Journal of Cold Regions Engineering

(The TQCC of Journal of Cold Regions Engineering is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Study on Strength Characteristics of Sodium Sulfate Saline Sand Based on Homogenization Theory16
Evaluating the Effects of Climate Change on Spring Load Restrictions across Ontario, Canada15
Experimental and Numerical Study of the Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Ice with Initial Fibrous Pore: Effects of Temperature and Loading Rate13
Factors Influencing Pavement Friction during Snowstorms13
Study on Active Snow and Ice Melting Tests and Stability of Conductive Rubber Composites for Roads12
The Development of a Laboratory-Based Method to Simulate Cold-Weather Dusting on Mine Tailings Impoundments11
Effect of Anti-Icing Chemicals during Hoar Frost Situations11
Factors Affecting Frost Heave of Chilled Gas Pipelines9
Systematic Literature Search and Meta Regression of Measured Static Ice Loads on Concrete Dams9
Visibility of Winter Operations Vehicles: The State of Practice in the United States8
Rock Damage Constitutive Model Based on the Modified Logistic Equation under Freeze–Thaw and Load Conditions7
Study on Mechanical Properties of Saline Soil and Evaluation of Influencing Factors7
Closure to “Physical Modeling of Temperature Influence on Performance of Geogrid-Reinforced Retaining Walls Considering Backfill Type Effect”6
Stabilization of Soft Clays Exposed to Freeze–Thaw Cycles Using Chitosan6
Strength, Microstructure, and Deformation Behavior of Frozen Cemented Tailing Material6
Analysis of Construction Workers’ Health and Safety in Cold Weather Conditions6
BIM-CFD-based Thermal Analysis for Northern Buildings on Permafrost6
Statistical Evaluation of Seismic Velocity Models of Permafrost5
Strength, Deformation Behavior, and Microstructure of Cement Paste Backfill with Calcium Chloride in Subzero Environments5
Energy Characteristics and Damage Constitutive Model of Frozen Sandstone under Triaxial Compression5
Multiple Camera Large-Scale Particle Image Velocimetry Feasibility for Rivers in Alaska5
Quantitative Analysis of the Microstructures of Deep Silty Clay Subjected to Two Freezing–Thawing Cycles under Subway Vibration Loading5
A Review of the Existing Data on Soil-Freezing Experiments and Assessment of Soil-Freezing Curves Derived from Soil–Water Retention Curves4
Rolling Resistance Measurements on Cycleways Using an Instrumented Bicycle4
Cost–Benefit Analysis of Implementing Solar Photovoltaic Structural Snow Fences in Minnesota4
Physical Model Tests of Piles under Freeze–Thaw Cycles Subjected to Individual and Combined Loads4
Optimizing Snow and Ice Route Removal Operations Using Vehicle Routing Problems and Geographic Information System4
Thermal Stabilization of Embankments Built on Thaw-Sensitive Permafrost4
Mechanism of Radial Stress in the Freezing Direction Produced by Non-Frost-Susceptible Materials4
Effect of Thermogelation Biopolymers on Geotechnical Properties of Red Mud Tailings Exposed to Freeze and Thaw4
Impacts of Temperature Data Sets on Macroscale Snowmelt Simulations in the Missouri River Basin4
Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of Nanoconcretes Exposed to Low-Temperature Curing4
Discussion of “Effect of Culverts on the Thermal Regime of a Railway Embankment”3
Thaw Consolidation Properties of Fine-Grained Permafrost Soils of the Mackenzie Valley, Canada3
Targeted Sanding and Its Impact on Heavy Hauler Pull Force and Surface Friction3
Transport Properties and Deicing Salt Resistance of Blended Ultrahigh-Performance Concrete3
Effect of Sulfate Crystallization on Uniaxial Compressive Behavior of Concrete Subjected to Combined Actions of Dry–Wet and Freeze–Thaw Cycles3
Effect of Frozen Ground on Seismic Response of Pile-Supported Bridge3
Conceptualizing How Agencies Could Leverage Weather-Related Connected Vehicle Application to Enhance Winter Road Services3
Discussion of “Prevention of Water Intake Blockage by Ice during Supercooling Events”3
Closure to “Use of Rigid Geofoam Insulation to Mitigate Frost Heave at Shallow Culvert Installations” by Ahmed Moussa, Ahmed Shalaby, Leonnie Kavanagh, and Pooneh Maghoul3