Journal of Applied Econometrics

(The median citation count of Journal of Applied Econometrics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
How to estimate a vector autoregression after March 2020110
How is machine learning useful for macroeconomic forecasting?52
The global component of inflation volatility51
On event studies and distributed‐lags in two‐way fixed effects models: Identification, equivalence, and generalization50
Economic impact of the most drastic lockdown during COVID‐19 pandemic—The experience of Hubei, China38
Oil prices, gasoline prices, and inflation expectations37
News media versus FRED‐MD for macroeconomic forecasting29
Common factors of commodity prices29
Measuring real activity using a weekly economic index26
Making text count: Economic forecasting using newspaper text25
Nowcasting tail risk to economic activity at a weekly frequency25
Identifying the effects of sanctions on the Iranian economy using newspaper coverage24
Supply flexibility in the shale patch: Evidence from North Dakota23
Measurement of factor strength: Theory and practice21
A regularization approach to common correlated effects estimation20
The role of precautionary and speculative demand in the global market for crude oil18
Time‐varying income elasticities of healthcare expenditure for the OECD and Eurozone18
Nonlinear effects of government spending shocks in the USA: Evidence from state‐level data16
How far can we forecast? Statistical tests of the predictive content16
Focused Bayesian prediction16
The impact of product and labour market reform on growth: Evidence for OECD countries based on local projections15
Uncertainty and monetary policy in good and bad times: A replication of the vector autoregressive investigation by Bloom (2009)14
Are there no wage returns to compulsory schooling in Germany? A reassessment13
The double‐edged sword of global integration: Robustness, fragility, and contagion in the international firm network13
On the real‐time predictive content of financial condition indices for growth12
The bilateral trade effects of announcement shocks: Brexit as a natural field experiment11
ARDL bounds test for cointegration: Replicating the Pesaran et al. (2001) results for the UK earnings equation using R11
Inferring financial bubbles from option data11
Global financial uncertainty10
Testing random assignment to peer groups9
Fast and reliable jackknife and bootstrap methods for cluster‐robust inference9
The government spending multiplier at the zero lower bound: International evidence from historical data9
Individual forecaster perceptions of the persistence of shocks to GDP8
Commodity prices and inflation risk8
If not now, when? The timing of childbirth and labor market outcomes8
Inflation expectations and nonlinearities in the Phillips curve8
Uncertain Kingdom: Nowcasting Gross Domestic Product and its revisions7
Dynamic shrinkage in time‐varying parameter stochastic volatility in mean models7
Covariate distribution balance via propensity scores7
Forecasting and stress testing with quantile vector autoregression7
Inference in difference‐in‐differences: How much should we trust in independent clusters?7
Ranking intersecting distribution functions7
Deep distributional time series models and the probabilistic forecasting of intraday electricity prices7
Heavy tailed but not Zipf: Firm and establishment size in the United States7
Cointegration and control: Assessing the impact of events using time series data6
The deposits channel revisited6
Combining shrinkage and sparsity in conjugate vector autoregressive models6
Recurrent conditional heteroskedasticity6
The role of observed and unobserved heterogeneity in the duration of unemployment6
Estimating household consumption insurance6
Dynamic treatment effects of job training5
Identifying exchange rate effects and spillovers of US monetary policy shocks in the presence of time‐varying instrument relevance5
Information gains from using short‐dated options for measuring and forecasting volatility5
Does model complexity add value to asset allocation? Evidence from machine learning forecasting models5
Measurement error in earnings data: Replication of Meijer, Rohwedder, and Wansbeek's mixture model approach to combining survey and register data5
Regression with an imputed dependent variable5
Forecast uncertainty, disagreement, and the linear pool5
Consumer inflation expectations, income changes and economic downturns5
Social interactions and social preferences in social networks5
Interpretation of point forecasts with unknown directive4
Equity‐premium prediction: Attention is all you need4
Nonparametric tests of tail behavior in stochastic frontier models4
Permutation tests for equality of distributions of functional data4
Identification of dynamic latent factor models of skill formation with translog production4
Early‐life famine exposure, hunger recall, and later‐life health4
General Bayesian time‐varying parameter vector autoregressions for modeling government bond yields4
Tracking and specialization of high schools: Heterogeneous effects of school choice4
Endogenous health groups and heterogeneous dynamics of the elderly4
Reduced‐form factor augmented VAR—Exploiting sparsity to include meaningful factors4
New evidence on the importance of instruction time for student achievement on international assessments4
Identifying structural VARs from sparse narrative instruments: Dynamic effects of US macroprudential policies4
Early child development and parents' labor supply4
The economics of state fragmentation: Assessing the economic impact of secession4
When can we ignore measurement error in the running variable?4
Instrumental‐variable estimation of exponential‐regression models with two‐way fixed effects with an application to gravity equations4
Is euro area lowflation here to stay? Insights from a time‐varying parameter model with survey data4
Sparse change‐point VAR models4
Declining discount rates in Singapore's market for privately developed apartments4
Understanding women's wage growth using indirect inference with importance sampling4
Individual consumption in collective households: Identification using repeated observations with an application to PROGRESA4
Forecasting low‐frequency macroeconomic events with high‐frequency data3
Oil prices uncertainty, endogenous regime switching, and inflation anchoring3
Quantifying investor narratives and their role during COVID‐193
Hierarchical random‐effects model for the insurance pricing of vehicles belonging to a fleet3
Testing identifying assumptions in bivariate probit models3
The shale oil revolution and the global oil supply curve3
Macroeconomic forecasting in a multi‐country context3
Short T dynamic panel data models with individual, time and interactive effects3
Expanding health insurance for the elderly of the Philippines3
Bootstrap inference and diagnostics in state space models: With applications to dynamic macro models3
Revisiting gender identity and relative income within households: A cautionary tale on the potential pitfalls of density estimators3
Identifying and interpreting the factors in factor models via sparsity: Different approaches3
Reevaluating the prudence of economic forecasts in the EU: The role of instrument persistence3
Optimal forecast under structural breaks3
Migration in China: To work or to wed?3
Do words hurt more than actions? The impact of trade tensions on financial markets3
Inattention and the impact of monetary policy3
Extremal connectedness of hedge funds3
Multiple testing with covariate adjustment in experimental economics3
Did Protestantism promote prosperity via higher human capital? Replicating the Becker–Woessmann (2009) results2
Macroeconomic forecasting in times of crises2
Dependence‐robust inference using resampled statistics2
Normal but skewed?2
Small world: Narrow, wide, and long replication of Goyal, van der Leij and Moraga‐Gonzélez (JPE 2006) and a comparison of EconLit and Scopus2
Real estate agents' influence on housing search2
Productivity effects of internationalisation through the domestic supply chain2
Dynamic evaluation of job search assistance2
Bayesian estimation of the exact affine Stone index demand system: Replicating the Lewbel and Pendakur (2009) results2
Understanding trend inflation through the lens of the goods and services sectors2
Matching theory and evidence on Covid‐19 using a stochastic network SIR model2
Revisiting the effect of growing up in a recession on attitudes towards redistribution2
Large devaluations and inflation inequality: Replicating Cravino and Levchenko (2017) with evidence from Brazil2
US weekly economic index: Replication and extension2
Unobserved components with stochastic volatility: Simulation‐based estimation and signal extraction2
(Un)expected monetary policy shocks and term premia2
When are instruments generated from geographic characteristics in bilateral relationships invalid?2
Subspace shrinkage in conjugate Bayesian vector autoregressions2
Labour supply, service intensity, and contracts: Theory and evidence on physicians2
No‐arbitrage priors, drifting volatilities, and the term structure of interest rates2
International spillovers of forward guidance shocks2
Generalized band spectrum estimation with an application to the New Keynesian Phillips curve2
Trade openness and growth: A network‐based approach2
How does monetary policy affect income and wealth inequality? Evidence from quantitative easing in the euro area2
Contagious switching2
Regression discontinuity design with multivalued treatments2
Forward guidance and expectation formation: A narrative approach2
The Federal Reserve's output gap: The unreliability of real‐time reliability tests2
Testing monotonicity of conditional treatment effects under regression discontinuity designs2
Hours worked and the US distribution of real annual earnings 1976–20191
The impact of HIV/AIDS on human capital investment in Sub‐Saharan Africa: New evidence1
Reassessing growth vulnerability1
Nowcasting Euro area GDP with news sentiment: A tale of two crises1
Forecasting GDP in Europe with textual data1
Semiparametric estimation and variable selection for single‐index copula models1
Agglomerative hierarchical clustering for selecting valid instrumental variables1
The demand for money at the zero interest rate bound1
Heterogeneous responses to corporate marginal tax rates: Evidence from small and large firms1
Robust inference under time‐varying volatility: A real‐time evaluation of professional forecasters1
Density forecasting with Bayesian Vector Autoregressive models under macroeconomic data uncertainty1
Revisiting Sweden's comprehensive school reform: Effects on education and earnings1
Identifying factors via automatic debiased machine learning1
Monetary policy and exchange rate anomalies in set‐identified SVARs: Revisited1
Bayesian estimation of multivariate panel probits with higher‐order network interdependence and an application to firms' global market participation in Guangdong1
Re‐examining the relationship between patience, risk‐taking, and human capital investment across countries*1
Identifying factor‐augmented vector autoregression models via changes in shock variances1
The multifaceted impact of US trade policy on financial markets1
Heterogeneity and dynamics in network models1
Real‐time weakness of the global economy1
Dynamic and non‐neutral productivity effects of foreign ownership: A nonparametric approach1
Sample selection in linear panel data models with heterogeneous coefficients1
Nonlinearities in macroeconomic tail risk through the lens of big data quantile regressions1
Mandatory seatbelt laws and traffic fatalities: A reassessment1
The dynamic interdependence in the demand of primary and emergency secondary care: A hidden Markov approach1
Real‐time macroeconomic projection using narrative central bank communication1
Using arbitrary precision arithmetic to sharpen identification analysis for DSGE models1
A Bayesian approach to account for misclassification in prevalence and trend estimation1
Censored density forecasts: Production and evaluation1
Approximating grouped fixed effects estimation via fuzzy clustering regression1
Statistically identified structural VAR model with potentially skewed and fat‐tailed errors1
A direct approach to Kilian–Lewis style counterfactual analysis in vector autoregression models1
Should we trust cross‐sectional multiplier estimates?1
Do rural banks matter that much? Burgess and Pande (2005) reconsidered1
Corporate debt booms, financial constraints, and the investment nexus1
The macroeconomy as a random forest1
Does paid parental leave affect children's schooling outcomes? Replicating Danzer and Lavy (2018)1
Exchange rates and macroeconomic fundamentals: Evidence of instabilities from time‐varying factor loadings1
Cyclical labour income risk in Great Britain1
Transitory and permanent shocks in the global market for crude oil1
Nowcasting from cross‐sectionally dependent panels1
Empirical evidence on the Euler equation for investment in the US1
A one covariate at a time, multiple testing approach to variable selection in high‐dimensional linear regression models: A replication in a narrow sense1
Sudden stop: Supply and demand shocks in the German natural gas market1
Advance layoff notices and aggregate job loss1
Encompassing measures of international consumption risk sharing and their link with trade and financial globalization1
An automated prior robustness analysis in Bayesian model comparison1
Bayesian optimization of hyperparameters from noisy marginal likelihood estimates1