Machine Learning

(The H4-Index of Machine Learning is 27. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty in machine learning: an introduction to concepts and methods653
Challenges of real-world reinforcement learning: definitions, benchmarks and analysis225
HIVE-COTE 2.0: a new meta ensemble for time series classification143
Regularisation of neural networks by enforcing Lipschitz continuity112
How artificial intelligence and machine learning can help healthcare systems respond to COVID-19110
F*: an interpretable transformation of the F-measure84
LoRAS: an oversampling approach for imbalanced datasets80
How to measure uncertainty in uncertainty sampling for active learning71
Bayesian optimization with safety constraints: safe and automatic parameter tuning in robotics71
Density-based weighting for imbalanced regression68
OWL2Vec*: embedding of OWL ontologies67
Loss aware post-training quantization55
ROSE: robust online self-adjusting ensemble for continual learning on imbalanced drifting data streams51
Stronger data poisoning attacks break data sanitization defenses48
Spatial dependence between training and test sets: another pitfall of classification accuracy assessment in remote sensing45
A theoretical distribution analysis of synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE) for imbalanced learning41
TRU-NET: a deep learning approach to high resolution prediction of rainfall38
Semi-supervised semantic segmentation in Earth Observation: the MiniFrance suite, dataset analysis and multi-task network study37
Special issue on feature engineering editorial36
Global optimization based on active preference learning with radial basis functions33
Conditional variance penalties and domain shift robustness30
Scenic: a language for scenario specification and data generation30
A framework for the fine-grained evaluation of the instantaneous expected value of soccer possessions30
A survey on learning from imbalanced data streams: taxonomy, challenges, empirical study, and reproducible experimental framework29
Machine unlearning: linear filtration for logit-based classifiers29
A deep reinforcement learning framework for continuous intraday market bidding28
ResGCN: attention-based deep residual modeling for anomaly detection on attributed networks27