Psychology of Addictive Behaviors

(The TQCC of Psychology of Addictive Behaviors is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Individual differences in the associations between risk factors for alcohol use disorder and alcohol use-related outcomes.119
The role of social connection in opioid use disorder treatment engagement.90
Why do adults drink alcohol? Development and validation of a Drinking Motives Questionnaire for adults.37
Real-time associations between discrimination, cannabis use, and mood among sexual and gender minority individuals.32
A novel smoking-specific self-control task: An initial study of feasibility, acceptability, and changes in self-control and cigarette smoking behaviors among adults using cigarettes.29
Supplemental Material for Daily Drinking and Social Network Interactions in Network Support Treatment25
Supplemental Material for A Randomized Pilot Trial of a Mobile Delivered Brief Motivational Interviewing and Behavioral Economic Alcohol Intervention for Emerging Adults25
Supplemental Material for Time Out: Prediction of Self-Exclusion From Daily Fantasy Sports23
Supplemental Material for Changes in Alcohol Use During COVID-19 and Associations With Contextual and Individual Difference Variables: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis22
Supplemental Material for Testing Affect Regulation Models of Drinking Prior to and After Drinking Initiation Using Ecological Momentary Assessment21
Supplemental Material for Measurement Invariance of the Young Adult Alcohol Consequences Questionnaire Across College Status, Race, and Childhood SES in a Diverse Community Sample21
Supplemental Material for Understanding the Motives, Contexts, and Consequences of Unplanned Versus Planned Drinking in Daily Life20
Supplemental Material for Dropout From Face-to-Face, Multi-Session Psychological Treatments for Problem and Disordered Gambling: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis20
Supplemental Material for Drinking Less on Cannabis Use Days: The Moderating Role of UPPS-P Impulsive Personality Traits20
Supplemental Material for Selection and Socialization Accounts of the Relation Between Fraternity Membership and Sexual Aggression20
Supplemental Material for I Am What I Am: A Meta-Analysis of the Association Between Substance User Identities and Substance Use-Related Outcomes20
Supplemental Material for Contextual Decision-Making and Alcohol Use Disorder Criteria: Delayed Reward, Delayed Loss, and Probabilistic Reward Discounting19
Supplemental Material for Peer Connectedness and Substance Use in Adolescence: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis19
Supplemental Material for The Effect of Alcohol Packaging Size and Strength on U.K. Alcohol Consumers’ Classification of Alcohol Products as Containing a Single or Multiple Drinks19
Supplemental Material for Ratings of Executive Function as a Risk Factor for Adolescents’ Frequent Cannabis Use: A Prospective Longitudinal Study18
Supplemental Material for Examining Science and Media Literacy Health Communication Messages to Reduce Intentions to Use Cannabis While Pregnant18
Supplemental Material for Measuring and Understanding “Quality of Life” Among Emerging Adults in a Substance Use Program17
Supplemental Material for Reports of Self-Compassion and Affect Regulation in Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy for Alcohol Use Disorder: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis16
Supplemental Material for Tasks and Investigated Components in Social Cognition Research Among Adults With Alcohol Use Disorder: A Critical Scoping Review16
Supplemental Material for Gait Ataxia in Alcohol Use Disorder: A Systematic Review16
Supplemental Material for Sex Differences in Young Children’s Perceptions of Situational Drinking Norms Over Time16
Supplemental Material for Moral Incongruence and Addiction: A Registered Report16
The role of perceived parent drinking motives on alcohol use among adolescents with and without childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.15
Supplemental Material for Network Structures of Internet Gaming Disorder and Gaming Disorder: Symptom Operationalization Causes Variation15
Slower rates of learning to inhibit behavior in alcohol use disorder.15
Why get high? Coping and enjoyment motives mediate elevated cannabis demand and cannabis-related outcomes.14
Interactive effect of adverse child experiences and suicidal thoughts and behaviors on adolescent alcohol and cannabis use frequency.14
The effect of acute alcohol intoxication on alcohol cue salience: An event-related brain potential study.14
Craving mediates the association between attentional bias to alcohol and in vivo alcoholic beverage consumption in young social drinkers.13
Application of the acquired preparedness model for alcohol and cigarette use among reserve-dwelling first nation adolescents.13
"I am what I am: A meta-analysis of the association between substance user identities and substance use-related outcomes." Correction to Montes and Pearson (2021).13
Explanatory pathways linking anxiety sensitivity and alcohol (mis)use: A prospective state–trait analysis among emerging adults.13
Clarification to Allen et al. (2022).13
Proximal associations among college students’ alcohol use and cyber partner abuse perpetration.12
Harmonization of theory, methods, and inferences in addictions research.12
Racial discrimination and substance use among people of color.12
Effect of parental smoking behavior and motives on preadolescents’ neural attention to smoking-related cues.12
Contextual decision-making and alcohol use disorder criteria: Delayed reward, delayed loss, and probabilistic reward discounting.12
Alcohol-involved rape: Limitations of the “rape exception” for abortion access.11
An experimental investigation into the effect of negative affect on the behavioral economic demand for alcohol.11
Sensitivity to the disinhibiting effect of alcohol: The role of trait impulsivity and sex differences.11
Social associations and alcohol consumption in an Australian community sample: An egocentric social network analysis.11
Learning from drinking experiences in college: A test of reciprocal determinism with drinking refusal self-efficacy.11
Telescoping and gender differences in high-risk gambling: Loss limit behavior in a population of electronic gaming machine players.11
Explaining the drug-crime connection with peers, proactive criminal thinking, and victimization: Systemic, cognitive social learning, and person proximity mechanisms.11
Alcohol consumption’s effects on working memory: Examining familial confounding.11
Supplemental Material for Subjective Intoxication Predicts Alcohol-Related Consequences at Equivalent Alcohol Concentrations in Young Adults Using Ecological Momentary Assessment and Alcohol Sensors11
A systematic review of the associations between protective behavioral strategies and heavy alcohol consumption and consequences among young adults.10
Momentary cannabis use motives and associated affective changes in daily life.10
A meta-analytic investigation of problem gambling and self-harm: A causal inference perspective.10
Perceived school climate and problematic internet use among Chinese adolescents: Psychological insecurity and negative peer affiliation as mediators.10
Young adults’ change talk within brief motivational intervention in the emergency department and booster sessions is associated with a decrease in heavy drinking over 1 year.10
Problematic pornography use and suicidal thoughts: Results from cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses.10
Craving, stimulation, and sedation as predictors of alcohol demand under intoxication.10
Dispositional and contextual correlates of in-play sports betting and related harms: A 2-week ecological momentary assessment study.10
A qualitative examination of intentions and willingness for heavy drinking among young adult high-intensity drinkers.10
A combined laboratory and field test of a smartphone breath alcohol device and blood alcohol concentration estimator to facilitate moderate drinking among young adults.10
Review of third-wave therapies for substance use disorders in people of color and collectivist cultures: Current evidence and future directions.10
Demographic, gambling, and psychological characteristics of sports bettors in a stratified sample of adults who gamble regularly.10
Internalizing symptoms, negative urgency, and coping motives: Potential pathways to alcohol consequences.10
Supplemental Material for Concurrent and Long-Term Effects of Early Pubertal Timing on Alcohol, Cigarette, and Cannabis Use From Adolescence to Adulthood10
A hypothetical lottery task to assess relative resource allocation toward alcohol and cannabis.10
Impact of a computerized distress intolerance intervention on electrocortical reactivity to cannabis and threat cues: A randomized controlled trial.10
Associations between posting about alcohol on social networking sites and alcohol-induced blackouts in a sample of young adults not in 4-year college.9
Baseline protective behavioral strategy use predicts more moderate transdermal alcohol concentration dynamics and fewer negative consequences of drinking in young adults’ natural settings.9
Development and validation of the perceived approval of Risky Drinking Inventory in undergraduate students.9
The development and initial validation of the Trauma-Related Alcohol Use Coping Measure (TRAC).9
Supplemental Material for Retrospective Self-Reports of Sensitivity to the Effects of Alcohol: Trait-Like Stability and Concomitant Changes With Alcohol Involvement9
Genetically influenced externalizing and internalizing risk pathways as novel prevention targets.9
Developing and validating lower risk online gambling thresholds with actual bettor data from a major Internet gambling operator.9
Supplemental Material for Measuring Risky Loot Box Use: An Item Response Theory Analysis of the Risky Loot Box Index Among Adolescents9
Planned and unplanned drinking to get drunk: A registered report examining willingness, drinking motives, and protective behavioral strategies using ecological momentary assessment.9
Pooled and person-specific machine learning models for predicting future alcohol consumption, craving, and wanting to drink: A demonstration of parallel utility.9
Supplemental Material for Longitudinal Measurement Invariance of Constructs Derived From the Addiction Cycle9
An experimental investigation of peer rejection and social anxiety on alcohol and cannabis use willingness: Accounting for social contexts and use cues in the laboratory.9
Supplemental Material for The Ecological Validity of the Yale Food Addiction Scale 2.0 and Momentary Food Addiction Symptoms9
Do smokers’ harm perceptions of cigarillos differ by modified use of the tobacco product? Findings from waves 3 and 4 of the PATH study.9
New approaches to deep phenotyping in addictions.8
Effects of behavioral interventions on stress reactivity in adults with substance use disorders.8
Do alcohol interventions affect peers who do not receive the intervention? Modeling treatment contagion effects via simulations of adolescent social networks.8
Supplemental Material for Day-Level Examination of Ego-Network Effects on College Students’ Alcohol Consumption8
Network structures of internet gaming disorder and gaming disorder: Symptom operationalization causes variation.8
Motivational interviewing plus behavioral activation for alcohol misuse in college students with ADHD.8
Recovery resources for college students: Leveraging web scraping to unveil current estimates.8
Coping motives and negative affect: An ecological study of the antecedents of alcohol craving and alcohol use.8
Racial identity, discrimination, and polysubstance use: Examining culturally relevant correlates of substance use profiles among Black young adults.7
Big Five personality traits and illicit drug use: Specificity in trait–drug associations.7
Reports of self-compassion and affect regulation in psilocybin-assisted therapy for alcohol use disorder: An interpretive phenomenological analysis.7
Complementarity in daily marijuana and alcohol among emerging adults.7
Sex differences in the acute pharmacological and subjective effects of smoked cannabis combined with alcohol in young adults.7
Daily associations between resilience factors, substance use, and affect among sexual minority youth.7
Momentary mindfulness versus distraction coping messages to reduce cannabis craving among young adults: A microrandomized trial.7
Gambling fallacies: Predicting problem gambling in a national sample.7
Patterns of lapses and recoveries during a quit attempt using varenicline and behavioral counseling among smokers with and without HIV.7
Drinking context, alcohol use, and subjective responses during binge drinking episodes measured by high-resolution ecological momentary assessment (HR-EMA).7
Differential mechanisms of change in motivational interviewing versus health education for smoking cessation induction.7
Constructs derived from the addiction cycle predict alcohol use disorder treatment outcomes and recovery 3 years following treatment.7
Tobacco/nicotine and marijuana co-use motives in young adults: Associations with substance use behaviors one year later.7
Genetic and shared environmental factors explain the association between adolescent polysubstance use and high school noncompletion.6
A qualitative examination of positive and negative consequences young adults experience from simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use.6
Supplemental Material for Young Adult Birthday Celebrations as Windows of Risk for Alcohol and Cannabis Use: 21st Birthdays Compared to Other Young Adult Birthdays6
Supplemental Material for Randomized Trial of Mindfulness- and Reappraisal-Based Regulation of Craving Training Among Daily Cigarette Smokers6
Web-delivered multisession alcohol-linked attentional bias modification for binge drinking: Cognitive and behavioral effects in young adult college students.6
Supplemental Material for College Men’s Use of Protective Behavioral Strategies for Sexual Aggression, Risky Sexual Behavior, and Heavy Episodic Drinking6
Supplemental Material for Associations of Subjective and Objective Stress Responses With Interpersonal Trauma, PTSD, Stress-Induced Drinking, and Drinking to Cope in Young Adults6
Supplemental Material for Unplanned Versus Planned Simultaneous Alcohol and Cannabis Use in the Daily Lives of a Predominantly White College Student Sample: What Are the Motives, Contexts, and Outcome6
Supplemental Material for The Role of Social Connection in Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Engagement6
Why do people watch pornography? The motivational basis of pornography use.6
Mindfulness mechanisms in alcohol use: Comparing top-down and bottom-up processes.6
Supplemental Material for Real-World Simultaneous Alcohol and Cannabis Use: An Ecological Study of Situational Motives and Social and Physical Contexts6
Supplemental Material for Impact of a Computerized Distress Intolerance Intervention on Electrocortical Reactivity to Cannabis and Threat Cues: A Randomized Controlled Trial6
Supplemental Material for Contextual Influences on Simultaneous Alcohol and Cannabis Use in a Predominately White Sample of College Students6
Supplemental Material for Self-Report Assessment of Alcohol Sensitivity: An Examination of the Effects of Different Probes5
Supplemental Material for Daily Associations Between Cannabis Use and Alcohol Use Among People Who Use Cannabis for Both Medicinal and Nonmedicinal Reasons: Substitution or Complementarity?5
Supplemental Material for Behavioral Economic and Value-Based Decision-Making Constructs That Discriminate Current Heavy Drinkers Versus People Who Reduced Their Drinking Without Treatment5
Supplemental Material for Does Comorbid Anxiety or Depression Moderate Effects of Approach Bias Modification in the Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorders?5
Predictors of problem gambling remission in adults: A Canadian longitudinal study.5
Inaugural editorial.5
Behavior change techniques in physical activity interventions for adults with substance use disorders: A systematic review.5
Ratings of executive function as a risk factor for adolescents’ frequent cannabis use: A prospective longitudinal study.5
Supplemental Material for Why Get High? Coping and Enjoyment Motives Mediate Elevated Cannabis Demand and Cannabis-Related Outcomes5
Reviewer Acknowledgments5
Supplemental Material for Alcohol Use Disorder, Psychiatric Comorbidities, Marriage and Divorce in a High-Risk Sample5
Supplemental Material for Understanding What Changes Adults in a Smoking Cessation Study Believe They Need to Make to Quit Smoking: A Qualitative Analysis of Pre- and Post-Quit Perceptions5
Selection and socialization accounts of the relation between fraternity membership and sexual aggression.5
On the role of (implicit) drinking self-identity in alcohol use and problematic drinking: A comparison of five measures.5
Racially invariant stimuli may bias outcomes in assessment of emotion processing.5
Prevalence of psychosocial issues among pregnant women who do and do not use illicit substances.5
Supplemental Material for A Qualitative Examination of Positive and Negative Consequences Young Adults Experience From Simultaneous Alcohol and Cannabis Use5
Supplemental Material for Change Talk Subtypes as Predictors of Alcohol Use Following Brief Motivational Intervention5
Supplemental Material for Constructs Derived From the Addiction Cycle Predict Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment Outcomes and Recovery 3 Years Following Treatment5
Supplemental Material for A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Problem Gambling and Self-Harm: A Causal Inference Perspective5
Peer connectedness and substance use in adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis.5
Vicarious racial discrimination, racial identity, and alcohol-related outcomes among Black young adults: An experimental approach.5
Moral incongruence and addiction: A registered report.5
Treatment of substance use disorders in adolescence and early school leaving.5
Longitudinal course of mental health symptoms among veterans with and without cannabis use disorder.4
Sensation seeking, impulsivity, and aggression moderate sex effects on adolescent laboratory binging.4
Sibling influences on adolescent alcohol use during the spring 2020 COVID-19 pandemic shutdown.4
Unpacking disparities in substance-related outcomes among racial, ethnic, sexual, and gender minoritized groups during adolescence and emerging adulthood.4
Thirty years of BASICS: Dissemination and implementation progress and challenges.4
Do alcohol-related consequences and how they are evaluated predict consumption during and days until the next drinking event?4
Who holds a shared responsibility view of minimizing gambling harm? Results from a multiwave survey of casino gamblers.4
Parental risk constellations and future alcohol use disorder (AUD) in offspring: A combined HUNT survey and health registries study.4
Comparable cigarette consumption data collected using timeline follow-back and digital diary among treatment-seeking smokers.4
Affect and subjective cognitive functioning by depression symptom levels during naturalistic cigarette smoking in premenopausal females who smoke daily.4
Supplemental Material for Use and Co-Use of Tobacco and Cannabis Before, During, and After Pregnancy: A Longitudinal Analysis of Waves 1–5 of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Stu4
Coping-motivated escalations in adolescent alcohol problems following early adversity.4
A meta-analysis of drinking game participation and alcohol-related outcomes.4
Young adult birthday celebrations as windows of risk for alcohol and cannabis use: 21st birthdays compared to other young adult birthdays.4
Effect of alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis co-use on gray matter volume in heavy drinkers.4
Fluctuation in the sense of belongingness during college moderates within-person associations between perceived injunctive norms and subsequent drinking.4
Randomized controlled trial testing a video-text tobacco cessation intervention among economically disadvantaged African American adults.4
Daily level examination indicates that positive affect, but not negative affect, is associated with alcohol and marijuana use among adolescents and young adults.4
Valuation of future alcohol in cross-commodity delay discounting is associated with alcohol misuse/consequences.4
Supplemental Material for Prenatal Substance Use and Mental Health Comorbidities Predict Continued Use4
Subjective intoxication predicts alcohol-related consequences at equivalent alcohol concentrations in young adults using ecological momentary assessment and alcohol sensors.4
Measurement invariance and other psychometric properties of the Short Inventory of Problems (SIP-2R) across racial groups in adults experiencing homelessness and alcohol use disorder.4
Natural course of co-use of alcohol and cannabis in adolescents and young adults in Montréal, Canada.4
Evaluating cannabis use risk reduction as an alternative clinical outcome for cannabis use disorder.4
Acute exercise-induced changes in motivation and behavioral expectation for quitting smoking as predictors of smoking behavior in women.4
A scoping review of brief alcohol interventions across young adult subpopulations.4
Study framing influences crowdsourced rates of problem gambling and alcohol use disorder.4
The impact of marijuana use on cocaine use outcomes among patients in methadone maintenance treatment across five trials of contingency management.4
Sex differences in the relationship between cannabis use motives and cannabis craving in daily life in emerging adults.4
An investigation of the reinforcing value of video game playing relative to concurrently available monetary alternatives.4
Design, efficacy, and methodology considerations for brief interventions: Intervention delivery and incentives.4
Cultural race-related stress and cannabis use among incarcerated African American men.4
Concurrent and long-term effects of early pubertal timing on alcohol, cigarette, and cannabis use from adolescence to adulthood.4
Neighborhood disadvantage has an indirect effect on problem drinking through increased psychological distress.4
The impact of alcohol consumption on implicit racial bias.4