Nineteenth-Century Literature

(The TQCC of Nineteenth-Century Literature is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Miss Marjoribanks’s Pronouns; or, the General, the Particular, and the Novel1
Recent Books Received1
Review: Decadent Ecology in British Literature and Art, 1860–1910: Decay, Desire, and the Pagan Revival, by Dennis Denisoff0
Review: Limited Access: Transport Metaphors and Realism in the British Novel, 1740–1860, by Kyoko Takanashi0
Transatlantic Climate and Gulf Stream Aesthetics0
Recent Books Received0
“Interested by nobody but Mary Crawford”0
Review: On Not Being Someone Else: Tales of Our Unled Lives, by Andrew H. Miller0
“Come brother Opie!”0
Contributors to this Issue0
Review: Picture World: Image, Aesthetics, and Victorian New Media, by Rachel Teukolsky0
Extreme Attachment0
Byron and the Problem with Memory Arts0
Wasted Gifts0
Bright Sunshine, Dark Shadows0
Review: Irish Literature in Transition, 1830–1880, edited by Matthew Campbell0
Review: The Afterlife of Enclosure: British Realism, Character, and the Commons, by Carolyn Lesjak0
Contributors to this Issue0
Living Too Long0
Review: Critical Rhythm: The Poetics of a Literary Life Form, edited by Ben Glaser and Jonathan Culler0
Contributors to this Issue0
Contributors to this Issue0
Review: Refiguring Speech: Late Victorian Fictions of Empire and the Poetics of Talk, by Amy R. Wong0
Review: Feminine Singularity: The Politics of Subjectivity in Nineteenth-Century Literature, by Ronjaunee Chatterjee0
Contributors to this Issue0
Review: Extraction Ecologies and the Literature of the Long Exhaustion, by Elizabeth Carolyn Miller0
Review: Thoreau’s Axe: Distraction and Discipline in American Culture, by Caleb Smith0
Contributors to this Issue0
Review: American Mediterraneans: A Study in Geography, History, and Race, by Susan Gillman0
Recent Books Received0
Sympathy and Pride in George Eliot’s Fiction0
“Quickening Life”0
“How nicely you talk; I love to hear you”0
Review: Battle Lines: Poetry and Mass Media in the U.S. Civil War, by Eliza Richards0
Review: Cross-Racial Class Protest in Antebellum American Literature, by Timothy Helwig0
Review: Novel Cultivations: Plants in British Literature of the Global Nineteenth Century, by Elizabeth Hope Chang0
“The Very Music of the Name”0
Hardy’s Trees0
A Tale of Two Bureaucracies0
Beatrice Cenci’s Ghost0
Review: Certain Concealments: Poe, Hawthorne, and Early Nineteenth-Century Abortion, by Dana Medoro0
Hamlin Garland’s “Problem of Individual Life”0
Review: Dorian Unbound: Transnational Decadence and the Wilde Archive, by Sean O’Toole0
Anthony Trollope’s Leap in the Dark0
Review: Picturesque Literature and the Transformation of the American Landscape, 1835–1874, by John Evelev0
Review: Nineteenth-Century Literature in Transition: The 1880s, by Penny Fielding and Andrew Taylor0
Review: Communities of Care: The Social Ethics of Victorian Fiction, by Talia Schaffer0
The Mathematics of Truth0
Review: Founded in Fiction: The Uses of Fiction in the Early United States, by Thomas Koenigs0
Suicide, Melancholia, and Manic Defense in Byron’s Manfred0
Embodied Cognition in Edgar Allan Poe0
Review: Before Modernism: Inventing American Lyric, by Virginia Jackson0
Review: Xenocitizens: Illiberal Ontologies in Nineteenth-Century America, by Jason Berger0
“I Sort Rather with Those who Do Not Read”0
Contributors to this Issue0
Review: Coral Lives: Literature, Labor, and the Making of America, by Michele Currie Navakas0
Review: Narrative and Its Nonevents: The Unwritten Plots That Shaped Victorian Realism, by Carra Glatt0
Review: Primitive Marriage: Victorian Anthropology, the Novel, and Sexual Modernity, by Kathy Alexis Psomiades0
Contributors to this Issue0
Review: Victorian Metafiction, by Tabitha Sparks0
Review: The Victorian Cult of Shakespeare: Bardology in the Nineteenth Century, by Charles LaPorte0
George Eliot’s Wetland Form0
Review: Notework: Victorian Literature and Nonlinear Style, by Simon Reader0
“Dwell on every detail and its possible meaning”0
Setting Fires with Hawthorne0
Contributors to this Issue0
Review: After Darwin: Literature, Theory, and Criticism in the Twenty-First Century, edited by Devin Griffiths and Deanna Kreisel0
Review: Maladies of the Will: The American Novel and the Modernity Problem, by Jennifer Fleissner0
“The Meaner & More Usual &c.”0
Index to Volume 770
Review: Strangers in the Archive: Literary Evidence and London’s East End, by Heidi Kaufman0
Contributors to this Issue0
Review: Toy Stories: Analyzing the Child in Nineteenth-Century Literature, by Vanessa Smith0
Review: Farm to Form: Modernist Literature and Ecologies of Food in the British Empire, by Jessica Martell0
Review: Working Verse in Victorian Scotland: Poetry, Press, Community, by Kirstie Blair0
Review: Conversing in Verse: Conversation in Nineteenth-Century English Poetry, by Elizabeth K. Helsinger0
Review: Victorian Women and Wayward Reading: Crises of Identification, by Marisa Palacios Knox0
Index to Volume 750
Harriet Martineau’s Realized Abstractions0
Review: Urban Formalism: The Work of City Reading, by David Faflik0
Review: Censorship and the Representation of the Sacred in Nineteenth-Century England, by Jan-Melissa Schramm0
Environmental Desire in The Mill on the Floss0
Review: Apropos of Something: A History of Irrelevance and Relevance, by Elisa Tamarkin0
Review: Settler Colonialism in Victorian Literature: Economics and Political Identity in the Networks of Empire, by Philip Steer0
Contributors to this Issue0
Wooshing London0
Contributors to this Issue0
“A Handful of Loose Beads”0
Review: Stoic Romanticism and the Ethics of Emotion, by Jacob Risinger0
Review: Stylistic Virtue and Victorian Fiction: Form, Ethics, and the Novel, by Matthew Sussman0
Love the Live Oak0
Review: Twisted Words: Torture and Liberalism in Imperial Britain, by Katherine Judith Anderson0
Wordsworth’s The Borderers, Early and Late0
Review: Narrating Trauma: Victorian Novels and Modern Stress Disorders, by Gretchen Braun0
Review: British Literature and the Life of Institutions: Speculative States, by Benjamin Kohlmann0
Review: The Pace of Fiction: Narrative Movement and the Novel, by Brian Gingrich0
Sailors, Book Hawkers, and Bricklayer’s Laborers0
Contributors to this Issue0
Review: Magnificent Decay: Melville and Ecology, by Tom Nurmi0
Index to Volume 760
Sex in the Summer-House0
“The less said the soonest mended”0
Contributors to this Issue0
Review: Not Even Past: The Stories We Keep Telling about the Civil War, by Cody Marrs0
Review: Prophets, Publicists, and Parasites: Antebellum Print Culture and the Rise of the Critic, by Adam Gordon0
Review: Queer Economic Dissonance and Victorian Literature, by Meg Dobbins0
“Grim, metal darlings”0
The Language of Transcendentalism0
Irving’s Literary Historiography0
Review: The Science of Character: Human Objecthood and the Ends of Victorian Realism, by S. Pearl Brilmyer0
The Desire for Lawlessness0
Review: On the Horizon of World Literature: Forms of Modernity in Romantic England and Republican China, by Emily Sun0
“Spoofing Celebrities”0
“The Enchantments of Waverley”0
Review: The New Melville Studies, edited by Cody Marrs0
“Death in his hand”0
Contributors to this Issue0