Journal of Aging Studies

(The TQCC of Journal of Aging Studies is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Imagining feminist old age: Moving beyond ‘successful’ ageing?60
Ageing non-heterosexual migrants: Towards global sexual citizenship40
“Stop acting like a child – you're immature”: The reversed ageism of practicing self-injury as adult women and the reclaiming of our bodies25
Queer futures? Forget it! Dementia, queer theory and the limits of normativity25
Digital life as a cabaret, old chum: A dramaturgical analysis of older digitalised home residents and their wider caring networks20
Who believes in cross-age friendship? Predictors of the belief in intergenerational friendship scale in young adults16
Inessential objects: Cherished possessions in late life in Indian fiction13
The qualitative embedded case study method: Exploring and refining gerontological concepts via qualitative research with older people13
How young adults view older people: Exploring the pathways of constructing a group image after participation in an intergenerational programme12
Who wants to live forever? Age cohort differences in attitudes toward life extension12
Is filial care for older adults in Nigeria threatened? Examining concerns from adult offspring providing care11
Lived experiences of older adults living in the community during the COVID-19 lockdown – The case of Mauritius11
“It's just so important that people's voices are heard”: The dementia associate panel10
“I'm definitely not socially excluded!”- Perceptions of social exclusion among Australian government housing residents aged 80 and older who live alone10
Exploring experiential differences in everyday activities – A focused ethnographic study in the homes of people living with memory-led Alzheimer's disease and posterior cortical atrophy10
Gender differences in family support to older adults and implications for social work in south-east Nigeria10
Queer temporalities and the life course: Trans aging in Torrey Peters' Detransition, Baby (2021)10
Harnessing progress: Gender, sexuality, and positive self-perceptions of aging in midlife9
Applying person-centered research ethics in the design of dementia-specific measures9
“Let me touch him”: Perceptions and experiences of family caregivers of nursing home residents during the COVID-19 outbreak in Israel8
Turning age into agency: A qualitative longitudinal investigation into older jobseekers' agentic responses to ageism8
The medieval biological clock? Gendered reproductive aging in medieval western medicine8
From older to younger generations: Intergenerational transmission of health-related roles in families with Huntington's disease8
“It's your Liangxin that tells you what to do”: Interpreting workplace-induced emotions in a Chinese nursing home8
Doing research on the intersection of ethnicity and old age: Key insights from decolonial frameworks7
The trouble with vulnerability. Narrating ageing during the COVID-19 pandemic7
This is Me: Evaluation of a boardgame to promote social engagement, wellbeing and agency in people with dementia through mindful life-storytelling7
Transing dementia: Rethinking compulsory biographical continuity through the theorization of cisism and cisnormativity7
Distributed age(ing): Features of a material gerontology6
Climate change and population aging: The role of older adults in climate change mitigation6
Facilitated reflection meetings as a relational approach to problem-solving within long-term care facilities6
Cared for masculinities in nursing homes - A material perspective on the intersectionality of institutional, spacial, gendered and corporal materiality6
Can robots lie? A posthumanist approach to robotic animals and deceptive practices in dementia care6
Embodied ageism: “I don't know if you do get to an age where you're too old to learn”6
“Carving a future out of the past and the present”: Rethinking aging futures6
Home-making or home harms: Perceived and experienced tensions between domestic materiality and ageing6
Corrigendum to “Contradictions of hegemonic masculinity and the (hopeful) potential of old age and caring masculinity in Estonian society and in films A Friend of Mine (2011) and Tangerines (2013)” [J6
Social death of older adults residing in nursing homes in Finland6
“It's all about being a woman”: Intersections of multiple (dis)advantages experienced by older women in Tanzania5
The impact of COVID-19 lockdown measures on older residents' social connections and everyday wellbeing within housing schemes that provide care and support in England and Wales5
Cognitivism ageing: The Alzheimer conundrum as switched ontology & the potential for a new materialist dementia5
Expanding the ethnographic toolkit: Using medical documents to include kinless older adults living with dementia in qualitative research5
The racial and cultural ecology of home and community-based services for diverse older adults5
Wedded to the land? Representations of rural ageing masculinities in Irish culture and society5
The image of old age emerging from place personalization in older adults' dwellings5
The shadow of dementia: Listening to undecidability in ethnographic interviews with persons suspecting possible dementia5
The timescapes of older adults living alone and receiving home care: An interview study5
Roald Dahl's eerie landlady: A macabre tale of aging5
Social construction of visual ageism on Iranian news websites during COVID-195
Community arts engagement supports perceptions of personal growth in older adults5
Being and becoming ‘a frail older adult’: Meaning-making and resistance through storytelling.5
Editorial Board5
The philosophy of collective memory in the novel “The Buried Giant” by Kazuo Ishiguro4
“It makes me feel like good inside because I helped him do stuff” – Perceptions of psychological well-being in adolescents providing dementia care4
Perspectives on creative well-being of older adults4
The complex nature of transportation as a key determinant of health in primary and community care restructuring initiatives in rural Canada4
Successful ageing and the spectre of the fourth age in the Netflix TV series Grace and Frankie4
Producing precarity: The individualization of later life unemployment within employment support provision4
Hattie and Sammler: Saul Bellow's older woman and older man4
Literary mentorship on the art of living, aging and dying4
Age-based entitlement: An ageist practice or a tool for combatting ageism?4
Talking about frailty: The relationship between precarity and the fourth age in older peoples' constructions of frailty4
Local knowledge and unliveable narratives: How insights from family caregiving narratives can inform locally relevant ageing policy4
Representations of older people in Turkish prime-time TV series and Netflix original Turkish series: A comparative content analysis4
Revitalising sensualities of ageing with Parkinson's through dance4
Body talk and resilience: Aging men's experiences with mastectomy and prostatectomy4
A qualitative study of older people living with HIV in Hong Kong: Resilience through downward comparison amidst limited social support4
Spacetimematter of aging – The material temporalities of later life4
The heroic challenge of retirement3
Virtual roundtable discussion of ‘Revisioning ageing futures: Feminist, queer, crip and decolonial visions of a good old age’3
How do we understand ‘age’ and ‘aging’? Cultural constructions of the ‘aging’ experience in British English and Chinese from a linguistic perspective3
A secret(ly) aging man who has no time to die: The spectre of aging in the James Bond franchise3
Socio-spatial analysis of Australian residential care facilities: A case study of traditional, medium, and small household models3
Living solo at midlife: Can the pandemic de-stigmatize living alone in India?3
Dementia Friendly Communities: Micro-processes and practices observed locally in Queensland Australia3
Experiences and motives of retirement-aged workers during the first wave of COVID-19 in Slovenia: “This was the first time in 40 years that I really saw spring”3
Ageism and the digital divide in Switzerland during COVID-19: Lessons for the post-pandemic world3
Family member roles in long term care: Lessons for the future from COVID-193
Ageing without senescence: A critical absence in social gerontology?3
Editorial Board3
Negotiating care and control: Pet euthanasia as phronetic action3
Life-course transitions and exclusion from social relations in the lives of older men and women3
Aging in the downtown corridor: Mapping the neighborhood experiences of Seattle's unhoused adults over age 503
‘Possibilities and challenges for older couples to continue ageing in place’3
Do internalized age stereotypes mediate the relationship between volunteering and social connectedness for adults 50+?3
Age enterprising: “Old” age on the make in Ghana3
The crone and the hydra: Figuring temporal relations to aging code3
Age, subjectivity and the concept of subjective age: A critique3
Doing age in the workplace: Exploring age categorisation in performance appraisal3
To begin the world anew: Epistolary lessons on aging into old age by 4th earl of Chesterfield3
Dilemmas of intervention: From person-centred to alienation-centred dementia care3
The legacy of marriage: Using food to challenge traditional gender norms in widowhood3
Empathy mitigates the relationship between ageism and subjective age in late life3
Rooted in earth, rooted in community: Aging in rural houses of northern China3
Moral aspects of filial concern for a parent living with dementia: Social imaginaries in contemporary narratives3
“You gotta have your cry”: Administrator and direct care worker experiences of death in assisted living3
Aging together-with: The growing older of humans, non-humans and more-than-humans. A commentary3
“Keeping our distance”: Older adults' experiences during year one of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown in Australia3
Social engagement among older women in Singapore during the COVID-19 pandemic3