Journal of Anxiety Disorders

(The TQCC of Journal of Anxiety Disorders is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A randomized controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of a brief computerized anxiety sensitivity reduction intervention for health anxiety126
Editorial Board90
Attending to the Attentional Control Scale for Children: Confirming its factor structure and measurement invariance82
Positive emotion dysregulation and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms: Investigating the role of anxiety sensitivity49
Fear of pain as a predictor of concurrent and downstream PTSD symptoms47
How does COVID stress vary across the anxiety-related disorders? Assessing factorial invariance and changes in COVID Stress Scale scores during the pandemic44
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Remote cognitive behaviour therapy for social anxiety disorder: A meta-analysis36
Context as a barrier: Impaired contextual processing increases the tendency to develop PTSD symptoms across repeated exposure to trauma36
Catching a (sine) wave: Temporal dynamics of nonverbal synchrony in social anxiety disorder35
Psychometric properties of the state Probability and Consequences Questionnaire for social anxiety disorder30
Understanding veteran barriers to specialty outpatient PTSD clinical care30
Reimaging context within exposure-based treatments for adolescent social anxiety disorder: It all begins with optimizing the context-sensitivity of our clinical assessments30
Dynamics of affect, cognition and behavior in a general population sample of adolescents and young adults with current and remitted anxiety disorders: An Ecological Momentary Assessment study29
More than just fear: Development and psychometric evaluation of the Spider Distress Scale to assess spider fear and spider-related disgust29
Moral injury events and behavioral health outcomes among American veterans29
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The impact of prepartum pandemic-related perceived stress on anxiety symptoms in the postpartum: The role of perceived childbirth experiences26
Network analyses of ecological momentary emotion and avoidance assessments before and after cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders26
CyberStatus: Responses to status manipulation and fears of positive and negative evaluations25
Correlates of treatment seeking in individuals with social anxiety disorder: Findings from a nationally representative sample24
Things You Do: A randomized controlled trial of an unguided ultra-brief intervention to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety24
The naturalistic reinforcement of worry from positive and negative emotional contrasts: Results from a momentary assessment study within social interactions23
Longitudinal relationships between COVID-19 preventative behaviors and perceived vulnerability to disease23
Fear of negative and positive evaluation as mediators and moderators of treatment outcome in social anxiety disorder23
360° Video virtual reality exposure therapy for public speaking anxiety: A randomized controlled trial21
Efficacy of third wave cognitive behavioral therapies in the treatment of posttraumatic stress: A meta-analytic study20
Symptom networks of COVID-19-related versus other potentially traumatic events in a global sample20
When is the best time to screen for perinatal anxiety? A longitudinal cohort study20
Parent-coached exposure therapy versus cognitive behavior therapy for childhood anxiety disorders20
Examining the psychometric properties of the PCL-5 in a black community sample using item response theory20
Distinct patterns of monocular advantage for facial emotions in social anxiety19
Fear of COVID-19 predicts vaccination willingness 14 months later19
Remote cognitive behavioral therapy for panic disorder: A meta-analysis18
Longitudinal changes in intolerance of uncertainty and worry severity during CBT for generalized anxiety disorder18
Is cyberchondria specific to hypochondriasis?18
Progression of externalizing disorders into anxiety disorders: Longitudinal transitions in the first three decades of life18
The uptake and outcomes of Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy for health anxiety symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic18
Nonverbal synchrony in diagnostic interviews of individuals with social anxiety disorder17
Increasing cognitive load attenuates the moderating effect of attentional inhibition on the relationship between posttraumatic stress symptoms and threat-related attention bias variability17
The first steps in facing your fears: The acceptability of virtual reality and in vivo exposure treatment for specific fears16
Just do something: An experimental investigation of brief interventions for reducing the negative impact of post-event processing in social anxiety disorder16
Social anxiety disorder in adolescents: Prevalence and subtypes in the Young-HUNT3 study16
Garbage in, garbage out: The tenuous state of research on PTSD in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and infodemic16
The effects of intelligence on exposure to combat and posttraumatic stress disorder across multiple deployments16
Pride in social anxiety disorder15
Is a brief mindfulness ecological momentary intervention more efficacious than a self-monitoring app for social anxiety disorder? A randomized controlled trial15
The comorbidity structure of fear, distress and compulsive disorders in an acute psychiatric sample15
Attention bias vs. attention control modification for social anxiety disorder: A randomized controlled trial14
Pediatric anxiety associated with altered facial emotion recognition14
Optimized short-forms of the Cognitive Distortions Questionnaire14
A transdiagnostic evaluation of contrast avoidance across generalized anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, and social anxiety disorder14
The combined cognitive bias hypothesis in anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis14
The efficacy of interventions for behaviourally inhibited preschool-aged children: A meta-analysis14
Metacognition, cognition and social anxiety: A test of temporal and reciprocal relationships14
Increased self-reported reward responsiveness predicts better response to cognitive behavioral therapy for youth with anxiety13
The development and preliminary validation of a brief scale of emotional distress in young people using combined classical test theory and item response theory approaches: The Brief Emotional Distress13
Effectiveness of a smartphone-based, augmented reality exposure app to reduce fear of spiders in real-life: A randomized controlled trial12
From negative feelings to impairments: A longitudinal study on the development of climate change anxiety12
Anxiety among older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic12
Understanding and managing pandemic-related panic buying12
Meta-analyses of the associations of mentalization and proxy variables with anxiety and internalizing problems12
Can mindfulness-based interventions reduce PTSD symptoms? An umbrella review12
Disgust and fear reactions uniquely affect intrusions and posttraumatic stress symptoms11
Mind’s eye: The impact of spider presence and cognitive therapy on size estimation biases in spider phobia11
Problematic anger in military and veteran populations with and without PTSD: The elephant in the room11
From psychological to physical health: Exploring temporal precedence throughout emotion regulation therapy11
Interpersonal contrast avoidance as a mechanism for the maintenance of worry11
Exposure therapy in a virtual environment: Validation in obsessive compulsive disorder11
Cognitive behavioral group therapy for social anxiety disorder – A critical review of methodological designs11
Avoidance of mild threat observed in generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) using eye tracking11
A pilot study on the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of a brief text message intervention for co-occurring alcohol misuse and PTSD symptoms in a community sample11
Transdiagnostic emotion regulation processes explain how emotion-related factors affect co-occurring PTSD and MDD in relation to trauma11
Real versus illusory personal growth in response to COVID-19 pandemic stressors11
Group metacognitive therapy for children and adolescents with anxiety and depression: A preliminary trial and test of proposed mechanisms11
Assessing parental cognitions about child anxiety: Are parents’ thoughts about child anxiety associated with child anxiety and anxiety sensitivity?11
PTSD symptom heterogeneity and alcohol-related outcomes in U.S. military veterans: Indirect associations with coping strategies11
Editorial Board11
Using machine learning to predict sudden gains in intensive treatment for PTSD10
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Associations between self-absorption and working memory capacity: A preliminary examination of a transdiagnostic process spanning across emotional disorders10
Hair pulling disorder and skin picking disorder have relatively limited associations with negative emotionality: A meta-analytic comparison across obsessive-compulsive and related disorders10
Changes in guilt cognitions in intensive PTSD treatment among veterans who experienced military sexual trauma or combat trauma10
Association between negative parent-related family interactions and child social anxiety: A cross-cultural systematic review and meta-analysis10
The contribution of guilt sensitivity in the prediction of obsessive-compulsive disorder symptom dimensions: Replication and extension10
Predictors of clinical worsening during a discontinuation trial of serotonin reuptake inhibitors for obsessive compulsive disorder10
Streamlined pediatric anxiety program for school mental health services10
Do positive and negative emotional reactions during war predict subsequent symptomatology? A prospective experience sampling study10
Incremental validity of the contrast avoidance model: A comparison with intolerance of uncertainty and negative problem orientation10
Psychological interventions for pre-event and post-event rumination in social anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis9
The impact of psychological treatment on intolerance of uncertainty in generalized anxiety disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis9
Intolerance of uncertainty as a predictor of anxiety severity and trajectory during the COVID-19 pandemic9
The OCI-4: An ultra-brief screening scale for obsessive-compulsive disorder9
A randomized clinical trial of in-person vs. home-based telemedicine delivery of Prolonged Exposure for PTSD in military sexual trauma survivors9
Incidences of anxiety disorders among active duty service members between 1999 and 20189
A meta-analysis of mentalizing in anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive and related disorders, and trauma and stressor related disorders9
Efficacy and acceptability of interventions for co-occurring PTSD and SUD: A meta-analysis9