Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review

(The median citation count of Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
A Densimetric Analysis of Flotation Concentrate from Kupferschiefer-type Copper Ore58
Quartz and Hematite Activation by Zn, Ca and Mg Ions in the Cationic Flotation Route for Oxidized Zinc Ore43
Online techniques for performance and condition monitoring of hydrocyclone: present status and the future40
Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Influence of Temperature on Kinetics of Carbonaceous Materials Froth Flotation40
A Multi-Method Machine Learning Framework for Simulating Power Dynamics in an Iron Ore Cone Crusher Plant39
Thermal Decomposition of Siderite Ore in Different Flowing Atmospheres: Phase Transformation and Magnetism36
Comparison of Approaches to Predict Grinding in An Industrial Rod Mill Operating at Low Fillings35
The Use of Mining Tailings as Analog of Rare Earth Elements Resources: Part 1 – Characterization and Preliminary Separation23
Effect of Mechanical Activation on Leaching Behavior and Mechanism of Chalcopyrite23
Investigation of the effect of different parameters on lixiviant ion migration in a laboratory scale study of electrokinetic in-situ recovery22
A Novel Process for the Separation of Rare Earth Elements to Recover Pure Nd(III) Solution from the NdFeB Magnets22
The Influence of Ultrasound on Fly Ash Zeolitisation Process Efficiency22
Fusion of the Microbial World into the Flotation Process22
The Production of Rare Earth based Magnesium and Aluminium Alloys – A Review22
Specifically Adsorbed Ions in the Reverse Cationic Flotation of Iron Ore21
A Review of the Solid-State Reduction Aspects of Ilmenite for Efficient and Sustainable Production of TiO 2 Slag21
The effect of calcium ions on the flotation behavior of fluorapatite20
Influence of Ferric Ions on the Electrochemical Dissolution Behaviors of Arsenopyrite in Sulfuric Acid of pH 119
Mineral Processing and Metal Extraction on the Lunar Surface - Challenges and Opportunities19
Liberation of Valuable Materials from Spent Cylindrical Lithium-Ion Batteries via Semi-Autogenous Attrition18
Process Applications and Challenges in Mineral Beneficiation and Recovery of Niobium from Ore Deposits – A Review17
Selective Flotation of Galena and Sphalerite from a Pb/Zn Complex Sulfide Ore Using Saline Water: The Effects of Xanthate and Pine Oil Addition17
Ammoniacal Leaching for the Extraction of Valuable Metals from Secondary Resources: A Review17
Gravity Concentration of Gold-Bearing Ores and Processing of Concentrates: A Review14
Is Near-zero Waste Production of Copper and Its Geochemically Scarce Companion Elements Feasible?14
Effects of Rollers Speed Regime on the Roller Screen Efficiency14
Effects of Pure and Modified Nanobubbles on the Reverse Flotation of Kaolinite from Hematite14
Asymptotic Water Split Behavior of Hydrocyclones; A Unique Design Characterization Methodology14
Recovery of Nickel and Cobalt Metal Powders from the Leaching Solution of Spent Lithium-Ion Battery by Solvent Extraction and Chemical Reduction14
Selective Flocculation/Magnetic Separation of Ultrafine Iron Ore Particles with Corn Starch and Polyacrylamides: A Comparative Study14
The Hydrometallurgical Approach in the Production of a High Content of Titanium Dioxide (TiO 2 ) from Ilmenite, Direct Hydrochloric and Sulfuric Acid Leaching and Pr13
What Controls the Leaching of Magnesite with Concentrated Solutions of Hydrochloric or Nitric Acid?13
Enhanced flotation of Pb(II)-activated wolframite using a novel collector13
Mass Transfer Enhancement by Solution Pulsing in Laboratory Scale In-Situ Recovery13
Characterization Techniques of Flotation Frothers - A Review13
Effect of Ultrasonic Pre-Treatment on the Reverse Flotation of Kaolinite From Bauxite12
Development of a Generalized Partition Curve Model for Hydrocyclones12
Reuse of Iron Ore Tailings by Magnetic Separation Using Functionalized Magnetic Particles12
Beneficiation of Lead-Zinc Ores – A Review11
Experimental Measurements of Slag/Matte/Metal/Tridymite Phase Equilibria in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si System at 1200ºC11
Review of Recent Advances in HPGR Designs10
Unburned Carbon from Fly Ash as a Source of Graphite Materials10
An innovative approach to replace bentonite in hematite ore pelletizing with organic binder10
A Comprehensive Review on Evolution Behavior of Particle Size Distribution During Fine Grinding Process for Optimized Separation Purposes9
Leaching of copper from a flash furnace dust using sulfuric acid9
The Direct Leaching of Nickel Sulfide Flotation Concentrates – A Historic and State-of-the-Art Review Part I: Piloted Processes and Commercial Operations9
Depression Mechanism of Sodium Sulfide in Flotation Separation of Molybdenite and Bismuthinite8
Investigation of the Induration Mechanism of Red Mud Pellets with Tartaric Acid Additions8
Iron Ore Pelletization: Part I. Fundamentals8
Unveiling the Mechanism in Nickel Loss During the Neutralization of Pregnant Acid Leach Solution by Various Alkaline Chemicals Using Electron Imaging, X-Ray Diffraction, and Electron Energy Loss Spect8
Oxidative Flotation Separation of Chalcopyrite and Pyrite Using K 2 FeO 4 in Seawater8
CFD-DEM investigation of fluid and particle motion behaviors in initial stage of spiral separation process at low solids concentration8
Separation of Palladium, Platinum and Rhodium from Metallic Mixture by Selective Dissolution with Hydrochloric Acid Solutions Containing Oxidizing Agents7
Influence of process parameters on impurity level in ferrochrome production-An industrial-scale analysis7
Compressive Strength Behavior of Briquettes Produced from Manganese Ore Fines and Metal Dust: Optimization Using Response Surface Methodology7
An Analysis of Copper Concentrate from a Kupferschiefer-type Ore from Legnica-Glogow Copper Basin (SW Poland)7
A Technical and Economic Comparison of Ball Mill Limestone Comminution with a Vertical Roller Mill7
Recovery of Pure Co(II) and Ni(II) Solutions from Synthetic Sulfate Leach Liquor of Laterite Ores by Precipitation and Solvent Extraction7
Kinetic Study of the Extraction of the Osmium (VI) Sulfite Complex by Tri-Octylamine from Sulfurous Solutions7
Metal extraction from ores and waste materials by ultrasound-assisted leaching -an overview7
Innovative Recovery of Gallium and Zinc from Corundum Flue Dust by Ultrasound-Assisted H 2 SO 4 Leaching6
Differences in Early Rejection of Gangue for Low-Grade Iron Ores with Different Textures from HPGR6
The Direct Leaching of Nickel Sulfide Flotation Concentrates – A Historic and State-of-the-Art Review Part III: Laboratory Investigations into Atmospheric Leach Processes6
Effect of Operational and Geometric Variables in Hydrocyclones to Improve Separation Efficiency and Reduce Energy Consumption: A Review and New Insights6
Lateritic Nickel and Cobalt Recovery Routes: Strategic Technologies6
Differences in Etheramines Froth Properties and the Effects on Iron Ore Flotation. Part II: Three-Phase Systems6
Selective Separation of Coloring Impurities from Feldspar Ore by Innovative Single-stage Flotation6
Exploring Dextrin as an Eco-Friendly Depressant for Selective Flotation Separation of Scheelite and Calcite Minerals6
A Review on Recovery of Terbium from Primary and Secondary Resources: Current State and Future Perspective6
Research Progress in Flotation Collectors for Lepidolite Mineral: An Overview6
A Comprehensive Review on Cobalt Bioleaching from Primary and Tailings Sources6
Eco-Friendly and Biodegradable Depressants in Chalcopyrite Flotation: A Review6
Approaches for Coprocessing Tellurides: A Critical Minerals Perspective with Emphasis on Mineralogy and Metallurgy6
A Review of the Mineral Contact Angle Measurements and Applications in the Froth Flotation Process: Techniques and Influential Parameters, Part I6
Separation of Au(III) and Pd(II) from the Etching Solutions of Printed Circuit Boards by Chemical Reduction and Oxidative Precipitation6
Understanding the Role of Calcium Lignosulphonate in Flotation Separation of Chalcopyrite from Talc5
A Review on the Recovery of Lithium and Iron from Spent Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries5
Review of High-Pressure Technology in Terms of Technological and Economic Benefits Achieved in Raw Materials Processing5
Developing of a Counter-Current Copper Leaching Process Using Response Surface Methodology5
Application Potential of Cavex® Double Effect Hydrocyclone for the Classification of Mine Tailings – A Pilot Scale Study5
Decomposition of Sulfide Phases and Subsequent Matte Collection in the Black Top of a Platinum Group Metal Smelter5
Toward the Implementation of Circular Economy Strategies: An Overview of the Current Situation in Mineral Processing4
Processing of Refractory Gold-Bearing Sulfide Concentrates: A Review4
A Simple Process for the Recovery of Rare Earth Elements and Iron from Sulfuric Acid Leaching Solution of NdFeB Magnets by Double Salt Precipitation4
Extraction of Molybdenum and Uranium from Low-Grade Molybdenum Bearing Ore Containing Uranium through Mechanical Activation Following Acid Leaching4
A Convolutional Neural Network for Classification of Froth Mobility in an Industrial Flotation Cell4
Bubble Loading in a Fluidized Column: Effects of Bubble Size, Particle Size, Contact Angle and Particle Density4
Technological Advancements in Cokemaking4
Bioleaching for Recovery of Metals from Spent Batteries – A Review4
Kinetics Investigation of Phosphorus Leaching from Steelmaking Slag4
High-efficiency Internal Reuse of Raffinate in Vanadium (V) Extraction Industry and the Research of Intensifying Leaching Mechanism4
A review of the technologies for antimony recovery from refractory ores and metallurgical residues4
Bubble Size in a Flotation Column with Oscillatory Air Supply in the Presence of Frothers4
The Direct Leaching of Nickel Sulfide Flotation Concentrates - A Historic and State-of-the-Art Review Part II: Laboratory Investigations into Pressure Leaching4
Lithium Extraction Techniques and the Application Potential of Different Sorbents for Lithium Recovery from Brines4
Optimization of Arsenic Fixation in the Pressure Oxidation of Arsenopyrite Using Response Surface Methodology4
Process Mineralogical Assessment of the Grinding Products of the Per Geijer Iron Oxide-Apatite Deposits4
Review of Vanadium Production Part I: Primary Resources4
The Leaching of Palladium from Polymetallic Oxide Ores using Alkaline Ferricyanide Solutions4
Adsorption Behavior of Vanadium Using Supported 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Chloride Ionic Liquid4
Challenges and Future in Ni Laterite Ore Enrichment: A Critical Review3
Determination of Mineral Liberation of a Bauxite Ore Based on 3D Compositional and Textural Characteristics Using X-ray Microtomography3
Natural Graphite Froth Flotation-An Overview3
Effect of Sodium Hexametaphosphate on Flotation of Quartz and Hematite with Starch/Etheramine in the Presence of Ca and Mg Ions3
The Fate of the Arsenic Species in the Pressure Oxidation of Refractory Gold Ores: Practical and Modelling Aspects3
Ultrasonic-Assisted Synthesis of Lead Citrate as Precursor for Preparation of Lead Oxide from Lead Sulfate3
Application of Hydrodynamics Using CFD in Evaluating Efficacy of External Loop Air-lift Reactor Biochemical Leaching of Sea Nodules3
Chemical and Biological Leaching of Chalcopyrite- Elemental Sulfur Reaction Products3
Inhibitory Effect of Solvent Extractants on Growth and Metabolism of Acidophiles3
Recovery of Cobalt, Nickel and Copper Compounds from UHT Processed Spent Lithium-ion Batteries by Hydrometallurgical Process3
The Novel Lixiviants for Maximizing Antimony Extraction from Tetrahedrite-Rich Concentrate: Mechanism and Kinetic Studies3
Investigation of Liberation Properties and Mineral Fracture Mechanisms of Iron Ores with Different Mineral Grain Sizes at Different Grinding Degrees3
Use of Lithium Manganese Oxide Ion Sieves in Fixed Bed Columns for Lithium Recovery: A Mini-Review3
High Purity Alumina – Current and Future Production3
Feldspar Purification from Iron Impurities: A Review of Treatment Methods3
Co, Ni, Cu, Fe, and Mn Integrated Recovery Process via Sulfuric Acid Leaching from Spent Lithium-ion Batteries Smelted Reduction Metallic Alloys3
Process flowsheet development for selective arsenic removal, lead and antimony recovery from lead softening slag3
Characteristics of Spent Lithium Ion Batteries and Their Recycling Potential Using Flotation Separation: A Review3
Determination of three stages for molybdenite flotation kinetics in seawater3
Investigation on the Matte/Slag/Spinel/Gas Equilibria in the Cu-Fe-O-S-SiO2-(CaO, Al2O3) system at 1250 °C and pSO2 of 0.25 atm3
Development of an Efficient Process for the Separation of Co(ii), Mn(ii), and Ni(ii) from Chloride Solution by Precipitation3
Extraction of Copper from Pregnant Leach Solution (PLS) and Reduction of Crud Formation3
Influence of Two-Stage Dosing on Flocculation and Settlement of Kaolinite and Associated Mechanisms3
Reduction mechanism of the porous hematite in limonite ore magnetization roasting3
Review on Developments in Technologies for Critical Metal Recovery from Mining and Processing Wastes3
Recovery of Cobalt from Secondary Resources: A Comprehensive Review3
Overview of Fine Coal Filtration. Part I: Evaluation of Filtration Performance and Filter Cake Structure3
Selective Separation of Fluorite from Calcite Using Saponified Tridecanoic Acid as a Novel Collector3
Mechanical Flotation of Mineral Particles with an Underwater Speaker3