Journal of Voice

(The TQCC of Journal of Voice is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Instructions for Contributors112
Traumatic Spinal Injury: Preliminary Results of Respiratory Function, Voice and Quality of Life66
The Feasibility of Gastroesophageal Manometry for Continuously Evaluating the Degree of Expiratory Effort During Successful Crescendo Phonation57
Intrinsic Laryngeal Muscle Activity During Subvocalization53
The Influence of Presbylarynx Status on Objective Measures of the Aging Voice51
Gluten Sensitivity Underlying Resistant “Laryngopharyngeal Reflux” Symptoms and Signs48
Acoustics Features of Voice in Adolescent Females With Anorexia Nervosa36
Spasmodic Dysphonia: Standardized Spanish Tool for Ambulatory Consult Diagnosis34
Are the Acoustic Measurements Reliable in the Assessment of Voice Quality? A Methodological Prospective Study29
Comparison Between Early Glottic Carcinoma and Epithelial Dysplastic Lesions of the Vocal Fold Via Voice Analysis28
Relationship Between Aerodynamic Measurement of Maximum Phonation Time With Acoustic Analysis and the Effects of Sex and Dysphonia Type28
The Influence of Multisensory Input On Voice Perception and Production Using Immersive Virtual Reality28
Prevalence and Risk Factors for Dysphonia in Preschoolers at Five Years Old in a Capital City in the Northeast of Brazil26
Influence of Loudness, Pitch, Vowel, and Voice Condition on Supraglottic Tissue Displacement in Female Participants25
Correlation Between Self-Perceived Hoarseness, Perceptual Voice Evaluation, and Body Mass Index in Dysphonic Patients: A Study of 120 Cases25
Erratum to ‘Exercise Science and the Vocalist’ [Journal of Voice 35/3 (2021) 376–385]24
Iatrogenic Hypersensitivity Reactions: Hidden Dangers24
VHI-10 Scores in a Treatment-Seeking Population With Dysphonia23
Instructions for Contributors23
The Voice Problem Impact Scales (VPIS)22
Different Performances of Machine Learning Models to Classify Dysphonic and Non-Dysphonic Voices21
Do Effects of Voice Rehabilitation in Patients Irradiated for Laryngeal Cancer Remain 5 Years Postradiotherapy?21
The Effects of Telerehabilitation in Patients with Voice Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis21
The Impact of Respiratory Function on Voice in Patients with Presbyphonia21
Laryngeal Leishmaniasis: A Neglected, Emerging Disease in Northern Italy21
Quebec French Translation, Cultural Adaptation, and Validation of the Singing Voice Handicap Index-10 Questionnaire for Singers with Dysphonia20
Effects of Back Pressure on the Feasibility and Tolerability of Laryngeal Diadochokinetic Exercise: A Pilot Study20
Calendar Listings20
Correlation Between Clinical Characteristics and Radionuclide Salivagram Findings in Infants With Congenital Laryngeal Developmental Anomalies19
Relationships Between Sense of Coherence, Self-perception of Voice and Work Environment Among Teachers18
The Vocal Priorities of College Students With and Without Self-Reported Voice Problems18
Voice Outcomes of Straw Phonation Exercises for Telephone Customer Service Staff18
The Use of Inhaled N-Acetylcysteine for Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial18
A User-Centered Design Approach to Developing a Voice Monitoring System for Disorder Prevention18
Calendar Listings18
Voice Outcomes Following Serial Office-Based Steroid Injections and Voice Therapy for Vocal Fold Scar18
Editorial Board18
Prospective Teacher's Voice Questionnaire (PTVQ): Development of a Questionnaire to Assess Training-Related Voice Symptoms Among Prospective Teachers18
Development and Content Validity of a Novel Patient-Reported Outcome Measure for Total Laryngectomy: The LARY-Q18
Author Response to Tongue Edema Secondary to Suspension Laryngoscopy18
Effect of Virtual Reality Distraction on Satisfaction and Tolerability in Patients Undergoing In-Office KTP Laser Procedure17
Proposal for a Core Outcome Set of Measurement Instruments to Assess Quality of Voice in Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia Based on a Literature Review17
Smartphone Recordings are Comparable to “Gold Standard” Recordings for Acoustic Measurements of Voice17
Comparative Study of the Effect of Experience on Auditory Processing Abilities in Voice Therapists and Other Speech-Language Pathologist in Auditory Perceptual Judgment of Voice17
Evaluation of Vertical Level Differences Between Left and Right Vocal Folds Using Artificial Intelligence System in Excised Canine Larynx17
Resting Respiratory Resistance in Female Teenage Athletes With and Without Exercise-Induced Laryngeal Obstruction17
Risk of Dysphonia, Presence of Vocal Changes, and Vocal Self-Perception in Brazilian Transgender Women17
Time-Synchronized MRI-Assessment of Respiratory Apparatus Subsystems—A Feasibility Study16
Letter to the Editor: Microstimulation in the Periaqueductal Gray Matter16
Investigation of Validity and Reliability of Voice Activity and Participation Profile-Turkish Version (VAPP-TR)16
Is Immobile vocal fold Related to the Spinal Accessory Nerve Agenesis?: A Case Report16
Treatment of Vocal Fold Nodules: Transnasal Steroid Injection Versus Microlaryngoscopic Phonomicrosurgery16
Associations of Personality, Physical and Mental Health with Voice Range Profiles16
Vocal Health Assessment of Professional Performers Returning to the Stage After the COVID-19 Pandemic Shutdown16
The Effects in the Upper Airway of Heat and Exposure to Combustion Byproducts of Burning Materials on Larynx of Firefighters15
Terapia de voz en el contexto de la pandemia covid-19; recomendaciones para la práctica clínica15
Letter to Editor on “Changes in Acoustic Aspects of Voice Function in Children After Adenotonsillectomy”15
Mitigation of Respirable Aerosol Particles from Speech and Language Therapy Exercises15
Effect of Vitamin D Deficiency on Voice: A Review of the Literature15
Training the Vocal Expression of Emotions in Singing: Effects of Including Acoustic Research-Based Elements in the Regular Singing Training of Acting Students15
Bi-Weekly Voice Therapy Versus Weekly Voice Therapy for Muscle Tension Dysphonia15
Dysphonia in Performers: Prevalence of Vocal Lesions and Voice Emergencies in a Private Otorhinolaryngology Practice15
Operative and Conservative Management of Laryngeal Contact Granuloma: A Network Analysis and Systematic Review14
PVR-AFM: A Pathological Voice Repair System based on Non-linear Structure14
Bamboo Nodes as an Autoimmune Disease Laryngeal Manifestation. Case Series14
Steam and/or Semi-occluded Vocal Tract Exercise as Morning Vocal Warm-up Strategy14
World Voice Day 202314
Singing Voice Symptomatology and SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Correspondence14
Sectorial Analysis of the Fibrous Matrix of Vocal Folds in the Elderly13
The Impact of Tonsillectomy on the Adult Singing Voice: Acoustic and Aerodynamic Measures13
Laryngeal Electromyographic Findings in a Cohort of Recalcitrant Chronic Neurogenic Cough Patients13
Combining Voice Rest and Steroids to Improve Diagnostic Clarity in Phonotraumatic Vocal Fold Injury13
Effect of Smoking on Cepstral Parameters13
Voice Outcome of Total Thyroidectomy in Comparison With Administration of Recombinant Human TSH13
Response Rates in Survey Research13
Word and Gender Identification in the Speech of Transgender Individuals13
The Effects of Vocal Loading and Steam Inhalation on Acoustic, Aerodynamic and Vocal Tract Discomfort Measures in Adults13
Resonant Voice: Perceptual and Acoustic Analysis After an Intensive Lessac Kinesensic Training Workshop13
The Effectiveness of Vocal Health Programs in the Prevention of Voice Disorders in Teachers: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis13
Editorial Board13
History of Previous Surgical Resection Promotes the Sclerosis of the Arytenoid Cartilage in Patients With Laryngeal Contact Granuloma13
Analysis of Voice in Parkinson’s Disease Utilizing the Acoustic Voice Quality Index13
Dynamic Fast Imaging Employing Steady State Acquisition Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Vocal Tract in One Overtone Male Singer: Our Preliminary Experience13
Which Sung Pitch Range is Best for Boys During Voice Change?13
An Investigation of the Relationship between Adherence to Voice Therapy for Muscle Tension Dysphonia and Employment, Social Support, and Life Satisfaction13
Patient-Reported Outcomes after False Vocal Folds Injections for Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia12
Effectiveness of Voice Therapy on Voice Quality and Function in Individuals with Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis12
A Cepstral Peak Prominence (CPP) Voice Analysis in Iranian Post-lingual Deaf Adult Cochlear Implant Users12
The Effect of Pitch and Loudness Auditory Feedback Perturbations on Vocal Quality During Sustained Phonation12
Patients’ Demographics and Risk Factors in Voice Disorders: An Umbrella Review of Systematic Reviews12
The Health-related Quality of Life and Voice Handicap Index in Recovered COVID-19 Patients in Comparison to Healthy Subjects12
Students’ Experience with Vocal Injury in Undergraduate Performing Arts Training Programs12
Voice-Related Outcomes in Deep Brain Stimulation in Patients with Vocal Tremor: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis12
Analysis Method for Laryngeal High-Speed Videoendoscopy: Development of the Criteria for the Measurement Input12
Is Thyrohyoid Space Palpation a Reliable and Useful Clinical Tool Within Diagnostic Protocol for Voice Disorders?12
Conversational Vocal Intensity in Parkinson's Disease: Treatment and Environmental Comparisons12
Non-Linear Image Distortions in Flexible Fiberoptic Endoscopes and their Effects on Calibrated Horizontal Measurements Using High-Speed Videoendoscopy11
Intractable Bleeding Following an Awake Bedside Injection Laryngoplasty in a Patient on KVAD ECMO11
Implementation of Telemedicine in a Laryngology Practice During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned, Experiences Shared11
The Persian Version of Reflux Sign Assessment Scale: Validity and Reliability for the Examination of Patients with Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease11
Surgical Treatment of Acquired Velopharyngeal Insufficiency in Adults With Dysphagia and Dysphonia11
Vocal Fry Patterns While Reading11
GBNF-VAE: A Pathological Voice Enhancement Model Based on Gold Section for Bottleneck Feature With Variational Autoencoder11
Special Education Teachers’ Self-Assessed Voice Health Regarding Voice Use Habits11
Can Multi-Dimensional Voice Program (MDVP) Be Used as A Diagnostic Tool for Precocious Puberty?11
Chronic Cough: Evaluation of Patients’ Motivation to Undergo Cough Suppression Therapy11
A Nasoendoscopic Study of “Head Resonance” and “Imposto” in Classical Singing11
A Multidomain Generative Adversarial Network for Hoarse-to-Normal Voice Conversion11
Changes of Pepsin Concentration in Saliva Sample According to Storage Period10
Needle Fracture During Injection Medialization Laryngoplasty10
Comparison of Aerosol Emissions during Specific Speech Tasks10
The Effect of Adding Cricothyroid Visor Maneuver to Voice Facilitating Techniques on Improving Voice in Individuals With Primary Muscle Tension Dysphonia: A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial10
Attitudes to the Implementation of Speech and Language Therapist Led Low Risk Two Week Wait Clinic in the UK: A Survey Exploration Using Normalization Process Theory10
Temperament and Voice Quality in Patients With Vocal Fold Nodules10
Response to the Letter to the Editor: “Auditory-Perceptual Assessment and Acoustic Analysis of Gender Expression in the Voice”10
Association Between Vocal Symptoms, Communication, Work Environment, and Sense of Coherence in Hospital Health Professionals10
Laryngeal Taping as a Supportive Tool to Relieve Phonasthenia in Singers: A Preliminary Report10
Digital Videokymography: Analysis of Glottal Closure in Adults10
Assessing Candidacy for Conversation Training Therapy: The Role of Patient Perception10
Singing Voice Concern in Tertiary Laryngology Practice10
Maximum Phonation Time as a Predictor of Lactate Threshold during Intermittent Incremental Endurance Test10
Self-reported Vocal Demands, Perceptions, and Knowledge of Occupational Voice Users in South Africa10
Application of the HRES 5562 Camera Using the HSDI Technique in the Diagnosis of Glottal Insufficiencies in Teachers10
Two Cases of Atraumatic Laryngeal Fractures10
Paradoxical Vocal Fold Movement: A Retrospective Analysis10
Vocal Fold Paralysis Following Benign Thyroid Nodule Laser Thermal Ablation10
Vocal Acoustics and Aerodynamics During Scripted Reading Compared to Spontaneous Speech10
Relation Between Dysphonia Severity Index (DSI) and Consensus Auditory-Perceptual Evaluation of Voice (CAPE-V)10
Anxiety, Depression, and Other Factors Associated With Voice Handicaps in Active Older People During the COVID-19 Pandemic10
Internal Consistency of the Voice Handicap Index in Individuals With Dysphonia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis10
Increased 18F-FDG Uptake in the Posterior Region of Contralateral Vocal Folds in Beagle Dogs With Unilateral Vocal Fold Immobility Disorders9
Estimation of Speech Features Using a Wearable Inertial Sensor9
Optimizing Diameter, Length, and Water Immersion in Flow Resistant Tube Vocalization9
Allergic Rhinitis in Professional Singers: A Monoinstitutional Series9
Evidence-Based Recommendations for Tablet Recordings From the Bridge2AI-Voice Acoustic Experiments9
Relations Between Dysphonia and Personality: An Approximation From Gray' Theories.9
Cryotherapy Modifies Extracellular Matrix Expression of Vocal Fold in Rat Models9
Increased Sensitivity of Cough Reflex is Not the Mechanism of Cough Attributed to Laryngopharyngeal Reflux9
Dynamic CT Study on the Morphology and the Motor Ability of Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis9
A Comparative Acoustic Analysis of Bangla Folk Song and RabindraSangeet on Long-Term Average Spectrum9
Efficacy of Type III Thyroplasty in Vocal Masculinization in Trans Men: A Retrospective Observational Study9
Voice Type Component Profile Model of Glottal Gap Voice in Ex Vivo Canine Larynges9
Long-term Outcome of Autologous Lipoinjection Medialization Laryngoplasty versus Type I Thyroplasty9
The Effect of Maximum Phonation Time Goal on Efficacy of Vocal Function Exercises9
Vocal Fatigue Index (VFI): Cross-Cultural Adaptation, Validation, and Cut-off Values of the Arabic Version9
Correlation Between Nasal and Laryngeal Lesions of Rhinoscleroma in Patients of Upper Egypt9
Validity and Reliability of the Arabic Thyroidectomy-Related Voice and Symptom Questionnaire (A-TVSQ) for Assessing Post-Thyroidectomy Patients9
Xiang-Sheng-PoDi-Wan May Reduce the Risk of Pneumonia retain-->in Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study9
Exploring Personality and Perceived Present Control as Factors in Postsurgical Voice Rest: A Case Comparison9
Low-Dose LEMG-Guided Botulinum Toxin Type A Injection for Intractable Vocal Process Granulomas9
A Comparison of the Effects of Phonation into a Positive Expiratory Pressure Device and Silicone Tube in Water on the Vocal Mechanism9
A Multiparametric Acoustic and Self-Perceptual Measure of Laryngeal Hydrations in Speech-Language Pathologists: A Preliminary Longitudinal Investigation9
Voice Disorder Classification Using Wav2vec 2.0 Feature Extraction9
Experimental Study on Inspiratory Phonation Using Physical Model of the Vocal Folds9
Muscle Activity and Aerodynamic Voice Changes at Different Body Postures: A Pilot Study9
Pleomorphic Hyalinizing Angiectatic Tumor of the Larynx9
Acoustic, Perceptual, and Laryngoscopic Changes Post Vocal Abuse at a College Fest9
Vocal Fatigue and Its Relationship with Vocal Hygiene and Work-Related Factors in Professional and Nonprofessional Voice Users: A Multiple Linear Regression Model Study9
Longitudinal Assessment of Singing Students8
Prevalence of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use in Professional Voice Users8
Comparing the Effects of Self-Generated and Platform-Generated Whole Body Vibration on Vocal Fatigue8
Automated Quantification of Inflection Events in The Electroglottographic Signal8
Effect of a Single Injection of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor into the Vocal Folds: A 36-Month Clinical Study8
Can Resident Auditory-Perceptual Voice Assessments Predict Medical Urgency of Voice Disorders?8
A Very Rare Complication of Vocal Fold Augmentation With Calcium Hydroxylapatite: Neck Abscess8
A Practical Guide to Calculating Cepstral Peak Prominence in Praat8
MFCC Parameters of the Speech Signal: An Alternative to Formant-Based Instantaneous Vocal Tract Length Estimation8
Cryptococcal Laryngitis: Three Cases Managed With Potassium-Titanyl-Phosphate Laser and Literature Review8
Vocal Vibrato Characteristics in Historical and Contemporary Opera, Operetta, and Schlager8
Tragal Cartilage Versus Fascia Lata Implant for Treatment of Glottic Insufficiency: A Randomized Clinical Trial8
Coblation Cordotomy for the Management of Bilateral Vocal Fold Immobility8
Prevalence of Self-Reported Dysphonia and Dysphagia in Patients with Allergy8
Normophonic Breathiness in Czech and Danish: Are Females Breathier Than Males?8
Augmentation-lateralization for Unilateral Vocal Fold Palsy With Airway Obstruction: A New Concept in Laryngology8
In Memoriam: Professor Shimon Sapir (1947...2023)8
Influences of Preventive Voice Training on the Vocal, Mental Health, and Voice-Related Self-Concept of University Teachers and Academic Advisers: A Pilot Study8
Editorial Board8
How Does Long Term Use of Surgical Face Mask Affect the Voice in Normophonic Subjects?8
Otolaryngologic Symptom Severity Post SARS-CoV-2 Infection8
Vocal Self-Perception of Home Office Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic8
PVGAN: A Pathological Voice Generation Model Incorporating a Progressive Nesting Strategy8
Clinical Considerations in Speech and Language Therapy in Turkish Transgender Population8
Phonatory Tasks and Outcome Measures for Assessing Vocal Fatigue: A Scoping Review8
Cepstral Acoustic Measurements: Influence of Speech Task and Degree of Vocal Deviation8
Evaluating a Vibratory Positive Expiratory Pressure (PEP) Device as a Dysphonia Treatment8
Comparison the Voice Onset Time (VOT) of Postlingual Cochlear Implant Users and Normal Peers in the CAPE_V Sentences as Continues Speech Task8
Accuracy and Cut-Off Values of Cepstral Measures in the Clinical Evaluation of Brazilian Portuguese Speakers8
Perceptual Characterization of Voice Quality in Nonadvanced Stages of Parkinson's Disease8
Vocal Fold Submucosal Mesna Injection and Microflap Elevation in a Rabbit Model8
Sources of Aerosol Dispersion During Singing and Potential Safety Procedures for Singers8
Dysphonia and Throat Clearing in Singers During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil8
Cross-cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Hong Kong-Chinese version of Children's Voice Handicap Index-10 for Parents (CVHI-10-P(HK))8
Psychometric Properties of the Vocal Fatigue Handicap Questionnaire in Kannada Among Teachers8
Editorial Board8
Voice Disorder Classifications: A Scoping Review – Part A8
Functional Outcomes Following Delayed Laryngeal Reinnervation Of Patients with Vagal Paralysis After Paraganglioma and Schwannoma Surgery8
Correlation Between Presbylarynx and Laryngeal EMG7
Silk-Hyaluronic Acid for Vocal Fold Augmentation: Safety Profile and Long-Term Voice Outcomes7
Is Surface Electromyography (sEMG) a Useful Tool in Identifying Muscle Tension Dysphonia? An Integrative Review of the Current Evidence7
Office-Based Steroid Injection for Benign Lesions of the Vocal Folds: Case Series and Review of the Literature7
Effect of Behavioral Cough Suppression Therapy Delivered via Telehealth7
Mapping Voice Assessment Procedures and Results in Individuals with Sleep-Related Breathing Disorder: A Scoping Review7
Construct and Discriminant Validity of the Persian Version of the Consensus Auditory Perceptual Evaluation of Voice (CAPE-V)7
Is Partial Deafness Dysphonia Gender Related?7
Behavioral Management of Laryngeal Complaints Caused by Vagal Nerve Stimulation for Medically Refractory Epilepsy7
Effect of Wearing a Face Mask on Vocal Self-Perception during a Pandemic7
Quantification of the Intraglottal Pressure Induced by Flow Separation Vortices Using Large Eddy Simulation7
The Effects of Therapeutic Singing on Vocal Functions of the Elderly: A Study on Korean Elderly7
Explore the Pattern of Biomechanical Alterations in Vocal Fold Scar and Its Objective Quantitative Assessment Method7
Seasonal Variations in Public Inquiries into Laryngitis: An Infodemiology Study7
Voice Handicap and Public Speaking Anxiety in Self-Assessment among Children with and without Vocal Fold Nodules7
Evaluating the Quality of Rigid Optic Videolaryngoscopy Image Taken Through Dental Protection Cap and Its Feasibility as Additional Barrier Method Against COVID-197
Platelet-Rich Plasma for Vocal Fold Scar: A Preliminary Report of Concept7
Early Management of Acute Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis: Update of the Literature7
Voice Change Following Testosterone Supplementation in Women: A Multi-Institutional Case Series7
A Comparison of Healthy and Disordered Voices Using Multi-Dimensional Voice Program, Praat, and TF327
Analysis of Voice Quality After Thyroid Surgery7
Vocal Fold Vibration Associated With Inspiratory Phonation—An Acoustic and Electroglottographic Study7
Singing Voice Quality: The Effects of Maxillary Dental Arch and Singing Style7
Comparison of the Effects of Botulinum Toxin A Injection and Local Glucocorticoid Injection for Treating Laryngeal Contact Granuloma7
Is Helicobacter pylori a Biomarker of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux?7
The Voice Range Profile-A Shortened Protocol Pilot Study7
First-Person Perspectives of Gender-Affirming Voice Feminization Training: A Mixed Methods Approach7
An Appraisal of Printed Online Education Materials on Spasmodic Dysphonia7
Assessment of Postoperative Pain and Opioid Consumption Following Laryngeal Surgery: A Pilot Study7
Glottal Voice Distortions: Nasolaryngoscopic and Spectral Analysis of Anatomophysiologic Changes in Singing Voice7
Evaluation of Immediate Effects of Straw Phonation Exercise and Determination of the Ideal Performance Time in Healthy Adults7
Acoustic Analysis of Intonation in Persons With Parkinson's Disease Receiving Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Intensive Voice Treatment7
Clinical Use of the CAPE-V Scales: Agreement, Reliability and Notes on Voice Quality7
Formant Frequencies of Adult Speakers of Australian English and Effects of Sex, Age, Geographical Location, and Vowel Quality7
Online Training or Face-to-Face Training from the Perspective of Ear, Nose, and Throat and Head and Neck Surgeons?7
How a Dysphonia App Can Promote the Motivation of Speech Therapists and Patients in the Long Term—A Qualitative Study in the LAOLA Project7
Variability in Voice Characteristics of Female Speakers With Phonotraumatic Vocal Fold Lesions7
Perceived Control, Voice Handicap, and Barriers to Voice Therapy7
Exploring the Relationship Between Acoustic Measurements and Self-Perception of Voice in Trans Women7
Acoustic and Physiological Voice Assessment And Maximum Phonation Time In Patients With Different Types Of Dysarthria7
Voice And Gender Incongruence: Relationship Between Vocal Self-Perception And Mental Health Of Trans Women7
Identifying Clinical Behaviors Using the Motor Learning Classification Framework: A Pilot Study7
To Explore the Changes and Differences of Microstructure of Vocal Fold in Vocal Fold Paralysis and Cricoarytenoid Joint Dislocation by Diffusion Tensor Imaging7
Long-Term Outcomes of Respiratory Retraining Therapy for Exercise-Induced Laryngeal Obstruction7
Voice Quality of Life and Musculoskeletal Symptoms of Pregnant Women7
Validation of the Polish Version of Voice Handicap Index-107
The Role of TREK-1 and AQP5 in Gonadocorticoid-Related Voice Disorders6
Vocal Fold Injury Produces Similar Biomechanical Outcomes in Male and Female Rabbits6
Early Initiation of Voice Therapy After Microlaryngeal Surgery - A Randomized Control Study6
Spatial Segmentation for Laryngeal High-Speed Videoendoscopy in Connected Speech6