Review-Literature and Arts of the Americas

(The TQCC of Review-Literature and Arts of the Americas is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
News of the Deluge0
Toward a (Brief) Gallery of Argentine Celebrities0
They Shine in the Darkness No Longer : New Latin American Fiction “Written by Women” (XXI c.)0
Editor’s Note0
Hispanic Caribbean Essayistic Writing: Somewhere beyond the Sea0
Some Letters to the World0
The Wave0
That Salt on the Tongue to Say Mangrove0
Orphan in My Own Blood: Yolanda Pantin’s Country0
From Mr. President0
Materia PrimaAmanda BerenguerEdited by Kristin Dykstra and Kent JohnsonTranslated by Gillian Brassil, Anna Deeny Morales, Kristin Dykstra, Kent Johnson, Urayoán Noel, Jeannine Marie Pitas, Mónica de l0
Miss Esther0
Taxidriver Doctors0
Introduction: Transformed Spaces, Translated Discourses, and New Dialogues in Contemporary Latin American and Latinx Theater0
Editor’s Note0
Beatnik Buenos Aires; The Eternaut 1969; Perramus: The City and Oblivion0
The Azure Cloister0
Poemas selectos / Selected Poems0
From “If You See Me Along the Road”0
Bezoar and Other Unsettling Stories; The Houseguest and Other Stories0
The Afro-Latinx Experience after the Murder of George Floyd, as Seen and Lived in Puerto Rico0
Havana’s Traditions and Transitions0
From Testosterone0
“The Order” and Other Poems0
Andean Non-Fiction: Notes from an Imprecise Geography0
looking god in the eye (2021)0
Portfolio: Magali Lara0
Joto!: Confessions of a Mexican Outcast (2017)0
Rebellion in Havana’s Classrooms and Newsrooms: Two Eras of Frustrated Transition in Cuban Journalism, 1985-1990 and 2016-20210
From Decrease: The Product in Existence0
Havana on Steam Power: Literature, the Railroad, and the City in Nineteenth-Century Cuba0
Matters of the Sea0
Two Poems0
Tango(Tango, 2007)0
from Two Square Meters of Flesh0
Portraits / Simulacra0
Extraordinary Events0
A Conversation on Vargas Llosa’s The Time of the Hero Cátedra Mario Vargas Llosa 20190
Stone Soup0
Eroticism, Mysticism, Satire, and Melodrama in Captain Pantoja and the Special Service0
Chapeo Consciousness: On Blackness, Queerness, and Marronage in Johan Mijail’s Chapeo (2021)0
from Notes to the Sea: A Journal0
Mistakes Were Made0
Fill in the Blank0
Could Havana Have a Subway? The Ongoing Havana Subway Project0
“Cecilia Vicuña: Spin Spin Triangulene”0
My Dad and Treasure Island0
Editor’s Note0
Poems of Good Love … And Sometimes Fantasy0
Three Thoughts on Under the Volcano0
Four Tribute Poems0
Am Listening0
From Tartarus0
From If You Saw Yourself through My Eyes0
From The Room of Tremors0
The Last Twist of the KnifeJoão AlminoTranslated by Elizabeth LoweMcLean, IL: Dalkey Archive Press, 20210
“The word fudi means salty water” and other poems0
Caribbean Chrysalis0
The Law of the Border0
Havana Revisited: A Portfolio0
Logbooks for a New Latin American Nonfiction0
Slow Emotions0
Decolonizing American Spanish: Eurocentrism and Foreignness in the Imperial Ecosystem0
Wayward in Manhattan0
Tutoring Hours0
Self-Portrait in the Zone of SilenceHomero AridjisTranslated by George McWhirterNew York: New Directions, 20230
Edinburgh Notebook0
The Geopolitics of Sex Tourism in Havana: Landscapes of Gender and Race in One Transnational Film and Two Songs of Despair0
Ova Completa0
“Oregano or Honor”0
All Poetry0
From Somnambulist Archaeology0
Avenues of Translation: The City in Iberian and Latin American Writing0
Horizontal Vertigo: A City Called Mexico0
Indoctrinated Writing0
A Journey towards the Other0
Two Articles0
The Waters of Friendship0
Isolation and Community in the Quarantine Theater of Abilio Estévez0
Javier Campos and his Poetry0
From An Island0
The TransentientsSergio MissanaTranslated by Jessica PowellKingston, NY: McPherson & Company, 20210
Inner/Outer Exile in Contemporary Venezuelan Art0
“Dominican Sushi In New York” and Other Poems0
From Tree that Grows Twisted0
Jane Austen’s Laughter0
From Eggs(Huevos, 2005)0
Through Journalism, They Build the World in Which We Want to Live0
“How Does the Sun Come Up in Havana?” and Other Poems0
Eluding Whiteness in Jeannette Miller’s Color de piel0
From The Wedding0
Gego: Measuring Infinity Gego: Measuring Infinity New York: Solomon R. Guggenheim MuseumCurated by Pablo León de la Barra and Geaninne Gutiérrez-GuimarãesOn view: March 0
Moons above the Earth: Word Sowers0
Storytelling from the Borderlands of La Romana and New York: A Journey through Josefina Báez’s Dominicanish0
Instructions for Cavemen0
Bolívar Straight to La Privada0
From Blackbird0
Cold FireVerónica ZondekTranslated by Katherine SilverNew York: World Poetry Books, 20220
Songs for the Flames0
Editor’s Note0
“In This Old Country of Childhood” and Other Poems0
Four Poems0
from Leona0
Nélida Piñon: Brazil’s Scheherazade0
Electronic Diasporas: Identity and Postliterary Fictions in the Blogs of Three Venezuelan Exiles0
The Body in Pieces: Gaze, Fashion, Annihilation–An Interview with Diamela Eltit and Margo Glantz0
Editor’s Note0
Interview with Samanta Schweblin0
Heroes on the Loose0
Voices from the Other Side of Death0
Three Poems0
Three Notes on the Novel, in Free Fall0
Purity Is a Myth: The Materiality of Concrete Art from Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay0
Editor’s Note0
Between Fire and Ruins: Migrant Versions of Contemporary Venezuelan Poetry0
Remembering Sylvia Molloy0
Queer Latinx Theater in the 21st Century0
Novelisteo: Scattered Fragments on Writing Novels0
Report on the Construction of El espíritu de mis padres sigue subiendo en la lluvia0
The Sky Weeps for Me0
The Palacios Sisters0
From Baby Boom in Paradise0
New Men and Old Ways: The Limits of Speculation in Rita Indiana’s La mucama de Omicunlé and Hecho en Saturno0
“Ways of Going Home” and Other Poems0
The Revenge of the Idyllic0
Borges and Me0
“Implication” and Other Poems0
“Back Home Now” and Other Songs0
ArrhythmiasAngelina Muñiz-HubermanTranslated by D. P. SnyderHouston: Literal Publishing/Hablemos Escritoras, 20220
From News from the Month of May0
From “Agriculture in the Torrid Zone”0
Staging the Self: Conchi León and the Auto/biographical Act0
Latinx Border Theater0
What Restoration Became to Me0
“Marbles” and Other Poems0
Migrations: Poem, 1976-2020 and The New World Written: Selected Poems0
Urgent Memory: The Intergenerational Conversation in Vindictas0
Latin American Literature: From the “Boom” to the Aftershock0
The Book of Eve0
Secret Poetics0
“Schizopatria” and Other Poems0
From It Would Be Night in Caracas0
Portfolio: Jorge Pineda0
José María Heredia in New York, 1823-1825: An Exiled Cuban Poet in the Age of Revolution, Selected Letters and Verse0
In a Voice of Their Own: Contemporary Latin American Women Writers0
Third Person0
from Dead Men Cast No Shadows0
The Wind Traveler0
Virtues of Immediacy: The Crónica as Critical Function0
The Willow Tree0
“I, the Divided Island” and Other Poems0
La Sata0
From Stories from the Long Walk0
No Utopias: The Essay in Mexico and Central America0
Harsh Times0
Stars behind Her Eyelids0
The Foreigner Game0
Walking Around0
The Taxi Driver0