Medical Problems of Performing Artists

(The median citation count of Medical Problems of Performing Artists is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Pain Catastrophizing in Dance Students in Relation to Resilient Behavior and Self-Reported Injuries10
COVID-19 Symptom Reporting Compliance Rates Among University Performing Arts Majors10
Self-Reported Injury History and Health-Related Quality of Life in Competitive, Collegiate Baton Twirlers8
Quadratus Femoris Tendinopathy as an Underreported Cause of Groin Pain: Case Report7
Development of the Dance Fitness Indicator©: A High-Intensity Dance Fitness Test: A Preliminary Study6
Factors Associated with Musculoskeletal Pain Among Music Students in Iran6
The Dance Functional Outcome Survey: Cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Validation in Italian (DFOS-IT)6
Vocal Health Knowledge Status and Attitudes of Professional and Amateur Performing Artists in Greece6
Preliminary Investigation of Perceived Sound Quality for High-Fidelity Premolded Hearing Protection Devices5
Bacteria Found in Brasswind Instruments: Analyses Using Culture-Dependent Method and Culture-Independent 16 S rRNA Amplicon Sequencing Method5
Effectiveness of a Core Stability Exercise Program on Pain and Function in Musicians with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial5
The Single Leg Heel Rise Test—A Helpful Tool for Dance Science?: A Systematic Review4
Muscle Activation and Subjectively Perceived Effort in Typical Violin Positions3
Impact of Psychic Traumatization on the Development of Musicians’ Dystonia: Six Exploratory Case Studies3
Ukrainian Performing Artists Inspire3
Psychological Changes of Music and Fine Arts Students in the Education Process: A Comparative Longitudinal Study3
Lower Limb Takeoff Mechanics During a Leap in Dancers With and Without Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendinopathy3
How to Treat Musicians with Frozen Shoulder: A Narrative Review3
Musculoskeletal Pain and Musical Performance in First and Second Violinists of Professional Youth Chamber Orchestras: A Comparative Study3
Musculoskeletal Symptoms in Brazilian University Drummers and Percussionists: A Cross-Sectional Study3
Novel Ultrasonographic Thickness and Strength Assessments of the Flexor Digitorum: A Reliability Analysis3
One-Year Injury History and Safe Dance Practices Among Female Highland Dancers in Canada2
Acute Neuromuscular Fatigability and Perceived Exertion in High-Level University Pianists: An Electromyography and Maximum Force Capacity Study2
Modified Graded Motor Imagery for Musicians’ Focal Dystonia: A Case Series2
French Version of the Musculoskeletal Pain Intensity and Interference Questionnaire for Professional Orchestra Musicians (MPIIQM-F): Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Preliminary Validation2
May I Have This Dance: A Case-Series on the Acute Cardiometabolic Demand of Wheelchair Dancing in Recreational Dancers with Spinal Cord Injury2
Intramuscular Oxygenation and Muscle Activity of Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis During Piano Performance: An Observational Study2
Interoceptive Sensibility in Professional Dancers Living With or Without Pain: A Cross-Sectional Study2
Psychological Well-Being of Australian Actors and Performing Artists: Life Satisfaction and Negative Affect2
Perceptions of Motivational Climate and Association with Musculoskeletal Injuries in Ballet Dancers2
Marker-Based Method for Analyzing the Three-Dimensional Upper Body Kinematics of Violinists: Reproducibility2
Effect of Playing Position on Heart Rate and Blood Pressure in Brass and Wind Musicians2
The Prevention of Musculoskeletal Complaints in Instrumental Musicians: A Systematic Review1
Evaluation of Physical Symptoms in Brazilian Conductors Through NMQ and DASH Instruments1
Heart Rate Response and Subjective Rating of Perceived Exertion to a Simulated Latin DanceSport Competition in Experienced Latin Dancers1
Clinical Burden of Injuries in Students at a Professional Circus College: A 7.5-Year Longitudinal Study1
Perspectives of Ballet Dancers on Causes of Their Injuries and Implementation of Injury Preventive Measures by Ballet Teachers and Masters1
Wrist Internal Loading and Tempo-Dependent, Effort-Reducing Motor Behaviour Strategies for Two Elite Pianists1
Survey of Musculoskeletal Injuries among Female Bharatanatyam Dancers in the Udupi District of India1
Injury Frequency and Characteristics in Adolescent and Adult Circus Artists: A Pilot Prospective Cohort Study1
A Cross-Sectional Study on Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Pain in Dhol Players in India1
Experiences of Student Circus Arts Performers Undertaking a Shoulder Rehabilitation Program Via Telehealth Consultation During the COVID-19 Pandemic1
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Development and Interrelation of Pain, Depression, and Anxiety in Music Students: Does Successful Treatment of Pain Have an Impact on Mental Health?1
Comparison of Perfectionism Between Music and Medical Students and its Association with Anxiety1
Successful Use of Orthodontic Aligners in a Young Brass Instrumentalist: A Case Report1
Work-Related Dermatoses of the Feet in Professional Dancers: A Pilot Study1
Bow-Side Kinematics Studies in Violinists: An Experimental Design Tracking Intra- and Inter-Musician Variability by Bow Stroke, String Played, and Tempo1
Enhancing Physiotherapy Care for Touring Performing Arts Companies: A Model for Quality and Continuity1
Knowledge Platform and Theoretical Basic Course About Embouchure and Embouchure Problems in Brass: Special Symposium of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Dans- en Muziekgeneeskunde (NVDMG), Ede, The Net1
Low Back Pain Perceptions and Coping Strategies in Pre-Professional Dancers: A Qualitative Study1
Differences in Center of Pressure Displacement and Lower Limb Muscle Activity During Relevé Descending Phase Comparing Flat Shoes and Pointe Shoes1
Reliability of Hip Strength Assessment in Young Active People with Hip Dysplasia: An Examination in Student Circus Artists1
Low Self-Esteem and Music Performance Anxiety Can Predict Depression in Musicians1
Musculoskeletal Injury in Australian Professional Musical Theatre Shows: A 5-Year Retrospective Observation Study of 2,249 Medical Attention Injuries1
No Differences Between Instrument-Independent Manual Dexterity and Finger Dexterity of Musicians and Nonmusicians0
Implementation of Calf Endurance Training in a Touring Group of Professional Circus Performers: A Feasibility Study0
Incidence, Prevalence, and Characteristics of Injuries in Pole Dancers: A Systematic Review0
Dancers’ Perceptions of Accessibility and Quality of the Relationship with Healthcare Professionals in Quebec0
Oral Cavity Movements of the Tongue During Large Interval Slurs in High-Level Horn Players: A Descriptive Study0
Effect of Expiratory Muscle Strength Training on the Performance of Professional Male Trumpet Players0
Impact of a Neck Strap Intervention on Perceived Effort, Thumb Force, and Muscle Activity of Clarinetists0
Knowledge and Perceptions about COVID-19 among Thai Classical Dancers in Thailand: An Online Cross-Sectional Survey0
Injuries and Factors Associated with Injuries Among U.S. Army Band Musicians0
Reliability of a Barre-Mounted Dynamometer-Stabilizing Device in Measuring Dance-Specific Muscle Performance0
Psychological Wellbeing and Grit Among Freelancers in the UK Dance Industry0
Incidence, Mechanisms, and Characteristics of Injuries in Pole Dancers: A Prospective Cohort Study0
Effects of Rehearsal Time and Repertoire Speed on Upper Trapezius Activity in Conservatory Piano Students0
Risk Factors for Musculoskeletal Complaints in Female Musicians: A Systematic Review and Exploration for Future Studies0
Is the Symmetry of Classical Ballet Positions Perfect?0
Muscle Strength Asymmetries of the Lower Limbs and Trunk in Ballet Dancers0
Can Emotional or Physical Abuse Be a Risk Factor of Chronic Musculoskeletal Conditions in Professional Dance?0
Musculoskeletal Pain and Injury in Indian Classical Dancers: A Systematic Review0
Components of Pre-professional/Adolescent Dance Screens: What Should We Include?0
Effect of Myofascial Induction Therapy in Pterygoid Muscles of Woodwinds and String Musicians on Muscular Stiffness of the Upper Trapezius0
Association Between Neck Pain, Range of Motion, and Proprioception in Elite Female International Standard Dancers: A Case-Control Study0
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Comparison of Spinal Mobility in Professional Musicians With and Without Pelvic Girdle Pain0
Musculoskeletal Pain Intensity and Interference Questionnaire for Musicians—Italian Version (MPIIQM-IT): Multicenter Validation, Translation and Cultural Adaptation0
Relationship Between Sport Specialization and Quality of Life in Young Female Dancers0
Perceptions and Utilization of Strength Training and Conditioning in Collegiate Contemporary and Ballet Dancers: A Qualitative Approach0
Effects of Dancer-Specific Biomechanics on Adolescent Ballet Dancers’ Posture En Pointe and Factors Related to Pointe Readiness: A Cross-Sectional Study0
Recognizing Microcirculatory Disorders in Musicians to Preserve a Good State of Health and the Best Artistic Performance0
Verification of Attenuation for Premolded Hearing Protection Devices Designed for Music0
Intra-Rater and Inter-Rater Reliability of Hand-Held Dynamometry for Shoulder Strength Assessment in Circus Arts Students0
Does Use of Face Masks Influence Pain and Performance in Musicians?0
Rotational Movement of the Upper Limbs Associated with the Aesthetic Appreciation of Ballet0
Kinematic Analysis of the Coupling Between Calcaneal Eversion and Ankle Dorsiflexion in a Contemporary Dancer’s Demi-Plié0
Laterality in Body Coordination of Professional and Amateur Ballet Dancers While Performing a Single Pirouette with Pointe Shoes0
Musicians Focal Dystonia: The Practitioner’s Perspective on Psychological, Psychosocial, and Behavioural Risk Factors and Non-motor Symptoms0
Perspectives and Experiences of College-Aged Singers Regarding Voice Injury and Visiting the ENT: A Phenomenological Approach0
A Descriptive Comparison of Oral Cavity Movements Between Brass Instrumentalists Performing Large Interval Slurs0
Long-Term Effects of Three Different Exercise Training Modes on Cardiorespiratory Fitness of Female Flamenco Dancers0
Patellofemoral Chondropathy Areas in Folk Dancers: An MRI Study0
Differences in Foot Characteristics Between Bharatanatyam Dancers and Age-Matched Non-Dancers0
Brazilian Version of the Musculoskeletal Pain Intensity and Interference Questionnaire for Musicians (MPIIQM-Br): Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Properties0
Substance Use in the Performing Artist with Chronic Pain0
Jumping in Ballet: A Systematic Review of Kinetic and Kinematic Parameters0
Preliminary Feasibility and Acceptability Examination of Using a Novel Ergonomic Chinrest with a Low Shoulder Rest by a Viola Player: A Case Report0
Assessment of Professional Circus Students’ Psychological Characteristics at Four Strategic Timepoints over the Scholastic Year: A Longitudinal Study Using the Stress Process Model0
Relationship of Musculoskeletal Symptoms and Musical Practice Intensity among Musicians During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Descriptive Questionnaire Study0
Are Factors of Posture and Balance Integrated in Research Studies on Upper Extremity Musculoskeletal Pain in Instrumental Musicians?: A Scoping Review0
Genees & Kunst 21. 3rd Lustrum−Annual Symposium on Medical Problems of Dancers & Musicians, Ede, The Netherlands, March 26, 20210
Workplace Social Capital as Buffer for Emotional Demands and Perceived Stress in Symphony Orchestras: A Danish Cross-Sectional Survey0
Louis Armstrong’s Lip Problems: Satchmo’s Syndrome Reviewed0
Development of a Machine Learning Model for the Estimation of Hip and Lumbar Angles in Ballet Dancers0
Training Load, Pain Intensity, and Functioning Can Explain Injuries in Dancers: A Classification and Regression Tree (CART) Analysis0
Prevalence of Playing-Related Musculoskeletal Problems Among Professional Orchestra Musicians in South Africa: A Study Using the Musculoskeletal Pain Intensity and Interference Questionnaire for Music0
Popular Musician Occupational Stress and Psychological Ill Health: An Exploratory Factor Analysis0
Effects of E-learning for Postural Education in Music Students (El-Poems): A Randomized Controlled Trial Among Iranian Adolescents0
Preventing Disordered Eating in Teenage Ballet Students: Evaluation of DancExcellent, a Combined CBT and Nutrition Education Intervention0
Perceptions and Prevalence of Anxiolytic Medication Usage for Performance Enhancement Among Musicians0
Association Between Bone Maturation, Menstrual Cycle, Hypermobility, Scoliosis, and Low Back Pain in Pre-Professional Female Adolescent Dancers0
Facilitating Access to Healthcare for Performing Artists Using Subsidized Health Services in Canada: An Interpretive Descriptive Study0