World Englishes

(The median citation count of World Englishes is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
English in higher education in the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan13
English language choices in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan12
Comment markers in world Englishes12
Current trends in ESP research in the Asia Pacific region9
Roles and models of English teachers in Kazakhstan9
Nigerian English in Germany6
Multilingualism, nation branding, and the ownership of English in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan6
Models of English for research publication purposes6
Attitudes towards Indian English among young urban professionals in Hyderabad, India6
Monglish in post‐communist Mongolia5
Web survey data on the use of the English language in the Japanese workplace5
You know and like among migrants in Ireland and Australia5
The Corpus of Singapore English Messages (CoSEM)5
EMI (English‐medium instruction) in Indonesian higher education5
Attitudes to English in contemporary Malaysia4
Epicentral influences of Indian English on Nepali English4
Backchannels and the pragmatics of South Asian Englishes4
Discourse markers and world Englishes4
A taxonomic approach to the use of English in the Italian media3
A multimodal approach to English for academic purposes in contexts of diversity3
EMI (English‐medium instruction) in South Korean elite universities3
Research leadership of returned overseas TESOL scholars in Cambodia3
Exploring English in TV product advertising for Dutch‐speaking children3
The roles of English in Afghanistan3
EMI (English‐medium instruction) across the Asian region3
Ideologies of English‐medium instruction in Vietnam3
Comparing attitudes toward Caribbean, British, and American accents in Trinidad and Tobago, the United Kingdom, and the United States2
World Englishes in ELT textbooks in Swedish upper‐secondary schools2
Likein Korean English speech2
English in Russian musical reviews2
A corpus‐based approach to Chinese English lexis2
Current research on the linguistic features of Chinese English2
Theoretical models and statistical modelling of linguistic epicentres2
St. Lucia Creole English and Dominica Creole English2
English for specific business purposes in the United Arab Emirates2
Asserting Koreanness in South Korean middle school English textbooks2
Revisiting the myth of stative progressives in world Englishes2
Interjections and emojis in Nigerian online communication2
The epicentre model and American influence on Bahamian Englishes2
EMI (English‐medium instruction) in Singapore's major universities2
English‐medium policy and English conversational patterns in the UAE2
English in the socioeconomic advancement of Cambodian hotel workers2
EMI (English‐medium instruction) in Cambodian higher education2
The Americanization of Barbadian English1
World Englishes for specific purposes: A multi‐perspective view1
Epicentral influence via agent‐based modelling1
Irregular verb morphology in Nigerian English1
Soin video‐mediated communication in the Expanding Circle1
The sociolinguistic dynamics of Russian and English in post‐1990 Lithuania1
Prosodic variation of English in Dominica, Grenada, and Trinidad1
Bundles in advanced EAL authors’ articles: How do they compare with world Englishes practices?1
Teachers’ language attitudes and production patterns in St. Kitts1
Requests in Indian and Sri Lankan English1
Tagging Singapore English1
Epicentral effects on ‐ed/‐t inflectional variation in Australasian Englishes 1850–20201
Parameters of epicentral status1
You know and I think in English(es) in Zanzibar1
Contesting territory via editorials in different varieties of English1
The role of age and gender in grammatical variation in world Englishes1
Multilingual legal practice and law student internships in Malaysia1
The current state of research into linguistic epicentres1
English in Germany as a foreign language and as a lingua franca1
Parliamentary Hansard records and epicentral influence in Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea1
Using VADIS to weigh competing epicentral influence1
The Persianization of English in multilingual Tehran1
British and American norms in the Trinidadian English lexicon1
World Englishes and English for specific purposes (ESP)1
English in the United Arab Emirates1
Satiric parody through Indian English tweets in Twitter1
Posthumanism and the role of orality and literacy in language ideologies in Belize1
Perception of language variation in the speech of Singaporean political leaders0
Cultural conceptualisations and spatial cognition in Ghanaian English0
Identity and standards for English as a European Union lingua franca0
Philippine English variation in police blotters0
English in Sweden: Functions, features and debates0
Teaching Philippine English through schoolscapes0
English in Dutch‐speaking Europe: Features, competence, domains and status0
Issue Information0
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Ecdysis for globalization: ESP in Japan today0
Research bibliography for Philippine English (2008–2023)0
Varieties of ‘standard accents’ among teachers in contemporary Britain0
Introduction: Englishes of the Caribbean0
Issue Information0
Otherness and cultural conceptualisations of Gender and Social Class in Nigerian English0
Linguistic variation, Philippine English and mental health issues0
Understanding inequalities of Philippine English in job interviews0
Philippine English and commodity formation0
The be‐ versus get‐passive alternation in world Englishes0
English in Northern Cyprus: A sociolinguistic profile0
Variation in world Englishes through the lens of negation0
Justin Tyneside English0
Issue Information0
Introduction to symposium on English‐medium instruction (EMI) in Asian higher education0
The discourse of ‘falling standards’ of English in Hong Kong0
The subjunctive alternation in Indian English0
Special issue on world Englishes and English for specific purposes (ESP)0
The progress and stability of English in the French context0
A socio‐historical analysis of English in Libya0
Revisiting attitudes toward English in present‐day Italy0
The Monroe Report, US colonialism and English language education in the Philippines0
English in Spain: Education, attitudes and native‐speakerism0
Philippine Englishes in the Sino‐Philippine Lannang context: Towards a concentric‐pluricentric interactional‐interplanar model of English0
Linguistic and literary creativity in Philippine Englishes0
The development of Maltese English0
Future‐time reference in world Englishes0
Writing from a colonised English0
A multi‐sited analysis of the linguistic landscape of Hong Kong through a center‐periphery approach0
Issue Information0
Englishes of the Caribbean: A research bibliography0
Auxiliary DO in Asian Englishes0
Issue Information0
Aspects of Equiano's travels, the autobiography of a Nigerian in late eighteenth‐century England0
Variation in the imperfective in Bahamian English0
Linguacultural variations in the domain of FOOD0
Cultural conceptualisations in Nigerian Pidgin English proverbs0
Cultural variation in New Zealand English stories about place0
Introduction: World Englishes and Cultural Linguistics special issue0
Issue Information0
A research bibliography for World Englishes and Cultural Linguistics0
The Americanisation of English in Brunei0
A corpus‐based analysis of adjective amplification in Hong Kong, Indian and Philippine English0
The indigenization of Ghanaian Pidgin English0
Issue Information0
Complementation and the creole continuum in the Eastern Caribbean0
Migration, media, and the emergence of pidgin‐ and creole‐based informal epicentres0
Issue Information0
American and Irish English speakers’ perceptions of the final particles so and but0
World Englishes and Cultural Linguistics: Theory and research0
Writing back in humorous appropriations of English in Brazil0
Double modals in Australian and New Zealand English0
Endonormative stabilization in Philippine English lexis0
Issue Information0
‘We’ in English language textbooks for Japanese high school students0
Introduction: English in Europe0
English in Europe: A research bibliography0
Issue Information0
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Translanguaging in multilingual elementary classrooms in the Philippines0
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Issue Information0
Translingual Englishes, participatory hip‐hop and social media in Nepal0
Particle verbs versus simplex verbs in Maldivian English0
Threatening as a sociocultural–conceptual communicative act0
Food metaphors and humour in Nigerian online interaction0
Philippine English in the political speeches of President Rodrigo Duterte0
Acoustic properties of the monophthongs of Assamese Indian English speakers0
Further explorations of connected speech in Nigerian English0
A comparative study of English in advertising in France and Quebec0
Post‐protectorate Uganda and current models of influence across Englishes0
Basicallyin Singapore English0
Discourse markers so and well in Zimbabwean English: A corpus‐based comparative analysis0
The new face of English in the Kyrgyz Republic0
The linguistic landscape of Bukhara and Tashkent in the post‐Soviet era0
Question tags across New Englishes0
English and regional identity in ASEAN0
The dynamic role of the English language in contemporary Poland0
Researching Philippine Englishes0
Actuallyin Nordic tweets0