Journal of Business Venturing

(The median citation count of Journal of Business Venturing is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Trends and patterns in sustainable entrepreneurship research: A bibliometric review and research agenda130
Entrepreneurial Finance and Moral Hazard: Evidence from Token Offerings112
A review of and future agenda for research on identity in entrepreneurship109
Entrepreneurs' stressors and well-being: A recovery perspective and diary study102
Economic inequality – Is entrepreneurship the cause or the solution? A review and research agenda for emerging economies88
Age and entrepreneurial career success: A review and a meta-analysis87
Childhood adversity and the propensity for entrepreneurship: A quasi-experimental study of the Great Chinese Famine75
Financing sustainable entrepreneurship: ESG measurement, valuation, and performance68
Knowable opportunities in an unknowable future? On the epistemological paradoxes of entrepreneurship theory67
Self-employment and eudaimonic well-being: Energized by meaning, enabled by societal legitimacy60
A country-level institutional perspective on entrepreneurship productivity: The effects of informal economy and regulation59
Escaping the knowledge corridor: How founder human capital and founder coachability impacts product innovation in new ventures59
A multi-motivational general model of entrepreneurial intention59
Fatal attraction: A systematic review and research agenda of the dark triad in entrepreneurship58
Breaking boundaries to creatively generate value: The role of resourcefulness in entrepreneurship57
How does entrepreneurial failure change an entrepreneur's digital identity? Evidence from Twitter data54
Communities at the nexus of entrepreneurship and societal impact: A cross-disciplinary literature review53
Toward a theological turn in entrepreneurship: How religion could enable transformative research in our field53
Express yourself: Facial expression of happiness, anger, fear, and sadness in funding pitches52
Beyond bricolage: Early-stage technology venture resource mobilization in resource-scarce contexts45
Pivoting or persevering with venture ideas: Recalibrating temporal commitments45
Entrepreneurial imaginativeness and new venture ideation in newly forming teams45
Social entrepreneurship and values work: The role of practices in shaping values and negotiating change43
Digital infrastructure and entrepreneurial action-formation: A multilevel study43
Machines augmenting entrepreneurs: Opportunities (and threats) at the Nexus of artificial intelligence and entrepreneurship43
The evolution of founder identity as an authenticity work process42
Institutional work to navigate ethical dilemmas: Evidence from a social enterprise41
Resourcefulness narratives: Transforming actions into stories to mobilize support40
Do we understand each other? Toward a simulated empathy theory for entrepreneurship40
From principles to action: Community-based entrepreneurship in the Toquaht Nation40
Women's entrepreneurship and well-being at the base of the pyramid38
Twitter sentiment as a weak signal in venture capital financing38
Co-creative entrepreneurship37
Can you hear me now? Engendering passion and preparedness perceptions with vocal expressions in crowdfunding pitches37
Getting more from many—A framework of community resourcefulness in new venture creation37
Powered by compassion: The effect of loving-kindness meditation on entrepreneurs' sustainable decision-making36
Inclusive entrepreneurship: A call for a shared theoretical conversation about unconventional entrepreneurs35
On the origins of entrepreneurship: Evidence from sibling correlations33
External enablement of new venture creation: An exploratory, query-driven assessment of China's high-speed rail expansion32
The art of discovering and exploiting unexpected opportunities: The roles of organizational improvisation and serendipity in new venture performance32
Sowing the seeds of failure: Organizational identity dynamics in new venture pivoting30
Social entrepreneurship and intersectionality: Mitigating extreme exclusion30
Align or perish: Social enterprise network orchestration in Sub-Saharan Africa30
An agentic perspective of resourcefulness: Self-reliant and joint resourcefulness behaviors within the entrepreneurship process30
Managing negative emotions from entrepreneurial project failure: When and how does supportive leadership help employees?29
Progress toward understanding tensions in corporate venture capital: A systematic review28
A holistic approach to the evolution of an entrepreneurial ecosystem: An exploratory study of academic spin-offs27
Discipline, abjection, and poverty alleviation through entrepreneurship: A constitutive perspective27
Alert and Awake: Role of alertness and attention on rate of new product introductions27
Configurations for corporate venture innovation: Investigating the role of the dominant coalition27
Launching for success: The effects of psychological distance and mental simulation on funding decisions and crowdfunding performance26
Advancing societal grand challenge research at the interface of entrepreneurship and international business: A review and research agenda25
The potentials and perils of prosocial power: Transnational social entrepreneurship dynamics in vulnerable places25
Early-stage business model experimentation and pivoting25
Now is the time: The effects of linguistic time reference and national time orientation on innovative new ventures24
Venture Idea Assessment (VIA): Development of a needed concept, measure, and research agenda24
Cracks in the wall: Entrepreneurial action theory and the weakening presumption of intended rationality24
A social model of opportunity development: Building and engaging communities of inquiry24
Head in the clouds? Cannabis users' creativity in new venture ideation depends on their entrepreneurial passion and experience24
Stakeholder identification as entrepreneurial action: The social process of stakeholder enrollment in new venture emergence24
Sold, not bought: Market orientation and technology as drivers of acquisitions of private biotechnology ventures23
Now that's interesting and important! Moving beyond averages to increase the inferential value of empirical findings in entrepreneurship research23
ESG and crowdfunding platforms23
Timing is everything? Curvilinear effects of age at entry on new firm growth and survival and the moderating effect of IPO performance23
The sandwich game: Founder-CEOs and forecasting as impression management23
A knowledge-based view of managing dependence on a key customer: Survival and growth outcomes for young firms22
Career patterns in self-employment and career success22
Globalization and affordability of microfinance22
Persuasive or polarizing? The influence of entrepreneurs' use of ingratiation rhetoric on investor funding decisions21
The mirroring of intercultural and hybridity experiences: A study of African immigrant social entrepreneurs21
From homo economicus to homo agens: Toward a subjective rationality for entrepreneurship21
Writing bold, broad, and rigorous review articles in entrepreneurship20
In the heat of the game: Analogical abduction in a pragmatist account of entrepreneurial reasoning20
The right touch of pitch assertiveness: Examining entrepreneurs' gender and project category fit in crowdfunding20
Unfolding refugee entrepreneurs' opportunity-production process — Patterns and embeddedness19
Strategic exits in secondary venture capital markets19
(S)training experiences: Toward understanding decreases in entrepreneurial self-efficacy during action-oriented entrepreneurship training17
Failed but validated? The effect of market validation on persistence and performance after a crowdfunding failure17
Owls, larks, or investment sharks? The role of circadian process in early-stage investment decisions16
More than words! How narrative anchoring and enrichment help to balance differentiation and conformity of entrepreneurial products16
Does new venture team power hierarchy enhance or impair new venture performance? A contingency perspective16
Navigating interpersonal feedback seeking in social venturing: The roles of psychological distance and sensemaking16
Habitual entrepreneurship in digital platform ecosystems: A time-contingent model of learning from prior software project experiences16
Overconfidence and entrepreneurship: A meta-analysis of different types of overconfidence in the entrepreneurial process15
Turning a curse into a blessing: Contingent effects of geographic distance on startup–VC partnership performance15
Job burnout and work engagement in entrepreneurs: How the psychological utility of entrepreneurship drives healthy engagement15
The effect of trademark breadth on IPO valuation and post-IPO performance: an empirical investigation of 1510 European IPOs15
Made to be broken? A theory of regulatory governance and rule-breaking entrepreneurial action15
Signal configurations: Exploring set-theoretic relationships in angel investing15
Social corporations under the spotlight: A governance perspective15
Explaining serial crowdfunders' dynamic fundraising performance15
Navigating compromise: How founder authenticity affects venture identification amidst organizational hybridity15
The challenges of supporting necessity entrepreneurs: Understanding loan officer exit in microfinance14
Radical innovation in (multi)family owned firms14
The role of prototype fidelity in technology crowdfunding14
Enhancing measures of ESE to incorporate aspects of place: Personal reputation and place-based social legitimacy14
Technology ventures' engagement of external actors in the search for viable market applications: On the relevance of Technology Broadcasting and Systematic Validation14
An institutional perspective on borrowing discouragement among female-owned enterprises and the role of regional female empowerment14
Crime, community social capital and entrepreneurship: Evidence from Australian communities13
Opportunity evaluation in teams: A social cognitive model12
Navigating the highs and lows of entrepreneurial identity threats to persist: The countervailing force of a relational identity with God12
Regional social capital and moral hazard in crowdfunding11
How childhood ADHD-like symptoms predict selection into entrepreneurship and implications on entrepreneurial performance11
Progress without a venture? Individual benefits of post-disruption entrepreneuring11
Lab, Gig or Enterprise? How scientist-inventors form nascent startup teams10
From cultural entrepreneurship to economic entrepreneurship in cultural industries: The role of digital serialization10
Star entrepreneurs on digital platforms: Heavy-tailed performance distributions and their generative mechanisms10
How cultural tightness interacts with gender in founding teams: Insights from the commercialization of social ventures10
From platform growth to platform scaling: The role of decision rules and network effects over time10
Rags to riches? Entrepreneurs' social classes, resourceful time allocation, and venture performance10
The relationship between venture capital backing and the top management team quality of firms going public and implications for initial public offerings10
Persist or let it go: Do rational entrepreneurs make decisions rationally?10
Good apples in spoiled barrels: A temporal model of firm formalization in a field characterized by widespread informality9
Ventures' conscious knowledge transfer to close partners, and beyond: A framework of performance, complementarity, knowledge disclosure, and knowledge broadcasting9
Empathy-driven entrepreneurial action: Well-being outcomes for entrepreneurs and target beneficiaries9
Toward a coping-dueling-fit theory of the ADHD-entrepreneurship relationship: Treatment's influence on business venturing, performance, and persistence9
What is scaling?9
Preparing for scaling: A study on founder role evolution9
Staying poor: Unpacking the process of barefoot institutional entrepreneurship failure9
Team resilience building in response to co-founder exits9
Tweeting like Elon? Provocative language, new-venture status, and audience engagement on social media9
A temporal typology of entrepreneurial opportunities: Implications for the optimal timing of entrepreneurial action8
Obsessive passion and the venture team: When co-founders join, and when they don't8
When the beacon goes dark: Legitimacy repair work by subsequent actors in an emerging market category8
Partnerships as an enabler of resourcefulness in generating sustainable outcomes8
Questioning boundedly rational frameworks in practice: The case of women entrepreneurs in Kumasi, Ghana8
The nature and origins of social venture mission: An exploratory study of political ideology and moral foundations8
Perceived social undermining keeps entrepreneurs up at night and disengaged the next day: The mediating role of sleep quality and the buffering role of trait resilience8
Mortgage affordability and entrepreneurship: Evidence from spatial discontinuity in Help-to-Buy equity loans8
Ecological rationality and entrepreneurship: How entrepreneurs fit decision logics to decision content and structure8