European Journal of Personality

(The H4-Index of European Journal of Personality is 19. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Psychological and behavioural responses to Coronavirus disease 2019: The role of personality157
A Psychometric Network Perspective on the Validity and Validation of Personality Trait Questionnaires122
Descriptive, Predictive and Explanatory Personality Research: Different Goals, Different Approaches, but a Shared Need to Move beyond the Big Few Traits83
Assessing Personality States: What to Consider when Constructing Personality State Measures60
Men, women and STEM: Why the differences and what should be done?50
On the Comparability of Basic Personality Models: Meta-Analytic Correspondence, Scope, and Orthogonality of the Big Five and HEXACO Dimensions41
The Dynamics of Personality Approach (DPA): 20 Tenets for Uncovering the Causal Mechanisms of Personality39
On the Trail of Creativity: Dimensionality of Divergent Thinking and its Relation with Cognitive Abilities, Personality, and Insight37
Indicators of Affect Dynamics: Structure, Reliability, and Personality Correlates37
An Adaptationist Framework for Personality Science36
Are value–behavior relations stronger than previously thought? It depends on value importance35
Does personality predict responses to the COVID-19 crisis? Evidence from a prospective large-scale study31
General causality orientations in self-determination theory: Meta-analysis and test of a process model25
Modelling the incremental value of personality facets: the domains-incremental facets-acquiescence bifactor showmodel25
Life Events and Personality Change: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis25
Flexibility in using self-regulatory strategies to manage self-control conflicts: The role of metacognitive knowledge, strategy repertoire, and feedback monitoring25
Age and gender differences in socially aversive (“dark”) personality traits24
Does neuroticism disrupt the psychological benefits of nostalgia? a meta-analytic test24
Work Experiences and Self-Esteem Development: A Meta-Analysis of Longitudinal Studies21