Journal of Raptor Research

(The TQCC of Journal of Raptor Research is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Commentary: the Past, Present, and Future of the Global Raptor Impact Network21
Space Use and Time Budget in Two Populations of Griffon Vultures in Contrasting Landscapes19
Cannibalism in Raptors: A Review18
Garbage Dump Use, Mortality, and Microplastic Exposure of Raptors in Ushuaia, Tierra Del Fuego Province, Southern Argentina12
Is the Tiny Hawk (Accipiter superciliosus) Really a Specialized Predator on Hummingbirds? Using Citizen Science Data to Elucidate Dietary Preferences of a Little-Known Neotropical Raptor11
Breeding Ecology of Southern Caracaras (Caracara plancus) in Southern Continental Patagonia, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina10
Reviewing the Role of Vultures at the Human-Wildlife-Livestock Disease Interface: An African Perspective10
A Strategy for Conserving Old World Vulture Populations in the Framework of One Health9
Raptor Entanglement with Human Debris at Nests: A Patchy and Species-Specific Problem9
Conservation Letter: Lead Poisoning of Raptors8
Conservation Letter: Effects of Global Climate Change on Raptors18
Uses of Vultures in Traditional Medicines in the Kruger to Canyons Biosphere Region, South Africa8
Human Persecution of the Harpy Eagle: A Widespread Threat?7
Feeding Ecology of the Long-Legged Buzzard and Diet Overlap with Sympatric Bonelli's Eagle On Cyprus7
Thirty Years of Migration and Winter Count Data Indicate Regional Differences in Population Trajectories for American Kestrels in North America6
Effects of Nest Box Installation on a Distribution Power Line: Increased Eurasian Kestrel Nesting, Reduced Electrocutions, and Reduced Electrical Faults6
Invited Commentary: When a Conservation Conflict Comes Full Circle—The Spotted Owl Conflict is a Wicked Problem6
Food Habits of American Kestrels in the Southern High Plains of Texas6
Adaptation of Crested Caracaras (Caracara plancus) to Urban Environments: First Report of a Nest Made of Human-Made Materials6
Habitat Preferences of the Tawny Owl (Strix aluco) in a Special Conservancy Area of Eastern Spain6
Aspects of the Ecology of Urban-Nesting Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) in South-Coastal British Columbia5
A Revealing Case of Territorial Fighting by Golden Eagles5
Conservation Letter: Raptors and Anticoagulant Rodenticides5
Traditional Health Practitioners' and Other Community Members' Perceptions of Vultures in the Kruger to Canyons Biosphere Region, South Africa5
Predictive Habitat Model Reveals Specificity in a Broadly Distributed Forest Raptor, The Harpy Eagle5
Thirty Years of Bald Eagle Population Recovery and Nesting Ecology in Kansas, 1989–20185
Causes of Raptor Admissions to Rehabilitation in Jordan5
Distinguishing Sex of Northern Spotted Owls with Passive Acoustic Monitoring5
Large Andean Condor Aggregations at Carcasses Exacerbate the Threat of Poisoning5
Iris Yellowness Relates to Age and Individual Quality in Two Owl Species5
Defining Spatial Conservation Priorities for the Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus)5
Short-Eared Owl Land-Use Associations during the Breeding Season in the Western United States5
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS) and their Effect on Old World Vultures: A Scoping Review5
Telephone Network Access Trunks Used as Nesting Structures by Crested Caracaras (Caracara plancus) in Santa Cruz Province, Patagonia, Argentina5
Relocating Nest Boxes from Poor Quality Sites Can Bias Inference into Population Dynamics5
First Evidence of a Migration Route from Eurasia to East Africa of the Cinereous Vulture (Aegypius monachus)4
Home Range and Excursive Post-Breeding Movements of Eurasian Eagle-Owls Revealed by GPS Satellite Transmitters4
Why Are Snowy Owls White and Why Have They Evolved Distinct Sexual Color Dimorphism? A Review of Questions and Hypotheses4
Breeding Behavior of the Hooded Vulture (Necrosyrtes monachus) in the Sudano-Sahelian Area (Garango, Burkina Faso)4
Unpaired Adult California Condors (Gymnogyps californianus) can Serve as Foster Parents in Captivity4
Variable Seasonal Movement Dynamics among Individual Snail Kites (Rostrhamus sociabilis) in South America4
Conservation Letter: Deforestation—The Philippine Eagle as a Case Study in Developing Local Management Partnerships with Indigenous Peoples4
Prevalence of Haemosporidian Parasite Infections in Raptors of Iran4
Changes from Cliff- to Tree-Nesting in Raptors: A Response to Lower Human Persecution?4
Seasonal and Age-Related Variation in Daily Travel Distances of California Condors4
Nest-Site Selection and Nesting Success in a Restored Population of Ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) in the Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota (USA) Area4
Establishment of Barn Owls (Tyto alba javanica) in an Urban Area on Penang Island, Malaysia4
American Kestrel Migration: Insights and Challenges from Tracking Individuals across the Annual Cycle4
Predictors of Osprey Nest Success in a Highly Urbanized Environment4
Temporal Genetic Diversity and Effective Population Size of the Reintroduced Aplomado Falcon (Falco femoralis) Population in Coastal South Texas3
Using Citizen Science Data to Investigate the Diet of the Mountain Caracara (Phalcoboenus megalopterus) and White-Throated Caracara (Phalcoboenus albogularis)3
Predation on Turkey Vultures (Cathartes aura): A New Observation and Review3
Factors Associated with American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) Nest Box Occupancy and Reproductive Success in an Agricultural Landscape3
Effects of Weather on Foraging Success and Hunting Frequency in Winter-Irruptive Snowy Owls (Bubo scandiacus) in Upstate New York3
Commentary: Not All Vulture Feeding Stations are Supplementary—Proposed Terminology for Carcass Provisioning with Reference to Management Goals and Food Sources3
Local Weather Explains Annual Variation in Northern Goshawk Reproduction in the Northern Great Basin, USA3
Perch-Mounted Camera Traps Record Predatory Birds in Farmland3
Preliminary Evidence of Anticoagulant Rodenticide Exposure in American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) in the Western United States3
The Use, and Misuse, of the Subterminal Black Tail Band to Age Female American Kestrels3
Challenges Adapting a Backpack Harness for Use on Gray Hawks (Buteo plagiatus)3
Adoption of Nestling by Breeding Chaco Eagles (Buteogallus coronatus) in the Monte Desert Ecoregion in Mendoza Province, Argentina3
Detection of Individual Replacements in a Long-Lived Bird Species, the Bonelli's Eagle (Aquila fasciata), Using Three Noninvasive Methods3
Expert Perceptions of Conflicts in African Vulture Conservation: Implications for Overcoming Ethical Decision-Making Dilemmas3
A Population Bottleneck Did Not Affect Polymorphism Rates in California Swainson's Hawks3
Breeding Success of Cape Vultures (Gyps coprotheres) at Colonies in the Tswapong Hills, Botswana3
Tracking Device Attachment Methods for American Kestrels: Backpack Versus Leg-Loop Harnesses3
Intraguild Predation of an American Kestrel Fledgling by Crested Caracaras in Northern Patagonia, Argentina3
Conservation Letter: Deforestation—The Philippine Eagle as a Case Study in Developing Local Management Partnerships with Indigenous Peoples3
Yellow-Headed Caracara as a Cleaner of White-Tailed Deer in an Urban Park3
Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) Home Ranges, Movements, and Forays Revealed by GPS-Tracking3
Seriemas: A Literature Assessment and Recommendations for Future Research3
Neotropical Raptors: Promoting Research and Advancing Conservation in the 21st Century3
American Kestrel Responses to Aircraft in an Airport Environment3
Isotopic Niche Partitioning in Avian Scavenger Communities of South America3
Peregrine Falcon Scavenges Adult Herring Gull at Nest Site on Lake Superior, Ontario, Canada3
Factors Influencing Prevalence and Intensity of Haemosporidian Infection in American Kestrels in the Nonbreeding Season on the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico2
Exposure of Raptors in Central Argentina to St. Louis Encephalitis and West Nile Viruses2
Quantifying Vocal Activity and Detection Probability to Inform Survey Methods for Barred Owls (Strix varia)2
Food Habits of the Macaronesian Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus granti) on Madeira2
Galapagos Short-Eared Owl (Asio Flammeus Galapagoensis) Preying Upon a Marine Iguana (Amblyrhynchus Cristatus) on Isla Isabela, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador2
Oil Contamination of Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) in the Mediterranean Sea: An Underestimated Threat for the Species?2
Winter Distribution of Golden Eagles in the Eastern USA2
Diet and Feeding Strategies of the Crested Eagle (Morphnus guianensis) in the Brazilian Amazon2
Mapping the Mountain Caracara (Phalcoboenus megalopterus)/White-Throated Caracara (P. albogularis) Contact Zone and Possible Hybrid Zone in Northern Patagonia2
Breakeven Points in Nest Management of an Endangered Island Endemic Raptor2
Habitat Associations of Golden Eagle Prey Inferred from Prey Remains at Nesting Sites in Utah, USA2
Do Wintering American Kestrels Sleep Where They Eat?2
Assessing Knowledge of the Caracaras: Compiling Information, Identifying Knowledge Gaps, and Recommendations for Future Research2
Vulture Abundance and Habitat Association Following Major Hurricane Disturbance in the Tropical Dry Forest of Western Mexico2
Reproductive Success Increases with Age in American Kestrels, Especially in Males2
Discovery of a Novel Mtdna Sequence in the Eastern Buzzard (Buteo Japonicus) in Japan2
Historical Accounts Provide Inference into Population Dynamics of American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) in the Northeastern USA2
Commentary: Subadult Nest Occupancy Rates and Floater-To-Breeder Ratios in Raptor Population Assessment2
Broad-Winged Hawk Size Varies by Sex and Latitude in North America2
The World's Most Imperiled Raptors Present Substantial Conservation Challenges2
The Effect of Local Weather Conditions on American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) Reproduction2
Variable Hawk (Geranoaetus polyosoma) is a Rare Nesting Species in Santa Cruz Province, Southern Continental Patagonia, Argentina2
Autumn Migration of Diurnal Raptors across Kenting National Park, Taiwan, along the East-Asian Oceanic Flyway2
Hospital Admissions of Australian Coastal Raptors Show Fishing Equipment Entanglement is an Important Threat2
Patterns of Water Use by Raptors in the Southern Great Plains2
Resurveys Reveal Potential Population Increases of the Himalayan Griffon in Central West Nepal2
Ecological and Genetic Monitoring of a Recently Established Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) Population in Wales2
Conservation Letter: Monitoring Raptor Populations – A Call for Increased Global Collaboration and Survey Standardization2
Landscape Configuration Influences Species Occupancy over Multiple Spatial Scales: A Case Study on Tawny Owl2
Food Habits of the Mountain Hawk-Eagle (Nisaetus nipalensis orientalis) During the Nesting Period in Japan2
Direct and Indirect Effects of Nesting Site Characteristics for a Cliff-Nesting Raptor in Western Alaska2
Range Contraction of an Osprey Population Following Lethal Control at a State Fish Hatchery in Montana2
In-Hand Guide to Diurnal North American Raptors2
Evidence of Continuing Downward Trends in American Kestrel Populations and Recommendations for Research into Causal Factors2