Research in Developmental Disabilities

(The TQCC of Research in Developmental Disabilities is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Anxiety, meaning in life, self-efficacy and resilience in families with one or more members with special educational needs and disability during COVID-19 pandemic in Greece91
Comorbidity between persistent reading and mathematics disabilities: The nature of comorbidity69
Auditory time perception impairment in children with developmental dyscalculia60
A follow-up study of peer relationships in autistic and non-autistic youths: Mediating effects from autistic, emotional and behavioral symptoms54
A scoping review of parental roles in rehabilitation interventions for children with developmental delay, disability, or long-term health condition53
Intact or impaired? The understanding of give-and-take interactions in children with autism spectrum disorder41
Cross-sectional developmental trajectories in the adaptive functioning of children and adolescents with Down syndrome39
Editorial Board37
Caregiver burden and mental health: Parent perspectives when raising a child with developmental coordination disorder37
Short report: Siblings of children with neurodevelopmental disorders, a phenomenological perspective on parental perception33
The inverse association between psychological resilience and emerging school refusal among bullied autistic youth32
Differences in emotional state and autistic symptoms before and during confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic31
Impact of sleep on attention in primary school-aged autistic children: Exploratory cross-cultural comparison between Singapore and UK children30
Changes in mothers’ and fathers’ stress level, mental health and coping strategies during the 3 years following ASD diagnosis29
Exploring co-occurrence of sensory, motor and neurodevelopmental problems and epilepsy in children with severe-profound intellectual disability27
How does architecture contribute to reducing behaviours that challenge? A scoping review26
Editorial Board25
Accessibility of nutritional services for children with autism spectrum disorder in the United Arab Emirates: Insights from special education teachers and parents25
Quality of life beyond diagnosis in intellectual disability – Latent profiling24
Psychological effects of the 2017 California wildfires on children and youth with disabilities24
A cross-cultural comparison of sleep patterns between typically developing children and children with ASD living in Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom24
Invisible populations: Who is missing from research in intellectual disability?24
Evaluating implementation outcomes of a measure of social vulnerability in adults with intellectual disabilities23
Editorial Board22
Just listen to your mind: Consequences of theory of mind development for deaf or hard-of-hearing children22
The relationship between internalizing problems and acute exercise duration in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: The role of frontal alpha asymmetry22
Exploring the role of emotional and behavioral problems in a personality-targeted prevention program for substance use in adolescents and young adults with intellectual disability22
Editorial Board21
Eye-trackers, digital-libraries, and print-referencing: A single case study in CDKL520
Specific learning disorders in young adults: Investigating pragmatic abilities and their relationship with theory of mind, executive functions and quality of life.20
Spelling abilities of school-aged children with Williams syndrome19
“It feels like sending your children into the lions’ den” – A qualitative investigation into parental attitudes towards ASD inclusion, and the impact of mainstream education on their child19
Short report: Learning through iconic gesture in autism spectrum disorder19
Editorial Board18
How does therapist guided game-based intervention program effect motor skills in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?: Single blind randomised study design18
How effective are group-based psychoeducation programs for parents of children with ASD in Turkey? A systematic review and meta-analysis18
Detecting sleep apnea in adults with Down syndrome using WatchPAT: A feasibility study18
Changes in the quality of life of persons with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities following community transition: A Canadian study17
Short report: Behavioural characterisation of SOX11 syndrome17
Implementation of speech therapy with persons with intellectual disabilities in Ukraine during May–June 202217
Editorial Board17
Symptoms of anxiety and depression and quality of life in parents of children with autism during the second wave of the pandemic17
Short report: Correlates of behaviours that challenge in children with intellectual disability in special education settings17
Editorial Board17
The impacts of typically developing siblings on the developmental outcomes of children with disability: A scoping review17
A survey of assessment practices among health professionals diagnosing females with autism16
Investigating basic emotion knowledge of people with Williams syndrome16
Short report on a syllable-based intervention to improve phonemic awareness and reading in children with DLD16
Executive functioning and verbal fluency performance in youth with Down syndrome16
Parent-child interaction, parental attachment styles and parental alexithymia levels of children with ASD15
Local vs global processing in Williams syndrome15
Accuracy of caregiver identification of demands for children with escape-maintained challenging behavior15
Editorial Board15
Editorial Board15
Development and preliminary validation of the Self-Awareness Situation-Based Observation Lists for children with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities14
The design of a protocol for identifying and supporting children with developmental delays and/or disabilities in South African child and youth care centres14
Field testing an Australian model of practice for teaching young school-age students on the autism spectrum14
Motor imagery in congenital hemiplegia: Impairments are not universal14
Enhancing the quality of life of mothers of children with intellectual disabilities or Autism: The role of disability-specific support14
Factors affecting the attitudes of principals of saudi general education public schools toward the inclusion of students with disabilities14
Co-designing complex therapy interventions with parents as partners in the care of children with cerebral palsy: An Experience-based Co-design study in England14
Arithmetic fluency and number processing skills in identifying students with mathematical learning disabilities13
Sleep quality, functional skills, and communication in preschool-aged children with autism spectrum disorder13
Investigating physiological symptoms associated with mental health symptoms in youth with cerebral palsy: An observational study13
Reading instruction for students with intellectual disabilities who require augmentative and alternative communication: A multiple single case study with baseline, posttest, follow-up, and maintenance13
Effects of a highly intensive balance therapy camp in children with developmental coordination disorder – An intervention protocol13
The centrality of healthcare and education interactions – An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis of experiences of parents of children with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome13
Emerging adults’ emotions toward their siblings with down syndrome13
Enhancing special education programs’ curricula for students with intellectual disabilities in saudi arabia: A call for personalized approaches and inclusive practices13
Operationalisation of quality of life for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities to improve their inclusion12
Risk and protective factors of quality of life for children with autism spectrum disorder and their families during the COVID-19 lockdown. An Italian study12
The effects of incorporating extended conversations into video-based story retelling instruction on oral narrative skills in adolescents with intellectual disability in China12
Perceptions of Saudi Arabian school teachers in private general education schools toward the inclusion of students with disabilities12
Enhanced EEG power density during painful stretching in individuals with cerebral palsy12
Implementing and evaluating Social Attention and Communication Surveillance (SACS) to prospectively identify autism in very young children in Nepal12
Randomised controlled trial of an online cognitive training program in school-aged children with cerebral palsy12
Using speech-to-text technology to empower young writers with special educational needs12
Perceived parent needs in engaging with therapeutic supports for children with disabilities in school settings: An exploratory study12
Motor and cognitive dual-task performance under low and high task complexity in children with and without developmental coordination disorder12
How developmental coordination disorder affects daily life: The adolescent perspective12
Characteristics of sleep spindles in school-aged children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder12
The effect of parental age on child development at 36 months: Insights from the Japan environment and children's study12
Listen up! ADHD slows spoken-word processing in adverse listening conditions: Evidence from eye movements11
Distinctive patterns of Multiple Object-Tracking performance trajectories in youth with deficits in attention, learning, and intelligence11
Adolescents’ executive functions: Links to inattention, hyperactivity-impulsivity, trait mindfulness, and attachment relationships with fathers and mothers11
Prevalence of developmental dyslexia among primary school children in Arab countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis11
Technology for supporting emotion regulation of individuals with developmental disabilities: A scoping review11
Perceptual reasoning skills mediate the relationship between attention and math proficiency in individuals with a neurodevelopmental condition11
Sleep disturbances and physical health problems in caregivers of children with ASD11
Virtual reality and naturalistic developmental behavioral interventions for children with autism spectrum disorder11
Visual-motor attention in children with ADHD: The role of automatic and controlled processes10
Quality of life, gastrointestinal symptoms, sleep problems, social support, and social functioning in adults with autism spectrum disorder10
Effectiveness of digital game-based trainings in children with neurodevelopmental disorders: A meta-analysis10
Informant-based assessment instruments for dementia in people with intellectual disability: A systematic review and standardised evaluation10
Parental involvement in developmental disabilities across three cultures: A systematic review10
Fragile X syndrome in young females: Influence of executive function on the neurocognitive profile and adaptive behavior10
The effectiveness of an individualised and adaptive game-based rehabilitation, iVision, on visual perception in cerebral visual impairment: A triple-blind randomised controlled trial10
Validation of a screening test based on symbols visual search to detect visuo-attentionnal reading difficulties10
An analysis of the reading habits of autistic adults compared to neurotypical adults and implications for future interventions10
Resilience and social support as predictors of post-traumatic growth in mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder in Saudi Arabia10
The association between autistic traits and excessive smartphone use in Chinese college students: The chain mediating roles of social interaction anxiety and loneliness10
Program for attention rehabilitation and strengthening (PARS) improves executive functions in children with attention deficit- hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)10
Behavioral and emotional problems of toddlers with autism spectrum disorder: Effects of parents’ sociocultural level and individual factors10
The relationship between motor milestone achievement and childhood motor deficits in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and children with Developmental Coordination Disorder10
The French translation of the dementia screening questionnaire for individuals with intellectual disabilities is a sensitive tool for screening for dementia in people with Down Syndrome10
Attitude, anxiety and perceived mental health care needs among parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Saudi Arabia during COVID-19 pandemic10
“Even though a lot of kids have it, not a lot of people have knowledge of it”: A qualitative study exploring the perspectives of parents of children with cerebral/cortical visual impairment9
Putting “ME” into measurement: Adapting self-report health measures for use with individuals with intellectual disability9
Family-centered service through the eyes of insiders: Healthcare providers who are parents speak about receiving and providing healthcare in child health9
The developmental dyslexia scale for standard mandarin: A study among early primary students9
Exploring sensory alterations and repetitive behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorder from the perspective of artificial neural networks9
Better at home or in residential care? Victimization of people with intellectual disabilities at the hands of caregivers9
Navigation abilities and spatial anxiety in individuals with and without Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD/Dyspraxia)9
Developmental, sensory and behavioral outcomes among infants and toddlers with prenatal alcohol exposure9
An evaluation of health-related quality of life and its relation with functional vision in children with cerebral visual impairment9
Predictors of mental health among parents of children with cerebral palsy during the COVID-19 pandemic in Iran: A web-based cross-sectional study9
Corrigendum to “Potential impact of autism services on the quality of life of individuals with autism spectrum disorder and their families” [Research in Developmental Disabilities 136 (2023) 104492]9
Impact of the Quality of Life Supports Model on the inclusion of students with disabilities in higher education: A scoping review9
Promoting social-inclusion: Adapting and refining a school participation and connectedness intervention for neurodiverse children in UK primary schools9
Mobile sleep EEG suggests delayed brain maturation in adolescents with ADHD: A focus on oscillatory spindle frequency9
SPAN-ASD: Pilot implementation to promote functional goals of autistic adolescents and young adults9
Sensory processing in young children with visual impairments: Use and extension of the Sensory Profile9
Proprioceptive intervention improves reading performance in developmental dyslexia: An eye-tracking study9
Retraction notice to “How does ASD symptomology correlate with ADHD presentations?” [Research in Developmental Disabilities 35/9 (2014) 2252–2259]9
“BottegaMente”: An Italian program of internship for people with autism spectrum disorder9
Retraction notice to “Co-occurring disorder clusters in adults with mild and moderate intellectual disability in residential treatment settings” [Research in Developmental Disabilities 35/11 (2014) 319
Which items of the movement assessment battery for children are most sensitive for identifying children with probable developmental coordination disorder? Results from a large-scale study9
Cognitively combined/engaged physical activity for the executive function, symptomology, and motor competence of children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A systematic re9
Parent-based training of basic number skills in children with Down syndrome using an adaptive computer game8
Health and social relationships of mothers of children in special education schools8
Psychosocial wellbeing, parental concerns, and familial impact of children with developmental coordination disorder8
Parental involvement in developmental disabilities across cultures8
Challenges, practices, and impact of COVID-19 among mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder in cities and remote areas in Saudi Arabia8
Peabody Developmental Motor Scales - Second Edition (PDMS-2): Reliability, content and construct validity evidence for Brazilian children8
Editorial Board8
Editorial Board8
Active music making and leisure activities for people with intellectual disabilities: A cluster randomized pilot study8
Editorial Board8
Narrative comprehension and production abilities of children with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome8
Short report: Initial pilot of a brief career development program for autistic young adults8
Short report: Longitudinal study on emotion understanding in children with and without developmental language disorder8
Validation of the German version of the DSQIID in adults with intellectual disabilities8
Number estimation in Down syndrome: Cognition or experience?8
Effect of comorbid allergic diseases on attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms and sleep: A cross-sectional study8
Prevalence of psychological problems among caregivers of children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic: A meta-analysis and systematic review8
Technological advancements in the assessment and intervention of developmental disabilities8
Editorial Board8
Cross-cultural validation of the Brazilian Little Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire (LDCDQ-BR) for preschool children8
Blindspot in the evidence base: A systematic review of psychological interventions for children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities and co-occurring obesity8
Evaluation of daily and social participation of children with Cerebral Palsy across different age groups with a focus on the ‘F′-words: Function, family, fitness, fun, friends and future8
Modeling linkages between self-efficacy, normalization, and well-being factors among Israeli mothers of children with neurodevelopmental disorders8
The role of executive functions in preschool children with autism spectrum disorder: A short narrative review8
Effect of Covid-19 lockdown on indian children with autism8
“Thanks to my child, I discovered that I am strong and I grew up with my child”: Personal growth in mothers of children with Down syndrome in Turkey8
The relation between visual orienting functions, visual perception, and functional vision in children with (suspected) cerebral visual impairment8
Stress and distress in New Zealand parents caring for a child with autism spectrum disorder7
Saudi parents’ perspectives of the factors influencing the quality of life of their children with autism spectrum disorder7
Room to read: The effect of extra-large letter spacing and coloured overlays on reading speed and accuracy in adolescents with dyslexia7
Grappling with uncertainty – Experiences of parents of infants following perinatal stroke7
Retraction notice to “An examination of the relationship between autism spectrum disorder, intellectual functioning, and comorbid symptoms in children” [Research in Developmental Disabilities 35 (7) (7
Participation in preschool activities of children with autistic spectrum disorder and comparison to typically developing children7
Self-injury as a predominant challenging behavior in epilepsy: A study in a residential facility for profoundly disabled patients7
Investigating predictability aspects of phonological type errors in braille spelling7
Self-reported symptoms of developmental dyslexia predict impairments in everyday cognition in adults7
Fatherhood in disability rehabilitation in the United Arab Emirates: Exploring fathers’ involvement in raising children with disabilities7
Comparing sensory processing in children with Down syndrome to a mental age matched sample of children with autism, other developmental disabilities, and typically developing children7
Effects of a phonics-based intervention on the reading skills of students with intellectual disability7
Parents’ perceptions of the foundational and emergent benefits of residential immersive life skills programs for youth with disabilities7
Therapist alliance building behavior and treatment adherence for dutch children with mild intellectual disability or borderline intellectual functioning and externalizing problem behavior7
The associations of quality of life and general functioning with trauma, borderline intellectual functioning and mild intellectual disability in outpatients with serious mental illness7
Contextual effects on the figurative processing of nouns and verbs in people with Williams syndrome7
Editorial Board7
The JASPER (Joint Attention, Symbolic Play, Engagement and Regulation) Intervention in Down Syndrome: A pilot study7
Short report and initial evaluation of the factor structure of the Lancaster and Northgate Trauma Scales (LANTS)7
Memory and metamemory for actions in children with autism: Exploring global metacognitive judgements7
Corrigendum to “Emotional dysregulation and uncertainty intolerance as transdiagnostic mediators of anxiety in adults with autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability” [Research in Developme7
Construct validity of the Family Outcomes Survey – Revised expanded helpfulness scale7
Not only motor skill performance but also haptic function is impaired in children with developmental language disorder7
Psychological distress and burden among family caregivers of children with and without developmental disabilities six months into the COVID-19 pandemic6
Differences in impulsivity between adolescents with ADHD and those with comorbidity of ADHD and IGD6
Improving early detection, diagnosis and intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder: A cross-sectional survey in China6
Parental knowledge of children’s motor development: A cross-sectional study in Saudi Arabia6
The impact of COVID-19 pandemic social restrictions on individuals with autism spectrum disorder and their caregivers in the Stateof Qatar: A cross-sectional study6
Task-specificity and transfer of skills in school-aged children with and without developmental coordination disorder6
A sequential mixed-methods approach to exploring the experiences of practitioners who have worked in multi-sensory environments with autistic children6
A scoping review of AAC research conducted in segregated school settings6
Word reading transfer in two distinct languages in reading interventions: How Chinese-English bilingual children with reading difficulties learn to read6
Challenges ahead: Exploring external barriers to self-determination in individuals with intellectual disabilities6
A qualitative examination of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children and adolescents with autism and their parents6
ADHD severity as a predictor of cognitive task performance in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)6
Impact of visual processing skills on reading ability in Chinese deaf children6
Heightened risk of posttraumatic stress disorder in adults with autism spectrum disorder: The role of cumulative trauma and memory deficits6
Improving phonological awareness with Talking Tables in at-risk kindergarten readers6
Psychological impact of Covid-19 pandemic in Italian families of children with neurodevelopmental disorders6
Locus of nonword repetition impairments in Mandarin-speaking children with developmental language disorder6
Dutch forensic patients with and without intellectual disabilities: A comparison of demographic, offence, and diagnostic characteristics6
Effectiveness of a process-based executive function intervention on arithmetic knowledge of children with Developmental Dyscalculia6
Duration of breast feeding and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in United States preschool-aged children6
Collaborative team approaches to supporting inclusion of children with disability in mainstream schools: A co-design study6
Relation between sleep disorders and attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity in children and adolescents: A systematic review6
Enhancing research practices in intellectual and developmental disabilities through person-centered outcome evaluation6
A capacity-building intervention for parents of children with disabilities in rural South India6
Emotion regulation, parental stress and family functioning: Families of children with disabilities vs normative families6
An Initial Pilot Study Examining Child Social Skills, Caregiver Styles, and Family Functioning in the PEERS® for Preschoolers Program for Young Autistic Children and their Caregivers6
Diagnostic survey of dyslexia and accompanying behavioral indicators in primary school students in Saudi Arabia6
A quality of life supports model: Six research-focused steps to evaluate the model and enhance research practices in the field of IDD6
Exploring challenges and support structures of mothers with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the United Arab Emirates6
Assessing visuospatial processing in cerebral visual impairment using a novel and naturalistic static visual search task6
Cultural adaptation of the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, 3rd Edition for use in Kenyan children aged 18–36 months: A psychometric study6
Early visual word processing in children with ADHD: An ERP study6