Weather and Forecasting

(The median citation count of Weather and Forecasting is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Recent Progress in Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecasting at the National Hurricane Center86
The High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR): An Hourly Updating Convection-Allowing Forecast Model. Part I: Motivation and System Description77
Seasonal Forecast Skill of ENSO Teleconnection Maps42
Subseasonal Precipitation Prediction for Africa: Forecast Evaluation and Sources of Predictability36
The Development of the NCEP Global Ensemble Forecast System Version 1232
The High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR): An Hourly Updating Convection-Allowing Forecast Model. Part II: Forecast Performance31
Near-Ground Wind Profiles of Tornadic and Nontornadic Environments in the United States and Europe from ERA5 Reanalyses27
Hurricane Forecasting: A Novel Multimodal Machine Learning Framework25
A Machine Learning Tutorial for Operational Meteorology. Part I: Traditional Machine Learning21
Subseasonal Earth System Prediction with CESM220
ARPEGE Cloud Cover Forecast Postprocessing with Convolutional Neural Network20
Improving Air Quality Predictions over the United States with an Analog Ensemble20
Deep Learning Experiments for Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecasts19
A Deep-Learning Model for Automated Detection of Intense Midlatitude Convection Using Geostationary Satellite Images19
Pyrocumulonimbus Firepower Threshold: Assessing the Atmospheric Potential for pyroCb16
Subseasonal Forecast of Surface Air Temperature Using Superensemble Approaches: Experiments over Northeast Asia for 201816
Severe Convective Windstorms in Europe: Climatology, Preconvective Environments, and Convective Mode16
A Simple Model for Predicting the Tropical Cyclone Radius of Maximum Wind from Outer Size16
WRF Precipitation Performance and Predictability for Systematically Varied Parameterizations over Complex Terrain16
Skill of Global Raw and Postprocessed Ensemble Predictions of Rainfall in the Tropics16
Understanding Error Distributions of Hurricane Intensity Forecasts during Rapid Intensity Changes16
Evaluation of the Skill of Monthly Precipitation Forecasts from Global Prediction Systems over the Greater Horn of Africa15
Evaluation of Simulated Winter Precipitation Using WRF-ARW during the ICE-POP 2018 Field Campaign14
Evaluating Benefits of Two-Way Ocean–Atmosphere Coupling for Global NWP Forecasts14
Do Convection-Permitting Ensembles Lead to More Skillful Short-Range Probabilistic Rainfall Forecasts over Tropical East Africa?14
What Does a Convection-Allowing Ensemble of Opportunity Buy Us in Forecasting Thunderstorms?14
Unraveling the Mechanism of Extreme (More than 30 Sigma) Precipitation during August 2018 and 2019 over Kerala, India14
Global Within-Season Yield Anomaly Prediction for Major Crops Derived Using Seasonal Forecasts of Large-Scale Climate Indices and Regional Temperature and Precipitation14
Dynamical Seasonal Prediction of Tropical Cyclone Activity Using the FGOALS-f2 Ensemble Prediction System13
Development of a Probabilistic Subfreezing Road Temperature Nowcast and Forecast Using Machine Learning13
Evaluation of ECMWF Precipitation Predictions in China during 2015–1813
2019 Atlantic Hurricane Forecasts from the Global-Nested Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System: Composite Statistics and Key Events13
ENSO Dynamics, Trends, and Prediction Using Machine Learning12
Forecasting Convection with a “Scale-Aware” Tiedtke Cumulus Parameterization Scheme at Kilometer Scales12
Improving Radar-Based Precipitation Nowcasts with Machine Learning Using an Approach Based on Random Forest12
Evaluating Convection-Permitting Ensemble Forecasts of Precipitation over Southeast Asia12
Verification of Solid Precipitation Forecasts from Numerical Weather Prediction Models in Norway12
A Climatological Analysis of Ambient Deep-Tropospheric Vertical Wind Shear Impacts upon Tornadoes in Tropical Cyclones12
Toward Unifying Short-Term and Next-Day Convection-Allowing Ensemble Forecast Systems with a Continuously Cycling 3-km Ensemble Kalman Filter over the Entire Conterminous United States11
Improvement in the Forecasting of Heavy Rainfall over South China in the DSAEF_LTP Model by Introducing the Intensity of the Tropical Cyclone11
Boundary Layer and Surface Verification of the High-Resolution Rapid Refresh, Version 311
Observations and Predictability of a High-Impact Narrow Cold-Frontal Rainband over Southern California on 2 February 201911
Subseasonal Prediction Performance for Austral Summer South American Rainfall11
Subseasonal Prediction with and without a Well-Represented Stratosphere in CESM110
Skill of Seasonal Rainfall and Temperature Forecasts for East Africa10
Real-Time Identification of Equatorial Waves and Evaluation of Waves in Global Forecasts10
An Impact Study of GNSS RO Data on the Prediction of Typhoon Nepartak (2016) Using a Multiresolution Global Model with 3D-Hybrid Data Assimilation9
A Progress Report on the Development of the High-Resolution Rapid Refresh Ensemble9
Two Ensemble Approaches for Forecasting Sulfur Dioxide Concentrations from Kīlauea Volcano9
A Coffee Yield Next-Generation Forecast System for Rain-Fed Plantations: The Case of the Samalá Watershed in Guatemala9
SWRL Net: A Spectral, Residual Deep Learning Model for Improving Short-Term Wave Forecasts9
Sources of Subseasonal Skill and Predictability in Wintertime California Precipitation Forecasts8
Classification of Precipitation Type in North China Using Model-Based Explicit Fields of Hydrometeors with Modified Thermodynamic Conditions8
Track Dependence of Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecast Errors in the COAMPS-TC Model8
Skillful All-Season S2S Prediction of U.S. Precipitation Using the MJO and QBO8
WSR-88D Tornado Intensity Estimates. Part I: Real-Time Probabilities of Peak Tornado Wind Speeds8
Reforecasting Two Heavy-Precipitation Events with Three Convection-Permitting Ensembles8
Do Machine Learning Approaches Offer Skill Improvement for Short-Term Forecasting of Wind Gust Occurrence and Magnitude?8
The Naval Research Laboratory’s Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System-Tropical Cyclone Ensemble (COAMPS-TC Ensemble)8
Beyond Strictly Proper Scoring Rules: The Importance of Being Local8
Forecasts of Hurricanes Using Large-Ensemble Outputs8
Subseasonal Forecasts of Tropical Cyclones in the Southern Hemisphere Using a Dynamical Multimodel Ensemble8
On the ROC Area of Ensemble Forecasts for Rare Events7
A Machine Learning Tutorial for Operational Meteorology. Part II: Neural Networks and Deep Learning7
A Comparison of Neural-Network and Surrogate-Severe Probabilistic Convective Hazard Guidance Derived from a Convection-Allowing Model7
Tropical Cyclone Track Prediction with an Encoding-to-Forecasting Deep Learning Model7
Developing a Climate Prediction System over Southwest China Using the 8-km Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model: System Design, Model Calibration, and Performance Evaluation7
Real-Time Simulated Storm Surge Predictions during Hurricane Michael (2018)7
A Comparison of Tropical Cyclone Genesis Forecast Verification from Three Global Forecast System (GFS) Operational Configurations7
Assimilation of Radial Velocity from Coastal NEXRAD into HWRF for Improved Forecasts of Landfalling Hurricanes7
Atmospheric River Reconnaissance 2021: A Review7
Diurnal and Seasonal Variability of ERA5 Convective Parameters in Relation to Lightning Flash Rates in Poland7
Identifying Weather Patterns Associated with Increased Volcanic Ash Risk within British Isles Airspace7
WSR-88D Tornado Intensity Estimates. Part II: Real-Time Applications to Tornado Warning Time Scales7
Large-Sample Application of Radar Reflectivity Object-Based Verification to Evaluate HRRR Warm-Season Forecasts6
Radar Reflectivity–Based Model Initialization Using Specified Latent Heating (Radar-LHI) within a Diabatic Digital Filter or Pre-Forecast Integration6
Development and Evaluation of Global Korean Aviation Turbulence Forecast Systems Based on an Operational Numerical Weather Prediction Model and In Situ Flight Turbulence Observation Data6
Tornadoes in Hurricane Harvey6
The Use of the Conway–Maxwell–Poisson in the Seasonal Forecasting of Tropical Cyclones6
Using Artificial Neural Networks to Improve CFS Week-3–4 Precipitation and 2-m Air Temperature Forecasts6
Hymec: Surface Precipitation Type Estimation at the German Weather Service6
Skillful Extended-Range Forecast of Rainfall and Extreme Events in East China Based on Deep Learning6
Performance of 2020 Real-Time Atlantic Hurricane Forecasts from High-Resolution Global-Nested Hurricane Models: HAFS-globalnest and GFDL T-SHiELD6
Improved Prediction of Landfalling Tropical Cyclone in China Based on Assimilation of Radar Radial Winds with New Super-Observation Processing6
Prototype of a Warn-on-Forecast System for Smoke (WoFS-Smoke)6
Adaptation of the Predicted Particles Properties (P3) Microphysics Scheme for Large-Scale Numerical Weather Prediction6
The Strong, Dry Winds of Central and Northern California: Climatology and Synoptic Evolution6
Predicting Rapid Intensification in North Atlantic and Eastern North Pacific Tropical Cyclones Using a Convolutional Neural Network6
Investigation of Machine Learning Using Satellite-Based Advanced Dvorak Technique Analysis Parameters to Estimate Tropical Cyclone Intensity6
Evaluation and Usefulness of Lightning Forecasts Made with Lightning Parameterization Schemes Coupled with the WRF Model6
Using ZDR Columns in Forecaster Conceptual Models and Warning Decision-Making6
Operational Precipitation Forecast Over China Using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model at a Gray-Zone Resolution: Impact of Convection Parameterization6
Evaluating the 2019 NARO-APCC Joint Crop Forecasting Service Yield Forecasts for Northern Hemisphere Countries6
Evaluation and Improvement of a TKE-Based Eddy-Diffusivity Mass-Flux (EDMF) Planetary Boundary Layer Scheme in Hurricane Conditions6
Statistical Calibrations of Surface Air Temperature Forecasts over East Asia using Pattern Projection Methods6
Skill Assessment of NCEP Three-Way Coupled HWRF–HYCOM–WW3 Modeling System: Hurricane Laura Case Study5
Implementation of Scale-Dependent Background-Error Covariance Localization in the Canadian Global Deterministic Prediction System5
Generation of Extreme Precipitation over the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau Associated with TC Rashmi (2008)5
ProbSevere LightningCast: A Deep-Learning Model for Satellite-Based Lightning Nowcasting5
An Evaluation of Surface Wind and Gust Forecasts from the High-Resolution Rapid Refresh Model5
Evaluation of IMERG-E Precipitation Estimates for Fire Weather Applications in Alaska5
Quantification of NSSL Warn-on-Forecast System Accuracy by Storm Age Using Object-Based Verification5
A Revised Bourgouin Precipitation-Type Algorithm5
Impact of SST and Surface Waves on Hurricane Florence (2018): A Coupled Modeling Investigation5
Improving Afternoon Thunderstorm Prediction over Taiwan through 3DVar-Based Radar and Surface Data Assimilation5
Short-Term Visibility Prediction Using Tree-Based Machine Learning Algorithms and Numerical Weather Prediction Data5
Improving Predictions of Surface Air Temperature Anomalies over Japan by the Selective Ensemble Mean Technique5
Satellite-Based Nowcasting of West African Mesoscale Storms Has Skill at up to 4-h Lead Time5
Using the Orthogonal Conditional Nonlinear Optimal Perturbations Approach to Address the Uncertainties of Tropical Cyclone Track Forecasts Generated by the WRF Model5
Differences between Severe and Nonsevere Warm-Season, Nocturnal Bow Echo Environments5
Exploring Convection-Allowing Model Evaluation Strategies for Severe Local Storms Using the Finite-Volume Cubed-Sphere (FV3) Model Core5
Assessment of ECMWF Subseasonal Temperature Predictions for an Anomalously Cold Week Followed by an Anomalously Warm Week in Central and Southeastern South America during July 20175
A Decade after Typhoon Morakot (2009): What Have We Learned about Its Physics and Predictability?5
National Weather Service Severe Weather Warnings as Threats-in-Motion4
EFSO at Different Geographical Locations Verified with Observing System Experiments4
Climate Normals: Are They Always Communicated Correctly?4
Wind Ramp Events Validation in NWP Forecast Models during the Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project (WFIP2) Using the Ramp Tool and Metric (RT&M)4
Comparison of the Prediction of Indian Monsoon Low Pressure Systems by Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Prediction Models4
Evaluating Forecast Performance and Sensitivity to the GSI EnKF Data Assimilation Configuration for the 28–29 May 2017 Mesoscale Convective System Case4
A Nowcasting Approach for Low-Earth-Orbiting Hyperspectral Infrared Soundings within the Convective Environment4
Unified ensemble mean forecasting of tropical cyclones based on the feature-oriented mean method4
Machine Learning–Based Hurricane Wind Reconstruction4
Updraft-Based Adaptive Assimilation of Radial Velocity Observations in a Warn-on-Forecast System4
Nowcasting Applications of Geostationary Satellite Hourly Surface PM2.5 Data4
Verifying and Redefining the Weather Prediction Center’s Excessive Rainfall Outlook Forecast Product4
Postprocessing of NWP Precipitation Forecasts Using Deep Learning4
On the Changes in Convection-Allowing WRF Forecasts of MCS Evolution due to Decreases in Model Horizontal and Vertical Grid Spacing. Part I: Changes in Cold Pool Evolution4
Identifying Subseasonal Variability Relevant to Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity4
Pattern Projection Calibrations on Subseasonal Forecasts of Surface Air Temperature over East Asia4
Exploring the Watch-to-Warning Space: Experimental Outlook Performance during the 2019 Spring Forecasting Experiment in NOAA’s Hazardous Weather Testbed4
Identifying Causes of Short-Range Forecast Errors in Maximum Temperature during Recent Central European Heatwaves Using the ECMWF-IFS Ensemble4
Ensemble Variability in Rainfall Forecasts of Hurricane Irene (2011)4
Object-Based Verification of GSI EnKF and Hybrid En3DVar Radar Data Assimilation and Convection-Allowing Forecasts within a Warn-on-Forecast Framework4
Improving Numerical Weather Prediction–Based Near-Cloud Aviation Turbulence Forecasts by Diagnosing Convective Gravity Wave Breaking4
An Artificially Intelligent System for the Automated Issuance of Tornado Warnings in Simulated Convective Storms4
Anticipating Deviant Tornado Motion Using a Simple Hodograph Technique4
Forecasting Northern Australian Summer Rainfall Bursts Using a Seasonal Prediction System4
Early Detection of Convective Echoes and Their Development Using a Ka-Band Radar Network4
Evaluation of Seasonal Forecasts for the Fire Season in Interior Alaska4
A Multivariable Convolutional Neural Network for Forecasting Synoptic-Scale Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies in the South China Sea4
How Does the Relationship between Ambient Deep-Tropospheric Vertical Wind Shear and Tropical Cyclone Tornadoes Change between Coastal and Inland Environments?4
A New Paradigm for Medium-Range Severe Weather Forecasts: Probabilistic Random Forest–Based Predictions4
Calibration of ECMWF Seasonal Ensemble Precipitation Reforecasts in Java (Indonesia) Using Bias-Corrected Precipitation and Climate Indices4
Impacts of Assimilating Additional Reconnaissance Data on Operational GFS Tropical Cyclone Forecasts4
Characteristics of Diagnostics for Identifying Elevated Convection over the British Isles in a Convection-Allowing Model4
A Summary of GFS Ensemble Integrated Water Vapor Transport Forecasts and Skill along the U.S. West Coast during Water Years 2017–204
Winter Surface Air Temperature Prediction over Japan Using Artificial Neural Networks4
Comparing Partial and Continuously Cycling Ensemble Kalman Filter Data Assimilation Systems for Convection-Allowing Ensemble Forecast Initialization4
Machine learning classification of significant tornadoes and hail in the U.S. using ERA5 proximity soundings4
Evaluating Operational and Experimental HRRR Model Forecasts of Atmospheric River Events in California4
Object-Based Verification of Atmospheric River Predictions in the Northeast Pacific4
A Hybrid Ultra-short-term and Short-term Wind Speed Forecasting Method based on CEEMDAN and GA-BPNN4
Fast Storm Surge Ensemble Prediction using Searching Optimization of a Numerical Scenario Database3
High-Resolution NWP Forecast Precipitation Comparison over Complex Terrain of the Sierras de Córdoba during RELAMPAGO-CACTI3
Exploring the Usefulness of Downscaling Free Forecasts from the Warn-on-Forecast System3
Conditional Ensemble Model Output Statistics for Postprocessing of Ensemble Precipitation Forecasting3
Validation of HWRF-based Probabilistic TC Wind and Precipitation forecasts3
Forecasting excessive rainfall with random forests and a deterministic convection-allowing model3
Prediction Skill of GEFSv12 for Southwest Summer Monsoon Rainfall and Associated Extreme Rainfall Events on Extended Range Scale over India3
The Weather Hazards Associated with the US-Bangla Aircraft Accident at the Tribhuvan International Airport, Nepal3
Operational Storm Surge Forecasting at the National Hurricane Center: The Case for Probabilistic Guidance and the Evaluation of Improved Storm Size Forecasts Used to Define the Wind Forcing3
Statistical-Dynamical Forecasting of Sub-Seasonal North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Occurrence3
Impact of WSR-88D Intra-Volume Low-Level Scans on Severe Weather Warning Performance3
Five-day track forecast skills of WRF model for the western North Pacific tropical cyclones3
Subseasonal Prediction of Wintertime Northern Hemisphere Extratropical Cyclone Activity by SubX and S2S Models3
The Development of a Consensus Machine Learning Model for Hurricane Rapid Intensification Forecasts with Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting (HWRF) Data3
Correction of Monthly SST Forecasts in CFSv2 Using the Local Dynamical Analog Method3
History and Development of the USAF Agriculture Meteorology Modeling System and Resulting USAF–NASA Strategic Partnership3
The National Hurricane Center Tropical Cyclone Model Guidance Suite3
The Impact of Dropsonde Data on the Performance of the NCEP Global Forecast System during the 2020 Atmospheric Rivers Observing Campaign. Part I: Precipitation3
The Forecast Skill of Tropical Cyclone Genesis in Two Global Ensembles3
Prediction of Meso-γ-Scale Local Heavy Rain by Ground-Based Cloud Radar Assimilation with Water Vapor Nudging3
Simulated QLCS Vortices in a High-Shear, Low-CAPE Environment3
An Analysis of an Ostensible Anticyclonic Tornado from 9 May 2016 Using High-Resolution, Rapid-Scan Radar Data3
Diagnostics of Tropical Variability for Numerical Weather Forecasts3
A New Horizontal Mixing-Length Formulation for Numerical Simulations of Tropical Cyclones3
Performance of an Improved TKE-Based Eddy-Diffusivity Mass-Flux (EDMF) PBL Scheme in 2021 Hurricane Forecasts from the Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System3
Improving Best Track Verification of Tropical Cyclones: A New Metric to Identify Forecast Consistency3
Evaluation of Aerosol Optical Depth Forecasts from NOAA’s Global Aerosol Forecast Model (GEFS-Aerosols)3
Applying a Physically Based Blowing Snow Diagnostic Parameterization to Improve Wintertime Visibility Forecasts in the WRF Model3
Diagnosing Supercell Environments: A Machine Learning Approach3
Robust worst-case scenarios from ensemble forecasts3
Environmental Evolution of Long-Lived Supercell Thunderstorms in the Great Plains3
Short-Term Weather Forecast Skill of Artificial Neural Networks3
Biases in the Prediction of Convective Storm Characteristics with a Convection Allowing Ensemble3
Sub-Severe and Severe Hail3
The Influence of Wildfire Smoke on Cloud Microphysics during the September 2020 Pacific Northwest Wildfires3
Evaluating Foehn Occurrence in a Changing Climate Based on Reanalysis and Climate Model Data Using Machine Learning3
The Relationship between the Madden–Julian Oscillation and Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification3
An Examination of the Impact of Grid Spacing on WRF Simulations of Wintertime Precipitation in the Mid-Atlantic United States3
The Irreplaceable Utility of Sequential Data Assimilation for Numerical Weather Prediction System Development: Lessons Learned from an Experimental HWRF System3
Sensitivity to Localization Radii for an Ensemble Filter Numerical Weather Prediction System with 30-Second Update3
Impact of Assimilating Adaptively Thinned AIRS Cloud-Cleared Radiances on the Analysis of Polar Lows and Mediterranean Sea Tropical-Like Cyclone in a Global Modeling and Data Assimilation Framework3
Development of an Objective Methodology for Identifying the Sea-Breeze Circulation and Associated Low-Level Jet in the New York Bight3
Dynamical–Statistical Prediction of Week-2 Severe Weather for the United States3
Initial Perturbations Based on Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter with Rescaling Method for Ensemble Forecasting3
Using NOAA Satellite Imagery to Detect and Track Hazardous Sea Spray in the High Latitudes2
The Influence of WSR-88D Intra-Volume Scanning Strategies on Thunderstorm Observations and Warnings in the Dual-Polarization Radar Era: 2011–202
WSR-88D Sidelobe Contamination: From a Conceptual Model to Diagnostic Strategies for Improving NWS Warning Performance2
A Comparison between 2D and 3D Rescaling Masks of Initial Condition Perturbation in a 3-km Storm-Scale Ensemble Prediction System2
Predicting Tropical Cyclone Formation with Deep Learning2
The Roles of Chaos Seeding and Multiple Perturbations in Convection-Permitting Ensemble Forecasting over Southern China2
The 23 June 2016 West Virginia Flash Flood Event as Observed through Two Hydrometeorology Testbed Experiments2
Bias Correction of Mixed Distributions of Temperature with Strong Diurnal Signal2
An Analysis of 2016–18 Tornadoes and National Weather Service Tornado Warnings across the Contiguous United States2
A Single-Column Model Evaluation of Mixing Length Formulations and Constraints for the sa-TKE-EDMF Planetary Boundary Layer Parameterization2
Freezing Fraction in Freezing Rain2
ACCESS-C: Australian Convective-Scale NWP with Hourly 4D-Var Data Assimilation2
Improving Analysis and Prediction of Tropical Cyclones by Assimilating Radar and GNSS-R Wind Observations: Ensemble Data Assimilation and Observing System Simulation Experiments Using a Coupled Atmosp2
Testing Vertical Wind Shear and Nonlinear MJO–ENSO Interactions as Predictors for Subseasonal Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Forecasts2
Assessing the Influence of Complex Terrain on Severe Convective Environments in Northeastern Alabama2
Examining Relationships between Environmental Conditions and Supercell Motion in Time2
A Case Study Investigating the Low Summertime CAPE Behavior in the Global Forecast System2
Evaluation of an Improved AROME Configuration for Fog Forecasts during the SOFOG3D Campaign2
Warn-on-Forecast System: From Vision to Reality2
Model Configuration versus Driving Model: Influences on Next-Day Regional Convection-Allowing Model Forecasts during a Real-Time Experiment2
Cloud-Resolving Model Applied to Nowcasting: An Evaluation of Radar Data Assimilation and Microphysics Parameterization2
Prediction Skill of GEFSv12 in Depicting Monthly Rainfall and Associated Extreme Events over Taiwan during the Summer Monsoon2
Snowfall Model Validation Using Surface Observations and an Optimal Estimation Snowfall Retrieval2
Differentiating Freezing Drizzle and Freezing Rain in HRRR Model Forecasts2
Synoptic and Mesoscale Aspects of Exceptional Fire Weather during the New Year Period 2019–20 in Southeastern New South Wales, Australia2
Sensitivity of HAFS-B Tropical Cyclone Forecasts to Planetary Boundary Layer and Microphysics Parameterizations2
Weighted Verification Tools to Evaluate Univariate and Multivariate Probabilistic Forecasts for High-Impact Weather Events2
An Analysis of the 3 May 2020 Low-Predictability Derecho Using a Convection-Allowing MPAS Ensemble2
The Meteorology of the Tathra Bushfire2
Using KDP Cores as a Downburst Precursor Signature2
The Development and Operational Use of an Integrated Numerical Weather Prediction System in the National Center for Meteorology of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia2
An analysis of tornado warning reception and response across time: leveraging respondent's confidence and a nocturnal tornado climatology2
Postprocessing of Ensemble Weather Forecast Using Decision Tree–Based Probabilistic Forecasting Methods2
Predicting Subseasonal Tropical Cyclone Activity Using NOAA and ECMWF Reforecasts2
Identifying the development of a tropical depression into a tropical storm over the South China Sea2
The Tornado Probability Algorithm: A Probabilistic Machine Learning Tornadic Circulation Detection Algorithm2
Climatology of Tropical Cyclone Precipitation in the S2S Models2
The Prediction of Supercooled Large Drops by a Microphysics and a Machine Learning Model for the ICICLE Field Campaign2
Improved Seasonal Forecast Skill of Pan-Arctic and Regional Sea Ice Extent in CanSIPS Version 22
Inland Flooding and Rainfall from Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee (2011): Coupled Atmosphere–Wave–Ocean Model Simulations and Remote Sensing and In Situ Observations with a Machine Learning Too2
A Forecast Cycle–Based Evaluation for Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification Forecasts by the Operational HWRF Model2
Improving Wind Speed Forecasts at Wind Turbine Locations over Northern China through Assimilating Nacelle Winds with WRFDA2
Simulations of Severe Convective Systems Using 1- versus 3-km Grid Spacing2
Utilizing the High-Resolution Ensemble Forecast System to Produce Calibrated Probabilistic Thunderstorm Guidance2
Investigation of Cloud-to-Ground Flashes in the Non-Precipitating Stratiform Region of a Mesoscale Convective System on 20 August 2019 and Implications for Decision Support Services2
Probabilistic fire-danger forecasting: A framework for week-two forecasts using statistical post-processing techniques and the Global ECMWF Fire Forecast System (GEFF)2
The September 2020 Wildfires over the Pacific Northwest2
Using the U.S. Climate Reference Network to Identify Biases in Near- and Subsurface Meteorological Fields in the High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) Weather Prediction Model2
Comparison of the Performance of the Observation-Based Hybrid EDMF and EDMF-TKE PBL Schemes in 2020 Tropical Cyclone Forecasts from the Global-Nested Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System2
Tornado Formation and Intensity Prediction Using Polarimetric Radar Estimates of Updraft Area2
The Performance of ECMWF Subseasonal Forecasts to Predict the Rainy Season Onset Dates in Vietnam2
Storm-Scale Predictability and Analysis of the 13 April 2020 Central Savannah River Area Tornado Outbreak2
Statistical Seasonal Prediction of European Summer Mean Temperature Using Observational, Reanalysis, and Satellite Data2
On the Changes in Convection-Allowing WRF Forecasts of MCS Evolution due to Decreases in Model Horizontal and Vertical Grid Spacing. Part II: Impacts on QPFs2