Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science

(The TQCC of Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Experimental study of two-phase flow structure in churn-turbulent to annular flows73
Convection velocities in gas and liquid phases during fragmentation of droplets63
Effect of surface roughness of solid particles on the regimes and outcomes of their collisions with liquid droplets48
Experimental investigation of permeability and Darcy-Forchheimer flow transition in metal foam with high pore density46
Characteristics of the jet shear layer of a round elevated jet in crossflow40
Temperature field estimation of an axisymmetric laminar flame via time-of-arrival measurements of acoustic waves, and machine learning31
TR-PIV measurements of turbulent confined impinging twin-jets in crossflow31
Experimental study of water evaporation rate, at the surface of aqueous solution, under the effect of a discontinuity of chemical potential – Effect of water activity and air pressure30
Effects of bleed type on the performance of a supersonic intake27
Experimental study on film cooling performance of a turbine blade tip with a trapezoidal slot cooling scheme in transonic flow using PSP technique26
Experimental studies on simultaneously reducing flow drag and noise of a circular cylinder with a downstream porous material plate26
Measurement of pressure fluctuation distribution on a flat wall behind supported square cylinder with pressure-sensitive paint25
An experimental study on the improvements in the film cooling performance by an upstream micro-vortex generator25
Acetone PLIF visualization of the fuel distribution at plasma-enhanced supersonic combustion25
Impingement dynamics of [EMIm]Ac ionic liquid drops on heated porous surfaces24
Time-averaged flow characteristics of pulsed swirling coaxial jets with annular blockage23
Aerodynamic performances and near wake of an Ahmed body under unsteady flow conditions23
A simpler tractable contour technique to model thermal radiation from buoyant diffusion flames23
Cavitation induced by pulsed and continuous-wave fiber lasers in confinement23
Three-dimensional temperature reconstruction strategy for turbine blades using infrared thermography at simulated-engine conditions22
Drift-flux correlation based on coaxial line phase sensor in a horizontal slug flow21
Modelling of flow pattern transitions in small diameter horizontal and inclined tubes21
An end-to-end KNN-based PTV approach for high-resolution measurements and uncertainty quantification20
Characterizing combustion of a hybrid rocket using laser absorption spectroscopy20
Aerodynamic performance of suction-side squealer tip in impulse/reaction turbine blade rows19
An experimental study of the events that follow a drop hitting a small surface19
Effect of SDBS surfactant on gas–liquid flow pattern and pressure drop in upward-inclined pipelines19
Low-frequency large-scale unsteadiness analysis of lateral jet interactions on a slender cylinder in hypersonic flows using fast-responding pressure-sensitive paint19
Experimental study of droplet impact on superheated cylindrical surfaces18
Migrating scour depth around a spur dike with downward seepage using multiscale characterizations18
Experimental investigation of inclination angle effect on unsteady film coverage of double-row staggered-holes at vane leading edge using time-resolved quantitative light sheet technique18
Wall heat transfer and dryout governed by disturbance wave frequency in annular two-phase flow18
Experimental study on the droplet size distribution of radial orifice gas–liquid pintle injector at ambient pressure17
Experimental investigation of free-rising characteristics of spilled oil droplets in natural waters17
Experimental evaluation of airlift pumps' thermal and mass transfer capabilities17
Experimental study of flows over triangular riblets in cavity-like geometry17
Two-phase air-water measurements in fully-rough free-surface flows17
Transient evaluations of the temperature and diameter of an evaporating droplet stream by using rainbow technique and simulation17
Influence of the gas viscosity on the stability of flow focusing16
Experimental study of loss coefficients for laminar oil-water two-phase flow through micro-scale flow restrictions16
Sound-source distribution in the bogie section of a train determined by simultaneous measurement by pressure-sensitive paint and a microphone16
Motion characteristics and distribution of metal particles in insulating oil under DC voltage16
Combined effect of bending stiffness and streamwise length of the attached flexible splitter plate on the vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder16
Effects of spatial resolution of the data on dynamic mode decomposition and its quantitative analysis16
A novel correlation of bubble aspect ratio through analysis of gas/shear-thinning liquid two-phase flow in a bubble column16
Effect of Reynolds number on second-mode waves in transitional hypersonic boundary layers16
Soot volume fraction and size measurements over laminar pool flames and pre-vaporised non-premixed flames of biofuels, methyl esters and blends with diesel16
Impact dynamics and solidification behaviour of a molten droplet on a flat surface at different Weber numbers16
Investigation of near-field jet stability of a single-hole injector based on fast X-ray phase contrast imaging and image feature matching16
Heat transfer characteristics of CO2 condensation on common heat exchanger materials: Method development and experimental results15
Editorial Board15
Formation number and pinch-off signals of disc vortex ring based on a Lagrangian analysis15
Experimental study on phenomena of single water droplet impacts on liquid surfaces: Pattern maps and correlations15
Experimental study on liquid–liquid two-phase flow patterns and plug hydrodynamics in a small channel15
Experimental investigation of aerodynamic drag and flow characteristics of circular cylinder with microfiber coating15
Experimental observations on directly irradiated conical spouted and spout-fluid beds14
Decoupling tests on axial heat-transfer in highly turbulent Taylor-Couette flow using thermal waves14
Flow visualization in a hybrid thermoacoustic system14
Pressure transient and vaporization process following the rapid heating of a liquid — Experiments and modelling14
Experimental investigation of supercritical carbon dioxide non-equilibrium condensation in a highly unsteady environment14
Editorial Board14
Influence of position on the natural and forced convective heat transfer of a single heating sphere in a packed bed14
Comparison of flame response characteristics between Non‐premixed and premixed flames under acoustic excitation14
An automatic static masking technique using Particle Image Velocimetry image ensembles14
Evaluation of stabilizing and destabilizing effects on macroscopic and microscopic spray characteristics using dimensionless analysis14
An experimental study of interfacial dynamics during stratified oil-water draining from storage tank14
Editorial Board14
Characteristics of oxy-methane flame in an axial/tangential swirl jet burner13
Editorial Board13
Study on heat and mass transfer distance of water-film evaporation in limited space using dual-wavelength digital holographic interference13
Editorial Board13
Editorial Board13
Investigating the non-flash-boiled hydraulic characteristics of superheated liquid hydrocarbon supply using multiple injectors12
Data-driven identification of unsteady-aerodynamics phenomena in flapping airfoils12
Experimental research on the separation performance of a compound T-junction for two-phase zeotropic mixtures12
Effect of wind turbulences on the burning of a rockrose hedge12
The effect of freestream turbulence on convection enhancement by a flexible strip12
3D Lagrangian particle tracking of a subsonic jet using multi-pulse Shake-The-Box12
Time-resolved thermographic analysis of the near-wall flow of a submerged impinging water jet12
In-situ hierarchical micro/nanocrystals on copper substrate for enhanced boiling performance: An experimental study12
Comprehensive analysis method of acquiring wall heat fluxes in rotating detonation combustors12
Development of a downward-facing nucleate boiling correlation for thermal hydraulics analysis12
Experimental study of a single elongated bubble in liquid in under 10-degree upwardly inclined pipes12
Investigation of evaporating sprays in a medium speed marine engine12
Apparatus and methods for the calibration and correction of a polydispersed dust feeding system applied in multiphase flow experiments12
Impact characteristics of high-temperature alumina droplets on a cold wall: Rebound and adhesion12
Comparative study of mass transfer distributions and oil-flow visualizations with image analysis on long and short 90° elbows12
Self-similarity for statistical properties in low-order representations of a large-scale turbulent round jet based on the proper orthogonal decomposition12
3D surface of an unstable hydrogen–air flame12
Editorial Board11
Experimental investigation of thickness profile in an extended meniscus of thin film evaporation using reflectometry11
Considerations for the temperature stratification in a pre-burn constant-volume combustion chamber11
Convective heat transfer in droplets of fuel microemulsions during conductive heating11
Experimental investigation of convective heat transfer performance and hydrodynamics of pulsating flow through the rectangular grooved channel11
Forced swirl tubular flame under different equivalence ratios and oxygen mole fractions11
From sparse data to high-resolution fields: ensemble particle modes as a basis for high-resolution flow characterization11
Experimental study of the effects produced by the changes of the liquid and gas superficial velocities and the surface tension on the interfacial waves and the film thickness in annular concurrent upw11
Measurement of dynamics of laser-induced cavitation around nanoparticle with high-speed digital holographic microscopy11
Passive separation control of shortfin mako shark skin in a turbulent boundary layer11
Experimental analysis of flow topology and particle behavior in microcavities11
Simultaneous investigation of flow and thermal fields inside a square duct with a built-in heated circular cylinder11
Spectral and modal analysis of a cavitating flow through an orifice11
Fast estimation of the enthalpy–temperature function of Phase Change Materials11
Active control of separated flow over 2D back-facing ramp by an array of finite-span slotted synthetic jets10
Observing the impact force and low-speed droplet behavior of wet surfaces with very-thin liquid films10
Optimizing stability and enhancing flow boiling heat transfer performance of Al2O3-TiO2/water hybrid nanofluids10
Quantitative 1-D LIBS measurements of fuel concentration in natural gas jets at high ambient pressure10
Semi-empirical model for the liquid fuel film formed by an oblique jet impinging on a curved wall10
Robust CNN-based flow pattern identification for horizontal gas-liquid pipe flow using flow-induced vibration10
Generation of microbubbles at high gas concentrations via cavitation10
Study of the flow pattern and pressure drop law of the air-water-foam three-phase flow10
Effect of ethylene-rich gas temperature on rotating detonation auto-initiation process10
POD and DMD analysis of dynamic flow structures in the recirculation region of an unconfined swirl cup10
Flow characteristics of the air-liquid mixed suction flow in sudden expansion micro-channel10
Liquid film burst caused by perpendicularly blowing gas jet10
Volumetric flow characterisation of a rectangular orifice impinging synthetic jet with single-camera light-field PIV10
Experimental assessment of an air curtain-sealed personal protective equipment for medical care: Influence of breathing and thermal plume10
Low Weber number droplet impact on heated hydrophobic surfaces10
Air injector geometry affects passive bubble acoustic signatures10
Experimental study on the influence of buoyancy on steam bubble condensation at low steam mass flux9
Experimental study of interface behavior and sound pressure oscillation of direct contact condensation of a steam jet in flowing water9
Enhancement of a 300 kWth pilot plant for testing the indirectly heated carbonate looping process for CO2 capture from lime and cement industry9
Characterizing the development of gravity-driven slug flows using high-speed imaging and PIV-PLIF techniques9
Experimental study of flame chemiluminescence for premixed methane based binary fuel flames9
BPNN model based AI for the estimation of soot data from flame luminosity emissions in H2/N2 diluted ethylene laminar diffusion flames9
Temperature recording of the ice–water system using planar laser induced fluorescence9
Active flow control in an S-shaped duct at Mach 0.4 using sweeping jet actuators9
Experimental study on the flow interaction between two synthetic jets emanating from a dual round orifice9
Experimental investigation of the pressure-drop characteristics of open-cell metal foam with air-gaps under non-Darcy flow regimes9
Review on state-of-the-art research in pool and flow boiling under microgravity9
Twelfth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium9
Impact of a compound droplet on a solid surface: The effect of the shell on the core9
Denoising image-based experimental data without clean targets based on deep autoencoders9
Ignition and combustion enhancement in a cavity-based supersonic combustor by a multi-channel gliding arc plasma9
Dynamics of droplet formation with oscillation of meniscus in electric periodic dripping regime9
Interfacial dynamics of air–liquid flow in eccentric drainpipe while draining from a square tank9
Dual-perspective boundary layer thickness measurements using filtered natural emissions of species9
Early warning detection of thermoacoustic instability using three-dimensional complexity-entropy causality space9
Experimental investigation of Multi-Mode heat transfer to a Free-Falling dilute particle cloud in a heated vertical tube9
Condensation flow inside tubes: A review of heat transfer coefficient measurement techniques, experimental databases and prediction methods9
Investigation of the flow redistribution upstream of grid-like obstacles separated by a variable gap9
A wrap-film technique for infrared thermography heat-transfer measurements in high-speed wind tunnels9
Differential diffusion effects in the near field of non-premixed NH3/H2/N2-air jet flames at elevated pressure9
Two-phase pressure drop and void fraction in a cross-corrugated plate heat exchanger channel: Impact of flow direction and gas-liquid distribution9
Liquid-film thickness during flow boiling of pure hydrocarbons and their mixtures9
Mathematical modelling and experimental study of an ejector burner8
Nusselt number-turbulent strain rate relationship: Forced convection of a flat surface downstream of a pair of side-by-side rectangular strips8
On the behaviour of impinging sweeping jets: effects of the mixing chamber length, the feedback channel minimum cross-sectional area and the nozzle-to-plate distance8
Experimental assessment of the gap width effect on turbulent flow and forced convective heat transfer around a single rod suspended in a channel8
Turbulent structures in an airfoil wake at ultra-low to low Reynolds numbers8
Spreading and splashing of liquid film on vertical hot surface by inclined jet impingement8
Aligning free surface properties in time-varying hydraulic jumps8
Dynamics of transitional jets emanating from a non-circular nozzle8
A new approach to the phenomenon of pulsed combustion8
Flow boiling heat transfer and associated bubble behaviors over backward- and forward-facing steps8
Stabilisation of condensate flow from curvilinear surfaces by means of porous media for space applications8
Wind-tunnel experiments on atmospheric heavy gas dispersion: Metrological aspects8
Experimental investigation of a diffuser for use in skydiving vertical wind tunnel8
Effect of Froude number on the motion of a spherical particle launched vertically upward in water8
Experimental study of liquid–liquid dispersion patterns in T-inlet microchannels with different junction angles8
The shape and drag coefficient for a single bubble rising in stagnant shear-thinning viscoelastic liquids8
Time-resolved multi-parameter detection in a kerosene-fueled combustor using tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy8
Boiling induced atomization of liquid film produced by oblique jet impingement on superheated wall8
Effect of inlet flow turbulence on hydro–acoustic coupling and flame–vortex interactions in a premixed dump combustor8
Editorial Board8
Control of the flow in the near wake of an airfoil at full stall using fixed trailing-edge plates8
Experimental investigation and new void-fraction calculation method for gas–liquid two-phase flows in vertical downward pipe8
Study of early time dynamics of drop spreading in different surrounding pressure8
Identification based thermal reflection compensation for radiation based temperature measurements in combustion chambers8
Experimental investigation of wall-pressure fluctuations in compressible turbulent cavitating flows with emphasis on non-Gaussian features8
Flame describing function and combustion instability analysis of non-premixed coaxial jet flames8
Characterization of bubble population morphology in direct contact heat transfer process under different flow regimes and its influence on heat transfer performance8
Acoustic pressure generated from laser-induced bubble collapse near an elastic membrane8
The effect of metal foam fins on pool boiling of DI-water8
PIV measurements of coherent vortices and turbulence production inside acoustic liner cavity with offset slit8
Assessing the validity of regular wave theory in a short physical wave flume using particle image velocimetry8
Application of high-speed, species-specific chemiluminescence imaging for laminar flame speed and Markstein length measurements in spherically expanding flames7
Heat transfer in the melting of ice slurry during flow in a vertical slit channel7
Investigation of the flow structure in three-dimensional waves on falling liquid films using light field camera7
Onset of heterogeneous nucleation in pool boiling of HFE-7100 following rapid heating on a microscale heater7
Experimental study and application of an artificial neural network (ANN) model on pulsed spray cooling heat transfer on a vertical surface7
The impact of a droplet's light refraction on the size enlargement of its internal objects7
Experimental investigation of the crossflow of water in a 7-pin wire-wrapped rod bundle7
Heat transfer characteristics of horizontal supercritical CO2 flow through a microtube at low Reynolds numbers and its comparison with vertical flows7
Non-invasive measurement of the temperature field of a phase change material (PCM) using thermal imaging7
Investigation of capillary wave, cavitation and droplet diameter distribution during ultrasonic atomization7
Off-centered droplet impact on single-ridge superhydrophobic surfaces7
Influence of a soluble surfactant on the transition to tip streaming7
Experimental investigation on droplet evolutions in co-flow around the bluff body7
Sub-millimeter resolution pressure measurement on free flight model at Mach 1.5 using novel non-intrusive optical technique7
Effect of confinement ratio on flame structure and blow-off characteristics of swirl flames7
Characteristics of liquid loading with surfactant injection in hilly terrain pipeline7
Experimental assessment of film cooling from cylindrical holes subject to particulate deposition7
Investigation of onset of velocity transition in free convection over an inclined flat plate by PIV7
Application of synthetic jet arrays for flow separation control on a circular “hump” model7
Identification and dynamics of coherent structures in a Coanda swirling jet flow7
Editorial Board7
Effect of ignition position on the combustion instability of premixed methane-air in a semiopen duct7
Flow boiling heat transfer enhancement in vertical minichannel heat sink with non-uniform microcavity arrays under electric field7
Comparison of non-reactive flow fields in conventional swirl-air combustion and swirl distributed combustion7
Electrowetting induced microdroplet oscillation over interdigitated electrodes for hotspot cooling applications7
Investigation of the flow field in a centrifugal rotor through particle image velocimetry7
Two-phase air-water flows in hydraulic jumps at low Froude number: Similarity, scale effects and the need for field observations7
Influence of a surfactant on bubble bursting7
Characterization of viscous Newtonian and non-Newtonian liquid rope coiling onto static and moving surface7
Multi-spatio-temporal scales PIV in a turbulent buoyant jet discharging in a linearly stratified environment7
Direct local heat flux measurement during water flow boiling in a rectangular minichannel using a MEMS heat flux sensor7
Morphological characteristics of the drop on the travelling substrate with a sharp stepped configuration7
Evaporation and wetting behavior of water on the laser-textured silicon substrate7
Investigation of the influence of the bluff-body temperature on a lean premixed DME/air flame approaching blowoff7
Editorial Board7
Editorial Board7
Effect of mass flow rate on bubble size distribution in boiling flow in temperature-controlled annular test section7
Surface flow and aerodynamic drag of Ahmed body with deflectors7
Confinement effect on recirculation structures in isothermal coaxial swirling jet7
Enhanced liquid replenishment for pool boiling heat transfer and its CHF mechanism on patterned freeze-casted surfaces7
Marangoni condensation of steam-ethanol mixtures on a horizontal smooth tube7
Critical criterion for droplet breakup in a contractive microchannel7
Study of leakage flow in oil-free positive displacement rotary machines using particle image velocimetry7
An experimental study on gas–liquid two-phase countercurrent flow limitations of vertical pipes7
Simultaneous high-accuracy measurements of local heat transfer and phase distribution during convective condensation using non intrusive diagnostic tools7
Impact of nozzles on the wall-temperature in a valveless pulse detonation engine7