Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review

(The H4-Index of Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review is 19. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
A Densimetric Analysis of Flotation Concentrate from Kupferschiefer-type Copper Ore58
Quartz and Hematite Activation by Zn, Ca and Mg Ions in the Cationic Flotation Route for Oxidized Zinc Ore43
Online techniques for performance and condition monitoring of hydrocyclone: present status and the future40
Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Influence of Temperature on Kinetics of Carbonaceous Materials Froth Flotation40
A Multi-Method Machine Learning Framework for Simulating Power Dynamics in an Iron Ore Cone Crusher Plant39
Thermal Decomposition of Siderite Ore in Different Flowing Atmospheres: Phase Transformation and Magnetism36
Comparison of Approaches to Predict Grinding in An Industrial Rod Mill Operating at Low Fillings35
Effect of Mechanical Activation on Leaching Behavior and Mechanism of Chalcopyrite23
The Use of Mining Tailings as Analog of Rare Earth Elements Resources: Part 1 – Characterization and Preliminary Separation23
The Production of Rare Earth based Magnesium and Aluminium Alloys – A Review22
Investigation of the effect of different parameters on lixiviant ion migration in a laboratory scale study of electrokinetic in-situ recovery22
A Novel Process for the Separation of Rare Earth Elements to Recover Pure Nd(III) Solution from the NdFeB Magnets22
The Influence of Ultrasound on Fly Ash Zeolitisation Process Efficiency22
Fusion of the Microbial World into the Flotation Process22
A Review of the Solid-State Reduction Aspects of Ilmenite for Efficient and Sustainable Production of TiO 2 Slag21
Specifically Adsorbed Ions in the Reverse Cationic Flotation of Iron Ore21
The effect of calcium ions on the flotation behavior of fluorapatite20
Mineral Processing and Metal Extraction on the Lunar Surface - Challenges and Opportunities19
Influence of Ferric Ions on the Electrochemical Dissolution Behaviors of Arsenopyrite in Sulfuric Acid of pH 119