Applied Cognitive Psychology

(The median citation count of Applied Cognitive Psychology is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
When we are worried, what are we thinking? Anxiety, lack of control, and conspiracy beliefs amidst the COVID‐19 pandemic127
Irrational beliefs differentially predict adherence to guidelines and pseudoscientific practices during the COVID‐19 pandemic91
Exploring the use of rapport in professional information‐gathering contexts by systematically mapping the evidence base55
Social isolation during COVID‐19 lockdown impairs cognitive function48
The usual suspects: How psychological motives and thinking styles predict the endorsement of well‐known and COVID‐19 conspiracy beliefs43
Maybe a free thinker but not a critical one: High conspiracy belief is associated with low critical thinking ability40
Testing the affective events theory: The mediating role of affect and the moderating role of mindfulness34
Learning in double time: The effect of lecture video speed on immediate and delayed comprehension32
Does the cognitive approach to lie detection improve the accuracy of human observers?25
Discriminating deceptive from truthful statements using the verifiability approach: A meta‐analysis24
A meta‐analytic review of the timing for disclosing evidence when interviewing suspects24
Myths and misconceptions about hypnosis and suggestion: Separating fact and fiction23
Conspiracy theory beliefs, scientific reasoning and the analytical thinking paradox21
A meta‐analytic review of the Self‐Administered Interview©: Quantity and accuracy of details reported on initial and subsequent retrieval attempts21
Telling people to “rely on their reasoning” increases intentions to wear a face covering to slow down COVID‐19 transmission19
Validity of content‐based techniques for credibility assessment—How telling is an extended meta‐analysis taking research bias into account?18
Individual differences in risk perception and misperception of COVID‐19 in the context of political ideology17
Decision making and heart rate variability: A systematic review17
Tracing enhances problem‐solving transfer, but without effects on intrinsic or extraneous cognitive load16
The link between suggestibility, compliance, and false confessions: A review using experimental and field studies15
Stolen elections: How conspiracy beliefs during the 2020 American presidential elections changed over time15
Cellphone addiction explains how cellphones impair learning for lecture materials15
“What works?” Systematic reviews and meta‐analyses of the investigative interviewing research literature15
Recovered memories of child abuse outside of therapy15
A meta‐analytic review of experimental tests of the interrogation technique of Hanns Joachim Scharff14
Don't trust anybody: Conspiracy mentality and the detection of facial trustworthiness cues14
Revised and short versions of the pseudoscientific belief scale14
Inoculation against conspiracy theories: A consumer side approach to India's fake news problem13
Spaced mathematics practice improves test scores and reduces overconfidence13
Expert opinions on the smallest effect size of interest in false memory research13
The effectiveness of incorporating metacognitive prompts in collaborative writing on academic English writing skills12
COVID‐19 exposure, pandemic‐related appraisals, coping strategies, and psychological symptoms among the frontline medical staff and gender differences in coping processes12
Working memory and fluid intelligence predict reading comprehension in school‐age children: A one‐year longitudinal study12
Are super‐face‐recognisers also super‐voice‐recognisers? Evidence from cross‐modal identification tasks12
False memories for true and false vaccination information form in line with pre‐existing vaccine opinions11
Fundamental relationships of executive functions and physiological abilities with game intelligence, game time and injuries in elite soccer players11
Attitudes towards feminism predict susceptibility to feminism‐related fake news11
A comprehensive meta‐analysis of the comparison question polygraph test11
The prevalence effect in fingerprint identification: Match and non‐match base‐rates impact misses and false alarms11
Why students do (or do not) choose retrieval practice: Their perceptions of mental effort during task performance matter11
Impact of mind‐wandering on visual information processing while driving: An electrophysiological study11
Did I visit the polar bear before the giraffe? Examining memory for temporal order and the temporal distance effect in early to middle childhood10
Tactics for increasing resistance to misinformation10
A systematic overview of methods, their limitations, and their opportunities to investigate inattentional blindness10
When and how seductive details harm learning. A study using cued retrospective reporting10
The association between the belief in coronavirus conspiracy theories, miracles, and the susceptibility to conjunction fallacy10
How emotion influences the details recalled in autobiographical memory9
Countering conspiracy theory beliefs: Understanding the conjunction fallacy and considering disconfirming evidence9
Test of the analysis of competing hypotheses in legal decision‐making9
Popular epistemically unwarranted beliefs inventory (PEUBI): A psychometric instrument for assessing paranormal, pseudoscientific and conspiracy beliefs9
Correcting the unknown: Negated corrections may increase belief in misinformation9
Strategic offloading: How the value of to‐be‐remembered information influences offloading decision‐making9
Interviewing to detect omission lies9
Once (but not twice) upon a time: Narrative inoculation against conjunction errors indirectly reduces conspiracy beliefs and improves truth discernment9
Current scientific interest in dissociative amnesia: A bibliometric analysis8
Emotion and gesture effects on narrative recall in young children and adults8
Creating a false alibi leads to errors of commission and omission8
Sources of bias in memory for emotional reactions to Brexit: Current feelings mediate the link between appraisals and memories8
The most efficient sequence of study depends on the type of test8
Emotional content of the event but not mood influences false memory8
Did you look that up? How retrieving from smartphones affects memory for source8
Skepticism, cynicism, and cognitive style predictors of the generality of unsubstantiated belief7
Combining the model statement and the sketching while narrating interview techniques to elicit information and detect lies in multiple interviews7
Three‐level meta‐analysis of the other‐race bias in facial identification7
The psychology of confessions: A comparison of expert and lay opinions7
Understanding why searching the internet inflates confidence in explanatory ability7
On deception and lying: An overview of over 100 years of social science research7
The effect of source credibility on bullshit receptivity7
Are different reading problems associated with different anxiety types?7
Using the cognitive interview to recall real‐world emotionally stressful experiences: Road accidents7
Sketching routes to elicit information and cues to deceit7
Sketching and verbal self‐explanation: Do they help middle school children solve science problems?7
Gaze behaviour of experienced and novice beach lifeguards – An exploratory in situ study7
Finger pointing to self‐manage cognitive load in learning from split‐attention examples7
The fading affect bias is disrupted by false memories in two diary studies of social media events6
Lifestyle factors and their impact on the networks of attention6
Learning by explaining after pauses in video lectures: Are provided visuals a scaffold or a crutch?6
Orienteering: What relation with visuospatial abilities, wayfinding attitudes, and environment learning?6
Effects of drawing instructions and strategic knowledge on mathematical modeling performance: Mediated by the use of the drawing strategy6
Metacognition and self‐regulation on the road: A qualitative approach to driver attention and distraction6
“In your own words, how certain are you?” Post‐identification feedback distorts verbal and numeric expressions of eyewitness confidence6
It's all in the details: An investigation of the subcomponents of narrative coherence in relation to mental health6
This should help with that: A behavioral investigation into self‐derivation of knowledge about prescription medications6
Analytic thinking as revealed by function words: What does language really measure?6
Engaging learners by tracing and summarizing in a computer‐based environment6
Visual search for drowning swimmers: Investigating the impact of lifeguarding experience6
Testing the seductive details effect: Does the format or the amount of seductive details matter?6
Online co‐witness discussions also lead to eyewitness memory distortion: The MORI‐v technique6
Spatial abilities associated with open math problem solving6
Intentions to report concussion symptoms in nonprofessional athletes: A fuzzy‐trace theory approach6
Using gestures to signal lesson structure and foster meaningful learning6
Baselining affects the production of deceptive narratives6
Judging the accuracy of eyewitness testimonies using retrieval effort cues6
Adults' ability to particularise an occurrence of a repeated event6
How the poor get richer: Signaling guides attention and fosters learning from text‐graph combinations for students with low, but not high prior knowledge6
Testing a modified cognitive interview with category clustering recall in Iran6
Explaining and drawing activities for learning from multimedia: The role of sequencing and scaffolding6
An exploration into the contributing cognitive skills of lifeguard visual search6
Dynamic signals in instructional videos support students to navigate through complex representations: An eye‐tracking study5
Does incident severity influence surveillance by lifeguards in aquatic scenes?5
Productive versus vicarious failure: Do students need to fail themselves in order to learn?5
Black‐and‐white thinking and conspiracy beliefs prevent parents from vaccinating their children against COVID‐195
Depressive symptoms and conspiracy beliefs5
Testing and transfer: Retrieval practice effects across test formats in English vocabulary learning in school5
It's better when I see it: Students benefit more from open‐book than closed‐book teaching5
‘He was just your typical average guy’ Examining how person descriptions are elicited by frontline police officers5
The NICHD interview protocol used by Dutch child protection workers: Effects on interview style, children's reported information and susceptibility to suggestion5
Memory distrust is related to memory errors, self‐esteem, and personality5
The effect of question type on resistance to misinformation about present and absent details5
Thinking disposition, thinking style, and susceptibility to causal illusion predict fake news discriminability5
Comparing functions of and recollection with recently taken and recently deleted smartphone camera photos5
Thought control in daily working life: How the ability to stop thoughts protects self‐esteem4
Historical change in the Emirati life script4
Keyboard dynamics discrepancies between baseline and deceptive eyewitness narratives4
The “Silent Teacher”: Learning by teaching via writing a verbatim teaching script4
No evidence that instructions to ignore nonverbal cues improve deception detection accuracy4
Mental time travel into the episodic future, episodic past, and episodic counterfactual past in everyday life4
Does writing enhance recall and memory consolidation? Revealing the factor of effectiveness of the self‐administered interview4
An investigation of the saving‐enhanced memory effect: The role of test order and list saving4
911 calls in mysterious disappearances of children: Indicators of veracity and deception4
Disproven but still believed: The role of information and individual differences in the prediction of topic‐related pseudoscience acceptance4
Viewing oneself during synchronous online learning increases appearance anxiety and decreases memory for lecture content4
Examining the role of calibration of executive function performance in college learners' regulation4
Specific questions during retrieval practice are better for texts containing seductive details4
Individual differences in the susceptibility to forecasting biases4
How old was he? Disguises, age, and race impact upon age estimation accuracy4
Forensic facial examiners versus super‐recognizers: Evaluating behavior beyond accuracy4
One perpetrator, two perpetrators: The effect of multiple perpetrators on eyewitness identification4
Changing beliefs in repressed memory and dissociative amnesia4
Autobiographical memory in the digital age: Insights based on the subjective reports of users of smart journaling apps4
The effectiveness of a scientific reasoning intervention for conspiracy theory beliefs4
Addressing selective attrition in the enhanced response time‐based concealed information test: A within‐subject replication4
Using the internet “raises the bar” for precision in self‐produced question answering4
Evidence of alcohol induced weapon focus in eyewitness memory4
Editorial—The truth is out there: The psychology of conspiracy theories and how to counter them4
Eight memory researchers investigating their own autobiographical memory4
Crime blindness: The impact of inattentional blindness on eyewitness awareness, memory, and identification4
Tall towers: Schemas and illusions when perceiving and remembering a familiar building4
Effects of think‐aloud on students' multiple‐documents comprehension4
Checking ID‐cards for the sale of restricted goods: Age decisions bias face decisions4
An initial investigation into the nature and function of rapport in investigative interviews4
Mere exposure to dialogic framing enriches argumentive thinking4
Individual differences in face and voice matching abilities: The relationship between accuracy and consistency4
Centrality of positive and negative autobiographical memories across adult life span4
Registered report: The effects of incentivized lies on memory4
Interpreting eyewitness confidence: Numeric, verbal, and graded verbal scales4
Episodic memory contributions to second language lexical development persist at higher proficiencies3
Amplification of the status quo bias among physicians making medical decisions3
Seeing is believing? A systematic review of credibility perceptions of live and remote video‐mediated communication in legal settings3
Weak correlations among 13 episodic memory tasks related to the same public event3
The difficulty of teaching adults to recognize referential ambiguity in children's testimony: The influence of explicit instruction and sample questions3
Reducing teachers' unfounded beliefs through critical‐thinking education: A non‐randomized controlled trial3
Special issue of applied cognitive psychology: Rethinking cognition in a digital environment3
The influence of advertising creativity on the effectiveness of commercial and public service advertisements: A dual‐task study3
The effects of collaboration and punishment on prospective memory performance in a group setting3
When bad gets worse: Negative wording amplifies negative recall in persons with the borderline personality trait3
Police's and victim care officers' beliefs about memory and investigative interviewing with children: Survey findings from Malaysia3
Remember to stay positive: Affect and prospective memory in everyday life3
Priming productive study strategies with preparatory quizzes in an engineering course3
Which phish is captured in the net? Understanding phishing susceptibility and individual differences3
A stronger memory for the perpetrator may attenuate effects of the identification procedure on eyewitness accuracy3
Eliciting information in official Finnish asylum interviews3
Well‐being during COVID‐19‐related first lockdown: Relationship with autobiographical memory and experiential diversity3
The effect of evidence order on jurors' verdicts: Primacy and recency effects with strongly and weakly probative evidence3
Demons with guns: How belief in pure evil relates to Attributional judgments for gun violence perpetrators3
Molistic processing in facial image comparison3
Effects of emotional decorative pictures on cognitive load as assessed by pupil dilation and EEG frequency band power3
Mindfulness in face recognition: Embedding mindfulness instructions in the face‐composite construction process3
Multisensory encoding of names via name tags facilitates remembering3
Reinforced self‐affirmation as a method for reducing eyewitness memory conformity: An experimental examination using a modified MORI technique3
Interpersonal factors and mental well‐being are associated with accuracy in judging the veracity of political news3
The effects of drawing on preschoolers' statements about experienced and non‐experienced events3
Extraordinary face recognition performance in laboratory and online testing3
Who can best find Waldo? Exploring individual differences that bolster performance in a security surveillance microworld3
Applying the asymmetric information management technique to insurance claims3
Using iconic hand gestures in teaching a year 8 science lesson3
The effects of recalling generic versus episodic information first on adults' reports of a repeated event3
Effects of stress on eyewitness identification in the laboratory3
Motivation brought to the test: Successful retrieval practice is modulated by mastery goal orientation and external rewards3
The confidence‐accuracy relation – A comparison of metacognition measures in lie detection3
Actions speak louder than words: The Devil's Advocate questioning protocol in opinions about protester actions3
A comparable truth baseline improves truth/lie discrimination3
Autobiographical memory and future episodic thinking among trauma‐exposed Rohingya refugee people3
Is your memory better than mine? Investigating the mechanisms and determinants of the memory conformity effect using a modified MORI technique3
Assessing learning effort with hand motion tracking methods3
Does active or passive signaling support integration of text and graphs?2
Comparing radiographs with signaling improves anomaly detection of dental students: An eye‐tracking study2
Phenomenological experience of mental time travel with a counterpart self2
Are open‐book tests still as effective as closed‐book tests even after a delay of 2 weeks?2
Variability in verbal eyewitness confidence2
Functions of episodic future thinking: A validation and comparative study across individuals with normal versus pathological worry2
Fostering knowledge building in learning by teaching: A test of the drawing‐facilitates‐explaining hypothesis2
Symbolizing algebraic story problems: Are diagrams helpful?2
The stock market is rigged? Conspiracy beliefs and distrust predict lower stock market participation2
Temporal distance and veracity effects on the level of detail in statements about intentions2
Police trainees versus laypeople: Identification performance and confidence–accuracy relationship for facial and body lineups2
Recalling a recent meal reduces desire and prospective intake measures for pictures of palatable food2
Children's clarification requests in interviews: Testing the effects of age, question characteristics, and brief intervention strategies2
Sometimes they show, sometimes they don't: Appointment attendance as a naturalistic prospective memory task2
Belief in COVID‐19 misinformation: Hopeful claims are rated as truer2
Involuntary autobiographical memories: The question of function2
What is the optimal position of low‐frequency words across line boundaries? An eye movement investigation2
French gendarmes' ability to make inferences while listening to witnesses: Implicit and interfering information curbs their comprehension2
Influence of expert degree and scientific validity of testimony on mock Jurors' perceptions of credibility2
BGU‐MF: Ben‐Gurion University Math Fluency test2
Variables for designing cube folding tasks influencing sixth‐graders' performance2
Intrusive images, autobiographical memories, and core beliefs of patients with an eating disorder2
On the Independent Roles of Cognitive & Political Sophistication: Variation Across Attitudinal Objects2
With support, children can accurately sequence within‐event components2
Education and conspiracy beliefs: A replication of van Prooijen (2017)2
Thinking in the digital age: Everyday cognition and the dawn of a new age of metacognition research2
Presence of administrators differentially impacts eyewitness discriminability for same‐ and other‐race identifications2
Inconsistent interactions between the seductive details effect and ego depletion in multimedia learning2
Facing up to bias in healthcare: The influence of familiarity appearance on hiring decisions2
Ocular‐motor deception testing in civilly detained sexually violent persons: An alternative to post‐conviction sex offender polygraph testing?2
Believing in conspiracy theories: The role of emotional granularity and maladaptive emotion regulation strategies2
Sports specific metacognitions and competitive state anxiety in athletes: A comparison between different sporting types2
Mimicking tracing actions enhances young children's mathematical learning2
Promoting retrieval practice use during self‐study in higher education: The effects of a compact strategy intervention with metacognitive support2
Digital training intervention on strategies for tackling physical misconceptions—Self‐explanation matters2
Susceptibility to cancer misinformation: Predictors of false belief and false memory formation2
The beginning of the life story: The meaning of the earliest autobiographical memory from an adult perspective2
Maintaining intimacy during the COVID‐19 pandemic2
Intense classification training to increase the detection of drowning swimmers2
Can concept maps attenuate auditory distraction when studying with music?2
Sounds and speech: Individual differences in unfamiliar voice recognition2
Registered report: The effects of incentivized lies on memory2
Children's under‐informative responding is associated with concealment of a transgression2
The variable influence of confession inconsistencies: How factual errors (but not contradictions) reduce belief in suspect guilt2
Spontaneous inferential processing while reading interleaved expository texts enables learners to discover the underlying regularities2
Did we trust in science during the COVID‐19 pandemic? Modeling the relationship between trust, awareness, and conspiracy theories2
Are childhood maltreatment narratives incoherent? A different story2
Shared event‐memory for a public event in young and older adults2
Instructional efficiency: The role of prior knowledge and cognitive load2
Asymmetry in belief revision2
Memory for tweets versus headlines: Does message consistency matter?2
Conservatism positively predicted fading affect bias in the 2016USpresidential election at low, but not high, levels of negative affect2
The verifiability approach to deception detection: A preregistered direct replication of the information protocol condition of Nahari, Vrij, and Fisher (2014b)2
Remembering personal change for better or worse: Retrieval context matters2
Spoiler alert: How narrative film captures attention2
Imagination and the prosocial personality: Mapping the effect of episodic simulation on helping across prosocial traits2
Fading affect bias in Mexico: Differential fading of emotional intensity in death memories and everyday negative memories2
When do expert decision makers trust their intuition?2
The effect of a short computerized growth mindset intervention with implementation intentions on French students entering university2
Coronaphobia flips the emotional world upside down: Unhealthy variables positively predict the fading affect bias at high physical symptoms of coronavirus anxiety1
Examining the effects of negative emotion and interviewing procedure on eyewitness recall1
Strategies for dating earliest memories1
Social‐distancing memories and well‐being in the cultural context1
Effects of theft stereotype on bystander recall, interpretation, and punishment for male and female juvenile thieves1
A playbook for best practice and future research on investigative interviews1