Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities

(The TQCC of Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Closure to “Forensic Investigation of Backyard Landslide with a Sewer in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania” by James V. Hamel50
Risk-Based Self-Improving Asset Management Framework for Coastal Protection Structures Using 1+ Inspection Points50
Network Deterioration Prediction for Reinforced Concrete Pipe and Box Culverts Using Markov Model: Case Study34
Closure to “Influence of Lateral Movements of Approach Embankments on Bridges: A Case Study”30
Vertical Temperature Gradient Test and Numerical Simulation of Steel Box Girders in Cold Regions29
Thermal Behavior of a Semi-Integral Abutment Bridge with Turn-Back Wingwalls Supported on Drilled Shafts28
Structural Response of Multistory RC Buildings to Excavation of a Disposal Well27
Monitoring and Assessment of Vibration Impact on Ultraprecision Equipment in a Hospital throughout a Whole Construction Period25
Detecting of Pavement Marking Defects Using Faster R-CNN24
Effect of Stress Ratio K due to Varying Overburden Topography on Crack Intensity of Tunnel Liner24
Data Acquisition and Structural Analysis for Bridge Deck Condition Assessment Using Ground Penetration Radar24
Behavior of Overdeformed Shield Tunnel Lining under Grouting Treatment: Field Experiment24
Numerical Investigation on Instability of Buildings Caused by Adjacent Deep Excavation22
Development of Non-Parametric Deterioration Models for Risk and Reliability Assessments of Concrete and Timber Bridges21
Field Performance of Concrete Pavement Joints Protected by Silane Sealer: Case Study20
Adaptive Bridge Condition Forecasting through a Cluster-Based Exploration19
Blast Performance Evaluation of Steel Moment-Resisting Frame Equipped with Smart Bolted Connection18
Next-Generation Building Condition Assessment: BIM and Neural Network Integration18
Performance of Postfire Reinforced Concrete Beams Retrofitted with External Bonded and Near-Surface Mounted CFRP: Experiments and Analyses18
Performance Evaluation of Truss Structure via Cloud Matter Element Fusion18
Optimum Seismic Control and Safety Measures in Liquid Storage Tanks by the Amalgamation of Different Passive Control Devices18
Modification of an Existing Steel Truss Railway Bridge for Installation of Railway Overhead Electrification System17
Numerical Modeling of a Tensioned Diagonals Replacement at a Historic Puddled Iron Bridge17
Discussion of “Residential Floor Failures from Dynamic Occupant Loading” by M. A. Broers, D. A. Bender, F. E. Woeste, and A. R. Phillips17
Discussion of “Reconnaissance of Buildings Impacted by the 2018 Tornadoes in Ottawa, Canada” by Amira Gill and Aikaterini S. Genikomsou16
Service-Life Performance Case Studies of Underground Reinforced Concrete Utility Vaults16
Integrity of API 5L X56 Offshore Pipeline Subjected to Girth Weld Anomalies and Corrosion Using Probabilistic Methods15
Pretensioning Suspender System for Performance Improvement of a Tied-Arch Bridge with PC Stiff Hangers15
Using Snapshot Data of Deficiency and Generic Deterioration to Predict the Degradation of Building Elements15
Erosion Mitigation of Bridge Abutment Backfill during Flood Events15
Dynamic Distortion and Long-Term Settlement of Weathered Argillaceous Siltstone under Subway Tunnel Base in Nanchang, China14
Impact of Water Gushing Influenced by the Relationship between Fault and Tunnel Position14
Strengthening of a Reinforced Concrete Bridge with a Composite of Prestressed Steel Wire Ropes Embedded in Polyurethane Cement14
Rail Defect Recognition Based on Waveform Subtraction and Rule Base13
Influence of Lateral Movements of Approach Embankments on Bridges: A Case Study13
Innovative Optimization Model for Planning Upgrade and Maintenance Interventions for Buildings12
Grasping the Nonconformities in Building Construction Supply Chains12
Using Nonlinear-Elastic Stiffness at Small Displacement to Identify Damage in a Full-Scale Reinforced Concrete Building12
Promoting Performance-Based Building Code Compliance in New Zealand11
Wireless Monitoring–Based Real-Time Analysis and Early-Warning Safety System for Deep and Large Underground Caverns11
Building Rectification by Underexcavation and Practical Design Method11
Blast Hazard Resilience Using Machine Learning for West Fertilizer Plant Explosion11
Performance Assessment of a High-Speed Railway Bridge through Operational Modal Analysis10
Successful Seismic Performance of Bridges after Sivrice Earthquake10
Simplified Model of PC Concrete Beams with Corroded Strands in Highway Viaduct: Case Study and Analytical Modeling10
Real-Time Dynamic Warning on Deflection Abnormity of Cable-Stayed Bridges Considering Operational Environment Variations10
Behavior of a 3-Span Continuous Bridge Before and After Continuity Joint Replacement Using Ultra-High-Performance Concrete10
An Improved Updatable Backpropagation Neural Network for Temperature Prognosis in Tunnel Fires9
Observed Performance of Long-Zoned Excavation with Suspended Waterproof Curtain in Yangtze River Floodplain9
The Causation of Design Error in the Construction Industry: A Multistakeholder Perspective9
Mechanical Behavior and Damage Evolution of a Fabricated Rectangular Tunnel with a Mortise-and-Tenon Joint under Internal Explosion9
Numerical Study of the Fire Behavior of Encased and Slim-Floor Composite Beams9
An Eddy Current Testing Method Based on Magnetic Induction Intensity for Detecting Cracks in Steel Bridge Decks9
Simultaneous Recovery Model for Missing Multiple-Source Structural Health Monitoring Data of a Quayside Container Crane9
Numerical Analysis of Double-Leaf Composite Stiffened Door Subjected to Blast Loading9
Nonlinear Static and Dynamic Response of a Random Rubble Stone Masonry Building with Horizontal Seismic Bands8
Performance Assessment of Buildings Impacted by the 2019 Windstorm in the Central-South of Nepal8
Unintended Consequences of Performance-Based Building Code Amendment in New Zealand8
Impact-Fragility Analysis of Bridges under Vehicle Collision with Soil–Structure Interaction Effects8
Automatic Detection of Pavement Marking Defects in Road Inspection Images Using Deep Learning8
Machine-Learning Model for Predicting Maintenance Costs of EPDM Roofing Systems8
Seismic Responses of Buildings after the Mw 6.8 Sivrice Earthquake in January 20208
Design and Maintenance Information Integration for Concrete Bridge Assessment and Disaster Prevention8
Load-Carrying Capacity Assessment of an Existing Highway Bridge Based on Hybrid Finite-Element Model Updating8
Spatial Interpolation of Bridge Scour Point Cloud Data Using Ordinary Kriging Method8
Probabilistic Vibration Performance Assessment of a Long-Span Steel Footbridge8
A State-of-the-Practice Review of Three-Dimensional Laser Scanning Technology for Tunnel Distress Monitoring8
Distribution of Rework Issues in Various Reinforced Concrete Building Components7
Erratum for “Review of Cave-In Failures of Urban Roadways in China: A Database” by Yong Tan and Ying-Ying Long7
Postfire Damage Assessment of a Steel Industrial Building Exposed to Fire7
Transition Zones of Steel Bridges as Hotspots for Track Buckling7
Safety Monitoring of Bearing Replacement for a Concrete High-Speed Railway Bridge Based on Acoustic Emission7
Indirect Identification and Analysis of Bridge Damage Using Vehicle–Bridge Coupled Vibration and Deep Learning7
Underwater Structure Health Status Assessment Using Fractal Theory-Based Crack Detection Algorithm7
Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation of Damage Mechanism of RC Box Girder under Internal Blast Loads7
Erratum for “Resilience-Driven Multiobjective Restoration Planning for Water Distribution Networks” by Ahmed Assad, Osama Moselhi, and Tarek Zayed7
Explainable Machine-Learning Model for Rapid Damage Assessment of CFST Columns after Close-In Explosion7
Laboratory and Field Evaluation of Commercially Available Rapid-Repair Materials for Concrete Bridge Deck Repair7
Safety Assessment of the Community Facilities for the Prevention of Pedestrian Fall Incidents: Concrete Footpaths and Walkways7
Flexural Performance of Postfire Reinforced Concrete Beams: Experiments and Theoretical Analysis7
Fatigue Life of Composite Truss Used to Strengthen the Prestressed Concrete Box Girder Bridge: A Case Study7
Causes, Risk Analysis, and Countermeasures of Urban Road Collapse in China from 2019 to 20207
Multidamage Identification in High-Resolution Concrete Bridge Component Imagery Based on Deep Learning7
Cost of Environmental and Human Health Impacts of Repairing Earthquake Damage7
Application of a Soft Soil Stabilized by Composite Geopolymer7
Comprehensive Evaluation Method for the Concrete-Face Rockfill Dams Behavior Based on the Fuzzy Recognition Model7
Parametric Study and Fatigue Life Evaluation Using Effective Notch Stress Approach for Rib-to-Deck Welded Joints in Orthotropic Steel Decks6
Performance Evaluation of Highway Bridge Piers under Medium Truck Collision Combined with Air Blast6
Impacts of Pile Foundation Arrangement on Seismic Response of LNG Tanks Considering Soil–Foundation–Structure Interaction6
Deterioration Rates of Building Component Groups Using Nominal Replacement Costs of Components6
Numerical Simulation of Non-Fick Moisture Diffusion of Pultruded Composite GFRP Bridge Deck Plates6
Bridge Failure during the October 2018 Flooding in Iran6
Effects of Hydraulic Characteristics, Sedimentary Parameters, and Mining of Bed Material on Scour Depth of Bridge Pier Groups6
Machine-Learning Algorithms in the Service Life Prediction of Facility Management: Approach in Southern Chile6
Entropy-Based Automated Method for Detection and Assessment of Spalling Severities in Reinforced Concrete Bridges6
Analysis of the Catastrophe Mechanism and Treatment Countermeasures of a Sudden Water Inrush Disaster in a Long and Deeply Buried Tunnel in the Karst Area6
Postearthquake Investigation of a Base-Isolated Building in the 2022 Ms 6.8 Luding Earthquake6
Research on Bearing Characteristics of Grid Composite Foundation Based on Silt Solidification6
Nonlinear Uncertainty Modeling between Bridge Frequencies and Multiple Environmental Factors Based on Monitoring Data6
Comparative Exam of Deterioration in Cladded Facades with Cement Mortar6
Analyzing Coating Conditions of Steel Bridges at Florida: A Data-Driven Approach6
Damage Evolution in the Event of Impact-Punching Shear of RC Flat Slabs6
An Integrated Framework for Operation and Maintenance of Gas Utility Pipeline Using BIM, GIS, and AR5
Performance Evaluation of Soil and Water Conservation Constructed Structures in Drought Prompt Areas of Satara, India5
A Detection Method for Bridge Cables Based on Intelligent Image Recognition and Magnetic-Memory Technology5
Degraded Gerber Saddles in RC Bridges5
Nondestructive Condition Assessment of Concrete Slabs with Artificial Defects Using Wireless Impact Echo5
Dynamic Monitoring of Rail Behavior under Passenger Train Loading Using Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors5
Investigation of Poor Ride Quality in Steel-Bridge Girders Made Composite with Concrete Decks5
Early Detection of Honeycombs in Concrete Pavement Using GPR5
GIS-Based Financial Analysis Model for Integrated Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Underground Pipe Networks5
Evaluating Fatigue in Steel Cantilevered Sign Structures under Service Life Wind Events through a Comprehensive Tool for Inspection5
Outstanding Journal Paper Award for 20215
Maintainability Performance Prediction of Green Building Envelope in Warm-Humid Climate5
Seismic Behavior of Base Isolated Civil Protection Operative Center in Foligno, Italy5
Modified Calculation Model for Segment Floating in Slurry Shield Tunnel5