Information and Computation

(The median citation count of Information and Computation is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Succinctness issues for LTL and safety and cosafety fragments of LTL28
A computable and compositional semantics for hybrid systems17
Converting nondeterministic two-way automata into small deterministic linear-time machines16
Unambiguous injective morphisms in free groups16
On the transformation of two-way finite automata to unambiguous finite automata13
Hierarchical identification of nonlinear hybrid systems in a Bayesian framework13
Special issue of SSS 202012
Special Issue on 13th International Conference on Security and Cryptography for Networks (SCN 2022)10
Efficient and competitive broadcast in multi-channel radio networks10
Combinatory categorial grammars as generators of weighted forests9
Monomial Boolean functions with large high-order nonlinearities9
Extending the reach of the point-to-set principle8
Algorithmic aspects of secure domination in unit disk graphs8
Pspace-completeness of the temporal logic of sub-intervals and suffixes8
Towards a proof theory for quantifier macros7
26th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation – WoLLIC 20197
Editorial Board7
New cryptographic hardness for learning intersections of halfspaces over boolean cubes with membership queries6
Lifting proofs from countable to uncountable mathematics6
On fast pattern formation by autonomous robots6
On the complexity of asynchronous freezing cellular automata6
Slowly synchronizing automata with fixed alphabet size6
Special Issue: Selected papers of the 12th International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications, LATA 20186
A universal algorithm for Krull's theorem6
An improved FPT algorithm for the flip distance problem6
Automatic winning shifts5
Selected papers from CSCML 2020, the 4th International Symposium on Cyber Security Cryptology and Machine Learning5
Editorial Board5
Mining CSTNUDs significant for a set of traces is polynomial5
Geometric bounds for convergence rates of averaging algorithms5
Editorial Board5
Universal solutions for temporal data exchange5
Special Issue - Selected Papers from the 26th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning5
An auxiliary logic on trees: On the tower-hardness of logics featuring reachability and submodel reasoning5
Causal computational complexity of distributed processes5
Constant-time dynamic weight approximation for minimum spanning forest5
Improving convergence and practicality of slide-type reductions4
On quotients of formal power series4
Functionality of compositions of top-down tree transducers is decidable4
Editorial Board4
Model checking timed recursive CTL4
Extremal synchronizing circular automata4
Polynomial interrupt timed automata: Verification and expressiveness4
Editorial Board4
Dynamics of reputation in mobile agents systems and weighted timed automata4
One-pass and tree-shaped tableau systems for TPTL and TPTLb+Past4
Compact representation of graphs with bounded bandwidth or treedepth4
Safe dependency atoms and possibility operators in team semantics4
On Boolean threshold functions with minimum specification number4
Robust, expressive, and quantitative linear temporal logics: Pick any two for free4
Bayesian definition of random sequences with respect to conditional probabilities3
Traceable constant-size multi-authority credentials3
Multivariate to bivariate reduction for noncommutative polynomial factorization3
Wheeler languages3
On the decidability of the valuedness problem for two-way finite transducers3
On linear languages recognized by deterministic biautomata3
Probabilistic automata of bounded ambiguity3
Maximal diameter of integral circulant graphs3
Zeroing neural network based on the equation AXA = A3
Enumeration of two dimensional palindromes3
The ideal view on Rackoff's coverability technique3
One-variable fragments of intermediate logics over linear frames3
Automated deep abstractions for stochastic chemical reaction networks3
Scooby: Improved multi-party homomorphic secret sharing based on FHE3
Modification problems toward proper (Helly) circular-arc graphs3
Satisfiability checking for Mission-time LTL (MLTL)3
Nonlinear neural P systems for generating string languages3
Editorial Board3
Survey on mining signal temporal logic specifications3
Rational weighted tree languages with storage3
Entropic risk for turn-based stochastic games3
Optimizing reachability sets in temporal graphs by delaying3
Combining multi-target regression deep neural networks and kinetic modeling to predict relative fluxes in reaction systems3
Comparison of algorithms for simple stochastic games3
Parameterized problems complete for nondeterministic FPT time and logarithmic space3
Decisiveness of stochastic systems and its application to hybrid models3
Symbolic computation in algebra, geometry, and differential equations3
Editorial Board3
Learning Mealy machines with one timer2
Load balanced distributed directories2
r-indexing the eBWT2
Topological mixing notions on Turing machine dynamical systems2
Editorial Board2
Special Issue: Selected papers of the 14th International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications, LATA 20202
Specification and optimal reactive synthesis of run-time enforcement shields2
On divergence-sensitive weak probabilistic bisimilarity2
Branching interval algebra: An almost complete picture2
Complexity of C-coloring in hereditary classes of graphs2
Efficient pattern matching in elastic-degenerate strings2
Completeness of string analysis for dynamic languages2
Removing redundant refusals: Minimal complete test suites for failure trace semantics2
Learning residual alternating automata2
Pathwise-randomness and models of second-order arithmetic2
Growth and irreducibility in path-incompressible trees2
Variable-length codes independent or closed with respect to edit relations2
On the complexity of decision problems for some classes of machines and applications2
Preface to Special Issue for DCC 20202
The bang calculus revisited2
Regular ω-languages with an informative right congruence2
Efficient construction of the BWT for repetitive text using string compression2
Abstract processes in the absence of conflicts in general place/transition systems2
Weighted operator precedence languages2
Automatic pre- and postconditions for partial differential equations2
State complexity of transforming graph-walking automata to halting, returning and reversible2
Characterizing contrasimilarity through games, modal logic, and complexity2
Non-normal modal logics and conditional logics: Semantic analysis and proof theory2
Online search with a hint2
Determining temporal agreements in cross-organizational business processes2
Dynamic branching in qualitative constraint-based reasoning via counting local models2
QCTL model-checking with 2
Relative approximate bisimulations for fuzzy picture automata2
Bialgebraic foundations for the operational semantics of string diagrams2
Store-collect in the presence of continuous churn with application to snapshots and lattice agreement2
Building a small and informative phylogenetic supertree2
Fixed-parameter algorithms for Fair Hitting Set problems2
Context-free timed formalisms: Robust automata and linear temporal logics2
The complexity of subcube partition relates to the additive structure of the support2
Eilenberg's variety theorem without Boolean operations2
A derivational model of discontinuous parsing2
Narrowing the speedup factor gap of partitioned EDF2
Bideterministic weighted automata2
Compact representations of spatial hierarchical structures with support for topological queries2
Predictive mining of multi-temporal relations2
Deterministic size discovery and topology recognition in radio networks with short labels2
Integrated encryption in dynamic arithmetic compression2
Special issue: Selected papers of the 13th International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications, LATA 20192
Neural-like P systems with plasmids2
Reachability games with relaxed energy constraints2
Rule synchronization for monodirectional tissue-like P systems with channel states2
Information gathering in ad-hoc radio networks2
Cayley polynomial–time computable groups2
Topologies for error-detecting variable-length codes2
A combinatorial characterization of self-stabilizing population protocols2
Binary and circular automata having maximal state complexity for the set of synchronizing words2
On continued fraction randomness and normality2
Weight-reducing Turing machines1
Sensitivity of string compressors and repetitiveness measures1
Parameterized verification of coverability in infinite state broadcast networks1
Atomic cross-chain swaps with improved space, time and local time complexities1
Secretive interaction1
Complexity of the emptiness problem for graph-walking automata and for tilings with star subgraphs1
On the cost of unsuccessful searches in search trees with two-way comparisons1
Further improvements for SAT in terms of formula length1
Exploring sparse graphs with advice1
On prime scenarios in qualitative spatial and temporal reasoning1
Editorial Board1
Software science view on quantum circuit algorithms1
Distributed computability: Relating k-immediate snapshot and x-set agreement1
Consensus string problem for multiple regular languages1
On the Weisfeiler-Leman dimension of fractional packing1
The emptiness problem for valence automata over graph monoids1
Unifying lower bounds for algebraic machines, semantically1
Bisimulations for verifying strategic abilities with an application to the ThreeBallot voting protocol1
Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems (DCFS 2019)1
Succinct data structure for path graphs1
Behavioural strategies in weighted Boolean games1
A simplicial complex model for dynamic epistemic logic to study distributed task computability1
Slicing techniques for temporal aggregation in spanning event streams1
Think globally, act locally: On the optimal seeding for nonsubmodular influence maximization1
Different strokes in randomised strategies: Revisiting Kuhn's theorem under finite-memory assumptions1
Combination of roots and boolean operations: An application to state complexity1
Descriptional complexity of iterated uniform finite-state transducers1
Asymptotic elimination of partially continuous aggregation functions in directed graphical models1
Parameter synthesis of polynomial dynamical systems1
Exorcising the phantom zone1
On degrees of ambiguity for Büchi tree automata1
New characterizations of exponential, elementary, and non-elementary time-bounded Turing machines1
On the codewords of generalized Reed-Muller codes reaching the fourth weight1
Are bundles good deals for first-order modal logic?1
Editorial Board1
On the mortality problem: From multiplicative matrix equations to linear recurrence sequences and beyond1
Editorial Board1
Approximate minimization of weighted tree automata1
Linear-time parameterized algorithms with limited local resources1
Being an influencer is hard: The complexity of influence maximization in temporal graphs with a fixed source1
Efficient representation and counting of antipower factors in words1
Polymorphic lambda calculus with context-free session types1
Nonuniform families of polynomial-size quantum finite automata and quantum logarithmic-space computation with polynomial-size advice1
Advice complexity of treasure hunt in geometric terrains1
Transduction from trees to graphs through folding1
Reachability problems in low-dimensional nondeterministic polynomial maps over integers1
Transformation of variants of Petri nets into context-dependent fusion grammars1
Equilibria in multi-player multi-outcome infinite sequential games1
Operational union-complexity1
On tightness of Tsaknakis-Spirakis descent methods for approximate Nash equilibria1
Temporal logic with recursion1
Strategy synthesis for zero-sum neuro-symbolic concurrent stochastic games1
Bounded game-theoretic semantics for modal mu-calculus1
Order-preserving pattern matching indeterminate strings1
How does adiabatic quantum computation fit into quantum automata theory?1
Characterising spectra of equivalences for event structures, logically1
Special issue: Formal verification of cyber-physical systems1
Detecting arrays for effects of multiple interacting factors1
Asymptotics of the number of 2-threshold functions1
Effective notions of weak convergence of measures on the real line1
To be announced1
Hennessy-Milner properties via topological compactness1
On the power of finite ambiguity in Büchi complementation1
Learning half-spaces on general infinite spaces equipped with a distance function1
Subject-oriented spatial logic1
Abstract interpretation, Hoare logic, and incorrectness logic for quantum programs1
Tasks in modular proofs of concurrent algorithms1
Usefulness of information and decomposability of unary regular languages1
Default logic and bounded treewidth1
Temporal logics with language parameters1
On neighbourhood singleton-style consistencies for qualitative spatial and temporal reasoning1
An improved approximation algorithm for the minimum common integer partition problem1
On equations and first-order theory of one-relator monoids1
Optimal in-place suffix sorting1
Weighted automata and logics meet computational complexity1
A new framework for deniable secure key exchange1
The membership problem for subsemigroups of GL<1
Principal abstract families of weighted tree languages1
Attacking (EC)DSA with partially known multiples of nonces1
Reversible pushdown transducers1
Fast synchronization of inhomogenous random automata1
Location automata for regular expressions with shuffle and intersection1
A truthful near-optimal mechanism for online linear packing-covering problem in the random order model1
Editorial Board1
On the computational completeness of matrix simple semi-conditional grammars1
Formal verification for event stream processing: Model checking of BeepBeep stream processing pipelines1
Exact bounds for acyclic higher-order recursion schemes1
Complexity thresholds in inclusion logic1
Constant-space, constant-randomness verifiers with arbitrarily small error1
Model checking hyperproperties for Markov decision processes0
Deterministic algorithms for the hidden subgroup problem0
Solving modular cubic equations with Coppersmith's method0
Asymptotically optimal synthesis of reversible circuits0
A new class of string transformations for compressed text indexing0
A probabilistic calculus of cyber-physical systems0
Trading information complexity for error II: The case of a large error and the external information complexity0
Editorial Board0
Distributed localization of wireless sensor network using communication wheel0
Synthesis in presence of dynamic links0
Regular matching and inclusion on compressed tree patterns with constrained context variables0
State complexity bounds for projection, shuffle, up- and downward closure and interior on commutative regular languages0
Neural-symbolic temporal decision trees for multivariate time series classification0
To drive or not to drive: A logical and computational analysis of European transport regulations0
State complexity of GF(2)-operations on unary languages0
Structural properties of NFAs and growth rates of nondeterminism measures0
Encoding inductive invariants as barrier certificates: Synthesis via difference-of-convex programming0
Editorial Board0
Nearest neighbor representations of Boolean functions0
Perspective on complexity measures targeting read-once branching programs0
Multi random projection inner product encryption, applications to proximity searchable encryption for the iris biometric0
Choosing the right algorithm with hints from complexity theory0
On parallelisms of PG(3,4) with automorphisms of order 20
Synchronous t-resilient consensus in arbitrary graphs0