Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering-Transactions of t

(The TQCC of Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering-Transactions of t is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A Simplified Method to Analyze Dynamic Response of VLFS Based on the Kane Method38
Wave Dynamics Around a Floating Circular Flexible Plate Over a Permeable Bed19
Water Current Load on Arrays of Rectangular Plates18
Oblique Wave Scattering by a Combination of Two Asymmetric Trenches of Finite and Infinite Depths15
Torus-Shaped Wave Energy Converter Attached to a Hinged Arm14
An Explanation for the Flutter Paradox in the Supercritical Region of a Simply-Supported Fluid-Conveying Pipe11
Effects of Vertical Motions on Roll of Planing Hulls10
Response and Instability of Sloping Seabed Supporting Small Marine Structures: Wave–Structure–Soil Interaction Analysis10
An Application of Machine Learning Algorithms on the Prediction of the Damage Level of Rubble-Mound Breakwaters10
Weather Window Analysis in Operations and Maintenance Policies for Offshore Floating Multi-Purpose Platforms9
On the Accuracy of an Analytical Solution to Model Wave-Induced Loads on an Underwater Vehicle in Real-Time8
Reliability Analysis of Crack Growth Occurrence for a Secondary Hull Component Due to Vibration Excitation8
Numerical Research on Impacting Load and Structural Response for a Model Experiment of High-Speed Craft8
Research on the Hydroelastic Response of Ice Floes and Wave Scattering Field8
Effects of Aerodynamic Damping and Gyroscopic Moments on Dynamic Responses of a Semi-Submersible Floating Vertical Axis Wind Turbine: An Experimental Study7
Beneficiation of Seafloor Massive Sulfides by Liquid–Liquid Extraction7
Efficient Calculation of Hydrodynamic Loads on Offshore Wind Substructures Including Slamming Forces7
Special Section on Data-Driven Mechanics and Digital Twins for Ocean Engineering7
Optimization of Steel Jackets to Support Offshore Wind Turbines Using Evolutionary Algorithms7
Scattering of Long Waves by Freely Oscillating Submerged Plates7
Bragg Scattering of Surface Gravity Waves by a Submerged Composite Wavy Porous Plate6
A Practical Procedure for Fatigue Assessment of Mooring Line Chains With Pitting Corrosion6
Study on Cable Tension Characteristics of Shore-Based Constant Tension Mooring Systems Under the Coupling Effect of Wind, Wave, and Current6
Influence of Heave Plate on the Flow-Induced Motions of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine6
Unmanned Floating Object Transportation Applying Multiple Dynamic Positioning Tugboats: A Novel Cooperative Control Algorithm6
The Impact of Flapping Trajectories on the Induced Thrust of a Single and Tandem Configuration Flapping Foil6
Modeling the Flow Around and the Hydrodynamic Drag on Net Meshes Using reef3d6
The SPAR Model: A New Paradigm for Multivariate Extremes: Application to Joint Distributions of Metocean Variables6
Fluid–Structure Interactions of Net Cages—Full-Scale Pushing Tests in the Field6
Numerical Analysis for Cutting a Subsea Bundle5
A Review of Ice Protection Techniques for Structures in the Arctic and Offshore Harsh Environments5
Time-Domain Simulation of Second-Order Diffracted Forces on Marine Structures in Multidirectional Irregular Seas5
Mooring Analysis of a Dual-Spar Floating Wind Farm With a Shared Line5
Component-Based Modeling and Simulation of Nonlinear Drill-String Dynamics5
Data-Driven Prediction of Complex Flow Field Over an Axisymmetric Body of Revolution Using Machine Learning5
A Hybrid Approach Integrating Physics-Based Models and Expert-Augmented Neural Networks for Ship Fuel Consumption Prediction5
Oblique Wave Diffraction by a Bottom-Standing Thick Barrier and a Pair of Partially Immersed Barriers5
A Wave Prediction Framework Based on Machine Learning and the Third Generation Wave Model5
A New Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Tool for Subsea Oil and Gas Asset Decommissioning5
Motion-Based Wave Inference With Neural Networks: Transfer Learning From Numerical Simulation to Experimental Data5
Mechanism Analysis of the Effect of Wake Vortex on Cylinder Vibration in Flow Induced Motion5
A Physics-Informed Neural Operator for the Simulation of Surface Waves5
Prediction of Wave Spectral Parameters Using Multiple-Output Regression Models to Support the Execution of Marine Operations5
Modeling and Analysis of a Novel Offshore Binary Species Free-Floating Longline Macroalgal Farming System5
Dynamic Response of 15 MW Floating Wind Turbine With Non-Redundant and Redundant Mooring Systems Under Extreme and Accidental Conditions5
Three-Dimensional Effects on Slamming Loads on a Free-Falling Bow-Flare Cylinder Into Calm Water5
Numerical Investigations on Wake Effects of Fish Cages5
Numerical Investigations of Water Column Responses at Different Moonpool Locations Within a Fixed Vessel5
Impacts of the Bottom Vortex on the Surrounding Flow Characteristics of a Semi-Submerged Rectangular Cylinder Under Four Aspect Ratios5
Erratum: “Effects of Reeling on Pipe Structural Performance—Part II: Analysis” [ASME J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng., 2017, 139(5), p. 051707; DOI: 10.1115/1.4037064]4
Validation of a Frequency-Dependent Morison Force Formulation for a Large Monopile in Severe Irregular Seas4
Active Absorption of Random Waves in Wave Flume Using Artificial Neural Networks4
Loading Rate Effect on the Pullout Capacity of OMNI-Max Anchors in Clay Coupled With Multiple Factors4
Profiles of Two JOMAE Associate Editors (The Fifth in a Continuing Series)4
Numerical Simulation of Net Cage and an Alternative Method to Estimate the Remaining Volume4
LiDAR Measurements of Wind Shear Exponents and Turbulence Intensity Offshore the Northeast United States4
Use of Machine Learning for Estimation of Wave Added Resistance and its Application in Ship Performance Analysis4
Weakly Nonlinear Surface Wave Prediction Using a Data-Driven Method With the Help of Physical Understanding4
Static and Cyclic Behavior of Welded DH36 Steel and Its Application at Low Temperatures4
A Coupled Fluid-Structure Model for Estimation of Hydraulic Forces on the Drill-Pipes4
Sea Spray Icing: The Physical Process and Review of Prediction Models and Winterization Techniques4
Salvesen’s Method for Added Resistance Revisited4
Numerical Study on Modeling and Local Characteristics of a Predetermined Freak Wave4
Head Wave Simulation of a KRISO Container Ship Model Using OpenFOAM for the Assessment of Sea Margin4
Roll–Yaw Lock: Aerodynamic Motion Instabilities of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines4
Profiles of Two JOMAE Associate Editors (A Continuing Series)4
Power Enhancement of Wave Energy Converter Array via Wave Runup in Channel3
Numerical Study on the Automatic Ballast Control of a Floating Dock3
Shape Effect of Polymetallic Nodules on Suction Forces and Flow Field During Seabed Hydraulic Collection3
Numerical Studies on Drag Reduction of An Axisymmetric Body of Revolution With Antiturbulence Surface3
American and European Hydrostatic Tubular Beam-Column Equation Comparisons3
Automatic Clustering of Metocean Conditions on the Brazilian Coast3
Numerical Modeling of the Interaction of Moving Fish Nets and Fluid3
Anisotropy of Reynolds Stress Tensor in Combined Wave–Current Flow3
Relation Between Atmospheric Circulation Patterns in the North Atlantic and the Sea States in the Iberian Peninsula3
Comparative Study of Machine Learning Methods for State of Health Estimation of Maritime Battery Systems3
Hydrodynamic Coefficients of Generic Subsea Modules in Forced Oscillation Tests—Importance of Structural Elements3
Investigation of Three-Dimensional Wake Width for Offshore Wind Turbines Under Complex Environmental Conditions by Large Eddy Simulation3
Analysis of a Moored and Articulated Multibody Offshore System in Steep Waves3
Hydrodynamic Responses of a Novel Modular Floating Structure System With Multi-Direction Expansion3
Surface Gravity Wave Interaction With a Submerged Composite Wavy Porous Plate Attached to a Vertical Wall3
Numerical Study on Hydrodynamic Forces and Course Stability of a Ship in Surf-Riding Condition Based on Planar Motion Mechanism Tests3
Dynamics of the System Drilling Riser–BOP–Well Casing—Wellhead Casing Fatigue Analysis3
Data Informed Model Test Design With Machine Learning–An Example in Nonlinear Wave Load on a Vertical Cylinder3
Numerical Simulations of a Freely Falling Rigid Sphere in Bounded and Unbounded Water Domains3
Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Bridge Cofferdam Under Multidirectional Focused Waves3
Remotely Operated Vehicle Taxonomy and Emerging Methods of Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair Operations: An Overview and Outlook3
Power Performance and Response Analysis of a Semi-Submersible Wind Turbine Combined With Flap-Type and Torus Wave Energy Converters3
Wave Interaction With a Pair of Submerged Floating Tunnels in the Presence of An Array of Submerged Porous Breakwaters3
Focused Plunging Breaking Waves Impact on Pile Group in Finite Water Depth3
Corrosion-Fatigue Crack Growth Performance of Titanium Grade 29 Welds in Tapered Stress Joints3