Naval Research Logistics

(The median citation count of Naval Research Logistics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Where to locate COVID‐19 mass vaccination facilities?45
Joint inventory and fulfillment decisions for omnichannel retail networks33
Optimal consumer sales tax policies for online‐offline retail operations with consumer returns30
Data‐driven research in retail operations—A review28
Predicting intensive care unit bed occupancy for integrated operating room scheduling via neural networks26
Same‐day deliveries in omnichannel retail: Integrated order picking and vehicle routing with vehicle‐site dependencies22
The marketplace dilemma: Selling to the marketplace vs. selling on the marketplace22
Impact of capacity on the supplier's distribution channel selection in facing a retail platform21
Subsidy design in a vessel speed reduction incentive program under government policies21
Robustifying humanitarian relief systems against travel time uncertainty20
Ranking and selection for pairwise comparison18
Truck and drone routing problem with synchronization on arcs18
A stochastic programming approach for chemotherapy appointment scheduling17
Dynamic regulation on innovation and adoption of green technology with information asymmetry16
Information sharing motivated by production cost reduction in a supply chain with downstream competition16
Pareto‐optimization of three‐agent scheduling to minimize the total weighted completion time, weighted number of tardy jobs, and total weighted late work14
Optimal subsidy design for shore power usage in ship berthing operations14
Two‐agent scheduling with linear resource‐dependent processing times13
Two novel critical shock models based on Markov renewal processes12
Channel configuration in a complementary market under different power structures12
An exact solution method for home health care scheduling with synchronized services12
Carpool services for ride‐sharing platforms: Price and welfare implications12
Inventory transshipment game with limited supply: Trap or treat11
Global planning of accelerated degradation tests based on exponential dispersion degradation models11
An exact quadratic programming approach based on convex reformulation for seru scheduling problems11
Pricing for a product with network effects and mixed logit demand11
Screening multi‐dimensional heterogeneous populations for infectious diseases under scarce testing resources, with application to COVID‐1910
Inventory financing under Risk‐Adjusted‐Return‐On‐Capital criterion10
Using stochastic programming to solve an outpatient appointment scheduling problem with random service and arrival times10
Interpretable biomanufacturing process risk and sensitivity analyses for quality‐by‐design and stability control10
Adaptive importance sampling for extreme quantile estimation with stochastic black box computer models10
Managing return policies with consumer resale10
Technical note—Knowledge gradient for selection with covariates: Consistency and computation10
A new ride‐sharing model incorporating the passengers' efforts10
Walrasian equilibria from an optimization perspective: A guide to the literature9
Steady‐state analysis of load balancing with Coxian‐2 distributed service times9
A novel approach for modeling order picking paths9
Application of Markov renewal theory and semi‐Markov decision processes in maintenance modeling and optimization of multi‐unit systems8
The double ratio geometric process for the analysis of recurrent events8
Dynamically scheduling and maintaining a flexible server8
Information disclosure with endogenous channel structure8
Bracketing of purchases to manage size uncertainty: Should online retailers be worried?8
Evaluation and control of inventory distribution systems with quantity based shipment consolidation8
Responsive make‐to‐order supply chain network design8
Fault classification for high‐dimensional data streams: A directional diagnostic framework based on multiple hypothesis testing8
Stochastic modeling of multiline orders in integrated storage‐order picking system8
Implications of product line competition on channel matching strategies in a retail platform8
On reliability improvement for coherent systems with a relevation8
Designing rewards‐based crowdfunding campaigns for strategic (but distracted) contributors8
Statistical quality control using image intelligence: A sparse learning approach8
Complex exponential smoothing7
Who carries strategic inventory? Manufacturer or retailer7
The outsourcing conundrum: Misappropriation of intellectual property in supply chains7
The effect of customer awareness on priority queues7
Pricing strategy and campaign design in flight crowdfunding: A creative way to sell flight tickets6
An approximate dynamic programming approach for production‐delivery scheduling under non‐stationary demand6
On the optimal disclosure of queue length information6
On minimizing downside risk in make‐to‐stock, risk‐averse firms6
Staffing many‐server queues with autoregressive inputs6
Cluster sampling for Morris method made easy5
Markov additive processes for degradation with jumps under dynamic environments5
Pareto‐scheduling with double‐weighted jobs to minimize the weighted number of tardy jobs and total weighted late work5
Stochastic analysis of an automated storage and retrieval system with multiple in‐the‐aisle pick positions5
Simulation optimization in security screening systems subject to budget and waiting time constraints5
Capacity expansion strategies for electric vehicle charging networks: Model, algorithms, and case study5
Weak aging properties for coherent systems with statistically dependent component lifetimes5
Balancing stability and efficiency in team formation as a generalized roommate problem4
Price or quantity? An analysis of strategies in the presence of gray markets4
Cooperation strategies with third‐party platform: E‐tailer and manufacturer perspectives4
A stochastic biomass blending problem in decentralized supply chains4
Operations strategies with snobbish and strategic consumers4
Public health risks arising from food supply chains: Challenges and opportunities4
Commission, product quality and return policy in agency selling4
A robust queueing network analyzer based on indices of dispersion4
Innovation contests with risk‐averse participants4
A copula‐based approach on optimal allocation of hot standbys in series systems4
Competitive fit‐revelation sampling and mixed pricing strategy4
Profile optimum planning for degradation analysis4
Product reliability and extended warranty in supply chains4
Reliability analysis for shock systems based on damage evolutions via Markov processes3
Opaque selling of multiple substitutable products with finite inventories3
A stochastic time scale based framework for system reliability under a Markovian dynamic environment3
Optimal strategy in managing product quality risk for a risk‐averse manufacturer: Prevention or mitigation?3
Branch‐price‐and‐cut for the truck–drone routing problem with time windows3
Health assessment and prognostics based on higher‐order hidden semi‐Markov models3
A better buy‐one‐give‐one business model3
Contracts in a procurement supply chain with intermediation: Combating collusion in price competition3
Managing demand slowdown: The interplay between trade‐ins and quality improvement3
Demand estimation of mass‐gathering healthcare in developing countries: The case of Kumbh Mela in India3
Technical note—Constructing confidence intervals for nested simulation3
Cost‐raising internalization in supply chain design3
Farmers' green technology adoption: Implications from government subsidies and information sharing3
Sequential selection for accelerated life testing via approximate Bayesian inference3
Location‐scale monitoring of ordinal categorical processes3
Impacts of gray market selling on the supply chain under product upgrade and pricing flexibility decisions3
A faster algorithm for the constrained minimum covering circle problem to expedite solving p‐center problems in an irregularly shaped area with holes3
Maximizing total early work in a distributed two‐machine flow‐shop3
Optimal dividend problems with a risk probability criterion2
Utilizing partial flexibility to improve emergency department flow: Theory and implementation2
Traffic channeling under uncertain conversion rates on e‐commerce platforms2
Information disclosure, consumer returns, and operational costs in omnichannel retailing2
Transformer‐based choice model: A tool for assortment optimization evaluation2
Optimizing influenza vaccine composition: A machine learning approach2
On dynamic pricing under model uncertainty2
Maximizing the throughput of a rotating Seru with nonpreemptive discrete stations2
On competitive analysis for polling systems2
Bilateral transshipment between competing retailers2
Buyback and price postponement in a decentralized supply chain with additive and price‐dependent demand2
Capacity planning for large scale people movement: Models and application to the Ujjain Kumbh Mela2
The disadvantage of the ‐rule when customers are strategic2
Coping with shortages caused by disruptive events in automobile supply chains2
Evaluating appointment postponement in scheduling patients at a diagnostic clinic2
Spatiotemporal vaccine allocation policies for epidemics with behavioral feedback dynamics2
Business analytics in service operations—Lessons from healthcare operations2
Duopolistic positioning and pricing competition with variety‐seeking and strategic consumers2
Market entry strategy in the presence of market spillovers and efficiency differentiation2
Demand information acquisition strategy in a dual channel supply chain2
Particle count estimation in dilution series experiments2
Spatial pricing and product allocation in online retailing2
Dynamic inventory control with payment delay and credit limit2
Quantifying the benefits of customized vaccination strategies: A network‐based optimization approach2
Inventory renewal for a perishable product: Economies of scale and age‐dependent demand2
Pricing optimization and competition under the linear nested stochastic choice model2
The impact of animal welfare regulations on firms' product offerings: Humane or organic product?2
Duopoly price competition with quality improvement spillover2
Multiseason production planning under export quotas2
Ensemble machine learning for personalized antihypertensive treatment1
Service center location problems with decision dependent utilities and a pandemic case study1
Designing practical coordinating contracts in decentralized projects1
Equilibrium return policies under manufacturer competition1
Predicting older‐donor kidneys' post‐transplant renal function using pre‐transplant data1
A branch‐and‐price‐and‐cut algorithm for the truck‐drone routing problem with simultaneously delivery and pickup1
Cooperative advertising in social networks with positive externalities1
Capacity shortages, regulation, and firm incentives in the generic drugs industry1
A phase I change‐point method for high‐dimensional process with sparse mean shifts1
Mitigating the COVID‐19 pandemic through data‐driven resource sharing1
Reselling or dual selling? The role of consumer‐to‐manufacturer e‐commerce platforms' voluntary investment1
Impact of number of shipping lines on ports' charges and profits: A game‐theoretic model1
Optimal and heuristic policies for production and inventory controls in dual supply chains with fluctuating demands1
Defense and security planning under resource uncertainty and multi‐period commitments1
Potential value of air: Effect of air pollution on retail store performance and customer behavior1
Resource allocation in two‐layered cyber‐defense1
On fair designs of cross‐chain exchange for cryptocurrencies via Monte Carlo simulation1
Impact of store brand competition on retailer's strategic inventory in decentralized supply chains1
A demand partitioning framework to reserve production for small enterprises1
Sharing or reselling? How does manufacturer handle used products?1
Capacity allocation in a service system with preferred service completion times1
Minimum‐cost flow problems having arc‐activation costs1
Price and revenue bounds for bundles of information goods1
Market equilibrium in multi‐tier supply chain networks1
Maximizing the weighted number of just‐in‐time jobs in a distributed flow‐shop scheduling system1
Put it in the bag: Order fulfillment with a pocket sorter system1
The price of anarchy in loss systems1
Sequential detection of common transient signals in high dimensional data stream1
Strategic contract selection of an online retailer when implementing store branding1
Customer‐centric category selection for mobile and print promotions in loyalty reward programs1
Coordination of manufacturing and engineering activities during product transitions1
Optimal interventions of infectious disease1
Optimal policies for stochastic clearing systems with time‐dependent delay penalties1
Continuity of discounted values and the structure of optimal policies for periodic‐review inventory systems with setup costs1
Stochastic approximation for uncapacitated assortment optimization under the multinomial logit model1
E‐commerce platform finance with dual channels1
Sensitivity analysis of hybrid microgrids with application to deployed military units1
Optimization modeling for pandemic vaccine supply chain management: A review and future research opportunities1
Stochastic analysis of an age‐dependent mixture truncation model1
Robust optimization for the integrated berth allocation and quay crane assignment problem1
Decomposition‐based approximation algorithms for the one‐warehouse multi‐retailer problem with concave batch order costs1