Journal of Fluids and Structures

(The TQCC of Journal of Fluids and Structures is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Non-intrusive reduced order models for partitioned fluid–structure interactions73
Analysis of tidal turbine blade loading due to blade scale flow64
Dynamics and stability of imperfect flexible cylinders in axial flow54
Ensemble machine learning predicts displacement of cantilevered fibers impacted by falling drops51
Stability analysis for internal flow-induced vertical cantilevered pipe subject to multiple lumped masses43
Finite element model to investigate the dynamic instability of rectangular plates subjected to supersonic airflow42
A coupled flow and beam model for fluid–slender body interaction37
Numerical study of a semi-passive oscillating hydrofoil on power-extraction with wing-in-ground effect35
Multi-input multi-output phononic subsurfaces for passive boundary layer transition delay35
On the feasibility of a flexible foil with passive heave to extract energy from low wind speeds33
Large-amplitude vibrations of thick cantilevered circular cylindrical shells containing still fluid32
Machine learning assisted resistive force theory for helical structures at low Reynolds number31
The deformation and dynamics of a flexible plate with attached mass blocks mounted behind a circular cylinder30
Aerodynamics of finite wings with leading-edge flags30
Examining error-contaminated, long-span bridge buffeting vibration by Stochastic Differential Equations30
On the omnidirectionality of a system with eight spinning rods for wake control of a circular cylinder in laminar regime29
Water wave diffraction by a submerged prolate spheroid in ice-covered water29
Numerical study on the energy extraction performance by flapping foils in a density stratified flow29
Fluid–structure interaction simulation of a flapping flag in a laminar jet28
Editorial Board26
The effect of airfoil elasticity on quasistatic aerodynamics and divergence26
Stokes wave traveling along a thin elastic plate floating at water surface25
On the coexistence of pressure regulation and oscillation modes in soft hysteretic valves24
Editorial Board24
Numerical simulation of wave interactions with floating offshore renewable energy structures: A comparative study between a Particle-based PIC model and OpenFOAM24
Influence of sweep angle on performance of a fully-passive oscillating-plate hydrokinetic turbine prototype24
Stability and orthogonality of fluid-structure interaction transfer matrix for liquid-filled pipeline systems24
A computational model of red blood cells using an isogeometric formulation with T-splines and a lattice Boltzmann method23
Numerical simulation of a flow induced by the high-speed closure of a bioinspired claw23
The effect of spanwise and streamwise elastic coating on boundary layer transition23
Vibroacoustic modeling and radiation impedances of a finite cylindrical shell filled with flowing fluid22
Dynamics of towed particles in a turbulent flow22
Experimental investigation of the influence of the panel stiffness on the behaviour of a wedge under slamming21
Numerical study of the wave impacts generated in a wet dam break21
Editorial Board21
Numerical study of rogue wave forces on flat decks based on the Peregrine breather solution under finite water depth20
Assessment of wave induced higher order resonant vibrations of ships at forward speed20
Numerical investigation on stall flutter of an airfoil with split drag rudder20
Vortex-Induced Vibrations of a square prism free to oscillate in the inline direction20
Flow-induced vibration of a near-wall circular cylinder with a small gap ratio at low Reynolds numbers19
A nonlinear analytical formulation for the 1D modelling of a flexible beam in channel flow19
Performances of vertical-axis hydrokinetic turbines with chordwise-flexible blades19
In silico study of the ageing effect upon aortic valves19
Mitigation of rotor thrust fluctuations through passive pitch19
A two-way coupled FSI model for the rapid evaluation of accidental loads following ship hard grounding18
An integrated measurement approach for the determination of the aerodynamic loads and structural motion for unsteady airfoils18
Revisit of the variable stiffness method for aeroelastic computations with/without thermal effects based on computational fluid dynamics18
Flow control of a D-shaped bluff body using different DBD plasma actuators18
The dynamics and timescales of static stall18
Frequency response of a cantilevered rectangular sheet under harmonic forced excitation in three-dimensional uniform flow18
A spatial–temporal analysis approach for flutter predictions using decoupled and fully-coupled methods17
The combined refraction–diffraction effect on water wave scattering by a vertical flexible–porous structure17
Measurements of pressure during the forced water entry of a cone into pure and aerated water17
Numerical analysis of the flow-induced vibrations in the laminar wake behind a blunt body with rear flexible cavities17
Aeroelastic response of a propulsive rotor blade with synthetic jets17
The effects of magnetic field on supersonic flutter characteristics of dielectric plate: Dependence amplitude-speed17
Correlation of supersonic wind tunnel measurements with a nonlinear aeroelastic theoretical/computational model of a thin plate17
Nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of a multi-element airfoil with free play using continuation method17
A complex networks based approach to nonlinear aeroelasticity17
Mathematical study on the potential flow past a vertical submerged flexible plate of non-uniform thickness16
Underwater explosive bubble interaction with an adjacent submerged structure16
Peridynamic analysis of ice fragmentation under explosive loading on varied fracture toughness of ice with fully coupled thermomechanics16
Development of an efficient calculation technique for dynamics of mooring lines by using discrete forms of rotation16
Leakage-flow-induced vibration of an elastic plate with steady deformation16
Drag force modification model for turbulent suspended-load sediment solid–liquid two-phase flow16
Improvements on the Beddoes–Leishman dynamic stall model for low speed applications16
Flow-induced vibration modeling of bluff bodies with data assimilation16
1D/3D Finite-Volume coupling in conjunction with beam/shell elements coupling for fast transients in pipelines with fluid–structure interaction15
Coupling of WCSPH and RKPM for the simulation of incompressible fluid–structure interactions15
The dynamics of imperfectly supported hanging pipes conveying fluid: An experimental study15
Novel hybrid blade design and its impact on the overall and self-starting performance of a three-dimensional H-type Darrieus wind turbine15
Experimental investigation on flow-induced vibration of a flexible catenary riser conveying severe slugging with variable gas superficial velocity15
Turbulence intensity effect on axial-flow-induced vibration of a two-cylinder cluster15
Stochastic performance of a torsional-flutter harvester in non-stationary, turbulent thunderstorm outflows15
Bandgap accuracy and characteristics of fluid-filled periodic pipelines utilizing precise parameters transfer matrix method14
Forced oscillation experiments for each vibration mode of closely spaced parallel pipes in steady flow14
Experimental investigation of oblique water entry of high-speed truncated cone projectiles: Cavity dynamics and impact load14
Experimental investigation of rear flexible flaps interacting with the wake dynamics behind a squareback Ahmed body14
Identification of low-wavenumber wall pressure field beneath a turbulent boundary layer using vibration data14
Low Reynolds number stall flutter of a linear cascade with large amplitudes at low reduced frequencies: Unsteady loads and flow features13
Omnidirectional control of the wake of a circular cylinder with spinning rods subject to a turbulent flow13
Aerodynamics on a faithful hindwing model of a migratory dragonfly based on 3D scan data13
Coupling edge-based smoothed finite element method with incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics for thermal fluid structure interaction problems13
Modelling and analysis of two-dimensional static and dynamic aeroelasticity of Fish Bone Active Camber morphing aerofoils13
Propulsive performance and vortex wakes of multiple tandem foils pitching in-line13
On water-entry modes of the latter sphere in tandem configuration with two spheres13
Dynamics of a hanging fluid-discharging pipe subjected to reverse external flow: An experimental investigation13
Fluidelastic instability of tube arrays in nonuniform flow: Effect of multimode coupling13
A hybrid Lagrangian–Eulerian flow solver applied to elastically mounted cylinders in tandem arrangement13
Hydroelastic analysis of surface gravity wave interaction with multiple flexible porous structures13
Investigation of a submerged fully passive energy-extracting flapping foil operating in sheared inflow13
Dynamic responses of a conceptual two-dimensional airfoil in hypersonic flows with random perturbations13
Triggering of galloping in structures at low Reynolds numbers13
In-line flow-induced vibration of rotating elliptical cylinders12
Numerical study on propeller hydrodynamic excitation influenced by torsional vibration of shaft system12
Sloshing dynamics of liquid tank with built-in buoys for wave energy harvesting12
Nonlinear flutter of composite laminates with curvilinear fibres using a full linearized aerodynamic theory12
Analysis of the rigid-body fluid–structure interaction on a log boom12
Fluid–structure interaction with ALE formulation and skeleton-based structural models12
Wave energy extraction from rigid rectangular compound floating plates12
Research on vibration suppression effect and energy dissipation mechanism of wind turbine piezoelectric blade12
Global stability analysis of flow-induced-vibration problems using an immersed boundary method12
Second-order near trapping of water waves by a square array of vertical columns in bi-chromatic seas12
The study of the dynamic response of the natural gas pipeline aerial crossing during pigging process: A Review12
The relevance of recoil and free swimming in aquatic locomotion12
High lift devices using compliant surfaces12
Numerical study of the effect of a ridge on the wake and loading of a tidal stream turbine12
Dynamics of a cantilevered pipe subjected to internal and reverse external axial flow: A review12
Twin Strouhal numbers in pressure loading of circular cylinder at high Reynolds numbers12
Layout optimization of porous sound-absorbing material in mid-frequency vibro-acoustic systems12
Hydrodynamic forces in marine-fouled floating aquaculture cages: Physical modelling under irregular waves12
Editorial Board11
Numerical computation of fluid–solid mixture flow using the SPH–VCPM–DEM method11
Numerical study on vortex-induced vibration of circular cylinder with two-degree-of-freedom and geometrical nonlinear system11
An efficient numerical solver for highly compliant slender structures in waves: Application to marine vegetation11
Fluid-structure interaction analysis of an elastic surface-piercing propellers11
Condensation solution method for fluid-structure interaction dynamic models of structural system11
Stall flutter suppression of NACA 0012 airfoil based on steady blowing11
Fluid–structure interaction between a pendulum and monochromatic waves11
Viscous fluid–flexible structure interaction analysis on ship springing and whipping responses in regular waves11
Enhanced control of the turbulent flow past a circular cylinder with rotating rods inspired by an inviscid solution11
A novel semi-analytical approach based on scaled boundary finite element method for fluid-structure coupling analysis of liquid sloshing in 3D containers11
Stress relaxation and thermo-visco-elastic effects in fluid-filled slits and fluid-loaded plates11
Dynamic response of a circular cylinder in the presence of a detached splitter plate: On the gap distance sensitivity11
Recurrent graph convolutional multi-mesh autoencoder for unsteady transonic aerodynamics11
Incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics model of a rectangular tuned liquid damper containing screens11
Estimation of wind force time-history using limited floor acceleration responses by modal analysis11
Editorial Board11
3D hydroelastic modelling of fluid–structure interactions of porous flexible structures10
A new look at the Equivalent Linearization Technique to predict LCO in aeroelastic systems with discrete nonlinearities10
Wind-induced interference effect of complex building clusters on long-span roof structures10
Study on the influence of structural parameters and 3D effects on nonlinear bridge flutter using amplitude-dependent flutter derivatives10
Nonlinear aeroelastic behavior of a two-dimensional heated panel by irregular shock reflection considering viscoelastic damping10
Experimental and numerical investigation of an aircraft wing with hinged wingtip for gust load alleviation10
SPH modelling of dissipative sloshing flows under violent vertical harmonic excitation10
Experimental investigation of flow around a circular cylinder with attached membranes10
Hybrid active flow induced vibration control of a circular cylinder equipped with a wake-mounted smart piezoelectric bimorph splitter plate10
Parameter identification of wake-oscillator from wind tunnel data10
Flow-induced vibration of a cantilevered cylinder in oscillatory flow at high KC10
Numerical investigation of a biomimetic elastic valve for microfluidic pumping10
Wake control of a square cylinder: Impinging the vortex cores with dual flexible splitter plates10
VIV mechanisms of a non-streamlined bridge deck equipped with traffic barriers10
Unsteady load alleviation on highly flexible bio-inspired wings in longitudinally oscillating freestreams10
The scaling and performance of side-by-side pitching hydrofoils9
Direct numerical simulations of flutter instabilities over a vibrating turbine blade cascade9
Experimental study of tornado-like loading on rectangular prisms9
Geometrically exact dynamics of cantilevered pipes conveying fluid9
The role of transverse inclination on the flow phenomenology around cantilevered prisms and the tripole wake mode9
A frequency-domain hydroelastic analysis of a membrane-based offshore floating photovoltaic platform in regular waves9
Aeroelastic mode decomposition framework and mode selection mechanism in fluid–membrane interaction9
Editorial Board9
Aeroacoustic effect of boundary layer separation control by rod vortex generators on the DU96-W-180 airfoil9
Nonlinear vibration response of a rectangular sheet under harmonic forced excitation in three-dimensional uniform flow: Influence of excitation amplitudes on frequency response9
One-degree-of-freedom galloping instability of a 3D bluff body pendulum at high Reynolds number9
Wind-induced symmetric and asymmetric static torsional divergence of flexible suspension bridges9
A coupled Direct Numerical Simulation of 1DOF vibration approach to investigate the transition induced vibration over a hydrofoil9
Dynamic responses of pitching hydrofoil in laminar–turbulent transition regime9
Generating periodic vortex pairs using flexible structures9
Subsonic source and doublet panel methods9
Passive control of flow-induced vibration of a sphere using a trip wire9
Direct measurement of steady fluid forces upon a deformed cylinder in confined axial flow8
Editorial Board8
Beating phenomenon in frequency lock-in 2DOF stall flutter8
Experimental estimation of equivalent loads on upward two-phase crossflow in tube bundles via Kalman filtering8
Editorial Board8
Design and analysis of a novel magnetic helical swimmer8
Experimental and numerical studies on unsteady galloping driving mechanism of a truss beam with solid barriers8
Effect of wing planform on plunging wing aerodynamics8
Response of a plate in turbulent channel flow: Analysis of fluid–solid coupling8
A numerical study on the vortex-induced vibration of flexible cylinders covered with differently placed buoyancy modules8
Coupling performance of two tandem and side-by-side inverted piezoelectric flags in an oscillating flow8
A wind tunnel investigation of the effects of end and laminar/turbulent inflow conditions on cylinder vortex-induced vibrations8
On the onset of aeroelastic pitch-oscillations of a NACA0012 wing at transitional Reynolds numbers8
Adaptation of the Facchinetti, de Langre and Biolley model for the hydroelastic vortex-induced vibrations of a cantilevered flat plate8
Micro-pillar sensor based wall-shear mapping in pulsating flows: In-situ calibration and measurements in an aortic heart-valve tester8
Theory of nonlocal modal hydrodynamic functions for beam and plate vibrations in viscous fluids8
Spanwise correlation of unsteady lift due to vortex shedding on the square cylinder: Perspectives provided by a time–frequency analysis8
Editorial Board8
Fluid dynamics investigation of large array of beams oscillating close to a rigid surface8
On Wind Turbine structural stiffness influence on wake flow8
Observed wake branches from the 2-DOF forced motion of a circular cylinder in a free stream8
Characteristics of the flow-induced noise from rectangular rods with different aspect ratios and edge geometry8
Identification of distinct flow behaviours around twin rough cylinders at low wind incidence8