Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing

(The TQCC of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing is 17. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Discussion on “A non-intrusive model-order reduction of geometrically nonlinear structural dynamics using modal derivatives”1419
Tunable electromagnetic damper with synthetic impedance and self-powered functions453
Shift characteristics of a bilateral Harpoon-shift synchronizer for electric vehicles equipped with clutchless AMTs239
Stiffness identification of bridge by using the dynamic response of a passing dual axle vehicle based on synchronous clustering theory238
Research on vertical vibration characteristics of rolling mill based on magnetorheological fluid damper absorber215
FT-SMNet: Fourier transform sparse matrix network for structural health monitoring time series data forecasting201
Self-adaptation of ultrasound sensing networks184
Real-time monitoring of thin film thickness and surface roughness using a single mode optical fiber183
CT imaging method with stress wave for interfacial debonding defects in mesoscale RSCCS180
Nonlinear multi-order coupled stochastic resonance modeling under extremely low signal-to-noise ratios176
A reconstruction method for dam monitoring data based on improved singular value decomposition169
Stabilised auto-regressive neural networks (s-ARNNs) for data driven prediction of forced nonlinear systems168
Corrigendum to “Zero group velocity feature in CFRP-Nomex honeycomb structure and its use for debonding detection” [Mech. Syst. Signal Process. 216 (2024) 111479]168
Fault diagnosis and prognosis capabilities for wind turbine hydraulic pitch systems164
Brightness and contrast corrections for space–time stereocorrelation via proper generalized decomposition163
A trackable multi-domain collaborative generative adversarial network for rotating machinery fault diagnosis161
A Fabry-Pérot resonator based metamaterial structure for acoustic signal enhancement in machinery condition monitoring152
Bayesian filtering based prognostic framework incorporating varying loads146
Vibration suppression of a meta-structure with hybridization of Kresling origami and Yoshimura origami140
Application of thermoelasticity in the frequency-domain multiaxial vibration-fatigue criterion139
Hopf bifurcation analysis for a maglev system with two time delays138
Real-time full-field inference of displacement and stress from sparse local measurements using physics-informed neural networks137
A fully automatic bearing fault diagnosis method based on an improved polar coordinate image texture136
Piezoelectric active disturbance rejection control for flow-induced vibration of the wind tunnel test models136
Causality-Augmented generalization network with cross-domain meta-learning for interlayer slipping recognition in viscoelastic sandwich structures135
Geometric and dynamic error compensation of dual-drive machine tool based on mechanism-data hybrid method133
AETMC-FCVT: An end-to-end welding defect detection and classification method based on magneto-optical infrared bi-imaging system128
Artificial intelligence enhanced fault prediction with industrial incomplete information128
Loose particle Detection: The optimal detection condition and weak loose particle impulse extraction126
Effective structural impact detection and localization using convolutional neural network and Bayesian information fusion with limited sensors119
A vibration signal decomposition method for time-varying structures using empirical multi-synchroextracting decomposition118
Enhanced broadband performance of magnetically coupled bistable energy harvester with barrier-decreasing effect116
Obstacle-avoidance trajectory planning based adaptive tracking control for 4DOF tower cranes with tracking error constraints115
Passive detection of bolt joint looseness using flow-induced ambient noise115
Generalized synchroextracting transform: Algorithm and applications112
A new dynamic model for cylindrical roller bearings with flexible rollers and bearing sliding investigation110
Using mode shape residuals for model updating of a nonlinear structure featuring 1:1 internal resonance107
A novel pendulum-like deformation-limited piezoelectric vibration energy harvester triggered indirectly via a smoothly plucked drive plate106
Active vibration suppression for integrated electric drive systems based on the CNN-LSTM considering dead zone104
Lost data reconstruction for structural health monitoring by parallel mixed Transformer-CNN network104
A novel intelligent health indicator using acoustic waves: CEEMDAN-driven semi-supervised ensemble deep learning103
Advanced genetic algorithm-based signal processing for multi-degradation detection in steam turbines102
Online fatigue crack detection and growth modelling through higher harmonic analysis: A baseline-free approach101
Near-real-time damage identification under vehicle loads using dynamic graph neural network based on proper orthogonal decomposition101
Hierarchical Bayesian quantification of aerodynamic effects on an offshore wind turbine under varying environmental and operational conditions99
IF-EDAAN: An information fusion-enhanced domain adaptation attention network for unsupervised transfer fault diagnosis99
Debonding defect imaging of thermal barrier coating with grating laser acoustic spectroscopy97
A novel bridge influence line identification approach based on nonlinear frequency modulation signal reconstruction95
An online modeling virtual sensing technique based on kriging interpolation for active noise control95
Dual-microphone active noise cancellation paved with Doppler assimilation for TADS93
Broad learning robust semi-active structural control: A nonparametric approach93
A digital twin-based framework for multi-element seismic hybrid simulation of structures92
First-passage probability estimation of high-dimensional nonlinear stochastic dynamic systems by a fractional moments-based mixture distribution approach92
Foundations of Population-based SHM, Part II: Heterogeneous populations – Graphs, networks, and communities91
Frequency and modeshape evaluation of steam turbine blades using the metal magnetic memory method and vibration wave propagation90
Structural vibration measurement with multiple synchronous cameras90
Vehicle sideslip angle estimation by fusing inertial measurement unit and global navigation satellite system with heading alignment90
Foundations of population-based SHM, Part III: Heterogeneous populations – Mapping and transfer90
Multi-scale and full-field vibration measurement via millimetre-wave sensing89
Analysing regular nonlinear vibrations of nano/micro plates based on the nonlocal theory and combination of reduced order modelling and multiple scale method89
A semi-analytical method for moving force identification of bridge structures based on the discrete cosine transform and FEM88
Advanced multi-input system identification for next generation aircraft loads monitoring using linear regression, neural networks and deep learning88
Complete statistical approach to modelling variable pedestrian forces induced on rigid surfaces88
Estimation of reliable vehicle dynamic model using IMU/GNSS data fusion for stability controller design87
Moving force identification based on learning dictionary with double sparsity87
Experimental verification of biomechanical model of bipedal walking to simulate vertical loads induced by humans86
Uncertainty quantification for the Modal Phase Collinearity of complex mode shapes86
Novel spacer-tuned-mass-damper system for controlling vibrations of hangers86
Semi-analytical modeling and experimental evaluation on a novel standing wave rotary piezoelectric actuator driven by single-phase signal85
Structural displacement estimation using accelerometer and FMCW millimeter wave radar85
An improved orthogonal matching pursuit method for denoising high-frequency ultrasonic detection signals of flip chips84
A review of machine learning methods applied to structural dynamics and vibroacoustic84
Enriching stochastic model updating metrics: An efficient Bayesian approach using Bray-Curtis distance and an adaptive binning algorithm82
A double-layer iterative analytical model for mesh stiffness and load distribution of early-stage cracked gear based on the slicing method81
Improved phase space warping method for degradation tracking of rotating machinery under variable working conditions81
Unsupervised fault diagnosis framework for underwater thruster system using estimated torques and multi-head convolutional autoencoder80
Time-varying trajectory modeling via dynamic governing network for remaining useful life prediction80
Monitoring and tracking of a suspension railway based on data-driven methods applied to inertial measurements79
Assessing uncertainty in fast Bayesian modal identification based on seismic structural responses79
An investigation on the lubrication characteristics of floating ring bearing with consideration of multi-coupling factors79
Dynamics modeling and analysis of the multistage planetary gear set-bearing-rotor-clutch coupling system considering the tooth impacts of clutches79
Latching control: A wave energy converter inspired vibration control strategy79
Exact solutions for coupled Duffing oscillators78
Closed-form bandgap design formulas for beam-type metastructures78
Unit-rank output feedback control for antiresonance assignment in lightweight systems78
An efficient wavenumber algorithm towards real-time ultrasonic full-matrix imaging of multi-layered medium78
Modeling and compensation of asymmetric rate-dependent hysteresis of a miniature pneumatic artificial muscle-based catheter78
Non-contact weigh-in-motion approach with an improved multi-region of interest method78
Assessment of catenary condition monitoring by means of pantograph head acceleration and Artificial Neural Networks77
High-resolution acoustic beamforming based on genetic algorithms77
Random matrix eigenvalue problems in structural dynamics: An iterative approach77
A single-sensor method for structural damage localization in wind turbine blades: Laboratory assessment on a blade segment76
Localization and quantification of delamination/disbond inside a composite lap-joint using novel cross and drive point mechanical impedance based feature76
Mode-shape magnification in high-speed camera measurements76
Stability prediction method of time-varying real-time hybrid testing system on vehicle-bridge coupled system76
Damping parameter estimation using topological signal processing76
Modification of the transfer matrix method for the sonic black hole and broadening effective absorption band75
Research on unbalanced characteristics of axial-varying eccentric rotor based on signal demodulation75
Electro-hydraulic SBW fault diagnosis method based on novel 1DCNN-LSTM with attention mechanisms and transfer learning75
Spatiotemporal energy regulation strategy for enhancing SNR and spatial resolution in the damage detection with SH0 waves75
A multi-objective trajectory planning approach for vibration suppression of a series–parallel hybrid flexible welding manipulator74
Normal Sinkhorn Distance: A novel metric for evaluating generated signals and its application in mechanical fault diagnosis73
Nodal beam stack vibration isolators73
Enhancing structural anomaly detection using a bounded autoregressive component72
Full-field mode shape estimation of a rotating structure subject to random excitation using a tracking continuously scanning laser Doppler vibrometer via a two-dimensional scan scheme71
Data-driven modeling of general damping systems byk-means clusteri71
Operational modal analysis of a rotating structure under ambient excitation using a tracking continuously scanning laser Doppler vibrometer system71
Internal resonance in coupled oscillators – Part I: A double amplification mass sensing scheme without Duffing nonlinearity71
Model-informed deep learning strategy with vision measurement for damage identification of truss structures71
Down shift control with power of planetary-type automatic transmission for a heavy-duty vehicle71
Uniformly optimal multi-sensor design in pipe networks for transient-based leakage localization71
Intelligent triboelectric V-belts with condition monitoring capability70
Damping prediction of highly dissipative meta-structures through a wave finite element methodology70
A simple linear driving actuator for robotic arm used in land-deep sea70
Fast and robust vision-based cable force monitoring method free from environmental disturbances70
Dynamics modelling and vibration characteristics of urban rail vehicle axle-box bearings with the cage crack70
Dynamics analysis and control of a pendulum driven by a DC motor via a slider-crank mechanism70
Geometry-informed deep learning-based structural component segmentation of post-earthquake buildings70
Increasing the efficiency of Sequential Monte Carlo samplers through the use of approximately optimal L-kernels69
Input estimation of nonlinear systems using probabilistic neural network69
Modeling and analysis of time-domain nonlinear characteristics of air spring with an auxiliary chamber69
Enhanced order spectrum analysis based on iterative adaptive crucial mode decomposition for planetary gearbox fault diagnosis under large speed variations69
Some unexpected thermal effects on squeal events observed on the experimental bench FIVE@ECL69
Fisher’s discriminant ratio based health indicator for locating informative frequency bands for machine performance degradation assessment69
Vision-based virtual vibration sensor using error calibration convolutional neural network with signal augmentation68
CMAFI — Copula-based Multifeature Autocorrelation Fault Identification of rolling bearing68
In-situ measurement of dynamic micro X-ray CT and dynamic mechanical analysis for rubber materials68
PID-like coupling control of underactuated overhead cranes with input constraints67
Active disturbance rejection control of test sample in electrostatic suspension system67
Electromechanical behavior of 3-3 piezoelectric star-shaped metamaterial with four types of connection67
On the use of vibrations and temperatures for the monitoring of plastic chain conveyor systems66
Reliability evaluation method of anti-loosening performance of bolted joints66
Loosely coupled reflective impedance metasurfaces: Precise manipulation of waterborne sound by topology optimization66
Dual neural networks based active fault-tolerant control for electromechanical systems with actuator and sensor failure66
Instantaneous cutting force model considering the material structural characteristics and dynamic variations in the entry and exit angles during end milling of the aluminum honeycomb core66
Switching Kalman filter for damage estimation in the presence of sensor faults65
Static and dynamic actuations of clamped-clamped V-shaped micro-resonators under electrostatic forces65
Modeling for prediction of tool-chip interface temperature in internal cryogenic turning considering film boiling65
Remaining useful life prediction of degraded system with the capability of uncertainty management65
An experimental comparative study of adaptive sigma-point Kalman filters: Case study of a rigid–flexible four-bar linkage mechanism and a servo-hydraulic actuator65
Towards a high bias voltage MEMS filter using electrostatic levitation64
Independent component analysis-based arbitrary polynomial chaos method for stochastic analysis of structures under limited observations64
Nonlinear dynamic analysis of ball screw feed system considering assembly error under harmonic excitation64
Experimental and operational modal analysis: Automated system identification for safety-critical applications63
Speed estimation in planetary gearboxes: A method for reducing impulsive noise63
Three-dimensional localization of gas leakage using acoustic holography62
Nonparametric identification of a micro-electromechanical resonator62
On the dynamic properties of statistically-independent nonlinear normal modes62
Simulation of turbulent wind field in multi-spatial dimensions using a novel non-uniform FFT enhanced stochastic wave-based spectral representation method62
Remaining useful life prediction for complex systems with multiple indicators of stochastic correlation considering random shocks61
Dynamic reanalysis of structures with geometric variability and parametric uncertainties via an adaptive model reduction method61
An inversion method for evaluating ballastless track degradation based on multi-channel analysis of surface wave61
A generalized precision measuring mechanism and efficient signal processing algorithm for the eccentricity of rotary parts61
Core loss: Mining core samples efficiently for robust machine anomaly detection against data pollution61
Instantaneous multi-frequency tracker for nonstationary vibration signal in mechanical system61
Remaining useful life prediction of mechanical system based on improved adaptive fractional Lévy stable motion with statistical dependence measurement error61
Damage identification during an impact event using the Hilbert-Huang transform of decomposed propagation modes61
Online shock sensing for rotary machinery using encoder signal60
Source and defect localization in thin elastic plates of arbitrary geometry using eigenmodes60
A probe into the fatigue crack growth in mechanical systems with hyperchaotic/chaotic dynamics60
Optimal sensor placement of triaxial accelerometers for modal expansion60
Characterizing the variability of footstep-induced structural vibrations for open-world person identification59
Identification of the dynamic force and moment characteristics of annular gaps using linear independent rotor whirling motions59
Editorial Board59
Closed loop control of vibration field transient: Application to wave focusing59
Editorial Board59
Multi-modal generative adversarial networks for synthesizing time-series structural impact responses59
Generative model: Impulse response generated from turbulence response in flutter signal59
Wiener path integral most probable path determination: A computational algebraic geometry solution treatment59
On the Bayesian sensor placement for two-stage structural model updating and its validation58
Structural design of flexible wheel of harmonic reducer based on efficiency improvement58
Rotating machinery speed extraction through smartphone video acquisition from a radial viewpoint58
Accelerating convergence in Bayesian operational modal analysis with Fisher information matrix58
The position control of the ball and beam system using state-disturbance observe-based adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control in presence of matched and mismatched uncertainties58
Using multi-sine excitation and rigid body motion compensation in randomly sampled camera-based experimental modal analysis to improve SNR58
Low-rank enhanced convolutional sparse feature detection for accurate diagnosis of gearbox faults58
A parameter estimation method based on discontinuous unscented Kalman filter for non-smooth gap systems57
Editorial Board57
A hybrid methodology for the frequency response function variability due to joint uncertainty57
Editorial Board57
Novel operator-splitting methods for real-time dynamic substructure testing57
Editorial Board56
Multi-mode quasi-static excitation for systems with nonlinear joints56
Sensitivity-based characterization of the bias errors in frequency based substructuring56
A wave solution for energy dissipation and exchange at nonclassical boundaries of a traveling string56
An amplitude-nested surrogate model for nonlinear response using double-layer Hilbert–Huang transform56
Infrared image stream based regressors for contactless machine prognostics56
Formulation and implementation of a hypoplastic constitutive model for interface behavior of mechanical joints56
Online parameter identification framework for a multirotor UAV: Application to an arm stretchable morphing multirotor56
A Multi-step Interpolated-FFT procedure for full-field nonlinear modal testing of turbomachinery components56
Operational output-only data-driven control input estimation and low-order physical modeling for vehicle vibrations55
Parsimony-Enhanced Sparse Bayesian Learning for Robust Discovery of Partial Differential Equations55
Towards a stochastic inverse Finite Element Method: A Gaussian Process strain extrapolation55
Dynamic identification of coupler yaw angle of heavy haul locomotive: An optimal multi-task ELM-based method55
Extending the dynamic response of structural input estimation by combining sensors with unmatched bandwidth55
Requirement derivation of vehicle steering using mechanical four-poles in the presence of nonlinearities54
Fall down and re-levitation dynamics of an electric rotor system with nonlinear AMB forces under base excitations: Modeling and experiment54
Chipping analysis and prediction in gear skiving process using multi-infeed strategy54
Numerical simulation of generalised Maxwell-type viscous dampers with an efficient iterative algorithm54
Experimental research on global active rotor noise control using near-field acoustic holography and sound field reproduction54
Data- and theory-guided learning of partial differential equations using SimultaNeous basis function Approximation and Parameter Estimation (SNAPE)54
Chaotic metastructures for frequency self-conversion54
Modal filter design reducing the impact of sensors noise on the filter outputs54
Gaussian assumptions-free interpretable linear discriminant analysis for locating informative frequency bands for machine condition monitoring53
Low-rank approximation of Hankel matrices in denoising applications for statistical damage diagnosis of wind turbine blades53
Non-contact subsurface thermography for high-temperature metallic structures using laser ultrasound and wave-equation-based inversion53
On an independent subharmonic sequence for vibration isolation and suppression in a nonlinear rotor system53
Reducing black-box nonlinear state-space models: A real-life case study53
Non-destructive analysis of power insulators by frequency response function and three dimensional-computed tomography53
Paired asymmetric periodic oscillations in a pair of first-order asymmetric nonlinear circuit systems52
Editorial Board52
Editorial Board52
Numerical analyses of nonlinear acoustic wave radiation behaviors of vibrational objects immersed in infinite fluid52
Editorial Board52
Failure diagnosis system using a new nonlinear mapping augmentation approach for deep learning algorithm52
On the experimental vibroacoustic modal analysis of a plate-cavity system52
Reinforcement Learning approach of switching bi-stable oscillators to adapt bandgaps of 1D-meta-structures52
Model-based optimization for structure dimension and driving signal of a stick-slip piezoelectric actuator52
On the stochastic bit–rock interaction disturbances and its effects on the performance of two commercial control strategies used in drill strings51
Evaluating bolt connecting faults in ring-type structures with nonlinear fault-induced loads and transmissibility functions51
Fast identification of coherent sound sources with the covariance matrix fitting method based on non-synchronous measurements51
Virtual sensing of subsoil strain response in monopile-based offshore wind turbines via Gaussian process latent force models51
Theoretical and experimental applications of a rotor balancing technique without using trial weights based on augmented Kalman filter51
Achievable dynamic responses of general undamped mass-chain systems51
Time delay-based spectrum reconstruction for nonuniform and sub-Nyquist sampling in blade tip timing51
Uncertainty analysis of linear vertical bending moment in model tests and numerical prediction50
A piezo stack energy harvester with frequency up-conversion for rail track vibration50
Sparsity preserving projection aided baselined hyperdisk modeling for interpretable machine health monitoring50
A novel bi-directional rail variable friction pendulum-tuned mass damper (BRVFP-TMD)50
Newtonized orthogonal matching pursuit-based compressive spherical beamforming in spherical harmonic domain50
Tonal vibration control with a self-tuning absorber employing the extremum seeking algorithm50
Experimental study of road identification by LSTM with application to adaptive suspension damping control50
Unknown fault detection of rolling bearings guided by global–local feature coupling50
Prediction of unstable full load conditions in a Francis turbine prototype49
Toward efficient and accurate extraction of instantaneous frequency with chirplet transform and its applications in bearing fault diagnosis49
Editorial Board49
A Kernel-Density based Semi-Parametric stochastic degradation model with dependent increments49
Soft-constrained interval predictor models and epistemic reliability intervals: A new tool for uncertainty quantification with limited experimental data49
High-sampled structural displacement estimation through the FIR filter-based two-stage fusion of high-sampled acceleration and temporally aliased low-sampled displacement measurements49
Editorial Board48
A self-sensing approach for estimating suspension displacement and velocity in semi-active electromagnetic dampers48
An improved nonlinear dynamic reduction method for complex jointed structures with local hysteresis model48
Prediction error of Johansen cointegration residuals for structural health monitoring48
Contact stiffness of jointed interfaces: A comparison of dynamic substructuring techniques with frictional hysteresis measurements48
Improving convergence of the Matrix Power Control Algorithm for random vibration testing48
Anomaly detection and multi-step estimation based remaining useful life prediction for rolling element bearings48
Inverse identification of the acoustic pressure inside a U-shaped pipe line based on acceleration measurements48
Pure electric vehicle nonstationary interior sound quality prediction based on deep CNNs with an adaptable learning rate tree48
Hairpin RNA genetic algorithm based ANFIS for modeling overhead cranes48
A complete dynamics model of defective bearings considering the three-dimensional defect area and the spherical cage pocket48