Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine

(The TQCC of Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
New bullous lesions in a 72-year-old woman52
Autoimmune brain disease: Think before testing40
Rapid cognitive decline and myoclonus in a 52-year-old woman34
Update in perioperative cardiac medicine 202128
Confusion in a 22-year-old woman, and diagnostic uncertainty24
How do we maximize diuresis in acute decompensated heart failure?24
Aspirin in primary prevention of cardiovascular events: Key questions remain22
Brodie abscess in an 87-year-old man22
Should my elderly hospitalized patient with acute onset of altered mental status undergo stat head CT?21
Reincarnating autoimmunity: Immune-related adverse events as new diseases21
Why we publish The Clinical Picture19
Recognizing a retirement, and a calcium deposition syndrome17
Unilateral atrophic kidney in a 45-year-old woman16
Exanthem and enanthem with fever and dyspnea15
Getting to the root of the problem: Should my patient receive antibiotics before dental procedures to prevent infective endocarditis?15
In Reply: Severe skin rashes15
Stress testing and noninvasive coronary imaging: What’s the best test for my patient?14
Fundic gland polyps: Should my patient stop taking PPIs?14
Generalized acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus in a young female14
SGLT-2 inhibitors: Diabetes and CKD and CHF (and gout?), oh my!13
SGLT-2 inhibitors in heart failure and chronic kidney disease: A review for internists13
Do patients with sepsis benefit from intravenous albumin?13
Vitamin D: A metabolic bone disease perspective12
Severe chemical pneumonitis from tetrahydrocannabinol ‘vaping’ and ‘dabbing’12
Management of lower-extremity venous thromboembolism: An updated review11
Microscopic colitis: What is it, and what are the treatment options?11
Gastroparesis for the nongastroenterologist10
Stop the clot: When is laboratory evaluation for thrombophilia warranted?10
A 21-year-old woman with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and persistent lightheadedness10
Dermatomyositis-related interstitial lung disease mimicking COVID-19 pneumonia9
C3 glomerulopathy9
2023 Update in ambulatory general internal medicine9
In Reply: Prostate cancer screening9
Megaloblastic anemia due to severe vitamin B12 deficiency8
Celiac disease in the ‘nonclassic’ patient8
What is the rationale for the laboratory workup for suspected pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas?8
Perspectives on travel and healthcare8
Unraveling a challenging diagnosis: Role of a TNF inhibitor8
Tuberous sclerosis complex7
Gingival overgrowth in acute monocytic leukemia7
Should my patients take their blood pressure medications in the evening to enhance cardiovascular benefit?6
Recurrent syncope in a 62-year-old man6
Finger nodules: Tip of the gouty iceberg6
Primary and secondary prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: A case-based approach6
We have a greater understanding of ‘cardiac syndrome X,’ but questions remain6
Celiac disease: Who should I test, and how?6
Persistent erosions of the glans penis and foreskin6
Consumer-grade wearable cardiac monitors: What they do well, and what needs work5
In Reply: A new paradigm for adult ADHD5
Dual antiplatelet therapy after percutaneous coronary intervention: Personalize the duration5
Anaphylaxis to vaccinations: A review of the literature and evaluation of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccinations5
Peyronie disease and erectile dysfunction: A potential new paradigm5
Do all patients with primary pulmonary coccidioidomycosis need antifungal therapy?5
Some complexities of diabetes and the heart5
Does my patient have testosterone deficiency?5
Clinical impact of 2020 American Heart Association statement on menopause and cardiovascular disease risk5
Mucormycosis presenting as dental pain5
CABG: When, why, and how?4
In Reply: When should we consider SGLT-2 inhibitors in patients with acute decompensated heart failure?4
When should we consider SGLT-2 inhibitors in patients with acute decompensated heart failure?4
Steroid use triggers severe psoriatic reaction4
Resistant hypertension: A stepwise approach4
The role of GLP-1 receptor agonists in managing type 2 diabetes4
Gastric intestinal metaplasia and gastric cancer prevention: Watchful waiting4
Nonstatin therapy to reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and improve cardiovascular outcomes4
Is there a role for chronic suppressive therapy in herpes simplex virus infection?4
Prostate cancer screening4
Should urine antigen testing forLegionella pneumophilabe ordered for all hospitalized patients with community-acquired pneumonia?4
Glycemic control in the critically ill: Less is more4
Oral leukoplakia and oral cancer4
Phenytoin-induced gingival overgrowth4
A tale of scale: Corticosteroids and pustular psoriasis4
There should be more GOLD in the EMR4
The drop of a pin: Accidental ingestion of a sharp foreign body4
When should I give corticosteroids to my patient withPneumocystispneumonia?4
Recurrent anemia in a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia3
In Reply: Severe hyponatremia: Are you monitoring the urine output?3
Colovesical fistula in men with chronic urinary tract infection: A diagnostic challenge3
Awareness can prompt the search for clinical zebras3
Cutaneous digital papules3
Skin-colored papules on the cheeks, acrochordons on the axillae3
Puffy hand syndrome3
Myasthenia gravis: An update for internists3
Eruptive seborrheic keratosis: A perilous clue3
Koebner phenomenon from insulin injection3
Unilateral pulmonary edema3
What are my obligations to my incarcerated patient?3
Reducing the risks when using benzodiazepines to treat insomnia: A public health approach3
Atypical erythema as a clinical presentation of tinea incognito3
Gastrointestinal varicella-zoster virus infection3
The current state of tobacco cessation treatment3
Circulating lipids are not all bad: An LDL mimic that may be only skin deep3
How do I interpret and use quantitative buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine urine levels?3
COVID-19: An unwelcome guest that won’t leave3
Viruses change; we can, too3
Do I always need a central venous catheter to administer vasopressors?3
A 50-year-old man presents with shortness of breath3
Myasthenia gravis: Frequently asked questions2
Preexposure prophylaxis for preventing HIV infection: Routine practice in primary care2
Serial serum lipase testing after the initial diagnostic workup for inpatients with acute pancreatitis: What is the evidence?2
Bone turnover markers to monitor oral bisphosphonate therapy2
Frequently asked questions about managing cancer pain: An update2
RSV immunization in adults and children: A practical guide for clinicians2
Metastatic bone disease: Early referral for multidisciplinary care2
Medical, ethical, and legal aspects of end-of-life dilemmas in the intensive care unit2
Born again: The many lives of metformin2
SGLT-2 inhibitors are potential game-changers (for more than diabetes)2
COVID-19 vaccine-induced cellulitis and myositis2
DXA and clinical challenges of fracture risk assessment in primary care2
Abdominal pain without physical findings is not always without physical cause2
Oral hyperpigmentation with weakness and salt-craving2
Diagnosis and management of ascites, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, and hepatorenal syndrome2
Stellate ganglion block as a treatment for vasomotor symptoms: Clinical application2
Can I place a peripherally inserted central catheter in my patient with chronic kidney disease?2
‘Kissing tonsils’ and splenic infarction from infectious mononucleosis2
How do I diagnose and treat my patient’s amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis?2
Teriparatide: Label changes and identifying patients for long-term use2
Our evolving understanding of primary aldosteronism2
Having the conversation: Individualizing RSV vaccination in older patients2
Glycemic targets in the ICU: A look back, and ahead2
Update to post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection: Caring for the 'long-haulers'2
Capsule endoscopy in gastrointestinal disease: Evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment2
Dealing with the “T” (testosterone)2