Journal of Career Development

(The median citation count of Journal of Career Development is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Career Competencies and Career Success: On the Roles of Employability Activities and Academic Satisfaction During the School-to-Work Transition49
Am I Gonna Get a Job? Graduating Students’ Psychological Capital, Coping Styles, and Employment Anxiety47
Moving Toward Decent Work: Application of the Psychology of Working Theory to the School-to-Work Transition46
Career Decision-Making Difficulties and Life Satisfaction: The Role of Career-Related Parental Behaviors and Career Adaptability44
Career Adaptability and Career Decision Self-Efficacy: Meta-Analysis39
Development and Validation of a Career Sustainability Scale34
Barriers to the Successful Mentoring of Faculty of Color22
Work Values and Job Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Basic Psychological Needs at Work20
Many Roads Lead to Rome: Researching Antecedents and Outcomes of Contemporary School-To-Work Transitions16
Strengths-Based Leadership and Employee Psychological Well-Being: A Moderated Mediation Model15
Socioeconomic Differences in the Transition From Higher Education to the Labour Market: A Systematic Review15
Impact of STEM Sense of Belonging on Career Interest: The Role of STEM Attitudes15
Are Girls More Ambitious Than Boys? Vocational Interests Partly Explain Gender Differences in Occupational Aspirations14
Focused for Some, Exploratory for Others: Job Search Strategies and Successful University-to-Work Transitions in the Context of Labor Market Ambiguity14
A Critical Exploration of Assumptions Underlying STEM Career Development13
Career Decision, Work Adjustment, and Person–Job Fit of Adolescents: Moderating Effects of Parental Support13
Adolescent–Parent Career Congruence as a Predictor of Job Search Preparatory Behaviors: The Role of Proactivity12
Career Adaptability Profiles and Their Relations With Emotional and Decision-Making Correlates Among Belgian Undergraduate Students12
A Latent Profile Analysis of Living a Calling, Burnout, Exploitation, and Work–Life Imbalance11
Decent Work and Turnover Intentions Among Chinese Millennials: A Longitudinal Study11
Adolescents’ Family Socioeconomic Status, Teacher–Student Interactions, and Career Ambivalence/Adaptability: A Three-Wave Longitudinal Study10
Protean Career Orientation and Proactive Career Behaviors During School-to-Work Transition: Mechanism Exploration and Coaching Intervention10
“Called” To Speak Out: Employee Career Calling and Voice Behavior10
An Essential but Overlooked Workforce: Elevating the Need to Investigate the Career Development of Paraeducators9
Validation of a French Version of the Career Decision-Making Difficulties Questionnaire: Relationships With Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy9
“No Girls on the Software Team”: Internship Experiences of Women in Computer Science9
Profiles of Calling and Their Relation to University-to-Work Transition Outcomes9
Exploring Mechanisms in the Entrepreneurial Passion–Entrepreneurial Behavior Relationship: Mediating Role of Growth-Oriented Intentions9
Work Placement Supervisor Support and Students’ Proactive Career Behaviors: The Moderating Role of Proactivity9
Autonomous Versus Controlled Motivation on Career Indecision: The Mediating Effect of Career Exploration9
Jobs, Careers, and Callings: Exploring Work Orientation at Mid-Career8
A Meta-Study of the Journal of Career Development: An Analysis of Publication Characteristics from 2000 to 20197
The Role of Autonomy Support and Job Crafting in Interest Incongruence: A Mediated Moderation Model7
The Role of Emotion in Job Search Behavior Among College Students7
Tenure Expectations and Career Aspirations Among Female Assistant Professors in STEM7
Plugging the Leaky Pipeline:A Qualitative Investigation of Untenured Female Faculty in STEM7
Changes in Nurses’ Sense of Calling During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study6
Job Seekers’ Self-Directed Learning Activities Explained Through the Lens of Regulatory Focus6
Family Care-Work Interference and Mid/Late-Career Motivation and Intentions: Mediating Role of Occupational Future Time Perspective6
Linking Career Adaptability and Psychological Well-Being: A Test of Moderated Mediation Model Among Indian Employees6
Unpacking the Concept of Decent Work in the Psychology of Working Theory for Blue-Collar Workers6
The Effects of Peers’ Career Goal Appraisals on School to Work Transition Outcomes5
Influence of Career-Related Parental Support on Adolescents’ Career Maturity: A Two-Wave Moderated Mediation Model5
Examining the Career Construction Model of Adaptation Among Filipino Senior High School Students5
“Why can’t I Have the Office Jobs?”: Immigrant Latinx Transgender Peoples’ Experiences with Seeking Employment5
Refugees’ Meaning of Work: A Qualitative Investigation of Work Purposes and Expectations5
Emotional Intelligence Profiles and Job Search Correlates in the Context of the School-to-Work Transition5
Development of STEM Vocational Interests During Elementary and Middle School: A Cohort-Sequential Longitudinal Study5
Linking Career Adaptability to Entrepreneurial Burnout: A Moderated Mediation Model5
Validation of the Chinese Decent Work Scale5
Examining the Role of Peer Support on Work Experiences for Young Women With Disabilities4
Living a Calling During COVID-19: A Resource Gain Perspective4
Internship Experience and Organizational Attractiveness: A Realistic Job Fit Perspective4
Does Burnout Decrease With Teacher Professional Identity Among Teachers in China?4
Gender Differences in STEM Career Development in Postsecondary Vocational-Technical Education. A Social Cognitive Career Theory Test4
STEM Stories: Fostering STEM Persistence for Underrepresented Minority Students Attending Predominantly White Institutions4
Cultural Values, Intergenerational Transmission of Internalized Racism, Education, and Career Goals in Chinese American Families4
Dysfunctional Career Thoughts and the Sophomore Slump Among Students With Learning Disabilities4
Career Development in Transitional Work Settings: A Qualitative Investigation Among Veterans and Vocational Counselors4
A Broken Pipeline: Effects of Gender and Racial/Ethnic Barriers on College Students’ Educational Aspiration–Pursuit Gap4
Examining Links Between Black Women’s Intersectional Identities and Career Interests4
A Cross-Level Examination of the Relationship of Strengths-Based Human Resource System With Employee Performance4
Employability Development during Internships: A Three-Wave Study on a Sample of Psychology Graduates in Italy4
The Relationship Between Work Study and Career Development for Undergraduate Students4
Stay or Leave? The Role of Career Adaptability and Organizational Embeddedness for Turnover Intentions4
Career Exploration and Decision-Making Learning Experiences (CEDLE) Scales: Validation Among Chinese Vocational College Students4
Career Adaptability as a Predictor of Job Search Intentions and Career Readiness of Young Adults in the United Arab Emirates3
“I Put In My Two Weeks Notice!” Employee Behavior and Wellness Prior to Exit3
Racial/Ethnic Minority Vocational Research Trends in Counseling Psychology and Multicultural Psychology Journals: A Trend Analysis Across 51 Years3
Qualitative Job Insecurity, Negative Work-Related Affect and Work-to-Family Conflict: The Moderating Role of Core Self-Evaluations3
Mentoring Barriers, Expected Outcomes, and Practices in Scientific Communication: Scale Development and Validation3
Validation of Korean Version of the Work Volition Scale3
Youth Perceptions of Their Futures, Society, and the Work Landscape: A Psychology of Working Perspective3
Evaluating the Decent Work Scale Measurement Model in Zimbabwe3
Assistant Teachers, Workplace Satisfaction, and the Creation of a Culturally Competent Workforce Pipeline in Head Start3
Conceptualizing a Proposed Model for Re-Orienting Career Centers for Immigrant College Students3
“It Felt Like a Little Community”: Supporting Rural Appalachian College Students3
Career Goal Profiles of Early Career Scientists: A Person-Centered Approach3
Adolescents’ Future Expectations of Work and Education Within Adaptation Model of Career Construction Theory3
Job-Search Behaviors During Involuntary Unemployment: A Social Cognitive Approach2
Does Future Work Self Benefit Everyone Equally? The Moderating Role of Organizational Support for Development2
Chinese University Faculty’s Occupational Well-Being: Applying and Extending the Job Demands–Resources Model2
Linking Future Decent Work Perceptions With Employment Anxiety: A Psychology of Working Perspective2
Latina Paraeducators’ Stories of Resistance, Resilience, and Adaptation in an Alternative Route to Teaching Program2
The Impact of Perceived Organizational Care on Employee Engagement: A Moderated Mediation Model of Psychological Capital and Managing Boundaries2
Career Planning and Self-Efficacy as Predictors of Students’ Career-Related Worry: Direct and Mediated Pathways2
Growth Opportunities and Entrepreneurial Performance: Testing Strengths Use and Meaning-Making as Moderators of the Relationship2
The Five-Factor Career Adapt-Abilities Scale’s Predictive and Incremental Validity With Work-Related and Life Outcomes2
Gender Differences in the Structure of Holland’s Personality Model in South Korea2
Pursuing Money and Power, Prosocial Contributions, or Personal Growth: Measurement and Nomological Net of Different Career Strivings2
Career Interruptions: A Reconceptualization From a Chinese Taoism Perspective2
Examining Differentiation of Self Within Career Construction Model of Adaptation2
Clarifying Work Values Through Seasonal Employment: An Instrumental Case Study of Summer Camp Employment2
Middle School, Middle-Skills: 8th Grader’s Interest in Middle-Skill Occupations2
Mentoring as an Investment: A Quantitative Review of Mentoring and Well-Being for the Protégé2
Mentoring and Career Success: An Examination of Management Aspirations and Lengthy Career Interruptions2
Association Among Parent–Teacher Relationship, Autonomy Support, and Career Development of High School Students Across School Types2
Towards Career Satisfaction by Career Adaptation Model Among Individuals With Visual Impairment2
Motivational Conflict and Volitional Career Actions in Young Adults: Ego Depletion as an Explanatory Mechanism2
Career Self-Efficacy, Future Perceptions, and Life Satisfaction: Investigating Two Adolescent Career Development Models2
When Debt Deters: Student Loans as a Predictor of Education-Job Match Among Arts Bachelor’s Graduates2
Predictors and Outcomes of U.S. Quality Maternity Leave: A Review and Conceptual Framework2
A Cultural Orientation Approach to Work Orientation: Mongolian Workers’ Jobs, Careers, and Callings2