Agriculture and Human Values

(The TQCC of Agriculture and Human Values is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Behind the scenes of a learning agri-food value chain: lessons from action research67
Anitra Nelson and Ferne Edwards (Eds.): Food for degrowth: perspectives and practices56
Carolyn Steel: Sitopia: how food can save the world54
Framing of sustainable agricultural practices by the farming press and its effect on adoption37
The adoption of conservation practices in the Corn Belt: the role of one formal farmer network, Practical Farmers of Iowa33
‘They call it progress, but we don’t see it as progress’: farm consolidation and land concentration in Saskatchewan, Canada28
Books Received26
Between ambitions and actions: how citizens navigate the entrepreneurial process of co-producing sustainable urban food futures25
Books received24
“New food cultures” and the absent food citizen: immigrants in urban food policy discourse23
Disaster response and sustainable transitions in agrifood systems21
Books received21
Precision agriculture and the future of agrarian labor in the US food system21
Julie C. Keller: Milking in the shadows: migrants and mobility in America’s dairyland21
Work-life balance on a farm with young children in Slovenia19
Sustainable farm work in agroecology: how do systemic factors matter?19
Observing farm plots to increase attentiveness and cooperation with nature: a case study in Belgium18
“No one is talking about food”: making agriculture a “business” in Ghana18
How do the people that feed Europe feed themselves? Exploring the (in)formal food practices of Almería’s migrant and seasonal food workers18
Reinventing the meal: a genealogy of plant-based alternative proteins18
Paul B. Thompson and Patricia E. Norris: sustainability–what everyone needs to know18
Enhancing resilience through seed system plurality and diversity: challenges and barriers to seed sourcing during (and in spite of) a global pandemic17
NGOisation and food sovereignty: unearthing the intricacies of NGO-driven food sovereignty efforts. Insights from Uganda17
Neo-colonialism in the Polish rural world: CAP approach and the phenomenon of suitcase farmers16
Agriculture and human values at 40 years: reflections on its scale and scope16
Sushmita Chatterjee and Banu Subramaniam, Eds.: Meat! A Transnational Analysis16
Organic as civic engagement revisited: civic codes and deliberative strategies in the debate about hydroponic certification15
Superweed amaranth: metaphor and the power of a threatening discourse15
The human being at the heart of agroecological transitions: insights from cognitive mapping of actors’ vision of change in Roquefort area15
Lifestyle or profit? The complex decision-making criteria for local food entrepreneurs15
Assessing changes in food pantry access after extreme events15
Return and repair: the rise of Jewish agrarian movements in North America14
Benefits of farmer managed natural regeneration to food security in semi-arid Ghana14
Moving beyond direct marketing with new mediated models: evolution of or departure from alternative food networks?14
“Organic” rice: different implications from process and product environmental verification approaches in Laos and Thailand13
Jérémie Forney, Dana Bentia and Angga Dwiartama: Everyday agri-environmental governance. The emergence of sustainability through assemblage thinking13
Landscape discourses and rural transformations: insights from the Dutch Dune and Flower Bulb Region13
Muhammad Khalid Bashir, Steven G.M. Schilizzi, and Ghaffar Ali: Food Security in the Developing World13
New entrant farming policy as predatory inclusion: (Re)production of the farm through generational renewal policy programs in Scotland13
Selective, reciprocal and quiet: lessons from rural queer empowerment in community-supported agriculture13
Livelihood resilience in context of crop booms: insights from Southwest China12
"I wonder if I'm being [a] Karen”: Analyzing rural–urban farmer network building12
Unsettling wildness: seafood consumption in new materialism12
Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro and George Martin: Urban food production for ecosocialism: cultivating the city12
“Lights out” poultry production and pandemic influenza12
Social finance for sustainable food systems: opportunities, tensions and ambiguities11
Just-in-case transitions and the pursuit of resilient food systems: enumerative politics and what it means to make care count11
Medical economic vulnerability: a next step in expanding the farm resilience scholarship11
Rethinking gender mainstreaming in agricultural innovation policy in Nepal: a critical gender analysis11
Farm households’ social and economic needs and the future of agriculture: introduction to the symposium11
Food democracy: possibilities under the frame of the current food system11
SNAP, campus food insecurity, and the politics of deservingness11
Untangling the role of social relationships for overcoming challenges in local food systems: a case study of farmers in Québec, Canada11
Muchtar Habibi: Capitalism and agrarian change—class, production, and reproduction in Indonesia11
Retirement income and savings behavior in farm households11
How digital communications contribute to shaping the career paths of youth: a review study focused on farming as a career option10
Using fuzzy cognitive mapping and social capital to explain differences in sustainability perceptions between farmers in the northeast US and Denmark10
Social solidarity, social infrastructure, and community food access10
The intersection of food justice and religious values in secular spaces: insights from a nonprofit urban farm in Columbus, Ohio10
Gardening practices in Alaska build on traditional food system foundations10
In the shadow of state-led agrarian reforms: smallholder pervasiveness in rural China9
Q fever as an anthropological prism for revealing how farmers live with microbes9
Male and stale? Questioning the role of “opinion leaders” in agricultural programs9
Food sovereignty and sustainability mid-pandemic: how Michigan’s experience of Covid-19 highlights chasms in the food system9
Farm workers’ food security during food price hikes: a political economy of landless rice-wheat farm labourers in Pakistan’s Punjab9
The old, the new, or the old made new? Everyday counter-narratives of the so-called fourth agricultural revolution9
When one crisis comes after another: successive shocks, food insecurity, and coastal precarity in the Philippines9
Work without workers: legal geographies of family farm exclusions from labour laws in Alberta, Canada9
Beyond a neoliberal critique of hunger: a genealogy of food charity in Aotearoa New Zealand9
Understanding the challenges faced by Michigan’s family farmers: race/ethnicity and the impacts of a pandemic9
Rurally rooted cross-border migrant workers from Myanmar, Covid-19, and agrarian movements9
Kumusha and masalads: (inter)generational foodways and urban food security in Zimbabwe9
Tackling land’s ‘stubborn materiality’: the interplay of imaginaries, data and digital technologies within farmland assetization9
Engagement with conservation tillage shaped by “good farmer” identity9
Regenerative agriculture and a more-than-human ethic of care: a relational approach to understanding transformation9
Socioeconomic and political-cultural criteria for Agroecology: learnings from Participatory Guarantee Systems8
Harnessing the potential of public procurement for the protein transition – perceived barriers and facilitators8
Unpacking “the surprise chain”: the governance of food security during the COVID-19 pandemic in Melbourne, Australia8
The roles and dynamics of transition intermediaries in enabling sustainable public food procurement: insights from Spain8
A review of megatrends in the global dairy sector: what are the socioecological implications?8
Dianna Smith and Claire Thompson: Food deserts and food insecurity in the UK: exploring social inequality8
Bipartisan creation of US Land Access Policy Incentives: states’ efforts to support beginning farmers and resist farm consolidation and loss8
Navigating the information landscape: public and private information source access by midwest farmers8
Drought adaptation in Austrian agriculture: empirically based farmer types8
Contribution of local knowledge in cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) to the well‑being of cocoa families in Colombia: a response from the relationship8
Divergent approaches to the ‘family farm’: celebrate, reform, or abolish?8
Grajales, Jacobo: Agrarian capitalism, war and peace in Colombia: beyond dispossession8
Local food systems, citizen and public science, empowered communities, and democracy: hopes deserving to live8
Children needs and childcare: an illustration of how underappreciated social and economic needs shape the farm enterprise8
Contested agri-food futures: Introduction to the Special Issue7
Delivering too much, too little or off target—possible consequences of differences in perceptions on agricultural advisory services7
Motherhood, mothering and care among Mongolian herder women7
Shanna Farrell: A good drink: In pursuit of sustainable spirits7
Constructing legitimacy for technologies developed in response to environmental regulation: the case of ammonia emission-reducing technology for the Flemish intensive livestock industry7
Juan Francisco Salazar, Céline Granjou, Matthew Kearnes, Anna Krzywoszynska, Manuel Tironi (eds): Thinking with Soils: Material Politics and Social Theory7
Conflicts between being a “Good Farmer” and freshwater policy: A New Zealand case study7
What is a food system? Exploring enactments of the food system multiple7
The farmer’s battlefield: traditional ecological knowledge and unexploded bombs in Cambodia7
The emergence of microbiological inputs and the challenging laboratorisation of agriculture: lessons from Brazil and Mexico7
Glenn Davis Stone: The agricultural dilemma: how not to feed the world7
Books received7
Rebecca de Souza: Feeding the other: Whiteness, privilege, and neoliberal stigma in food pantries7
New but for whom? Discourses of innovation in precision agriculture7
Consumer perception and understanding of the risks of antibiotic use and antimicrobial resistance in farming7
Stuart McCook: Coffee is not forever: a global history of the coffee leaf rust6
As if you were hiring a new employee: on pig veterinarians’ perceptions of professional roles and relationships in the context of smart sensing technologies in pig husbandry in the Netherlands and Ger6
From rainforest to table: Lacandon Maya women are critical to diversify landscapes and diets in Lacanjá Chansayab, Mexico6
Ben White: Agriculture and the generation problem6
Agroecological management of spontaneous vegetation in Bachajón’s Tseltal Maya milpa: a preventive focus6
Development through commodification: exploring apple commodity production as pesticide promotion in the High Atlas6
Agroecological producers shortening food chains during Covid-19: opportunities and challenges in Costa Rica6
How animal agriculture stakeholders define, perceive, and are impacted by antimicrobial resistance: challenging the Wellcome Trust’s Reframing Resistance principles6
Who should feed hungry families during crisis? Moral claims about hunger on Twitter during the COVID-19 pandemic5
Modeling hemp as an innovative input: an application of the diffusion of innovations in a sample of hemp aware consumers5
Negotiating agricultural change in the Midwestern US: seeking compatibility between farmer narratives of efficiency and legacy5
Intersectional coalitions towards a just agroecology: weaving mutual aid and agroecology in Barcelona and Seville5
More than meat? Livestock farmers’ views on opportunities to produce for plant-based diets5
Replacing humans with machines: a historical look at technology politics in California agriculture5
Sympoietic growth: living and producing with fungi in times of ecological distress5
Governing the soil: natural farming and bionationalism in India5
The essential work of feeding others: connecting food labor in public and private spaces5
Reuniting the Three Sisters: collaborative science with Native growers to improve soil and community health5
Unpacking gender mainstreaming: a critical discourse analysis of agricultural and rural development policy in Myanmar and Nepal5
Josh Tickell: Kiss the ground: How the food you eat can reverse climate change, heal your body and ultimately save our world5
Environmental values and Americans’ beliefs about farm animal well-being5
Creating dialogues as a quiet revolution: exploring care with women in regenerative farming5
Chemical, ecological, other? Identifying weed management typologies within industrialized cropping systems in Georgia (U.S.)5
Practicing sustainable eating: zooming in a civic food network5
Justin Sean Myers: Growing gardens, building power: food justice and urban agriculture in Brooklyn5