Between Free Volume Evolution and Diffusion in Silicon Electrodes of Lithium-Ion Batteries1
Controllable Delamination of CNT-Reinforced Carbon Fiber Films by Harnessing Mechanical and Topological Characteristics of the Composites1
Unveiling the Mechanism Behind the Asymmetric Bending Compliance of Thin-Walled U-Shaped Strips: A Study Inspired by Plant Leaves1
Investigating the Head Impact Force-Induced Evolution of Hyperphosphorylated Tau Proteins in Brain Tissue Through Mechanical Mesoscale Finite Element Simulation1
The Scanning Secondary Moiré Method with Atomic-Level Resolution and Large Micrometer-Scale Field of View1
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Displacement Cascade in Ni-Based Concentrated Solid Solution Alloys1
Theoretical Modeling and Analysis of Vibroacoustic Characteristics of an Acoustic Metamaterial Plate1
Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Tunable Low-frequency Locally Resonant Metamaterials1
Sound Transmission Comparisons of Active Elastic Wave Metamaterial Immersed in External Mean Flow1
Nonlinear Fractional-Order Dynamic Stability of Fluid-Conveying Pipes Constituted by the Viscoelastic Materials with Time-Dependent Velocity1
Photo-Activated Snap-Through of Nematic Shallow Spherical Shells1